Eagle’s Glory

Four, begging

Because Xia Lu was used as a lubricant, the atmosphere of the meeting between Aigron and the two families was quite pleasant, and the Duke naturally joined Aigron.

Since arriving in Evian, Duke Nordlyen has been deliberately making friends with local celebrities from all walks of life according to Aigron's instructions.

And just as he expected, these local celebrities were also respectful to the adults from Paris, and were even proud to meet him. In a short period of time, the Duke made a name for himself in this area, even in the provincial capital where they were located. , and many people came to visit the Duke.

At that time, the Duke also showed his usual demeanor in Paris social circles, quietly closing the distance with every visitor.

Originally, the provinces had a natural yearning for Paris, and after the Duke deliberately acted like a courteous corporal, he gave the visitors a feeling of spring breeze. Almost everyone felt that the Duke was really a big shot worth fawning over.

However, at that time, the Duke did not dare to mention the Bonaparte family's affairs, but now, he no longer has to hide his position.

For Aigron, after he raised his banner, a well-known local aristocrat immediately turned to him, which was enough to set an example. At this time when people were panicking because of the news in Paris, it was enough to convince more people. Celebrities or officials become wavering.

Aigron doesn't need them to rely on him. Even if they choose to wait and see or be neutral under the general trend, they are actually helping themselves.

According to Aigron's plan, his next step was to march into the nearby provincial capital to announce that the Bonaparte family had officially entered the stage.

Next, he led his supporters non-stop to the west and occupied the city of Lyon as soon as possible - Lyon is the second largest city in France and the de facto central city in the south. If he could successfully enter Lyon and gain a foothold there, that would be the end of the world. It means that you have enough "bargaining power" and you no longer have to worry about being driven away easily.

And after Lyon, there is Paris, which must not stop.

After hundreds of years of centralization, the French in this era also have the subconscious mind of "grand unification". Being ruled by Paris is a self-evident common sense. Whoever occupies Paris will be the ruler of France. If you want to separate one side That is absolutely impossible to achieve. Once he shows that he has no confidence in entering Paris, the supporters and onlookers around him will immediately leave him - Egeron will never take a chance on this.

Now that the Duke has officially surrendered, there will definitely be no turning back. He will be tied to death on his side, so Aigron doesn't plan to play any tricks with him.

He directly told the Duke his next plan.

The Duke immediately agreed with Aigron's point of view. He was not only concerned about his family business, but also because he was also aware of his current situation.

The Bourbons and Orleans families are currently in a stalemate in Paris. This is an extremely precious window of time. Once their struggle comes to an end, no matter who wins, they will be able to obtain the central government's righteous name to suppress Aigron, then At that time, he was in a dilemma.

Just because the two people were thinking exactly the same thing, they immediately reached a consensus.

After chatting and laughing with the Duke for a while, Aiglon ordered the guards to take them to settle down and rest, and prepared to set off together after calming down the surrounding area.

And just when the Duke was about to leave with his family, Agnes, who had been deliberately avoiding people's attention, suddenly raised her head, then moved quietly and walked in front of Agron.

"Your Majesty..." She said respectfully and curtsied to Aiglon. "Can I accept your kindness and delay your time for a little while?"

Obviously she had not discussed this move with her family, so the Duke, Alice Edgar and others looked surprised, and even Teresa was confused.

Aigron was as surprised as everyone else, but in addition to being surprised, there was also a heat flowing through his heart.

This was the first time she called herself that, and in such a respectful manner.

You finally bowed to me... Aigron felt a little secretive in his heart.


This taste is heart-warming.

Soon, Aigron regained his composure.

Although he roughly guessed what Agnes wanted to do, he still looked confused on the surface.

"What's the matter, Miss Agnes?"

"This..." A slightly tangled expression appeared on Agnes's face.

Agron nodded knowingly, then turned to look at Theresa, "Theresa, please entertain our friends and guests. It seems that Miss Agnes has something to say to me."

Teresa frowned, but didn't say anything. She just gave Aiglon a "don't play tricks" look, and then left with the Duke and Duchess, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar and others. The room was originally full of people. The room suddenly emptied out, leaving only the quarrelsome young girl looking at each other.

"Is it easier to talk now, Agnes?" Aigron asked leisurely.

In the relationship between the two people, he has an absolute advantage at this moment. Agnes's parents and brothers are now working under Agron, and her master's life is also in his hands. It can be said that almost all the cards have been played by him. I have it in my hand, and I am not afraid that Agnes will be dissatisfied.

No matter what Agnes said, he could handle it calmly, even teasing and stimulating her as before.

However, to Agron's expectation, Agnes did not speak, but showed her determination, and then suddenly knelt on the ground.

Then, she raised her head and spoke to Aiglon.

"Your Majesty, I have a merciless request. Can you please agree to it?"

On her road now, she no longer sees much of the pride and aloofness of the past, but there are countless sadness and pleadings. The sadness in her eyes makes people easily feel pity for her.

God knows how determined she was to do this the first time the two met again.

Aigron's heart suddenly stung.

She shouldn't have been like this. How much pain and blow did she go through before she let go of everything in one fell swoop?

It's one thing to stimulate her and tease her, but if the torture is too severe and the flower withers and withers, that is definitely not Aigron's intention.

To be honest, although he is not too old now, he has seen the "world", and he has a piece of land in his hands. If he just wants to satisfy his desires, he has many means, and he may even hook his fingers. Someone will automatically come together. Isn't the reason why they have gone to so much trouble and used so many means to target Agnes because they value her noble and proud character?

If Agnes is no longer the Agnes he remembered before, what's the point of getting her? It's just an extra beautiful body, and he doesn't lack it.

So, Aigron reached out and held her shoulder.

"No matter what you want to say, you should get up first. I don't want to see you like this."

Agnes did not get up, but stubbornly knelt on the spot, and then told Agnes, "Please let me endure this torture, because this is what I should bear. I once promised you that you would I captured my master Bianca for you, but because of my incompetence, I failed to do it, so I should apologize to you for breaking my promise..."

"In my opinion, this is not a crime." Aiglon replied solemnly, "First of all, it is just a suggestion, and you will not bear any obligations because of it; secondly, Ms. Bianca is still captured. It makes no difference to me whether I am captured by you or by my men."

"To me, it is a despairing difference." Agnes replied sadly. "If I had done that merit, then I could ask for a reward from you based on my merit; but now I have lost this credit, and I am no longer qualified to ask for rewards... I can only ask for your leniency in the most humble manner as I am now."

"So, you want me to spare Bianca's life?" Aigron was not surprised.

"Yes." Neither did Agnes.

In a roundabout way, he nodded, "I ask you with the utmost sincerity to spare her life."

"You know what she did, she almost killed me." Agron replied coldly, "If I forgive her, what will others think of me? Gentlemen, I have a good temper and want to kill me." Don’t be angry, just come and kill me—should I tell the world this?”

"No! I definitely didn't think so... I just... I just can't bear to see the master die like this." Agnes shook her head, "I know how big a crime she committed, and I also know that you can't forgive easily. She, but I think...even in such a desperate situation, you should have room to show mercy. I don't know what it takes for you to be willing to be merciful, but if you really have such an opportunity, please Just tell me! As long as I can do it, I will do it. She owes you a life, and I will give it back to you!"

"Agnes..." Aigron smiled bitterly, "You are so innocent and cute. I definitely don't mean to be sarcastic. In fact, I quite like this kind of cuteness. But you can also see that I don't live in a In the simple world, I still have too many things to consider, especially politics. My political opponents want my life, and it is impossible for me not to respond appropriately.

Now you are kneeling down to me and begging for mercy. To be fair, I really feel sorry for you, and I believe you can also see it. However, if kneeling could be exchanged for such a major concession, the world would not be like this. For you, kneeling down is a very difficult decision, but for some people, they can kneel down without hesitation even if it is just to exchange a few francs. Can I make people think that I can be easily used? Is this a way to prevaricate? "

Agnes was speechless.

She was ruthlessly forced into a desperate situation by fate. After much deliberation, she could not find a way to break the situation. In the end, she could only "play it out" and beg for mercy in this way of giving up her dignity.

But he didn't expect that the thing he was so determined to give up would actually be so worthless in his eyes?

In extreme despair, she gradually felt hopeless.

"Yes, you are right. If I think I can impress you by kneeling down, then I am indeed too naive... You are a person who has done great things, how could you be so easily swayed?" Agnes smiled bitterly, knowing the truth in her eyes. The little brilliance gradually disappeared, "Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I am too ignorant and put you in trouble for no reason."

Then, she continued, "Even now, even if you reject me, I still don't blame you, because I know right from wrong. It was my master who provoked you first. She is to blame for this end. It was me who I am unreasonably trying to ask for your forgiveness... I can understand if you don't agree. No matter what conflicts we had before or what unpleasant memories we had, I will still help you when you were in trouble at my house, and I will always cherish my gratitude. With gratitude.”

The more openly and freely Agnes spoke, the more Agron felt something was wrong.

"Agnes!" he shouted. "Do you want to do something stupid?"

Agnes wanted to deny it, but when she met Agron's gaze, she felt that there was no point in lying.

"Why do you always see through my thoughts?" She complained helplessly, and then sighed, "Yes, I promised the master that if I can't save her life, I will use my own life to save her." She was buried with him. Since all my hopes are now in vain, it’s okay for me to keep my promise, right?”

"Is this threatening me?" Aigron frowned.

"Threats? Are there any threats in this way of kneeling on the ground and begging?" Agnes asked back, "Your Majesty, you have the freedom to forgive or not to forgive, and you have the freedom to deal with criminals. I admit this. But, I also have Dispose of my own freedom! I have lost all my reputation and all my pride. My conscience does not allow me to face all this, so I want to leave everything behind. Is there anything wrong with this? "

"No!" Aiglon replied arrogantly, "I don't allow you to do this."

"You are really an omnipotent majesty..." Agnes's wry smile was slightly sarcastic, "Well, now our whole family is in your hands, you can

You can order me and even monitor me in the future, but how should you deal with a person who has lost all faith and just wants to end his own life? There are a hundred ways to achieve this goal. Can you still look at me? You can't do it. "

Agnes's attitude finally left Agron speechless.

From the kneeling Agnes, he suddenly felt the remaining willpower again.

Although she has given in, although she has almost given up everything, in the end, she still seems to be herself.

You don't hesitate to threaten me with your own life... You little girl, I will make you pay the price! He thought bitterly in his heart.

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