Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and eighty-one, reward

Aigron has always been a man of action. Once he has made a decision, he will do everything possible to implement it.

Therefore, he planned to ask his agent in Paris, Edmond Dantès, to keep an eye on Duke Nordlien and do a good job of persuading him so that the Duke would appear where he needed him at the right time to wave the flag and act as a sign for him. .

Of course, Aigron would not be so naive as to believe that he would be able to convince the other party. Anyway, he would be tough if he could not be soft. Now the Duke has taken his money. In such frequent money exchanges, there is "criminal evidence" of his collusion with the Bonaparte family. "It's already everywhere. Even if he wanted to jump off the ship, he probably wouldn't have a chance.

What's more, his eldest daughter Alice is now Aigron's loyal servant. With such a shrewd Alice as a check, Aigron doesn't believe that the Duke can escape from his grasp.

And if her sister and father are on her side and accept the glory and wealth from her, Agnes may not be able to get rid of herself. The ties to her family in her heart are enough to make her unable to extricate herself.

In that case, why not just arrange a meeting with the Duke? It is better to attack someone's heart directly in person than to exchange letters thousands of miles away. Aegron suddenly thought of an idea.

From his understanding, the Duke is nothing more than a mediocre person with a bit of a cunning. He believes that as long as the two people meet, he can easily overwhelm and suppress the other person, so that he will not dare to have any ulterior motives, and he can crawl at his feet in peace in exchange for the family. of glory and wealth.

However, having said that, there are difficulties in realizing this idea.

First of all, like Marshal Soult, Prince Talleyrand and others, the Duke can barely be regarded as a big shot. If such a person easily travels far away or does not appear in public for a long time, it will inevitably cause a lot of rumors. , at least it will arouse suspicion-if by any chance it arouses the suspicion of someone who is interested, and then investigates the whereabouts of the Duke, I am afraid that some clues will be revealed.

Secondly, what would Teresa think? If it were someone else, she might not care, but Agnes's father... I'm afraid she would have some resentment. After all, she was very sensitive to her interactions with Agnes, otherwise she wouldn't have sent her teacher to "intercept" Hu" Bianka.

At this moment, Aigron doesn't want any unexpected disturbances to affect the overall situation.

Aigron thought carefully again, and finally came up with a compromise - not to entertain the Duke at his own place, but to receive the Duke at Queen Ortense's villa.

First of all, this can avoid Theresa's sight, and it is concealed enough that it will not affect her own safety; secondly, Queen Ortense will be the host,

It also gave the Duke enough face to prevent him from feeling that he was underestimating his value.

When he thought of this, Aigron suddenly made up his mind.

So he wrote another secret letter to Edmund stating his decision.

He wanted to see the Duke in person. As for the reason why the Duke wanted to avoid people's suspicion, let him think about it himself. Aiglon didn't think that he still had room to resist his will at this point.


Soon after, Edmund received a series of replies from Agron to his previous reports.

In the letter, His Majesty first praised his "work achievements", especially Alice's wit and decisiveness; then, Aigron instructed Edmund to ensure Bianca's life and ensure that others Without being able to contact her, he could only decide what to do with her when he returned to France.

Then, Aiglon made his request. He hoped to see the Duke as soon as possible, and asked Edmund to find a way to take the Duke to Switzerland to meet him.

Although this request was a bit difficult to handle, for Edmund, it was an order that could not be disobeyed, so he could only carry it out.

After receiving the letter, he first found Captain Foresti and presented Aiglon's decision on Bianca's disposition.

In the letter, Princess Teresa also expressed her approval, so the captain could only accept this decision and no longer worry about Bianca.

Then, Edmund ran to the Marquis of Treville's house and found Alice.

Perhaps it's because Agnes no longer comes to visit, but Alice has been in a bad mood lately. (The next page is more exciting!)

She was not in a good condition, but when a distinguished guest like the Earl came to visit, Alice naturally cheered up to receive him.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Edmund got down to business. "Madam, I have just received a reply from Your Majesty. He is very satisfied with our capture of Bianca, and is especially full of praise for your achievements."

If she hadn't seen Agnes in despair, Alice would definitely be very happy with the news, but at this moment, she couldn't laugh, so she just nodded indifferently, "This is my duty. That’s all, how can I deserve such praise from His Majesty?”

"There are not many people in the world who can do their job so well. At least among the women I have met, there is no one who can compare with you. First\\./Posted\\./Updated\\./New`. .Mobile.Mobile version." Edmund deliberately boasted to make Alice happy, and then he told Aigron's other plan, "In addition, His Majesty has another decision - he hopes to be able to communicate with you as soon as possible. The father met to discuss the matter with the Duke and work together for a great cause."

"What?!" Alice's eyes widened in surprise.

On the one hand, she doesn't want her father's status in His Majesty's mind to rise, because that may mean that she can't suppress her father, which will also make her previous hard work come to naught.

On the other hand, and more importantly, she was worried that this would harm her father - after all, she knew her father's character better than anyone else. "Great cause", it might be self-defeating, but instead cause your natal family to suddenly suffer a disaster.

For these two reasons, she was not surprised by this "honor". On the contrary, she immediately fell into worry.

"I think... Your Majesty's decision is a bit hasty. Now my father probably doesn't deserve too much trust."

"Whether you can trust the Duke or not is your Majesty's decision. We can only obey." Edmund was already prepared for Alice's reaction, so he immediately reminded her.

Then he asked, "What are you worried about? Do you think that in His Majesty's mind, the Duke will be more trustworthy than you? This is impossible, what you have done and the achievements you have made in a short period of time , His Majesty has seen it, and he has never let down his meritorious ministers... Since he has received such praise and favor from His Majesty, then you don’t need to care about this little thing in your hand now, and take a longer view, Madam."

Alice felt slightly embarrassed.

She could hear that although the count didn't say it explicitly, he was already hinting to herself that she should stop trying to suppress her father.

At this time, she didn't know that the count and Bowen were working behind the scenes, forcing the Duke to further flatter Aiglon, but the count's attitude seemed to her to be able to vaguely see Aiglon's own attitude.

Since it is Aigron's own attitude, she cannot violate it - after all, the resources and some "authority" in her hands now only come from the authorization of Aigron himself. Since it is authorization, then at any time She can also take it back, she cannot go against His Majesty's wishes.

In this case, there is nothing you can do but give in.

Anyway, based on Alice's understanding of Aiglon, her performance during this period is enough to satisfy him, and she will definitely be indispensable in future rewards based on merit.

Looking back, although the result may not be perfect, I at least took an important step - from a person who can only resign himself to fate, to a person who can go to the table and share a piece of the cake.

Of course, whether you can get more cake in the future depends on your ability, at least take the first step.

"I didn't question your Majesty's intentions... I was just worried that my father would not be able to take on the important role and live up to your majesty's good intentions." She smiled reluctantly, "If my father can get your majesty's grace, then I will be honored."

"It's best if you think so." The Earl smiled and nodded.

Previously, Aigron was moved by Alice's courage and resourcefulness and gave her resources and opportunities, and Alice also handed over an answer sheet that satisfied him.

But at this moment, after the Duke bowed his head, between the father and daughter, Aigron leaned towards the Duke again.

This is definitely not Aigron's whim. He is just assessing the situation and making a choice based on the needs of a certain stage. Now. (The next page is more exciting!)

The Duke was of greater "value" to him, so he naturally wanted to jump to that side.

However, it is obvious who is the more powerful father and daughter. After the Duke's use value is exhausted, Alice will naturally have the upper hand. After all, it is she who has the final say - the Count hinted that "take a long-term view." ",That's what I mean.

Because she figured this out, Alice quickly adjusted her mentality and drove away the frustration in her heart.

"Then I'll take you to see my father. I'm sure he will be surprised too."

"Thank you, madam." Edmund thanked Alice, and then reassured, "The efforts you have made before will never be unrewarded. In fact, so far, you still have Those who are authorized by His Majesty, you can use that very huge amount of funds as you wish. Even if you don't guard and steal, you still have many ways to get the rewards you deserve."

Alice was in shock again.

The earl's meaning could not be clearer. He was persuading himself that while his father had not yet won His Majesty's favor and still had control over the funds, he could use this time difference to quickly use Bowang's money to seek personal benefits for himself. It doesn't matter how much it goes into, as long as it doesn't affect the overall situation.

If it was a hint before, the count has made it clear now.

This could never be what the count said. Alice made an instant decision.

It seems that this is the compensation - or reward - given by His Majesty to himself.

Suddenly, Alice's original frustration and helplessness were swept away. After all, her efforts were not in vain, and her intelligence also received the recognition it deserved... It's really ridiculous. What she received from her mother's family and her husband's family was only contempt, deception, or indifference. He rolled his eyes, but in the end he got this from outsiders.

Alice was both happy and sad, and was speechless for a moment.

Her surprise was not over yet. Just when her thoughts were racing, the Earl took out a small box from his pocket. This box was exquisite in shape and tied with a ribbon. It was worth a lot at first glance.

"In addition, His Majesty also sent a gift to Miss Xia Lu to celebrate her upcoming birthday."

Alice looked at the count blankly, not expecting such a thing to happen.

Soon, she came to her senses, took the small box from the count, then untied the ribbon and opened it to look at.

She was immediately attracted by what was in the box - it was an exquisitely shaped hairpin with thin gold wire intertwined and woven into the shape of a butterfly, and in the middle of the butterfly's belly was a bright diamond.

Under the box, there is a small piece of paper with Aigron's smooth handwriting on it.

"To the most lovely Miss Xia Lu."

Alice was so moved that she almost cried.

For her, the expensive gifts her daughter received made her happier than what she herself received.

More importantly, the gift itself also represents a promise from Aigron - he will definitely support her daughter in the future to repay Alice's loyalty.

Although this can be regarded as His Majesty's compensation to herself, Alice is already satisfied. After all, His Majesty has never owed her anything. On the contrary, she has been asking for resources from His Majesty.

"It's rare that Your Majesty is so thoughtful, even in your busy schedule, you still give my daughter a birthday gift." After a moment of silence, Alice let out a sigh.

"What you said is true. Miss Xia Lu is so cute, who would forget it?" The Earl laughed, "Madam, I hope you will be satisfied with this gift."

"I'm very satisfied...really very satisfied. I really feel ashamed. How can I deserve your majesty's love?" Alice nodded, "Earl, please help me reply to your majesty. I am extremely grateful to him for Xia Xia. I value Lu very much, and I would be extremely honored if I could do my little bit to repay this favor for His Majesty’s great cause.”

"You don't need to speak so seriously..." Edmund burst out laughing, easing the tense atmosphere. "Madam, the days are long and we may still have many opportunities to work together. I hope you can make more plans." What a feat I admire and witness a legend."

"In this regard, I'm afraid no matter how hard I try, I can't compare with you. You are the real legend... It's a pity that you have many great achievements. (The next page is more exciting!)

As a result, the world may never know. "Alice also smiled and sighed.\\./Hand\\./Machine\\./Version\\./No\\./Wrong\\./First\\./Post~~" If anyone has the opportunity to record your life, I'm afraid he will become famous for a while. "

After exchanging business blows, Alice was in a good mood and took the initiative to propose to the earl.

"Okay, I'll take you there right now."

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