Eagle’s Glory

Two hundred and ninety-nine, injustice

After making up their mind, the Count and Alice stopped delaying.

That night, they came to Duke Nordlyon's residence together.

Due to the previous bankruptcy, the originally bustling Duke's mansion was already deserted. And after the Duke himself was on the verge of collapse due to being overwhelmed and chose to go to the south to rest, no one took the Duke's family seriously anymore, and naturally they would not come back. Visited.

After losing power, the Duke's family wisely chose to keep a low profile and no longer had any interest in holding banquets to entertain guests. As a result, the mansion saw a lot of decline and depression, and could no longer accept the grandeur of the past.

But this also made it easier for Alice to move. Inadvertently, she quietly came to her parents' house with the Earl.

The reception she received was not warm, and both her mother and brothers treated her quite coldly. This was understandable. Although the Duke had kept secrets from his wife and children before, they could also see some signs from Alice's repeated visits. , so he is also afraid and hostile towards Alice.

However, Alice didn't care about this and asked her mother directly.

"Mom, where is Agnes? I want to see her for something."

"She...she hasn't been in good health recently, so it might be hard for her to see people." Madam

Of course Alice refused to accept this, "Hasn't she always been in good health? She is healthier than any of us. And if she is really ill, then as a sister, I should go and visit her." .”

Seeing Alice's reluctance, her mother also made a serious face, "Alice, I think you should understand what social rhetoric is at this age. The reason why I said that just now was just to save face. Since you If you insist, then I’ll just say it straight away—she doesn’t want to see you, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Her mother's words made Alice's heart ache. She bit her lip to restrain her sadness, and then looked at her mother seriously.

"Yes, at her age, she can meet whoever she wants, but if she really wants to break off all ties with me, her sister, then please have the courage to tell me in person that I can accept this result. Hiding behind you like a coward, I can't accept that. Please go over and tell her, let her come to see me! Even if it is the worst outcome, she should take the initiative to say it, so that she grows up An adult."

Although she is a daughter, Alice did not show any sign of strength in front of her mother at this moment, which made her mother furious, but in the end,

Because she didn't want to make too many enemies at this time, my mother had no choice but to give in.

"You wait here."

After leaving these words, she left directly, while Alice and the Earl stayed where they were waiting.

Alice waited uneasily. To be honest, although she was confident in front of her mother, she was not sure at this time, especially because she was afraid that her sister would really break up with her, which was definitely not the result she wanted to see.

After an unknown amount of time, the door reopened.

Alice looked up subconsciously, and found a girl appearing at the door.

There is no doubt that that is the sister she is looking for.

However, her condition at this time was much worse than before. Her face was pale, her temples were disheveled because she had no intention of taking care of her appearance, and her hair had become a little withered. At the same time, perhaps due to lack of sleep, her eyes had dark spots. His eyes were sunken and his eyes became unfocused.

Obviously, the recent series of events have severely traumatized Agnes.

Alice's first reaction was to feel distressed when she saw her once cheerful sister suddenly become like this. When she thought that one of the "culprits" was herself, her heart ached with guilt.

Compared to Alice's various thoughts, Agnes seemed extremely reluctant.

"Are you satisfied now?" She looked at her sister coldly. "Do you have to use this method to make everyone uneasy?"

"Agnes..." Alice turned a deaf ear to her sister's question. She forgot all other thoughts for a moment, subconsciously walked to her sister, and then hugged her heavily, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Alice's enthusiastic move did not touch Agnes. She just stared at her sister blankly, passively accepting her hug without giving any response.

"Madam, why did you come to see me?" Then she asked in a weak voice.

This title made Alice even more heartbroken and almost made her cry.

"I'm sorry..." She didn't know what to say, so she could only apologize continuously.

Edmund, who was standing next to him, couldn't stand it any longer. He clearly noticed that Alice was in a state of confusion, while Agnes still had grudges about what happened before. If left alone, the two of them would hardly be able to tell each other, so He could only bite the bullet and interrupt.

"Miss Agnes, I am very sorry for what happened before. Personally, I am very unhappy to see things become like this. However, now that the deal is done, I think it is best to look forward... ...Although Mrs. Alice did go against your will, her original intention was definitely not to make you sad. On the contrary, it was because she was worried about you that she came up with this idea. I know that with your sense of honor, you can never I tolerate this kind of behavior, but... please take her into consideration and be considerate of her."

"Be considerate... I am considerate of everyone, but who will be considerate of me?" Agnes' originally cold eyes instantly turned into grievance and anger. She broke away from her sister's arms, and then asked the earl, "You trampled my reputation and dignity to the ground, and then you still expect me to understand and consider you?"

Agnes' question made the two of them feel even more guilty, and they were speechless for a moment.

Indeed, Agnes is the most innocent in the whole incident. Although she is not wise enough, even so, she is trying to solve all problems with her own efforts and her own way.

These problems were not caused by herself, but she was unwilling to hide aside. Instead, she wanted to use her weak abilities to solve all these problems. In the end, the betrayal from her relatives overwhelmed her efforts and made her suffer. An unbearable blow.

Both of them were responsible for her falling to this point, so because of their guilt, they were unable to shamelessly teach this girl a lesson.

After all, Alice had learned to control her emotions over the years, and she was mentally prepared from the beginning, so after a moment of confusion, she finally calmed down.

"I know that apologizing means nothing, and I don't ask for your forgiveness." Alice sighed, and then continued, "Now that things have happened, I admit that this is a disaster for you. But I’m afraid it’s pointless for us to blame and scold each other here. I just want to come over now and discuss with you how to remedy this.”

"To remedy...how else can we remedy it?" Agnes asked angrily, "Master has been seriously injured now, his life and death are unknown, and he is about to be executed. How else do you want to remedy it?"

"You can't say that, Miss Agnes." Edmund interrupted again, "First of all, you have already appealed to His Majesty through me, and His Majesty is indeed very considerate of your feelings..."

"Then what did he say?" Agnes finally regained her energy and quickly asked the count.

Because she had asked the earl for help before, Agnes also had some respect for the earl in her heart. Now the earl had brought Agron's response, which was the result she wanted to know most at this time.

She knew that since her master was already in trouble, her life or death depended only on Aigron's thoughts. If she wanted to save her master's life, she could only rely on his mercy.

"Your Majesty is indeed willing to give you some relief, but after all, she has committed an unforgivable crime. If she were to be let go, not to mention ordinary people, even His Majesty's followers would not agree. Besides, assassinating Your Majesty would be impossible. If nothing happens, wouldn't it be lawless in the future?" Edmund said the words he had prepared, "So, after your Majesty thought about it, he decided to put forward a precondition in order to stop everyone from talking."

"What conditions?" Agnes felt hopeful at first, but soon fell into nervousness.

Although she is not sensitive to politics, she can also see that Aigron's concerns are indeed reasonable; because of this, the conditions he proposed are probably not trivial and cannot be easily accomplished.

Seeing that Agnes was aroused, Edmund no longer beat around the bush, but directly showed his cards, "Your Majesty believes that if Ms. Bianca is willing to identify the person behind the assassination, it will be a crime." , others can more or less accept the result of her being spared. After all, the person behind the scenes is much more important than herself..."

Agnes was a little confused at first, but she soon figured it out.

That's right, the master who is alone is just a homeless woman, and her "value" is not big enough. If she can involve more important people, it means that she can use this credit to replace her own. life.

In other words, the master should be turned into a tool to deal with political opponents...

Agnes is not interested in political matters, but it does not mean that she has not seen similar things since she was a child. On the contrary, as the daughter of a duke, she has also felt the ruthlessness of that world in various rumors. .

As long as she could hit her opponent, even the person who had assassinated her could be forgiven... She felt this ruthlessness again.

She didn't have time to sigh, and she didn't care about Aigron's political opponents. She just saw some hope from this condition.

"You want to identify the mastermind behind it in exchange for the master's life?" She confirmed again, "Are there no other conditions?"

"No more, that's it." Edmund nodded.

"So how are you talking now? Master, are you willing to cooperate?" Agnes asked again.

Edmund shook his head, "She refused to cooperate."

"That's right...otherwise why would you be willing to look for me?" Agnes smiled bitterly.

No one understands the master's temper better than she does. After being plotted against, being imprisoned now is nothing more than a great shame and humiliation in life for the arrogant master. To make her endure such humiliation, it would be better to kill her. It would be even more difficult, and it would be even more difficult to follow Aigron's will and identify his political opponents.

Then, she immediately guessed the other party's intention.

"So, you just want me to help convince my master?"

"Yes." Edmund nodded and confirmed honestly, "To tell you the truth, her attitude is very uncooperative, so I have no choice but to find a solution with you. After all, the person who knows her best in the world is you..."

"Pfft... Hahaha..." Agnes suddenly sneered, and then the sneer turned into a mocking laugh, "You... you really think highly of me and gave me such an important task!"

Then, she twisted her face and glared at Edmund angrily, "Can't you smart people see it? You have destroyed my master and my dignity, and now you are trying to make her surrender to you in order to survive. Your Majesty is begging for mercy and destroying her last remaining reputation! Not only that, you also want me to act as an accomplice and give her the final blow... How on earth are you going to humiliate us before you give up? No... …I disagree!"

"Agnes, you can't say that." Alice spoke now, "First of all, it was Bianca who triggered the whole incident. It was she who ran to assassinate His Majesty. She can only be blamed for her current outcome. And you hope Saving your master's life is an unreasonable request. Considering Bianca's crime, he would not even consider saving her life. However, His Majesty is concerned about his friendship with you, so he is willing to do so. Let's be honest...if you don't appreciate it, forget it, and you still blame us for bullying you. What's the point?"

Her sister's questioning left Agnes at a loss for words.

She had never been good at eloquence, and she was even more at a disadvantage when facing Alice - besides, logically speaking, Alice's words seemed to be correct.

In any case, it was indeed Bianca who caused this incident in the first place. Even if she was killed, she would have nothing to complain about. He tried his best to save her life, and the "favor" he had to pay could not be explained clearly in a few words.

"But...but..." For a moment, she was a little anxious, but she couldn't speak clearly.

"I know, you want to say that we are ruining your reputation because you have already taken care of the matter, but we are the first to do so." Alice knew her sister too well, so she took the initiative to speak for her, " Yes, I did fail you in this regard, but even so, I don’t think I did anything wrong—”

Agnes's face was obviously full of dissatisfaction, but this time Alice no longer gave her a chance to argue. After taking over the conversation, she continued, "Now, no matter whether we are right or wrong, you answer Let me tell you, do you want her to die, or do you want her to live? If it's the latter, then just listen to what I have to say..."

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