Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and eighty-five, mediocre people

Under Edmund's increasingly skillful guidance, the Duke and his entourage quietly crossed the border between the mountains, sneaked into Switzerland, and then moved closer to the town where Aigron was hiding.

However, Aigron reminded Edmund in advance that there was no need to bring the Duke to his hiding place, he could just let him come to the home of his aunt, Queen Ortense, to "visit" him.

Edmund understood. After a long journey, they finally arrived at the villa on the mountainside.

Queen Hortense, who had already learned the news, immediately warmly welcomed the group and entertained the Duke herself.

The Duke was somewhat flattered by such enthusiasm and thanked Queen Hortons repeatedly.

"You don't have to be so polite, sir." Queen Hortense replied with a smile, "I have been living in seclusion here for too long, and I don't usually have many visitors. It is really rare to meet a distinguished guest from Paris. It feels like It’s like being connected to the world again…”

"You are Her Majesty the Queen, how can I be called noble in front of you?" The Duke quickly replied humbly, "Moreover, although you have left Paris for so many years, people still remember your original style and deeds. If you are in the future If you are lucky enough to come to Paris one day, the whole society will be in a sensation about you, and everyone will come to see you."

"Oh, let's avoid it. What's the point of an old woman like me?" Queen Otangsi shook her head repeatedly, but there was a bit more expectation and emotion in her eyes, "But if I can go back and see it one day, For those who were familiar with it back then, it should feel pretty good.”

Then, the queen became interested and started chatting with the duke.

In front of Queen Hortense, the Duke did not dare to make any mistakes and could only assume a respectful posture. After all, the other party is the queen - although this queen seems to be somewhat "unworthy of her name" now, but now that she has joined the Bonaparte family, she must recognize this queen.

Fortunately, although his talent is mediocre, after all, he has been around the court for so long and has met the king and queen countless times, so he is already familiar with the skills of pleasing them. Although he is tired from the journey now, he still wants to leave a good impression for the queen. I have the impression that he used this "skill" with all his strength, and in just a few words, he made Queen Ortense extremely happy.

The two chatted, and the topic moved from Paris to various interesting things in the court and social circles. Queen Ortense became more and more interested in the conversation. For her, the Duke's visit made up for the gap of more than ten years, and easily It allowed her to find the "palace" feeling she had back then - to be precise, it was the feeling of being held up by the elegant courtiers as a queen, the feeling of the noble nobles nodding and bowing to her.

Until after dinner,

She just stopped talking to the Duke.

"Sir, I'm afraid you're tired after traveling such a long distance. I'm sorry for disturbing you for so long. If you don't mind, why don't you stay here and rest? Although it's a simple place, the scenery is pretty good. Yes, as a distinguished guest, we will entertain you wholeheartedly.”

When the queen said this, the duke didn't dare to give her face, so he quickly nodded in agreement.

"Your place has a quiet environment, a wide view, and such beautiful scenery around it. It is an honor for me to stay here. But...when can I see His Majesty?"

Queen Ortense also knew that the other party was worried about long nights and dreams, and just wanted to end the visit as soon as possible and return to the country quickly. However, she did not point it out and just smiled calmly, "Don't worry, I have asked someone to inform His Majesty. I will wait for you tomorrow." Get some rest and he will come to see you——"

"That's really great." The Duke breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course he was lucky to have confirmed the time and relieved his doubts; but at the same time, he had some doubts and fears in his heart. After all, he had never met the King of Rome. Just from the rumors he heard and the process of dealing with him, he could clearly understand that I really feel that that person is definitely not someone to be fooled. Can I really satisfy him?

But now, he had no other choice but to resign himself to his fate. In addition, he was really exhausted physically and mentally, so he came to the guest room in a daze, and then fell asleep in a daze.

The old man always sleeps very lightly, so he woke up several times in the middle of the night, fell asleep again, and finally waited until dawn.

It was already early winter, and this was a high mountain area, so the temperature in the early morning was very low. Even if there was a fireplace for heating, it would be very uncomfortable for a frail old man like the Duke.

The original excuse for leaving Paris was to go to a warm place to spend the winter, but instead he went to a colder place to experience the harshness of winter in advance... When he thought of this, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

Although he was awake, he didn't dare to run around, so he just lay on the bed with his eyes open and continued to kill time. It wasn't until it was already bright that the maid came and knocked on the door to take him to breakfast.

The hungry Duke finished his breakfast hastily, and at this time, there was finally movement outside the door of the villa, and he subconsciously looked out the window.

There were several tall figures outside the door. Because they were a bit far away, they couldn't see their appearance clearly, but it was obvious that they were all wearing black coats, like a flock of crows swooping over.

Among this group of people, there was a young man with blond hair walking in the middle.

Without asking, the Duke knew that he was coming - the man who controlled his destiny finally came to him.

So, he stood up almost immediately and wanted to go to the door to greet him.

"Please be patient, sir." At this moment, Queen Ortense stopped him kindly, "You are a guest visiting me, there is no need to do this... You can just wait here. If you are too much The formality makes us lose the sense of relaxation among friends here."

Who dares to feel as relaxed as friends with him... The Duke smiled bitterly in his heart, but since the Queen said so, he could only obey her orders.

Furthermore, on this occasion, having Her Majesty the Queen speak kind words to him seemed to be a great thing that he could only hope for.

During this back and forth, the maid ran to open the door and welcomed the group of people over.

Soon, the group of people arrived at the villa, and then a young man walked up to the queen and the duke with his head held high.

At this moment, both the queen and the duke stood up to welcome his arrival.

The queen took the initiative to walk up to him, then hugged the young man, greeted him affectionately, and then complained with a smile, "Aiglon, you have kept us waiting for a long time!"

"Sorry, Your Majesty the Queen..." Aigron replied with a smile, "I have some things to deal with, but I came here as soon as possible."

"It doesn't matter to me, but it's rude to keep guests waiting for a long time." The queen didn't really mean to blame him, but just warned him again, "I rarely have guests here, so you have to entertain them well and don't mess with them. interest."

"That's natural." Aigron nodded, then looked at the Duke, "We will never treat any guest badly——"

While the aunt and nephew were having a cordial conversation, the Duke was carefully observing the young man.

The young man with blond hair is handsome and powerful. You can see the unique heroic spirit of young people in him, and he also has the high-spiritedness that vows to achieve great things. Just standing in front of him can make people feel Surging vitality.

The Duke once secretly wondered why this young man was so obsessed with ambition and power at such a young age. Now that he saw him, he already understood the answer - he was born for power.

The Duke is a courtier in the palace, and has naturally seen the so-called majesty of a king. Of course, he will not be shocked by this style; however, he can't help but subconsciously compare the young man with the current king. And secretly imagined what it would be like for the young man to really wear the crown.

It feels like it’s quite appropriate...

"Your Excellency, we finally meet." While the Duke was still thinking, the young man released his embrace from Her Majesty the Queen, and then walked up to the Duke.

Then, he looked at the Duke with a humble smile, and then extended his hand to the Duke, "I'm glad that you can make the right choice and stand with us."

The Duke suddenly shuddered and broke free from his thoughts. Facing Aiglon's outstretched hand, he immediately reached out to hold it, but at the same time he subconsciously bowed his waist. "Your Majesty, please forgive me for not coming to see you until now, but as far as my personal emotions are concerned, I have stood with you a long time ago!"

While shaking hands, Aigron was also secretly observing the other party.

Although he is almost two rounds older than Aiglon, he is as timid as a primary school student who meets his teacher. His arms are weak, his eyes are hesitant and evasive, and there is no trace of determination to fight against all odds - light. From this look, it can be seen that the other party is not someone who can take on big responsibilities. He is more respectful than capable.

Although Aiglon likes others to compliment him, he doesn't like mediocre people who are submissive. When he sees the Duke like this, he feels a little off-putting.

But fortunately, he didn't originally intend to let the Duke do any big things. Just being able to stand up to support him and be willing to be a sign for him would be enough, and it would not affect his big things.

For a chess piece, being easy to control and maneuver is not a shortcoming; being placed in the wrong position is a shortcoming.

In the first meeting, Aigron set the tone for the relationship between the two people. The Duke was ignorant of this, but he did not expect that he would take on any important responsibilities.

"Okay, you two, let's talk. I'm going to rest first -" After they met, Queen Ortense bowed and left the room, leaving the place to the two of them.

Aigron has seen a lot of big things in the world by now, so he completely controls the situation in terms of momentum, and he can deal with this kind of people with ease.

"Sir, please sit down." He sat down first, then pointed to the seat next to him.

The Duke sat down tremblingly, waiting for Aiglon's next instructions.

At this time, he was completely psychologically overwhelmed, and he had placed himself in the position of a "subordinate".

This kind of conscious mentality saved Aigron a lot of things.

"How is the current situation at your home?" Aigron asked first.

"Thanks to you, the crisis has been completely resolved now." The Duke quickly replied, "I am very grateful for your generosity. It may be a piece of cake for you, but for me and my family, it is nothing less than a blessing. The life-saving grace... we will always remember this kindness in our hearts."

"This is what it should be. Since I said I would help, I can't break my promise." Aigron responded calmly, "I think you are exhausted physically and mentally after this incident, but don't worry, sooner or later I will let you You have emerged from this crisis, not only recovering your losses, but your family will be more prosperous than ever."

"I have been looking forward to this." The Duke immediately bowed his head and paid tribute to Aiglon. "I hope you will achieve great things as soon as possible to appease the expectations of the empire's supporters."

"Yes, that day is indeed not far away, it can even be said to be close at hand -" Aigron laughed, "and calling you here is to make final preparations for it."

Although Aiglon spoke calmly, the Duke's heartbeat inevitably accelerated. Although he had already made psychological preparations when he came, he still felt uneasy when he actually faced it.

As Aiglon said - not for big things.

But even he knew that he had no choice now, so he reluctantly cheered up and asked, "What do you need me to do?"

"My expectations for you are very simple - since you have come to the south, you should take good care of your activities here, make friends, and let the local celebrities here know your existence as soon as possible." Aigron immediately said his I am thinking, "For a Duke from the capital, I think these provincials will definitely try their best to make friends with you. I hope you can put down your arrogance and make good relations with them. This is for you , it must not be difficult, right?"

After Aigron finished speaking, he looked at the other party.

This sight was so sharp that the Duke became even more nervous, "I can definitely do it, Your Majesty."

"That's good. When you make friends with them, you don't need to tell them your position, as long as you can let them know who you are." Aigron reminded the other party again, "You must not try to form cliques. , this will be self-defeating.”

Precisely because he knew that the other party was not capable of doing big things, Aigron would not tell him the core secrets, and there was no need for him to engage in organizational coordination.

Anyway, he only needs the Duke to form a public opinion effect for him - as long as the bad news from Paris continues and the local people are panicked, then a celebrity like the Duke will have considerable appeal. When the time comes, he will Making your stance public and standing by your side is enough to move people's hearts.

There is only so much he can ask of mediocre people.

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