Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and ninety-seven, interrogation

"I know you don't believe it, but that's not important. Time will prove who is right and who is wrong."

Perhaps it was because Edmund's expression and tone seemed so sincere that Bianca believed it a little bit.

She and Agnes have been together for so many years, so she naturally understands her apprentice's temper very well, and she also knows in her heart that the other party has absolutely no talent for conspiracy.

In comparison, the count's explanation that "she was just used by us throughout the whole process" is actually more credible.

"Save my life? How does she want to save my life?" So she asked in a low voice.

"I'm afraid you don't know that after learning that you had assassinated His Majesty and His Majesty planned to seek revenge on you, it was Miss Agnes who took the initiative to ask Your Majesty, hoping to capture you by challenging you -" Ai Demeng replied, "Her purpose is to use this merit in exchange for Your Majesty to forgive your life."

"Isn't it just to please that little guy?" Bianca asked mockingly, "The relationship between the two of them must be unusual, right? The guy is quite handsome, and Agnes is afraid that she will take the bait... These ignorant people Girls will always be deceived by young men with oily hair and pink faces."

Edmund felt a little embarrassed. No matter how he answered at this time, something seemed wrong. If he said yes, it would be tantamount to damaging Miss Agnes's reputation; if he said no, it seemed to be disrespectful to His Majesty.

So he wisely remained silent.

"Since she took the initiative to challenge me in front of the little guy, why did you take action? Didn't you even listen to the master's order?" Bianca keenly discovered the contradiction in the count's words, so she asked again.

"Mrs. Alice felt that her sister should not be allowed to take risks, so she would rather bear all the responsibilities to capture you in this way." Edmund replied.

His explanation simplified the entire incident and did not involve Teresa, but it was generally consistent with the facts, so it was justified.

"Alice..." When Bianca heard the name, she was filled with hatred, but she was trapped by the iron chain and could only do nothing. "This woman is quite capable. I underestimated her." .”

"Anyway, now that things have developed to this point, Miss Agnes is actually very sad. She attaches great importance to honor and attaches great importance to the fight with you. However, things ended in this way. She almost went crazy." Edmund He continued, "Now she is trying hard to save your life. She even wrote to His Majesty to plead for mercy, asking him to be kind and at least spare your life.


Bianca listened silently, not sarcastically speaking this time.

After the count's explanation, she actually believed the other party's words, because the other party's attitude was sincere and did not seem like a lie, and because it was in line with her understanding of Agnes.

But now that the matter has come to this, he is already behind bars and on the verge of death. It is meaningless to think about whether Agnes is innocent or not. The shot that her sister Alice gave him is doomed. The relationship between the two disciples is beyond repair.

"So, you came to me specifically just to defend my apprentice?" Bianca sighed faintly, "It's just a waste of time. If she lied to me, then I will go to hell with a curse and wait for her. ; If she is also a victim, then let her regret it, because she did not know how to keep secrets and tricked me!"

Seeing Bianca looking so helpless, Edmund couldn't help but feel a little anxious, but he was mentally prepared in advance, "Are you just looking forward to dying?"

"Does this have anything to do with whether I want to die or not?" Bianca shook the chains on her body and laughed sarcastically amidst the clanging sound, "I know what I have done, so I will never expect to be able to return it. If I can survive, I seriously injured that little guy, and even if he wants to convince the public, he will not spare my life."

Bianca knew that the "crime" she had committed could never be forgiven, so after she was accidentally captured, she was already prepared to be killed. She did not expect that she would have any hope of survival, and she also Not afraid of death.

However, the count's reply surprised her.

"You are speaking too absolutely. To be honest, I just came back from His Majesty and received instructions from him that he can keep your life."

Bianca opened her eyes slightly in shock.

People who think they are bound to die, but suddenly hear that they still have hope of living, will definitely feel some instinctive joy and thankfulness.

But in the next second, Bianca suddenly laughed bitterly, "Hahahaha... Why do you want to spare my life? Is it to please my apprentice? That is too ridiculous. Could it be that in his eyes, it is irritating?" The hatred that hurt him is not worth a few pleas from Agnes? What a good-for-nothing guy!"

It stands to reason that when most people hear that their lives may be spared, it is too late to kowtow and beg for mercy, but Bianca seems to have become accustomed to this way of speaking, so much so that she even becomes sarcastic.

"Of course it's not just to make Miss Agnes happy -" Edmund shook his head calmly, "To tell you the truth, Your Majesty can spare your life, but there are conditions."

Bianca's laughter slowly stopped, and then she asked coldly, "What conditions?"

"He hopes that you can confess the instigator behind your scenes." Edmund replied, "His Majesty said that he and you are strangers, so naturally there is no enmity between you, so you must have been ordered to commit the crime. Such a crime. So if you are willing to confess the instigator behind the scenes and correct his crimes, then based on this merit, he can spare your life."

Bianca listened quietly without showing any surprise - after all, it was normal for the young man to want to track down the instigator behind the scenes.

"So, what if I don't cooperate?" she asked calmly.

"I think this is definitely not a wise choice." Edmund gave an unmistakable answer. "That means that you will not be able to get His Majesty's forgiveness, and it will make Miss Agnes's efforts in vain. Liu, why bother?"

"Forgiveness? I have been walking in the world for decades. I have killed people and set fires. My hands are covered with blood. I have never been afraid or regretful. What forgiveness do I need?" Bianca retorted without hesitation. "When I kill someone, I never pay attention to other people's begging for mercy. So do you think that when someone kills me, I will beg for mercy just to save my own life? No, your master underestimates me. Sir Count, I want no mercy."

After finishing speaking, she looked at the count proudly.

Although the threat of death loomed over her head, she was completely unafraid and looked like she would kill him at any time.

Edmund frowned.

Although he had considered various possibilities beforehand, Bianca's current attitude was the one he least wanted to see.

She had no fear of death and was completely uncooperative.

His Majesty left her alive because he wanted to turn her into a tool for his political enemies. But if she had this attitude, how could it be possible?

Although he had already been mentally prepared for this situation and did not expect to surrender the other party in the first interrogation, the current difficult situation still made Edmund secretly feel a headache, but he still insisted on speaking.

"You take death too lightly, madam. Think about it, if you die like this, all your former fame will disappear, and you will never be able to see all your relatives and friends again. Everything you were once proud and cherished They will all be far away from you..."

"That's very well said, Count." Bianca still sneered, "Fame, family and friends... those are indeed worth cherishing. If I hold on to them and die, I can leave without regrets; if I obey Your master's thoughts, then I will lose them forever!

I didn't go to assassinate him for money, but because of the entrustment of my friends. I didn't even care about his purpose or who he served. It was completely unimportant to me. I only knew one thing. , now that I have accepted his commission, I have already felt sorry for him if the assassination failed. In this case, can I still betray and testify against him in exchange for surviving? No, it’s impossible. Maybe for you, treachery and despicableness have become the norm in life, but I will not allow myself to be so despicable. Death is nothing more than a trivial matter in comparison..."

Edmund was really speechless at this moment. Bianca's righteous words even resonated with him secretly deep in his heart.

Indeed, if Bianca confesses now in order to survive and desperately testifies against the person who entrusted her, it will make him look down on her.

However, His Majesty's wish must be fulfilled at all costs.

"You went to carry out an assassination. This is despicable enough, but you can still speak so righteously." In order to regain his momentum, he interrupted Bianca sharply, "From the beginning to the end, Your Majesty was the victim, and was harmed by you. He was seriously injured and comatose for so long, so what's so despicable about him wanting to seek justice? Let me tell you, in fact, he has already guessed who the instigator behind the scenes is, and asking you to confess and testify is nothing more than looking at Iger. Miss Nice only gave you a chance to survive, but not only do you not appreciate it, you also performed some righteous and awe-inspiring drama in front of me, which is really ridiculous!"

In all these years, has Bianca ever been ridiculed and scolded like this in person? Of course she was furious, and the iron chains on her body jingled for a moment. It was obvious that if it weren't for the iron chains, she would have pounced on him and killed him.

In the end, she could only give up her physical actions and turn to sarcasm.

"Since he wants the throne, he should have the corresponding consciousness. If he can't withstand the open and secret arrows, then he deserves to die. How dare he complain? Humph, children are children. I only hate myself for being careless. Let him escape and end up like today..."

Then, she sneered again, "Since he has so many political opponents, and there are countless people who want his life, does he think that anyone he accuses will be believed? No, it's impossible, he has no evidence, As long as I don't stand up and testify, he will never be able to testify against anyone about this assassination..."

Bianca's words made Edmund so angry that even the veins on his forehead twitched a few times.

Although on the surface he is imprisoning Bianca now and controls her life and death, during the confrontation between the two people, it seems that his momentum has been suppressed, and there is nothing he can do against Bianca.

It's true. It's really easy to kill her. Now I have a hundred ways to make her die either painlessly or extremely painfully. But if you want to realize His Majesty's wish, it will be difficult - after all, she needs to cooperate. Just fine.

Indeed, as she said, if there is no specific personal or material evidence, even if Your Majesty wants to testify against the murderer, it is unlikely that anyone will admit it, let alone be accepted by the world.

For a moment, Edmund fell into silence.

What should be done with Bianca?

There seemed no point in trying to persuade her with good words. She had a good mind and was experienced in the world. She was not as naive as Miss Agnes.

What's even more troublesome is that she is not afraid of death at all now. He can't threaten her with death, which means she has lost her biggest support.

So, should we torture her?

This seemed to be the most realistic way at the moment, but Edmund thought about it and decided not to do it for the time being.

After all, there is still time now, and he still doesn't want to use this method until it is absolutely necessary.

It's not that he pities her, but judging from the current situation, Bianca is a very determined person. Ordinary torture is useless. Once the method is used, it must be heavy-handed, and it may even damage her body to the point where it is difficult to recover. the point.

He didn't care much about Bianca's life, but he couldn't deal with Miss Agnes and His Majesty.

So, let’s wait.

"What? Have nothing to say? Oh, I thought you were somewhat capable, but it seems that's all." Bianca sneered coldly, "It seems that you treat someone like you as a confidant. That's all he has."

"It seems that our meeting today was not that pleasant." After a long silence, Edmund sighed, and then stood up from the chair, "But it doesn't matter, I will give you time to think about it carefully, and you can also weigh it. , is it worth continuing to live?”

"Then I'll answer you again. I don't miss this life that has lost its freedom. You can take it away anytime you want, but don't expect me to cooperate -" Bianca replied without hesitation, "Don't It's a waste of time. Your threats and inducements have no effect. I won't believe you. You are just a lackey. What qualifications do you have to make any promise to me? Am I naive enough to believe that you will disobey your master? Will, will you set me free?”

It has to be said that Bianca is really talented at irritating others. Edmund, who was already a good-tempered person, couldn't help but be aroused by her at this time. He even wanted to pick up a chair and hit her hard. She had the urge to come twice.

But he soon came to his senses.

Maybe this was her purpose, to anger herself in exchange for early relief.

So he held back his anger and left silently.

After returning to the bedroom, Emily saw him fuming. "Dear, what's wrong? Are you angry with her?"

"Yes, she is really annoying." Edmund frowned and replied, "From tomorrow on, you only need to send her one meal every day."


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