Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and ninety-six, defense

With the arrival of winter, the temperature in Paris has been getting lower and lower, and the number of pedestrians on the streets has begun to gradually decrease. However, this does not affect those people who are high above. They enjoy almost endless hours behind closed doors in a greenhouse as warm as spring. social activities.

In the past, every winter, balls and banquets would be held continuously at the house of the banker Mr. Tangglars, entertaining celebrities from all walks of life to consolidate the banker's social status; however, as Tanglar's bank was established not long ago Bankrupted in the financial crisis, Danglars fled without a trace, and his mansion also changed hands secretly. Although it was still grand and spacious, it seemed to have been forgotten in the social circle, huddled in an unnoticed corner of this magnificent city.

Emily, who was still "Mrs. Tanglar", was no longer too lazy to recall everything she had experienced. The jewels and laughter that filled this mansion had become a distant past. As a survivor after a downfall, she has lost her ticket to enter that society. Although she still lives in her original residence, she will never be invited by others again.

It was naturally impossible not to miss those things. She lurked silently in this mansion, waiting for the day when she could relive her old dreams, even better than before.

All her hopes were placed on one person, and that person was traveling far away at this time. She neither knew the other person's specific whereabouts nor could he communicate with him. She could only pray silently for his safety and hope that God would Don't destroy your last hope in life.

According to the usual rhythm of life, she spent the day doing nothing. In the evening, she had dinner with her daughter and prepared to go to sleep. However, this time the situation seemed to be different from before. There was a noise outside the door.

There won't be visitors coming to the door right now, so that can only mean one thing...

Emily's eyes lit up, and then she walked downstairs and came to the living room.

Sure enough, the man she longed for was back.

"Sir!" She breathed a sigh of relief, then stepped forward and hugged him warmly, "You are finally back."

"Yes, I'm back, Emily." Edmond Dantès gave Emily a hug warmly.

The two of them were silent at first, enjoying the tenderness of meeting again after a long separation. Then, Edmund asked each other, "How are you doing here recently? Has anything unexpected happened?"

"Everything is fine, no one is interested in disturbing us." Emily replied with a smile, "Except for your colleague who comes to visit occasionally."

Edmund knew who she meant—Captain Foresti, the man tasked with capturing Bianca.

Later, he brought Bianca here to be imprisoned. Although the captain reluctantly agreed due to his authority, he also put forward the condition that he would come regularly to monitor to ensure that Bianca would not escape.

Yes, Bianca... This is also one of Edmund's missions when he comes back.

The two of them walked up the stairs while being intimate like a couple, and then naturally came to Emily's bedroom.

"How is that woman doing now?" Edmund asked cautiously after making sure no one was around.

Although he didn't explicitly name him, Emily naturally knew who he was referring to.

"Don't worry, she is still alive and well." Emily replied in a low voice, "After you left, I have been taking good care of her according to your instructions."

Then, she rolled her eyes at Edmund as if she was a little unhappy, "Oh, I really didn't expect that after a long separation, you would actually care about other women first... I'm so happy for you."

"I'm sorry, Emily." Edmund, who had never experienced such a battle before, immediately surrendered, "I've been missing you too, but...just..."

"Okay, I know, it's just a joke." Emily stretched out her hand, blocked the earl's mouth, and then winked playfully, "Don't worry, I won't worry about the things you entrusted to me. How could you not do it well without your heart?”

After spending so many years in the Parisian social scene, Emily has of course lost the so-called "girly feelings", but this does not prevent her from often using little tricks to stir up the earl's heart.

After getting along with the Earl for so long and even having "negative distance contact", she already knew the Earl very well. In her opinion, although the Earl was brave and resourceful, he was almost blank in terms of emotions. As long as he gave him a little energy The comfort from above easily got his response.

However, she is also very careful to control the intensity of this teasing. She knows that a little coquettishness and coquettishness can keep it fresh, but if she keeps refusing to give in and causing trouble, it will only annoy people.

Therefore, she stopped changing the topic and looked at him with a smile, "Okay, I'll take you there."

Since the count took over the mansion, he dismissed most of the servants, especially after imprisoning Bianca, and found various reasons to drive away the remaining people, leaving only a few servants. There is no problem with the safety of the few people sent by Marquis Reville.

But even so, the two people remained vigilant. They quietly walked out of the bedroom, then walked through the deserted corridor with the candlestick, walked up the stairs to the third floor, and then passed the ladder to the attic. superior.

After arriving at the attic, with the help of candlelight, Edmund clearly saw a woman sitting quietly on a chair, looking at him coldly.

She was wearing a thick black cotton skirt, her body was surrounded by iron chains, and she looked really miserable. Because she had been seriously injured before and had not seen the sun for a long time, her face was horribly pale, as if she were a ghost.

Edmund's eyes moved downward, and then he saw an iron chain coming out from under the hem of the skirt and tied to a pillar next to it. Next to the pillar was a simple wooden bed covered with several layers of velvet. With blankets and quilts, you don’t have to worry about heating.

Although she looked embarrassed and miserable, her body was relatively clean, and there was no odor caused by not changing her body and clothes for a long time.

While Edmund was observing Bianca, she was also observing Edmund with the help of candlelight.

She was a little hesitant at first, feeling like she had seen this person before somewhere. After a while, she searched through her mind and found a memory, and then she suddenly realized it.

"It's you! That Earl! Agnes brought you here!"

She had been in a coma when Edmund caught and transferred her, and now it was the first time she had seen the count since she woke up.

Seeing that the other party's thinking ability and memory were maintained so well, Edmund was relieved - this meant that her health had basically recovered.

"She looks pretty good." After confirming the other person's condition at this time, Edmund glanced at Emily approvingly, "It seems you are taking good care of her."

"Since you have told me, I will naturally follow it seriously. I will bring her food twice a day, take care of the surroundings, and wipe her body from time to time... God, this was supposed to be the maid's job, but now But it was only me who did it." Emily took credit unceremoniously, and then complained in a low voice, "As a result, she didn't appreciate my kindness very much, and once she even tried to attack me when I wasn't prepared! Fortunately, I kept it up Being vigilant finally prevented her from succeeding."

Under Emily's embellished narration, Edmund really felt very distressed. "Emily, I'm sorry that I have made you feel wronged. But don't worry, we will never forget your contribution... His Majesty will give you the compensation you deserve when the time comes."

"Oh, Your Majesty, I am just doing this for you..." Emily replied with a snicker.

"You two, if you want to flirt, get out of the way and stop talking in front of me." At this moment, Bianca interrupted their conversation coldly, and then glared at Edmund.

Although she was in a state of imprisonment, miserable and embarrassed, her eyes were still sharp and there was no trace of fear.

Edmund interrupted the conversation with Emily and looked at Bianca again, and his eyes became cold.

Although it was indeed unmanly to treat a woman like this, he had no sympathy for her, and she deserved everything.

"Ms. Bianca di Florini, I assume you know whose hands you have fallen into, right?"

"I know." Bianca smiled coldly, "I fell into the hands of that small Corsican landowner and his lackeys. It's a pity that I didn't know about it in advance, otherwise on the day Agnes introduced you to me, I don’t have to be merciful.”

Bianca's sarcasm did not move Edmund, he just looked at the other person calmly.

Then, he winked at Emily, who immediately understood, left the candlestick, and went back along the original path.

As a result, there were only two people left in the small attic.

Time is passing, but Bianca's hostility has not faded at all - obviously, if she didn't have heavy chains on her body at this time, she would have already raised her sword and cut the count into pieces to satisfy her hatred.

Edmund turned a blind eye to the other party's hateful gaze and continued talking to himself.

"The day I met you, I already recognized you as the assassin who stabbed my benefactor. From that moment on, you were my enemy. The reason why we didn't take action right away was because we didn't have complete assurance that you would be killed. Just captured with one blow.”

"So you used such a despicable conspiracy?" Bianca asked provocatively, "Let a duel end in such a shameless way?"

"Since you have done such a dishonorable thing, it is reasonable for us to retaliate against you in any way, isn't it?" Edmund shrugged, "Is there any honor in assassinating in secret?"

"I challenged him single-handedly!" Bianca retorted unconvinced.

Then, she also knew that this reason was not convincing, so she snorted coldly, "Even if you are reasonable, what do you expect from me? To apologize to that little guy for crying bitterly?"

"Why not?" Edmund asked, "Now that you have fallen into our hands, your life and death depend on His Majesty's thoughts. Shouldn't you face your situation soberly and seek leniency for yourself? ?"

"Bah!" Bianca sneered at such remarks and spat directly, "I never beg for mercy from others. Since I accidentally fell into your hands, you can do whatever you want to do with it. I beg for mercy but it’s absolutely impossible!”

Bianca's answer did not surprise Edmund, because he already knew the other person's temper.

"At this point, it is completely meaningless for you to continue to resist like this. It will only make you and the people who care about you miserable. Even if you don't care about your life, Miss Agnes is still trying to intercede for you. I want to To save your life, can you bear to let her good intentions fail?"

It was a good thing that he didn't mention Agnes, but when it came to her, Bianca's anger was even more uncontrollable.

The lackeys of the Bonaparte family are all enemies. No matter how vicious and despicable they are, that is what an enemy should do. Even if Bianca is dissatisfied, she can only admit that she is unlucky; however, Agnes is different. In her mind, Onka was her beloved disciple, and even her last relative. However, she despicably took advantage of her master-disciple relationship, which she could not forgive in any case.

"Don't mention that traitor's name to me again, she doesn't deserve it!" In anger, Bianca interrupted the count loudly, "She could have died with honor by my sword, or killed me, As a result, she became a coward, timid before fighting, and dealt with me... her master in such a despicable way. I am really blind. I have taught such a disciple. Even if I die, I will never forgive him. Get over her!"

Although this misunderstanding did not affect Edmund's work, out of insistence on honor and respect and care for Miss Agnes, Edmund still defended the other party.

"This misunderstanding of yours is really too despicable. You keep saying that she is your beloved disciple. You have been with her for so many years, but in the end you don't even know who she is? Ask yourself, will she do such a thing? Is it something?

Let me tell you what happened now, she didn’t know anything about it, we just used her, I used her to get close to you and confirmed your identity; her sister used her to make a date with you, and finally arranged the arrangement. Not only did she know nothing about the trap from beginning to end, but she also lost face! Now she is as angry and sad as you. I have seen her heartbroken look with my own eyes... Madam, even today I have no sympathy for you, but I sympathize with her. She is probably the only one who is still thinking about your life and death. , the person who tried hard to save your life——"

Under Edmund's repeated scoldings, Bianca immediately stopped yelling, but her eyes were still full of suspicion, and she obviously didn't believe it.

"Why are you defending her? Doesn't this prove that you are the same party?"

"I defended her just because I was regarded as a friend by her, and I couldn't bear to see her being slandered like this again. You can understand it as guilt. It's us who are despicable, but she has always suffered." The earl smiled bitterly. "She has lost enough. I sympathize with her, so I want to help her within my ability. I know you don't believe it, but it doesn't matter. Time will prove who is right and who is wrong."


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