Eagle’s Glory

feel nostalgic

The Young Eagle's Glory Text Volume: "No matter what, wait for me first, I will find a way for you! All I ask is that you don't die before then..."

Agnes said it so sincerely that even Bianca, who had always been withdrawn and irritable, couldn't help but feel moved at this moment.

She has fallen into such a situation, and now only her apprentice cares about her life and death, and sincerely wants to save his own life. In a sense, she is his only hope.

With the help of dim candlelight, she looked at her apprentice again. Agnes was much thinner than before, and she seemed to be in a bad mental state. But even so, she was working hard to save her life. .

Isn't it embarrassing to put so much pressure on her in order to continue to live? she asked herself.

So, she sighed softly.

"Agnes, don't be so anxious. Everyone is destined to die. I have killed people, and it is fair and reasonable to be killed now. I can accept this result. I am very satisfied that you can reach this point. You are mine The only disciple, but it makes me proud enough. In the past, in order to stimulate your competitive spirit, I often made sarcastic remarks to you, but now that it has reached this point, I don’t need to hit you anymore - to be honest, I feel for you very much. Proud, when we were at the same age, my performance was not as good as yours, and I am lucky to have you as my disciple."

Agnes opened her eyes wide, she had no idea that the master and apprentice would actually say pleasant words.

If it were in the past, she would have cheered because it represented the master's final recognition of her; but now she couldn't be happy at all, because it felt like giving her last words - was the master finally going to give up hope of survival?

"No! You are not satisfied! I am not satisfied either!" In panic, she interrupted Bianca loudly, "I haven't defeated you yet, how can I prove that I am stronger than you? I challenge you When you accepted it, I was very sad but also very happy, because it proved that you had recognized me as someone who could fight you head-on... Do you know how long I have been preparing for that day and how long I have been looking forward to it? But do you know? ...What am I waiting for? When I came to your residence, what I saw was you lying in a pool of blood. I was going crazy! No, I was really crazy. I was depressed all day long. I don't want to experience that feeling of being soaked in the street in the rain, as lost as a clown. Neither you nor I should have to bear that kind of humiliation!

If I don't know whether I have surpassed you before you die, it will be a regret in my life! So you can't die, at least not now. Even if you die, you can't die under the executioner's ax in this gutter-like place. Instead, you should die under my sword with a happy smile! "

Does this count as trying to save him?

The more Bianca heard, the more uncomfortable she became.

In the end I couldn't laugh or cry. "What nonsense."

However, it is indeed Agnes's style, simple and sincere.

If given the choice, of course he would be willing to die in that way. Not only would it be in line with his own honor, but it would also mean that his legacy would continue.

Alas, it would be great if Agnes could arrive even an hour or two earlier that day... At this time, she could only sigh.

Bianca's silence made Agnes even more anxious, and she continued to shout to her master.

"I have only one request for you now. If you don't want to bend your knees and beg for mercy, that's okay! If you don't want to betray your friends, that's okay! I just want you to stick to it first, live well, and give me some time. Could it be that after so many years of getting along with us, you have no feelings for me? Can't all your expectations be exchanged for such a humble condition? You are so loyal to your friends, so why can't you be tolerant to me once? Did I do something wrong? Why do I have to face all disasters in the end? I have to bear all the mistakes? Can't you say to me with a smile, "You did a good job, then I'll wait for you. Just one sentence will do. Is this difficult? No matter what you think, I must do it" !”

Agnes' questioning made Bianca feel moved and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"What are you doing... don't be willful, Agnes, this will not do you any good, it will only make you suffer disasters that do not belong to you."

"But now I just want to be willful! You all decide everything on your own, and I have accommodated you too many times! So now I want to be willful. Why can only you do what you want? I can only acquiesce in what you do and obey honestly. I have had enough... Now, since I have endured so much pain and humiliation, I believe I am qualified to be willful! I just want to be patient Whatever you want will come true, no matter what, you have to do it, no matter what, you can do it!"

Agnes was venting her anger, and Bianca could certainly see that her apprentice's anger was not entirely directed at her, so she looked at her apprentice with a bit more pity.

It seems that the mental blow caused by humiliation and betrayal also transformed this once cheerful and optimistic girl.

Some people call this growth, but if given a choice, who would want to "grow" like this?

Before she could say anything, Agnes continued.

"Okay, let's make an agreement like this. Just keep silent and live well! Wait for my news. Even if you die, you should die after I despair. Otherwise, I will not allow you to go without me. Agree to leave this world!”

If Agnes dared to speak like this normally, Bianca would definitely give her a lesson, but at this moment, facing such an excited apprentice and facing such an ungrateful apprentice for her own life, she tolerated this arrogant "offense".

Since she has already said this, why not just listen to her once? If you can avoid death, who would want to die so meaninglessly?

"What you call finding a solution is nothing more than running to that little guy to beg for mercy, right?" Finally, she asked helplessly, "Even if you have a personal relationship, this personal relationship may not be unbreakable. You have done everything for your family time and time again. I plead for mercy and help. No matter how obsessed you are, people will be bored by this and will eventually bring disaster to you."

Agnes's confident and stubborn attitude, as well as the Earl's statement just now, gave her the wrong impression. She had completely misjudged the current relationship between the two people, thinking that they were already hooked up.

It was precisely based on this speculation that she was worried about her apprentice's future.

"He is a married man. We won't mention this. Anyway, there are not many French people who are loyal to their wives. They all have the same virtue; but the problem is that even the lover is not like you. Although I I don’t know much about him, but you can tell who he is just by looking at his oily hair and pink face... And when I assassinated him last time, I clearly saw him getting tired of a young woman. It was definitely not him. 's wife."

Agnes instantly guessed how Bianca viewed the relationship between herself and the King of Rome. In embarrassment, she immediately wanted to clarify, but then she thought, if this can bring some confidence to the master , why not?

So she chose the default.

In addition, in her heart, she also felt a little vaguely curious about the whole incident of her master's assassination.

"Then can you tell me the details of the assassination?"

"What? He didn't tell you?" Now it was Bianca's turn to be surprised. She smiled mockingly, "It seems that he is not so sincere to you."

Fortunately, she did not delve too deeply into the relationship between the two people. Instead, she cheered up and described the assassination incident to her apprentice.

Her speaking style has always been simple and clear, and without any emotion. She simply described how she tracked the King of Rome and his party to Milan, then launched an attack on the cathedral, and finally the King of Rome was seriously injured and escaped.

Agnes listened quietly and finally figured out the whole story.

It was not until the end that she let out a sigh, "He is really quite powerful...he actually survived from your hands without being prepared, and even hurt you in return. As expected of him."

Indeed, although Bianca's description was brief, it was precisely because she understood her master's methods that Agnes was even more impressed by Agron's willpower and determination at that time. She thought that she was absolutely unable to do so in that situation. Behaving so well.

Although she was reluctant to admit it, Agnes always felt overwhelmed every time she compared his deeds with herself, and today was the strongest one because the comparison was so intuitive.

He seemed to be really better than her... Agnes could only silently be convinced.

In contrast, the fact that there was a strange young woman beside him at that time was of no consequence to Agnes.

However, Bianca was still worried about this. After all, to her, letting the assassination target survive and hurt herself was really nothing.

"If you give me another chance... I won't miss it." She said almost through gritted teeth.

"You'd better stop thinking about this... Don't forget, now he can only spare your life if he shows mercy." Agnes comforted the master with a wry smile, "You and him had no enmity in the first place, and he was killed because of you for no reason. Seriously injured, it is fair and reasonable to retaliate against you, right? Why do you have to worry about it now?

Let me make it clear to you first. I have already received favor from him because of family matters. If I ask him to spare you again... it will be another favor. Since you understand the distinction between grudges and grudges, I also understand! So, if you want to show your sword to him again in the future, you must pass my level first! "

"Hmph, do you really think of yourself as your favorite concubine?" Bianca frowned, "Then I'll teach you a lesson first."

Agnes's cheeks turned red at first because of the sarcasm. She was about to refute her master, but she noticed something.

She was so happy that she didn't care to argue with her master anymore. "So, you agreed to my request?!"

"You have already said this, why should I not agree?" Bianca replied with a wry smile, "Then let's put my hope on you for once, Agnes."

"Great!" Agnes let out a small cheer.

She had been suppressed for too long, and she finally got out of the shadow and pain and mustered up the courage to face this cold world. And she even felt that this was the only good news she had received recently.

Although this "good news" meant that she had to bear more burdens, she never lacked the perseverance to move forward.

"I will definitely let you survive... Just believe me..." She kept repeating this promise.

"Oh...you don't have to force yourself in everything." Bianca, on the other hand, was not that excited. Instead, she advised her apprentice, "Just try your best. Even if you don't succeed, I won't blame you because I know you have endured it." What, everything is my own fault. Even if I am killed, I will not blame others. Agnes, come closer to me and lower your head. I want to take a good look at you."

"Huh?" Agnes was caught off guard by the last sentence.

But she still nodded and obeyed the master's order.

In Bianca's sight, she saw her apprentice's face getting closer and closer, so it became clearer and clearer.

As beautiful as before, but a lot more sad.

"I wish you good luck in the future, child." After saying that, she struggled to lift herself up, and then kissed the girl's cheek gently.

Because her body was really weak, she moved very slowly, lifting her body up little by little, but eventually it came to her apprentice's cheek.

Maybe there would be no chance to see her apprentice again, so she had to prepare for the worst.

As soon as the cold lips and warm face came into contact, they felt the touch between each other.

At this moment, the chains on Bianca's body and arms were jingling with her movements, as if accompanying them.

When they usually get along, they talk and laugh with each other, but rarely show any intimacy. However, after both of them were in trouble, they were able to shed their usual arrogance and acrimony and reveal the nostalgia and warmth hidden in their hearts.

This miserable yet heartwarming scene made Agnes almost shed tears again.

But she didn't cry in the end. She had shed enough tears recently. Now she didn't want to cry helplessly. She just wanted her dreams to come true.

No matter what, you must make your dreams come true, just like my sister.

I don't know how long it took, but the candle became darker and darker, and it was obvious that there was not much time left to keep burning.

Agnes knew it was time to part.

She left her master's side and solemnly made her promise.

"Master, please promise me... please believe me, I will definitely take you out and let you see the sunshine outside again!"

Bianca didn't say much, just looked at her with a flat smile, and nodded slightly.

Then, Agnes bowed her head and saluted her, then turned and left.

Just as her back disappeared, this small space fell into darkness again.

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