Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and eighty-six, liquidation and tolerance

Seeing that the task given by Aiglon was so "easy", the Duke immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and his original trepidation also faded a lot.

Before coming, he was most afraid that this young man would force him to search for party members everywhere, or even directly follow him to rebel. This was beyond the limit of his ability, and he was afraid that he would even lose his life.

But now, Aigron's request is just to let him make friends with local celebrities and make a name for himself, which is much simpler.

Although he was not ranked at all in Paris, he was just a courtier with a false name and no real power, but even a "false name" was enough to intimidate people in the eyes of people here.

To provincials with little information, a Duke from Paris is as rare and precious as a sage falling from the sky, and they must be very happy to make friends with the Duke.

But at the same time, the Duke also knew that he was given such an easy task by this young man, which meant that he "underestimated" himself - but this is not important, because the place where his value is reflected is not here. There is something else to rely on.

After a moment of silence, Duke Nordlyon immediately looked eager to try.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I will definitely keep your instructions in mind."

Aiglon nodded, and then gave the other party an encouraging look.

"I believe you can do it well. Your identity naturally has appeal. It may not be a big deal in normal times, but when turbulent times come, people will instinctively go to those prestigious people for help, at least for help. A little guidance, and that’s when you come into play—you know how to persuade people, right?”

"Of course I understand this." The Duke nodded repeatedly. "I will tell them that France needs stability and cannot repeat the tragedies of the past. When the Bourbon family is crumbling, we must seek a stronger and more dynamic successor to support this country and avoid it. Once again, we have fallen into bloody chaos...and you are the most suitable person. You can restore order to this country and preserve the honor and property of all of us, so we must stand by your side."

After all, he has been in the palace for so long, and he is naturally familiar with all kinds of words. Anyway, it will be nothing more than "abandoning the darkness and turning to the light", and it will not be any difficult for him.

Moreover, this is actually what he is thinking to some extent.

His ancestors were from a noble family.

As a result, he had to go into exile abroad due to the outbreak of the Great Revolution. He was displaced for more than 20 years and his entire youth was wasted in a poor life. He was frightened when he thought of those things in the past, so of course he instinctively hoped that there would be someone who could support the overall situation. , to prevent the past from happening again.

As for that person's last name, it doesn't matter to him anymore.

"Very good words." Aigron was quite satisfied and expressed encouragement.

Then, he changed the topic again, "By the way, there is one more thing. After you settle down, I will send someone to come to you to keep us in contact. Once you get my call, you can run to the border along the original route. Come and meet me and we'll go to Paris together - then you'll be done."

The Duke was not very surprised and just asked in a low voice. "About when?"

"I can't tell you the specific time, but I can tell you that it will come soon." Aigron replied confidently, "We can start a big fight after the spring of next year. Then I will bring You go there together."

The Duke lowered his head and thought, it was the end of 1829, and Aigron's implication was that there would be a showdown within these few months.

He didn't know what the consequences would be, but now that he had taken refuge under the Bonaparte family, he could only hope that this young man would succeed. It's just...if he's really done, what does that mean?

Although the Bonaparte family was not a revolutionary party, they were supporters of the empire and also had a blood feud with the royalists. Napoleon's "first pot of gold" when he started his career in Paris was during the Portuguese Revolution in 1795, when he assisted the then The Directory gained the money from suppressing the royalist rebellion, and then in order to reward him for his merits, Barras sent him to be the commander of the Italian Army. From then on, he had his own family fortune.

Later, in 1799, Napoleon launched the Brumaire Coup, usurping power in France and proclaiming himself First Consul. This also made him a thorn in the side of those who hoped to restore the Bourbon dynasty, so the royalists planned a coup. A bombing attack against Napoleon killed more than 100 people; and Napoleon was naturally not a vegetarian. He suppressed and retaliated with an iron fist. He sent people across the border to capture and shoot the Duke of Enghien, the only son of Prince Condé.

Because King Louis XVI's family had been killed, his two younger brothers, the Count of Provence, had no heirs, and the Count of Artois had only two underage children, so the Duke of Enghien, as a branch of the royal family, was a rare young man in the royal family at that time. , his death was naturally a heavy blow to the royal family, and the hatred between the two sides grew day by day.

After Napoleon was completely overthrown in 1815, the royalists suppressed and retaliated against the republicans and imperialists equally. Chanel's parents were killed in that bloody revenge.

Although times have changed now, the hatred accumulated during decades of fighting is not so easy to resolve. The smell of blood is still pungent. Duke Nordlien is afraid that the past will happen again - especially the fear that this ambitious young man will do something wrong. A fierce reckoning.

He is not a loyal minister and filial son, but after all, he has received favors from the royal family, and he naturally does not want to see the royal family become a victim again in the future.

At the same time, he is also afraid of the cycle of hatred of "killing each other to the end", in which retribution will fall on him in the end - because the history he has personally experienced is full of examples of this kind of retribution.

If you kill someone brutally today, the butcher's knife will definitely be your turn tomorrow. There will be no exceptions. No matter how powerful you are, there will be no good end for you after wielding the butcher's knife.

"Your Majesty, I wish you a complete victory in advance." After thinking about it, the Duke cautiously spoke, "I know that although you are young, your wisdom and talent are far beyond ordinary people. For a mediocre person like me, I am I am not qualified to give you any opinions. I am just sincere from the bottom of my heart and ask you to listen to my few words of advice."

"Okay, there's no need to be so reserved, sir." Aigron waved his hand, signaling the other party not to be so careful, "You can speak freely in front of me. If your opinion is reasonable, I will listen to it."

Seeing Aigron's humility, the Duke was relieved. "If you can return to Paris, then how to deal with the royal family will be a very difficult problem for you. Personally, I think it is best for you to expel them. At the same time, allow them to leave with their property and servants, and do not hinder those loyal servants who are willing to accompany them. This can show your magnanimity and show your determination not to settle old scores and avoid stirring up conflicts at home and abroad. Violent reaction..."

Aigron was silent for a moment.

Letting go of the royal family is not a big deal. Originally, Aigron had no intention of embarrassing the Bourbon family. As long as they were willing to leave, he would naturally be willing to say goodbye - letting them take away their property was not a problem, and Aigron didn't care. Take away your belongings if you love them.

But the key point the Duke mentioned was "servants", so that was different.

Although the Duke spoke grandly, he actually persuaded himself to allow the important figures who liquidated the supporters of the Bonaparte family to leave. Instead of carrying out a large-scale liquidation, he simply sent them away with the royal family to avoid arousing people's memories of those bloody past events. memories.

This issue is quite sensitive. After all, Aigron also knows that most of his subordinates still remember the hatred of the past. If he lets those enemies go without saying a word, I am afraid it will also arouse dissatisfaction.

However, in any case, the Duke's concern is correct. If he puts on a bloody liquidation posture, he will soon lose the support of the people and will no longer be able to mobilize the people.

After thinking for a moment, Aigron slowly replied, "You are right, and I understand your painstaking efforts. Don't worry, I won't go for another big liquidation. It will only deplete France's already severely damaged vitality. Disputes and The era of killing has passed, and now is the era of reconciliation. If I want to secure the throne, I can only spread prosperity instead of fear."

Then, he suddenly changed the subject, "However, if I let go of everything in the past, it would also chill the hearts of my supporters. I must show my determination and iron fist to let everyone know that I am by no means a human being." A man who is easy to manipulate...so I need to leave some victims and use them to comfort my supporters."

"Whom do you wish to sacrifice?" asked the prince boldly.

"I can't tell you everything, because it's too early and I haven't had time to carefully identify my enemies, but well - Lord Telewin is one of them."

"Count Telewin?" The Duke was stunned for a moment, thinking for a moment before remembering this person. "Are you talking about our ambassador to Istanbul?"

"Yes, that's him." Aigron nodded. "He was in charge of the circuit court in the south at the time. He tried and liquidated a large number of supporters of the empire, and secretly condoned the massacre. My cronies had a blood feud with him. I must He paid for it with blood."

Aiglon's words were filled with murderous intent, but the Duke didn't care. After all, Earl Telewin was just a "small character". He had to recall it before he remembered who the other party was. Such a person has no influence, and it would be easy to liquidate him. It's settled.

It seems that this young man also listened to his opinions, but in order to establish his authority and appease his supporters, he needed to adopt a compromise method-killing several "executors" of the liquidation at that time.

And this is indeed Aigron's plan. He has a weak foundation and must walk on a tightrope from the beginning. He can neither mistreat his supporters nor scare neutrals, nor can he force his opponents to jump over the wall, so he can only carry out "limited revenge" ", killing a few minor characters as a settlement - as for those who gave the order, because the value of the united front is too high, in order to avoid "surprise to friendly countries", let them go.

The Duke has nothing to do with Earl Telewin, and naturally he doesn't care about the other person's life or death, but he is even more uninterested in interceding for a person who has been on Aigron's blacklist and causing Aigron's worries. Aiglon's statement already reassured him enough.

So, he bowed slightly to express his admiration and approval for Aigron, "Your magnanimity will be remembered forever by history and praised by future generations. I sincerely hope that you can become a good example and let this The country is revitalized."

Naturally, Aigron didn't care at all about such compliments. Instead, he was inspired with an idea.

"Sir, since you are worried about bloody vendettas and revenge in the future, how about you host the farewell to the Bourbon family? If conditions permit, you can pack their bags, count their belongings, and then send them out of the country with gifts. ——I think that if you are responsible for everything, others will no longer worry about any unexpected events, and their dignity can be preserved."

As soon as he heard Aiglon's proposal, a few wrinkles were torn out on the Duke's already very old face, and he looked miserable.

After all, no matter how many excuses he makes, it is an undisputed betrayal. After the betrayal, if he keeps a low profile, no one may care, but if he still bosses around like a winner and personally presides over the expulsion of his old master, even if he is a Duke, My face felt a bit unbearable.

He even suspected that Aiglon was deliberately torturing himself.

"Is this...isn't this inappropriate?" he asked tremblingly, "I think that the king...well, I mean the false king may not be willing to see me then. If I rashly stay by his side for a long time, he may It will intensify conflicts.”

Alas, it was not that material after all, Aigron sighed inwardly.

The Duke was just afraid of losing face, but he never imagined that this would also be a good opportunity to gain popularity - after all, there was another group of frightened people who left with the King's family, and those people could be said to have been saved by the Duke. Yes, this "favor" can bring rewards to him and his descendants in the future.

But the Duke is still worried about his face... It's really ridiculous. It's already this time, what else is there to worry about? As long as you stand on top, everything makes sense and the winner is not blamed.

However, Aigron also knows that most people in this world are just ordinary people who are muddle-headed and submissive. They have neither grand aspirations nor the courage to take risks and risk their lives. But even so, they are valuable, precisely because Qian Qian Only when tens of thousands of ordinary people are organized, work divided and cooperate, can a village, city or even a country run.

Therefore, he also gave the Duke enough patience.

After all - under him, the most suitable person to do this is probably the Duke.

"Think about it again. Who will be the people who advocate for them to win the last remaining dignity for them?" Aigron asked, "Who are the people here who are working hard to save the lives of others? Yours A good deed will be appreciated by others."

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