Eagle’s Glory

Three hundred and three, old things

The Glory of Young Eagle Text Volume 303, Old Events After the count left, there were only two masters left in the attic.

Even during the day, not much light can penetrate into this small and dark space. At this late night, it is naturally dark. The darkness swallows everything like a physical swamp. Only the weak candlelight barely shakes. Struggling, the pale faces of the master and apprentice were stained with a pale yellow glow.

"He has left. You don't have to worry now, right?" Agnes asked.

Her voice echoed in this small space. Although it was not loud, it seemed to have some pressure, as if she was urging Bianca to face reality.

Bianca, who had always been proud and decisive, was experiencing rare conflicts and entanglements in her heart at this time. It was obvious that no matter which of the two choices before her, she would taste extremely bitter.

"I was indeed commissioned to assassinate that man - do you want to know who it was?" Bianca asked.

This question not only broke the silence between the two people, but also made Agnes feel relieved.

The master was indeed shaken by her words, which also meant that her efforts were not in vain.

"I don't want to know." Agnes shook her head, "You know, I'm not interested in this kind of thing. But since it's the point now, just say it."

"Actually, like you, I have no interest in getting involved in this kind of thing. I'm just being entrusted by others." Bianca also smiled bitterly, "Although I can't say I regret it, if I hadn't accepted this entrustment, Maybe everything will be different."

Don’t you just regret it? Agnes groaned inwardly.

But she also knew that the master was obsessed with saving face, and now that he was in this situation, she couldn't bear to point it out.

"Who is it worth taking such a risk and accepting such a commission?" Agnes was also a little curious. "Do you really think that the King of Rome is just an insignificant figure, and you can just kill him if you kill him?"

"I owe a person a great favor." Bianca replied helplessly, "Since he asked me so, I had no choice but to agree."

"Him?" Agnes was keenly aware of the details, and then she became even more suspicious. "A man?"

she knows,

The master has always been a loner, and due to his personality, he rarely interacts with men. It is a bit unimaginable that he would owe a man a favor.


"You silly girl, where have you been thinking?!" Although Agnes's expression couldn't be seen clearly, Bianca could sense her thoughts from her apprentice's tone, so she couldn't help but scolded her subconsciously. she.

Although both of them are in a difficult situation now, one almost suffered a mental breakdown and the other was on the verge of death. However, when they are alone, they can't help but talk in a familiar way of getting along.

Everything seemed to be back to the past, and that relaxed atmosphere was incompatible with the current situation.

"I have no personal relationship with him, it's just that he helped me a lot in the past."

"What exactly is the big deal and when does it happen?" Agnes asked curiously.

Bianca did not answer immediately, but fell into deep thought, apparently using her little energy to search for traces in her memory.

"That was probably twenty years ago..." She spoke again after a moment. "At that time, I was still very young, just a little older than you are now."

"If it was twenty years ago, I would have been much older than I am now..." Agnes interjected.

"Shut up! Listen to me." Bianca habitually interrupted her apprentice. "At that time, not long after I started training, I left my hometown with the mood of wanting to see the world. I wanted to challenge others and try my own skills. At that time, I went all the way from Italy and then north to Austria, and then passed through Switzerland to France..."

Agnes stopped interrupting and listened quietly to the teacher's explanation, while Bianca seemed to be in a good mood, and her narration became much smoother.

"It was still Napoleon's empire at that time. Although there was much peace under his rule, it could not be called a peaceful age. There were still wars from time to time. However, I am not afraid. Anyway, wars have been going on everywhere for more than ten years. , everyone has long been used to it.

One day, I went to a hotel to stay, and while I was resting, I met a young gangster who spoke to me in a shady way. My temper at that time was even worse than it is now, so I naturally taught him a lesson without hesitation. ——But I didn’t expect that after he ran away, he called a few people to try to regain the place, and also said very unpleasant words, saying that he wanted to lock me up and so on. I got angry and got into a fight, and ended up killing someone. Several were seriously injured. "

"Killing someone by mistake?" Agnes clicked her tongue immediately, "This is a mistake."

"Yes, fighting is one thing, but killing someone is another. Although I am in the right and it was them who provoked me in the first place, as a foreigner, how can I reason with others? Besides, , God knows how many accomplices they have in this town... So after I finished my attack, I quickly packed my bags and ran away."

"Did you successfully escape?" Agnes asked.

"It could have been successful - if nothing happened to my horse." Bianca replied helplessly, "After I ran out of the hotel, I quickly rode away, but I didn't expect that those damn bastards were there. When he was looking for revenge on me, he did something to my horse. As a result, I didn't run very far and the horse died... This is the horse that has been with me for several years. Seeing it lying on the ground motionless, I felt extremely uncomfortable, so I killed it with one sword to save it from suffering more. Really, my hands never shook when I killed people, but when I used the sword on it, my heart trembled and I felt extremely uncomfortable.

Although killing the horse relieved its pain, it did not reduce my troubles. After I killed the horse, I alerted the local sheriff, and among the dead were relatives of the mayor, so they sent soldiers to arrest me. They were The locals, who were of course much more familiar than I was, quickly caught up with me. "

"This is the risk you face when traveling alone..." Although many years have passed, Agnes still felt sympathy for her master, "Then what will you do next? Did you resist?"

"Faced with so many people and guns, I couldn't run away. If I resisted, I would lose my life on the spot. Naturally, I would not be stupid enough to resist." Bianca replied, "I chose to let go and then chased me. The people explained why I took action, but... of course they ignored what I said, tied me up, took me back, and threw me into a cell in the town. Fortunately, those soldiers also followed the rules and did not do anything wrong. What I did was just lock me up.”

"It sounds quite familiar..." Agnes couldn't help showing sympathy, "Master, you are quite unlucky sometimes."

Bianca couldn't help but sigh. Obviously those things were not good memories for her.

"After I'm locked up, they will try me. There are all witnesses and material evidence. Those who escaped and those who were injured have come forward to correct me. No matter how I plead, it will be of no avail. Of course, they will favor the locals, so they plan to put me Hanged." Bianca continued to narrate, "However, my incident was considered a sensational news in the small local area, and many people had heard about it. So there was a young man at that time, a A well-known local lawyer heard about my story and came over to visit me..."

Agnes immediately became energetic. Could this be the person who gave the master the commission?

"Did he save your life?"

"Yes." Bianca nodded, "I was in a very bad mental state at the time. I felt wronged and angry. In addition, I felt that I was going to be killed, so my attitude became even worse. I often quarreled with fellow prisoners or guards. He When I first visited me, I thought he was here to see a joke, so I was rude to him. Unexpectedly, he told me that he wanted to save my life.

Of course I was very happy, but I didn't believe that such a good thing would happen to me easily, so I asked him what he wanted. He told me that he intends to join politics in the future, so being elected as a member of the Congress is very important to him. But he has neither family background nor assets. To achieve this goal, he must accumulate fame. This is also his purpose of becoming a lawyer in this small place. He investigated my matter and thought he could defend me and save my life. Although doing so would offend some people, it would also establish an upright image for him, which would be of great help to him. In addition, if he is able to do so, he really wants to help some people who have been wronged and let the country leave a little innocent blood, because there is already enough bloodshed. "

"I see..." Agnes nodded, probably understanding, "This guy is quite a good person."

"I believed his reasons. Anyway, I had no other choice, so I asked him to defend me." When talking about this, Bianca's spirit improved significantly, "This guy really didn't break his promise. On the one hand, he defended me, and on the other hand, he ran up and down to help me. As an outsider, I was helpless, but as a well-known lawyer, he accumulated a lot of connections in the local area, and the situation was immediately reversed. , in the end I was exempted from the death penalty because of self-defense and was sentenced to exile——"

"So, he saved your life." Agnes whispered.

"Yes." Bianca admitted honestly, "Before I was sent to exile, he found me and told me that he knew that I was very skilled and there must be ways to escape, and he had already I made an agreement with the officer escorting us exiles that as soon as I leave this area, I will leave with half-closed eyes.

Of course, I also know a little about the world, and I know that he has accomplished so many things not only by justice, but also by consuming a lot of things. So I asked him how much he had spent on rescuing me, and I would definitely find a way to repay him in the future. He laughed and asked me to estimate the price of my life, but I fell silent, because in my own eyes, my life is of course priceless, and I really can't put a monetary price on it.

Finally, I told him that of course I accept this kindness, and he will be my friend from now on. If he asks me for help with anything in the future, I will definitely help and repay this kindness-"

"So, it was he who asked you to assassinate the King of Rome?" Agnes now fully understood.

"Yes, we haven't seen each other much in the past ten years, but we still keep in touch occasionally. He later got his wish, left that small place, joined politics, and got promoted step by step... In addition, he never begged me. He never regarded himself as my benefactor no matter what happened. It was not until not long ago that he found a way to contact me and then made this request."

Agnes thought to herself, no wonder the master would attack the King of Rome, who had no grievances and no grudges. With the master's character, it was not surprising that he agreed.

Looking at it this way, things become more difficult.

If the master confesses everything, then the man who is one of the main messengers behind the scenes seems to be definitely regarded as the culprit and the target of revenge from the Bonaparte family.

No wonder the master asked her to reject the earl... Agnes finally understood.

"Are you unwilling to betray him?" she asked straightforwardly.

"Then I want to ask, if it were you, would you do it?" Bianca asked.

Agnes was speechless immediately, because in her case, it would be really difficult for her to betray her savior in order to survive.

"He saved my life, but I accepted his commission but failed to complete it. This is already my incompetence. If I betray him in exchange for my life, wouldn't I have tarnished the honor that I have worked so hard for? Bianca stared at Agnes, her eyes becoming aggressive, "Agnes, do you think so?"

The sharp gaze from the master made Agnes fall into silence again.

In her opinion, the master's reasons are indeed impeccable, at least she fully agrees with this.

But this goes against the purpose of her coming here today - if she supports the master to remain silent, wouldn't she have to watch the master die like this?

In the conversation just now, she could clearly get that the master still didn't want to die deep down in his heart, but the price he had to pay to survive was too high, so he was deterred.

Now she asked herself, why didn't she hope deep down in her heart that she could find a way out for her?

Agnes was in a state of confusion. She had never been known for her intelligence and scheming. Being able to touch Bianca with such words just now was also based on the mutual understanding between the two people. Now, she was asked to have an idea on other matters. , It’s really a bit embarrassing.

Finally, she made up her mind.

"Since you are not willing to violate morality and testify against your past benefactors, are you willing to entrust everything to me?! No matter what, wait for me first and I will find a way for you! All I ask is that you must not He died before that..."

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