Eagle’s Glory

Three hundred and five, the decision has been made

After finishing the conversation with her master, Agnes quietly left the attic along the stairs. When she came to the corridor, the candlestick in her hand was quietly extinguished while trembling unwillingly.

But she did not fall into the darkness, because right opposite her, the count was standing there holding a candlestick, looking at her.

Agnes walked up to the Earl, and then bowed to him calmly, "Thank you, Mr. Earl... I already owed you a favor, but now that you have taken the risk to give me such a great convenience, it is tantamount to letting me in again." I feel so ashamed to have taken on a debt.”

Of course she also knew that the count's decision to leave her alone to face the master just now was a sign of great trust - if she had a slightly bad intention, she might be able to directly help the master out of trouble.

"It's nothing, it's just a little effort. You are here to help me, how can you say that I am kind to you?" Edmund shook his head, and then asked the other party, "By the way, you and Ms. Bianca can talk well." How's it going? It looks like there should be something gained?"

Out of respect for Agnes, he deliberately stayed far away, so he couldn't hear clearly the conversation between the master and the apprentice, but even so, he could still see some clues from Miss Agnes's expression.

"There is indeed something gained." Agnes nodded, but she did not repeat the specific conversation with her master just now. She just mumbled it vaguely, "I have persuaded her to have some hope for the time being, although she still doesn't She is willing to cooperate, but at least her attitude is not that strong. I think she may have a better attitude in the future."

Edmund was a little disappointed with this result, but it was expected, "Actually, considering your relationship with her, I don't want to embarrass her. But Miss Agnes, you can also see that she is How did she face His Majesty's goodwill... In my opinion, His Majesty is already magnanimous enough. If she continues to adopt this attitude of refusing to cooperate, I'm afraid she won't get any good results."

"I know!" replied Agnes, "but I will find a way...I will go and beg him for mercy."

Seeing Agnes say such words, Edmund couldn't help but feel a little pity and pity in his heart, but as a person facing reality, he had to tell the truth to Agnes, "Although your Majesty is indeed very polite to you, But on this issue, I'm afraid he won't make too many concessions - with all due respect, just sparing Ms. Bianca's life is already very dissatisfactory, if she still refuses to cooperate. Attitude, I don’t see any reason to forgive her, and others won’t be convinced either.”

Although Agnes didn't like what she said, she also knew it was the truth, so she had no way to refute it.

"I know...but even if I know,

I'm going to give it a try. No matter how degrading it is, I will beg him to spare the master's life. I have already promised the master. ” she replied decisively.

Seeing the girl's stubborn eyes, Edmund didn't know how to evaluate her for a moment. In the end, he could only nodded lightly and made no further evaluation. "Then I wish you good luck."

"Mr. Count, I have one more request for you... I ask you to take good care of her during this period." After a moment of silence, Agnes spoke again, "I know that she has a bad attitude towards you, which makes you angry. , but even so, I still beg you to take good care of her for my sake, at least don't let her become like that..."

Agnes has been talking to her master for so long, and she can naturally see how miserable Bianca's physical condition is now - naturally she also realizes that she has been abused by the count, but the count has nothing to do with his position. It was blameworthy, so she couldn't accuse the other party of being cruel. She could only ask the count to be more tolerant in her personal capacity.

I don’t know why, but every time he saw Agnes lowering her head, the Earl would feel a little guilty and intolerable, and this time was no exception, so he subconsciously averted his eyes, "I'm sorry, because her attitude was too bad before, and besides, She also tried to attack the person who brought her food, so I could only punish her by reducing her food supply. Now that you said so, I can just go back to normal."

"No need to be sorry, I know what kind of person the master is, she can always easily arouse the hatred of others." Agnes smiled bitterly, "Now that she is in this situation, it can be regarded as her own fault. But, even so, I can't Give up on her, after all, she is my master, one of the people I respect the most... Even if she is going to die, she will not die in that dark place and let her die like a hamster. I would rather stab her to death with a sword. I don’t want her to leave the world in this way!”

Facing her determined expression, Edmund shivered for no reason.

Is she serious? Edmund thought to himself.

"Do you think I'm joking? I'm serious." As if she saw what he was thinking, Agnes replied with a smile, "I'm not so naive that my wishes will come true, I'll tell you Well, if my plea fails and I can't save her life after all, then I will run over and help you execute her and send her away from the world with my own hands. Then I will kill myself and atone for the mistakes we two sisters have committed... …”

Although Agnes spoke calmly, the more Edmund listened, the more frightened he became.

It's not like she's joking...

"With your wisdom, you should be able to tell whether I am joking, whether I am impulsively speaking, or whether I am saying it seriously after careful consideration." Agnes continued to smile, but the sadness and determination in it were no longer there. Unobstructed view.

"Why bother to do this!" Edmund was shocked and quickly persuaded the other party, "You have no responsibility for anything that has happened. The fault lies either with Bianca or with us. Only you are completely innocent. , why do you go so far as to put all the responsibility on yourself? This... this is completely irrational."

"Reason? If reason can only get the current results, what's the point of reason?" Agnes retorted with a sneer, "I can't change the shame I have endured. Can't I choose to give up all this? Besides, I can't Even if I accuse my sister, it is impossible to break up with her forever... In that case, I can only bear her share of the responsibility myself."

Then, she solemnly told the earl, "Earl, this is something I have already thought about. I am not discussing or asking for advice with you, I am just telling you... This will not hurt you, anyway. If the master is destined to die, who would kill her instead of killing her? Why not let me do it, and there will be less blood on your hands."

"But I don't want to see you commit suicide." Edmund sighed. "That would make the world several degrees colder."

He wanted to persuade Agnes not to think too hard, but seeing Agnes's expression, he knew that this was probably irreversible and there was no point in persuading her.

It's scary... She has already made such a determination without any clues beforehand! He couldn't help but be secretly frightened.

It seems that the clever Mrs. Alice is not perfect after all, and may even be a bit self-defeating.

He suddenly noticed that the light around him was swaying gently, and he immediately realized that it was his own hands that were shaking.

"What's the matter, count?" asked Agnes softly.

Edmund calmed his breathing slightly and regained his composure.

"You... you have become a little different from the past. I don't know how to describe it, but you seem... to make people feel more oppressive. In the past, you only made people breathless when holding a sword, but Now you can make me tremble with just a few words."

Agnes was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and smiled bitterly, "At this age, it would be sad if you haven't grown up at all."

It's true, but that's why it feels a little sad. A pure white and flawless soul cannot protect itself in this world. In the end, in order to protect itself, it can only evolve sharp edges - is this luck or misfortune? The answer is naturally self-evident.

Edmund couldn't care less about his emotions, he just wanted to make his last effort to persuade Agnes not to do something stupid.

"Miss Agnes, I don't think you have to let yourself bear everything. Sometimes if you think about it more, you may have different ideas. You still have a great youth, and there are still so many things you haven't tried yet. Why keep forcing yourself to die?"

"Don't worry, my head is very clear now, more sober than I have ever been before..." His persuasion could be described as sincere, but Agnes turned a deaf ear, "I know what I should do, and I only know what I don't want to do. Since there is hope, I will move forward according to the hope and cut off all the thorns in front of me; when there is no more hope, I will make a decision for myself, and no one can stop me - I have had enough of living for others. Yes, occasionally I have to be willful and live only for myself, even if it’s only for a moment, that’s enough!”

...It’s over, there’s really nothing we can do. Edmund could only lament in his heart.

Agnes's decisive attitude did not leave him any room for persuasion. No matter how hard he tried, he could not sway her at all.

So now the situation is very simple, either let her fulfill her wish and save her master's life; or she will die together with her master.

Crazy idea, almost a bit desperate.

But madness is often effective. After reaching the bottom line, there is no room for change, and you must either give in or break up.

At this time, even Edmund didn't know whether he hoped that His Majesty would give Bianca "a legal punishment" or "extra-legal mercy".

No matter what, he didn't want Agnes to die like this.

what to do? He changed his attitude that the matter had nothing to do with him, and began to use his brain to think of solutions. Unknowingly, he even broke into a cold sweat.

It was precisely because of Agnes's determination that he had to work hard to find a way for her to break the current deadlock.

After all, he had become accustomed to big scenes in the past two years, so he quickly calmed down and cleared his mind.

Then, in a low voice, he broke the silence between the two men.

"Miss Agnes, I know that you have made up your mind, and it is meaningless for me to persuade you, but as a friend, how about you listen to me a few more words?"

"Please tell me." Agnes nodded slightly.

"First of all, I agree to your request. During this period of time, I will ensure Ms. Bianca's treatment and save her life. You don't have to worry about her dying here." Edmund began to describe his thoughts, " In addition, you don’t have to worry, there is still some time, His Majesty did not say that he would execute Bianca, but said that he would wait until he returns to France before he can punish her."

Strictly speaking, Edmund revealed the secret, but he didn't care about it at all. "During this period, you have the opportunity to make some contributions to us. There are many people who admire us here." Your demeanor, if you help us, your reputation will inevitably rise even more. At that time, even if you make any demands that are difficult to convince the public, for the sake of your face, I am afraid that everyone will choose to tolerate it to a certain extent. "

"Are you saying that you want me to participate in your conspiracy?" Agnes immediately understood what he meant.

"You always have to give me some reason to intercede for you, don't you?" Edmund asked back, "If you are just an outsider, but insist on letting His Majesty release his assassin, I'm afraid... no matter how you support it, Your people can’t help you either.”

Agnes was suddenly surprised.

He was not surprised because of the count's reasons, but he was surprised that the count was actually willing to stand on his side.

After thinking about it carefully, she also felt that what the other party said was reasonable.

She doesn't care what position she takes. Besides, now that my father has joined the Bonaparte family, what's the big deal even if he joins in too?

"What do you want me to do?"

"I will tell you when the time comes." Edmund replied calmly, "Please rest assured that no matter what I ask you to do, it will not damage your dignity and reputation. You just need to let everyone know that you If you sincerely want to take action to save the master's life, then that's fine."

Whether literally or practically, Edmund's request was close to blackmailing Agnes with Bianca's life, but she didn't care so much at this time - after all, this was hers. requirements.

"Okay, in that case I promise you..." After a moment of silence, she nodded and agreed. "You're right, I should at least give you a reason to agree with me."

Her voice was soft, but it was heavy enough.

"I'm glad you can think this through." Edmund secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he became serious again, "In addition, I must remind you that His Majesty never likes others to threaten him. No matter what words you use, those words you just said are like threats... It will only arouse His Majesty's disgust, so I suggest that you never mention this in front of His Majesty in the future. Your sadness and crying, as well as your pleading eyes, are ten thousand times more effective than strong threats. As a man, I express my sincere gratitude to you. guarantee."

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