Eagle’s Glory

Three hundred, growth

The Glory of Young Eagle Text Volume 300, Growth "Answer me, do you want her to die or do you want her to live? If it's the latter, then just listen to what I have to say..."

Although Agnes was still unconvinced, she finally chose silence out of habit in the face of her sister's strength.

On the one hand, this is the prestige accumulated by her sister for many years, and on the other hand, it is also because she has no idea in her heart, so she subconsciously wants to find suggestions from others to solve the predicament - even if this kind of suggestions may be in vain in the end, at least it is better than It’s better to stand still and accomplish nothing.

It is true that as her sister said, if she doesn't do something now, the master will definitely die. Her attitude makes Aigron unable to forgive her at all.

Seeing that she had once again convinced her sister, Alice did not waste the opportunity, and she immediately continued.

"I'm afraid you can see it yourself. If she refuses to cooperate, she will die. No one can forgive her; the current situation is also obvious. We alone can no longer convince her, and we actually don't care about her at all. On the contrary, we are happy to see her get the punishment she deserves.

So, you are the one who really wants to save her life - in that case, you should make some efforts, right? Agnes, you always say that you have grown up. Now that you have grown up, you should learn to be responsible for every thought you have, instead of shouting willfully and expecting others to finish things for you! "

Her sister's accusation not only made Agnes feel wronged, but also reignited her anger.

"I never thought about it that way! I have always wanted to solve it on my own, but it was you... you made my wish come true and I lost face." She refuted her sister loudly.

Then, she lowered her head in despair, "I know, my idea is very naive, and my solution can't be called a solution, but this is the only way out that I can think of, what else can I do?" ? I was even mentally prepared to die under my master’s sword, but what happened? Everything turned into a joke, and in the end you came to accuse me of being willful? What else can I do to not be considered willful?!"

Perhaps she was completely irritated by her sister's accusation, Agnes's anger poured out like a waterfall, "It's always been like this, you love me, but you just treat me as an ignorant and naive child, and tell me I should do whatever I should do, but you never condescended to take the time to ask my opinion. You always told me that your starting point was for my own good... but you have even considered for a moment whether I need this kind of thing. Okay? It’s okay if you are completely ignorant and don’t care about me, but in fact you know it, you just don’t care! You think you can make all the decisions for me, but you don’t even care about everything I cherish... …Shouldn’t I have my persistence? Does what you do must be right?


Everyone in the world should live exactly like you? I see that you are not very happy either. Is there any fun in being like you? I have always respected your lifestyle and your choices, so should you also try to learn to respect me? ! Even if I make a mistake, can I allow myself to make the mistake happily once, instead of being tied up by the chains made of your sweet words and dragged back to the so-called right path? Because according to me, even you yourself are not walking on the so-called right path! "

Agnes uttered these angry rants to her sister in one breath as the others watched in stunned silence.

These disrespectful words were words that she would never have uttered. She had never even thought of them before she said them. Only the shadows accumulated in her heart for many days. After receiving extremely severe mental stimulation, she became corrupted. The dead branches finally fermented in the black mud of the soul, exuding a vicious breath.

Alice's face became paler and her whole body trembled slightly. This unexpected catharsis made her unable to control herself. Although she knew that her sister would definitely hate her, she never expected to receive such a powerful attack from her sister.

It was indeed so powerful that she struggled to keep herself calm on the surface.

It just happened that it came from my sister, and it happened to be true...

Seeing her sister being so shocked, Agnes immediately felt distressed, but when she thought of the injustice she had suffered, she couldn't bear to apologize, so she chose to shut up.

One of the two sisters was shocked, the other was uneasy, and the room suddenly fell into a strange silence.

This embarrassing scene was all seen by Edmund. He wanted to smooth things over, but he was not good at words, so in the end he had no choice but to persuade him.

"Actually, you two don't have to speak so seriously. As far as I'm concerned, you two sisters cherish each other, so why bother speaking so harshly? As a person involved, I can see very clearly that when things have come to this point, everyone We have responsibilities, but everyone also has difficulties. What’s the point of us continuing to argue about the past? It’s better to think about how to solve the current situation, at least to prevent the situation from falling into the worst situation. "

After the earl's kind words and persuasion, the atmosphere between the sisters finally calmed down a bit.

"Is there anything else you want to continue scolding, Agnes?" Alice asked quietly, "Today I accept all your anger. If it can help you get out of the previous haze, then you can speak freely and give everything you want. Say whatever you accuse me of... I promise, this will never affect my feelings for you."

Her sister's words made Agnes feel even more apologetic, but the words of apology just rolled to her lips, but she couldn't say them out.

"No more." In the end, she could only reply stiffly, "I have said all that I need to say. I just hope that you will stop condescendingly criticizing me, and I will never say one more thing about your life. Character."

"Okay, I can do this." Alice smiled bitterly, but nodded slightly. "Yes, you are right. I do have a problem with my attitude. I misjudged the significance of our meeting. Then, let's not regard today as a lesson for my sister, but as a day for Mrs. Alice de Treville and Mrs. Let’s negotiate with Miss Agnes de Nordlien—how about we exchange opinions and exchange conditions on a completely equal footing today?”

Indeed, although she has seen her sister grow up, she is still stuck in the past mentally and puts herself in the position of an elder. But now, Agnes's resistance makes her understand that her sister is after all grown up.

The two sisters may be able to repair the rift, but they can't go back to the past.

Agnes did not answer, but acquiesced to her sister's statement.

Although this seemed a bit cold and harsh, it was in line with her mood at the moment. At least after temporarily distancing herself, she no longer felt the pain and humiliation of being betrayed.

"I go back to what I just said. Whatever happened before, whether I apologized or not, has already happened. I can't turn back time, let alone release her and hand her into your hands. So, Agnes , no matter how much grievances and dissatisfaction you feel in your heart, you can only negotiate with us on the basis of 'Bianca has been imprisoned by us'. As far as the negotiating position is concerned, you are at a disadvantage, not even as good as being a hostage under our control. The difference -" Alice looked at her sister calmly, and then said word by word, "Can you understand what I said?"

Her words now peeled off the veil of tenderness on the outside, put aside the complicated entanglements, and opened up the matter for discussion, and Agnes could only admit it with reluctance.

"I can understand..."

"Okay, then the next step, we are now desperate to persuade Bianca to surrender on our own, and the only way ahead of us is to torture and extract confessions - however, for people like Bianca, we There is no guarantee that she will be able to confess even if she is tortured. The only thing that can be foreseen is that she will be beaten very badly. Even if she is not beaten to death, she may have to suffer injuries that will never recover in her life, at least never again. She can no longer perform the swordsmanship she is so proud of - do you believe it or not?"

Alice spoke slowly and deliberately, intending to let her sister understand the logic of it. Agnes was naturally furious when she heard it, and even clenched her fists, but the fact was the fact, and she could not choose to escape in the end.

"I believe it," she admitted again.

"I know that you have begged His Majesty before, and this plea has indeed worked; however, no matter how great the favor is, there is still a limit after all. Your Majesty has been tolerant enough to Bianca. If she even has this condition, If Bianca refuses to cooperate, then his tolerance will be exhausted, and the only thing left for Bianca will be anger. This is also a certain fact. So, since you want me to treat you as an adult, then I advise you to abandon your childish innocence and stop making unnecessary pleas. It will only make you lose other people's goodwill towards you and will not save anyone. Can you understand the current situation?"

Perhaps because she was stimulated by her sister, Alice's tone became extremely cold and stiff, but no matter how unpleasant it was, Agnes knew that this was true.

After all, favors are limited. He repeatedly begged the young man for Bianca. Even she knew that this was very out of bounds. He had no reason to continue to give in.

Moreover, his father and his family may have to live off this young man in the future. Even for the sake of his father's future treatment, he can no longer be willful and plead for mercy.

After a moment of silence, she nodded slightly.

"Very good, you said that you have grown up, and now I really believe it, because you have learned to face reality and know how to consider other people's positions, instead of thinking that as long as you ask for it in this world, you will definitely get everything you ask for." Alice was pleased. She smiled sarcastically again, "Well, Miss Agnes, since you have seen the current situation and you know there is no other way to go, why don't you try the last resort? Agnes, if If you still don’t understand, let me put it more bluntly. This is your last remaining chance to save her life, and this is an opportunity we give you in private out of kindness. I don’t expect you to be right. This expresses gratitude, but you should know how tight time and opportunity are——"

"I'm not grateful in the first place. There was a better way, but you forced me to have no way out..." Agnes replied softly.

Alas, this silly boy is still a bit childish. Alice chuckled inwardly.

Agnes keeps saying that she has grown up, but she has not even learned that after growing up, she should face reality, assess the situation and find a way out again. She is still struggling with the blow she suffered before and cannot overcome the hurdle of "being betrayed by her sister" , just like a child who throws away his toys and stays where he is and howls.

If you can't learn to congratulate your opponent's victory and face your own mistakes, you will only fail again and again in the future.

"Now I can't comfort you as a sister, Agnes, I can only put the reality in front of you." After sighing secretly, Alice urged her sister again, "You already understand everything I said, Then with your smart mind, you should be able to figure out what you should do, so give me an answer, give it now."

Agnes's expression became a mixture of emotions, including unwillingness and anger, relief at finally facing reality, and even more happiness at finally being treated as an equal by her sister.

Perhaps her sister's indifferent attitude towards negotiation was more able to heal her wounded heart than any comfort or coaxing.

She has had enough of hypocrisy, and now she just wants to face all the malice in the world on her own.

After a short period of thinking, all the thoughts were mixed together in her mind, and she finally made a decision.

"Yes, you made it very clear and put the truth in front of me. So I see that I have no other choice. As long as I want to save my master's life, I should cooperate with you and seize this last opportunity. A glimmer of opportunity allows Master to choose to cooperate and testify against the mastermind behind the scenes." Following her sister's tone, she spoke leisurely. "Since there is no other choice, I will join. I agree with this proposal despite my disgust and pain."

Alice smiled lightly, "Did you make your own decision?"

"Yes, I obeyed your opinion, but unlike every previous submission, this was not about blindly following your every word and doing what you wanted without hesitation. This was a decision made with my will. ..." Agnes bit her lip lightly, and then looked at her sister with a stern look, "This is what you want too, right?"

"Yes, Agnes," Alice replied softly. "I wish you all the best, and after all, if given the choice, I also hope Bianca survives."

"I'm not sure about this, but I can only give it a try." Then, Agnes looked at her sister and said what was in her heart, "Also, I will always remember what I have encountered, but I will not dwell on it anymore. At this point, I will just remind myself every time that I am the only one who can live for myself in this world. Sister, please take care of yourself in the future."

Alice nodded slightly and then said goodbye.

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