Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and ninety-five, offensive and defensive alliance

"It depends on whether you are worthy or not."

Marshal Soult's tone was very impolite.

On the one hand, this is because he is a soldier after all, and he advocates solving problems with iron fists and blood, and he looks down on Talleyrand, a bad guy like Talleyrand who makes up all kinds of conspiracy behind the scenes. On the other hand, it is also because at this moment, he feels that Talleyrand is not enough at all. fear.

His worldview is very pure, and he gets as much respect as he has his strength. But what about Talleyrand?

After being forced to retire for more than ten years, the marshal still had prestige and old subordinates to drive and summon, but Talleyrand did not. After losing power, everyone was afraid of him and was deeply afraid of him. Afraid of being affected by his bad reputation.

In the marshal's heart, the other party's weight cannot be compared with his own. Even if the dynasty really changes, he is not qualified to share the same big cake as himself.

Talleyrand didn't take this kind of face-to-face humiliation seriously at all. After all, he had long been used to it back then. He just smiled and said, "Almost 40 years ago, some people thought that I was not worthy of working with them. Later, those people's necks were All my gadgets are gone, but I... am still alive and well, serving every government that needs me."

As he spoke, he pretended to wipe his throat with his hand, hinting murderous intent in his laughter, "You must have witnessed their fate for many of them, right? So why do you think I'm not worthy?" Woolen cloth?"

"Hmph." The marshal snorted again, "The times have been completely different. In the past, you could jump left and right to reap the benefits, but now, France does not have to be yours. What you can do can be done by others."

"I don't think so." Talleyrand shook his head. "Undoubtedly, it is not so easy to sell one's business nowadays, but there are still buyers who are interested in me. Of course I, a bad old man, am insignificant, and maybe I am not. I won’t live long, but as long as I have a breath left, no one in the world can be more embellishment for a regime than me... Rather than saying that I am a diplomat, it is better to say that I am a makeup artist, responsible for dressing up all monsters into human beings. As long as I still have this skill of being able to pull myself onto the stage and cheer people on, the monsters will need me."

"Your tongue is as sharp as before." Marshal Soult's eyes softened a little.

"Of course, don't forget that I eat this bowl of rice." Prince Talleyrand shrugged, "It's a pity that few people can appreciate this art nowadays. This country has become too mediocre and people are addicted to it. In my own small field of vision, I can no longer see the wit and humor of the old days. Alas, in those days we were guillotined for saying a few wrong words, but now they can't even say a few decent words!"

Marshal Soult does not care whether this country is mediocre or great now.

He had no intention of chatting with Prince Talleyrand about family matters. Seeing that his initial temptation was resisted, he decided to go straight forward.

"Then which monster are you coming here to paint?"

"I will side with whoever wins, and that's always been the case." Talleyrand smiled slyly, "I have never been taboo about serving anyone, and of course, I have never been taboo about betraying anyone."

"Then I'm just the opposite." Marshal Soult replied coldly, "Whoever I side with must win."

At this time, the marshal was full of the majesty and arrogance of a soldier, and also revealed a kind of self-confidence that he would give to others.

Prince Talleyrand looked at the marshal's appearance, and secretly doubts arose in his heart.

What is this guy doing secretly? Why does he look so confident? Also, why did he come here specifically? There's no way it's just for the sake of making some sarcastic remarks.

"I appreciate your confidence, but since you have such ability, why do you still need to come to me?" Talleyrand deliberately provoked the place, trying to find out what the other person was thinking, "You just drag the person into Douy If we go to Leri Palace and occupy the throne, won’t everything be over?”

This cynicism really angered the Marshal and made him frown.

"Of course I will, but not now."

After a pause, he spoke again, "Talleyrand, I know what you did; similarly, you also know what I did, so there is no need for us to be secretive. I just want to know, the Bonaparte family What was promised to you?"

"Then do you know what it means when you ask me this question?" Talleyrand asked.

"What do you mean?" The marshal was confused.

"If I tell the truth, I may be betraying my future benefactor. After all, it is revealing secrets." Talleyrand replied, "It is one thing to chat with you, but it is another thing to reveal secrets. I We must have enough exchange price to reply to you..."

Seeing Talleyrand's calm look, Marshal Soult felt disgusted again, but he had already known that Talleyrand was such a person, so he did not have an attack.

"Well, let me tell you the truth first. He promised me that once I help him, he will make me the commander-in-chief of the army and entrust me with full power." The marshal simply missed the point first. "Okay, is it your turn?"

"Oh, then he really knows people well." Although it was the first time he heard the news, Talleyrand was not surprised. After all, there were not many things that could impress Soult. "Then I will tell you. Well, he asked me to help him fix the attitudes of various countries, especially the United Kingdom, and if I could do that, he asked me to be prime minister."

As expected, upon hearing this bid, Surte directly expressed his incomprehension.

"What? Prime Minister? You?" He glanced sideways at Talleyrand, showing his sincere objection, "Why are you doing this? Let's not say whether you are worthy of it or not. Even if you are worthy, as long as you are If you look like this, if you don't take a good rest, why bother adding so much trouble to yourself?"

"Then you really don't understand me. The more powerful I am, the more energetic I am." Talleyrand could no longer turn a deaf ear to this question, and he answered the other party directly, "Besides, if I If he doesn't come forward, can he find any better candidate?"

"There are so many people in France, are you afraid that you won't be able to find someone who is qualified enough?" Marshal Soult disagreed.

"Maybe it's because there are so many people who want to be prime minister that he wants to choose me, a dying old man." Talleyrand sneered and sneered. "If you can do it, I can do it."

Hearing Talleyrand insinuating himself, Marshal Soult frowned again. "I'm not as greedy as you. I just think that letting you take on such a position will only be counterproductive and add more opposition to the Bonaparte family for no reason. This will not be a wise decision."

"Since I can make everyone hate me, then in a sense, maybe I can become a person that everyone can accept - it won't be worse anyway, right?" Talleyrand still sneered. , "When I finish what I have to do, I can almost leave the show with dignity. That kid probably has this idea..."

"Now that you know..." Soult wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Talleyrand's gesture.

"I know what he is thinking. He is a very smart child, but after all, he is still too young. Some things cannot be solved simply by relying on brain power, and require years of accumulation. But it is in the correspondence with him , I can feel his thoughts and his ambitions. I think among the younger generation, this is, if not unique, at least rare in the world. Your Excellency, Marshal, whether you are willing to admit it or not, this young man will not be a He is a manipulable character, and if you underestimate him, you would be wrong."

"I didn't underestimate him." The marshal shook his head, "If I really underestimated him, I would have thrown him aside long ago. It was precisely because I knew he had talent that I placed my hope in him. "

"But deep down in your heart you still underestimate him!" Talleyrand still asserted relentlessly, "You have a scornful attitude, question his decisions, disdain to figure out his thoughts, and only regard him as your own. Stepping stone, this is arrogance! But I don't blame you, after all, you are full of honor, you must get the respect you deserve... But I advise you, if he succeeds, you may have to work with him for many years in the future. Such an attitude will only put you in danger, and don’t forget that there is no shortage of ungrateful people in this world.”

Although he wanted to scold Talleyrand for being alarmist, Marshal Soult couldn't say it out as he spoke. After all, the other party was somewhat reasonable.

"I don't know him well enough yet." In the end, he just replied calmly, "When I have the opportunity in the future, I will take him seriously. We can't say that he is our monarch yet, why should I be respectful to him? If I want to salute him, I will treat him seriously." too early."

"Yes, there is still time, enough for us to make a choice calmly." Prince Talleyrand smiled and nodded, "For us, there is actually only one crucial question - Bonaparte or Orleans? No matter who you choose, there are pros and cons, and there is no chance of regretting it again.”

"Why, are you still afraid of making the wrong choice?" the marshal asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"Of course I'm scared, because with my age and physical condition, I don't think I can wait for the next opportunity to change the government... So as long as I make a mistake, I have to go home and wait for death; I guess you are no better than me. Go, so you get nervous and come to me and ask my opinion.”

This time, Soult did not deny the other party's speculation.

From the first moment he met Prince Talleyrand, he was very rude. On the one hand, he wanted to test the other party's reality, and on the other hand, he also wanted to get some "pointers" from Talleyrand.

He had known for a long time that Talleyrand was a cunning old man, and he did not believe that Talleyrand would give him kind-hearted advice, so he could only use this method to make insinuations and find out the other party's true intentions.

Although he kept saying that Talleyrand was of no use at all, over the past few decades, Talleyrand's record of taking sides was frighteningly brilliant, and almost every time he was able to jump out of a political edifice on the eve of its collapse. This "ability" Marshal Soult couldn't help but feel a little afraid.

Now that Talleyrand had pointed him out, he no longer dodge.

"It's not that I'm nervous or scared, I'm just like you, I don't want to waste more than ten years." He nodded simply, "Talleyrand, we each get what we need now, neither of us wants to lose and we can't afford to lose. Our interests are the same on this point." "So, I said it from the beginning, as long as the two of us stand together and work together, it will be of great benefit to both of us and to the country." Talleyrand replied, "You have your chips, and I have mine. If the two of us fight alone, I'm afraid no one can be sure of the results we will get, but if we work together... I think everyone will feel it." It’s heavy.”

Talleyrand's straightforward expression made Soult nod secretly, but he still didn't trust Talleyrand, after all, this guy was too repetitive.

"Since you have seen the matter so thoroughly, I agree with your statement and I am willing to support you." He also made a promise half-heartedly, "But I hope that before you make any decision, you will discuss it with me in advance. Ventilate.”

"That's natural." Talleyrand agreed without hesitation, "Marshal, I'm afraid you don't know that I have been waiting for powerful people like you to join hands with me. I can assure you that as long as you If you don’t change your mind, I will definitely stick to my promise and work with you to advance and retreat together.”

In an instant, the two old men secretly reached a tacit understanding.

Although this tacit understanding is not a black and white contract, and it is impossible for them to be completely in sync, the common interests and the fear of losing the last chance have temporarily united these two old people who seem to be inseparable and do not like each other. .

As Talleyrand said, neither of them wanted to waste any more opportunities.

After a moment of silence, Marshal Soult spoke again, "Now let's talk openly. Which of the two options do you prefer?"

"I don't lean towards anyone. I only judge choices based on reality." Talleyrand replied calmly, "But if you ask me which one I prefer, I have an answer - that young man."

"Oh?" Marshal Soult blinked. "Is it because he paid more? Or is it because he is younger and easier to get along with?"

"These are all reasons, but they are not the most important thing." Prince Talleyrand shook his head.

Then, he sighed again, "I am about to become a part of history, and he is probably the last person qualified to write my epitaph."

"Just for this?" Marshal Soult was a little unbelievable. He didn't expect Talleyrand, who was never emotional, to say such a thing.

"If you believe it, that's what it's for." Faced with the doubt, Talleyrand just smiled indifferently, "To tell you the truth, every time he replies to me, I will read it carefully, because he is indeed talking to me. Discuss issues seriously and be savvy enough. For more than ten years, people have only laughed at me without thinking about what parts of me are not worthy of ridicule. It has been a long time since I met someone who is willing to listen carefully to what I say, even for this Reason, I also hope he succeeds.”


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