Eagle’s Glory

Three, come for refuge

"Andre, at least now, we are royalists!"

Aiglon's excitement also infected Andre, and he echoed his benefactor loudly, "Yes, Your Majesty, as long as the wrestling between the King and the Duke of Orleans continues, you will have a chance."

Andre is a loyal supporter of the empire, and since following Egron, he has been reused as the captain of the guard and has been following Egron. Therefore, in his heart, Egron is not only the object of his allegiance, but also has a personal feeling. Concerned about him, he hoped more than anyone else that Aiglon would get what he wanted.

At this moment, seeing His Majesty embarking on a journey back home, and with a bright future, how could he not feel excited?

The excitement between the two lasted for a while, and Aigron finally calmed down a little. Then he asked Andre, "Have our people sent any news from Paris now?"

"There has been news from the Count of Monte Cristo and the Marquis of Treville. They both said that they will stay in Paris and wait for your orders." Andre replied quickly, "However, these days, Paris They are in chaos, the message transmission speed is very slow, and their current situation is unknown for the time being.”

Aiglon felt slightly worried.

Edmond Dantès can be said to be his confidant. Without his help in the country, he would never have been able to connect with Marshal Soult, Prince Talleyrand and others so smoothly, let alone be recruited. Welcome back to France.

As for the Marquis of Treville, he is also an important member of his party, and because of his special status and many years of experience, he will definitely be able to help him a lot in the future.

No matter who makes a mistake among these two people, it will be a huge loss for them.

However, it is necessary for them to stay in Paris at this moment. Aigron needs someone to continue to monitor the situation for him in the capital at this critical moment, so he can't even take risks.

At this moment, Paris is in a turmoil. The royal family is confronting those opponents who have been planning for a long time, and the wait-and-see forces are also ready to move. I am too far away from Paris at the moment, and I cannot give them any guidance. I can only place my hope on them. In their case, let them play for themselves.

"Okay, Andre, you immediately send someone to go to Paris ahead of us, contact them, and then find out what they are doing and what they need us to do." He gave instructions to Andre, " We urgently need to understand the situation now, and we must not make a wrong step."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Andre responded immediately.

Aigron pondered for a moment, and then told Andre, "From today on, you will stay with us. After I set foot on French soil, I have arranged for Major Laurent to be the soldier who has surrendered to me. Under his command, this major seems to be a brave and reliable person, and there is no problem with his loyalty. However, after all, he is only meeting me for the first time. I cannot completely trust him, and his energy is limited, so it is impossible Take care of everything - So, you next select some strong and simple soldiers among these soldiers, and together with the people I brought here, they will serve as our family's personal guard, and you will personally command them. Don't have too many people. More, so as not to make those officers suspect that we are squeezing them out, as long as they are capable and sharp."

Although Aiglon is indeed taking risks now, he doesn't mind trying to improve the safety of himself and his family. Now that he sets foot on the land of France, he is facing unpredictable dangers every step of the way, so he has the most trustworthy people by his side to protect him. With my family, it’s natural.

"Okay, Your Majesty!" Andre naturally had no objection. He also knew that the Bonaparte family's career, the empire's revival, and his own dreams were all tied to this young man. , there must be no mistakes.

Soon, Aiglon and his men took control of the small town of Annemasse and the surrounding area.

All disarmed soldiers have been screened. Those who are willing to "fight again" with the Bonaparte family will be broken up from the original organization and then assigned to the command of various officers who greet Aiglon; For those who were willing to participate in this kind of rebellion, Aigron did not make things difficult for them, he just took care of them.

He was tied up in the military camp and promised that no matter whether his adventure was successful or not, he would not pursue them in the future.

More people were willing to defect to Aigron than he expected - this was probably because the soldiers had heard that Paris was in chaos, and they formed a consensus that "the government is going to change anyway, why not try to get some benefits."

In this way, this border garrison of several hundred people was hastily reorganized and transformed from a third-line force that had never been taken seriously into the first "main force" in the Bonaparte family's restoration of the country.

However, Aiglon did not get carried away by this. Even if the flag was changed, the third-line troops were still just the third-line troops. A few hundred people could not make waves. If they only wanted to march all the way with force, according to what Major Laurent said before Say—you don’t have to wait until Paris, you’ll be bombarded to smithereens in the provincial capital.

Therefore, if you want to march into Paris, you can't think about fighting a bloody road, you still have to focus on politics.

This is also the purpose of Aigron's noise everywhere. He wants to let those ambitious people see that the choice before them is not just between Bourbon and Orleans. The Bonaparte family is also a reliable bet. object.

Just as Aigron was reorganizing his army and preparing to start the next march, he waited for the arrival of his first group of supporters.

Duke Nordlien has recently been recuperating in the town of Evian on the south shore of Lake Geneva, about 20 kilometers away from Annemasse, so he heard the news immediately after Egeron entered France.

Then, he and his family immediately dropped what they were doing and hurried towards Aiglon's location. Edgar de Treville and Alice's family were also among this group.

Not long ago, Agnes evacuated with her family, and Edgar and Alice quietly left Paris with their daughter Charlotte and Charlotte's cousin Charlotte, following Agnes. He defected to the Duke.

Although the Duke actually disliked his son-in-law and his eldest daughter, he knew in his heart that both his son-in-law and his daughter were from His Majesty's side. He could only suppress his displeasure and respond in a cold yet polite manner. The attitude entertained the son-in-law's family.

Then, they waited here together for Aigron's arrival, and now they finally arrived.

After receiving the news of the arrival of the Duke's family, Aigron was also quite happy - even if he did not talk about his personal relationship with those family members, it was a fact that a well-known Duke came with his family just after he set foot in France. A great thing and an inspiring example.

After Teresa learned the news, her reaction was slightly different.

Because of Agnes, she didn't like this family, and even felt a little regretful that they "came to vote first", because that meant that they would have to be reused in the future, and this also meant that there must be more people in the palace. There is a place in this family that cannot be driven away.

But even if she felt unhappy, she knew that this was not the time to lose her temper, so she could only let go of the entanglement in her heart. Like Aiglon, she put on a sincere welcome gesture and enthusiastically included the family into Bonaparte's family. within the family system.

it is necessary.

Under the guidance of the guards, the Duke's family was taken to Aiglon's temporary residence, and then received cordially by the Aiglons.

In order to seize the time and not expose their target, after receiving the news, the two families came over in a country carriage. They were dressed very simply and did not wear any medals or jewelry. They were not so much noble members of the Duke and Marquis family, but just ordinary people. It was like a fleeing team, really embarrassed.

However, as long as you can take the lead, being embarrassed doesn't matter at all.

"Your Majesty!" As soon as he saw Aigron, the Duke put on an expression of excitement and tears in his eyes, "The long wait! I finally look forward to the day when you return to your homeland! This poor country finally Can be saved."

As he spoke, his voice was choked up and he could hardly speak.

And follow him

The wives, children, and sons-in-law behind him all also made this appearance with tears in their eyes.

Although everyone present knew that this was an act, it was also a necessary drama. After all, this family would have to follow Aigron to make a living from now on, so it would be impossible not to show due respect.

Only Agnes, perhaps because she was not good at acting, did not show any particularly exaggerated expressions. She just lowered her head and stood silently at the end of the family, trying not to attract attention.

However, Aigron noticed her at first sight, and then nodded gently with a smile.

Agron's smile did not receive any response, but it didn't matter to him - at this moment, Miss Agnes could no longer leave his side.

"Saving France is my duty and the duty of every patriot." Aiglon said to the Duke cordially with a smile on his face, "You have made the right judgment and proved that you are selfless and enthusiastic. Patriots. Then let’s join hands together and work hard for this country’s glorious tomorrow.”

After finishing speaking, Aigron left the Duke behind and walked up to Edgar and Alice.

Although the couple is not a good match in terms of moral character and ability, they are both very outstanding in appearance and temperament. Coupled with their previous friendship in Switzerland, Aigron also showed sincere kindness to them.

"Two, long time no see!" He said hello while looking around the couple.

Not surprisingly, their daughter Xia Lu was being held by Edgar's side at this time, but what was a little surprising was that Alice's hand was holding another little girl's hand.

This little girl looks to be the same age as Xia Lu, and she is also blond and blue-eyed, and her appearance is quite similar to Xia Lu.

"Did you actually give birth to twins?" Aigron couldn't help but ask jokingly.

"Your Majesty, this lady is not my daughter, but Miss Charlotte de Treville, the granddaughter of my uncle, Duke Treville." Edgar explained to Agron with a smile, "She was recently fostered by us. home, so when we left Paris, we took her with us."

I see……

Although Aigron didn't know the specific details of the entire incident, he could guess the general outline.

The two Marquis de Treville brothers were suspected of hedging their bets. This was something he had guessed from the beginning, but he didn't care about it, because his current enemy was not the royal family, but the Orleans family, and the Marquis would not do anything about it. He was disadvantageous - even his brotherly relationship had something to exploit for Aegron.

Perhaps because she caught Aigron's gaze, Charlotte was a little scared. She hid behind Alice, then stuck her head out and glared at Aiglon, as if she regarded him as a formidable enemy.

"Charlotte!" Alice panicked immediately and quickly took Charlotte out from behind her. "How can we face His Majesty like this? Pay tribute to His Majesty!"

However, Charlotte seemed quite stubborn and didn't want to say hello to Agron at all.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry... This child is usually quite obedient, but today he may be a little scared when meeting strangers..." Alice was nervous for a moment and quickly apologized to Aiglon.

"It's okay." Aigron shook his head, saying that he didn't mind. Of course he wouldn't vent his anger on a two-year-old child. "It's normal for children to be afraid of strangers. Besides, there are so many soldiers here and they are murderous. She must be a little scared too."

After finishing speaking, Aigron's eyes fell on Xia Lu. Compared to her cousin Charlotte, who was afraid of strangers, Xia Lu seemed much more enthusiastic after seeing Aigron.

"Your Majesty, I want a hug!" She took the initiative to extend her hand to Aigron just like when they met in Switzerland.

This cute look instantly put Aigron in a good mood, and then he stretched out his hand and picked her up, while Xia Lu grabbed Aigron's neck and sat on his hand.

Seeing her daughter's obedient behavior to please her, Alice felt quite proud. This was what she had deliberately told Xia Lu to do before she came.

She knew in her heart that although her father-in-law loved his granddaughter, he did not want her to be his heir. He really wanted a grandson to inherit his family business and career.

If she allowed things to develop like this, Xia Lu's future would be bleak.

Alice couldn't tolerate this.

Assuming that Xia Lu can rely on Alice's skills, as well as her own cuteness and well-behavedness, to win the favor of His Majesty the Emperor and His Majesty the Queen in the future court of the Bonaparte family, then at least she can be in the upper class after losing the support of the family. occupy a place at the top of society.

This is the best road she can pave for her daughter, and she will do her best to guard this road.


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