Eagle’s Glory

Five, bow your head

After seeing that Agron's attitude towards "forgiving" Bianca was not positive, Agnes did not hesitate to threaten her own life. Her unyielding attitude also made Agron not know what to do for a while. .

When it comes to being humble and respectful, she was extremely humble and her attitude was impeccable; but in the end, she also had the determination "If you don't agree to this, I will be buried with my master."

If it were anyone else, Aigron wouldn't care at all. He would just die if he loved her. But for Agnes, he couldn't do this.

However, when it comes to Bianca, he obviously doesn't intend to let it go lightly. The political impact of that would be too bad.

Because of this, Aigron was rarely entangled.

"As long as she is willing to reveal the person behind the scenes and identify my political opponents, then I can give her a wide berth." After hesitating for a moment, Agron responded, "Although I still have hatred for her, as long as she If you have done meritorious service, of course I can get a lighter sentence."

Agnes knew that this was a rare concession from Agron, but she could only shake her head and express regret, "I have persuaded the master before, but she said that she has a grudge with the person who instigated her and cannot betray it. .”

"So, she is still very tough?" Aigron sneered, with a hint of mockery in his tone. "It's clear that life and death are under my control, yet she behaves as arrogantly as when we first met! It's clear that I'm the victim, but it's better now. Do you still have to be magnanimous and accommodate her?"

Faced with Aigron's questioning, Agnes was also very helpless.

She also knew that the master was solely responsible for this matter, and her request seemed extremely unreasonable, but even so, she wanted to try her best to fight for that glimmer of hope.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, this is all her fault." She once again apologized to Aiglon for her master. "My master has always had such a temper. Even I can't stand her sometimes, let alone other people... I can't stand her either. You know how inhumane my request is, but even so, I implore you to be patient."

Agnes sounded sad at first, but soon she cheered up again. Still kneeling on the ground, she looked up at Agron in front of her, and then spoke loudly, "Of course, I also have my own self-esteem, so I I will not let you give in in vain. I have not fulfilled my promise before. It is my incompetence and I am ashamed of it! But I boldly ask you to give me another chance to wash away this shame and make contributions to you. , if I really do it, I don’t need any reward, I just need your concession this time!”

Agnes's sincere expression made Agron feel a little angry.

It also disappeared.

Although Agnes didn't know it, Agron knew that it was actually him and his men who were responsible for the fact that her family was on the verge of bankruptcy and she was forced to participate in such a dangerous game of rebellion step by step.

Although Agron has long been accustomed to doing bad things, and it is impossible for him to feel much guilt in his heart, seeing that Agnes, a genuine "victim", actually begs for mercy, he cannot show any sympathy. No heart at all.

"If I understand correctly, you proposed a deal - using your own service and merit in exchange for your master's life?" Aigron asked in a low voice.

"If you want to call it a transaction, that's true. But I prefer to call it atonement." Agnes replied without hesitation, "My teacher committed a crime, which is a heinous crime. As a disciple, I should be I am jointly and severally responsible, so I have to shoulder this responsibility and use my merits and sincerity to wash away this sin. Isn't this reasonable?"

It's reasonable, and it really fits Agnes's thinking, but for some reason, Agron wants to laugh more and more as he listens to it.

But in order not to laugh, he deliberately maintained a serious look.

"Are you willing to do anything?" he asked seriously.

"Yes, I will do it no matter how difficult it is, even if I have to go through fire and water!" Agnes nodded without any hesitation, "I am not a resourceful person, and I can't think of any wonderful strategies. I want to make up for my master's mistakes, but at least I have my courage and determination. Please forgive me.

Trust me. "

"So, what if I let you kiss me now?" Aigron asked abruptly.

Agnes was stunned immediately, then she opened her eyes angrily and looked at the young man in front of her in disbelief.

"So your determination is just lip service?" Aiglon showed no fear and continued to question Agnes.

Under his squeeze, Agnes blushed, her hands trembled slightly, and she was speechless.

"Just a minute ago, you clearly told me that you were willing to do anything and could do anything. But when things came to pass, it was completely different. Will the request I made hurt your life? Impossible Right? It just makes you feel undignified. In the end, you can't even bear such a slight "damage", but you asked me to believe in your determination to go through fire and water. Miss Agnes, I may not be a particularly smart person. Human, but after comparing the two, I can still draw a conclusion——"

Agron's cynicism made Agnes' face turn red and white, and she seemed to be pushed to the limit mentally.

Can't she bear it anymore? Why don't you relax first? Aiglon was a little hesitant, he was also afraid that Agnes would collapse under such a highly stressful situation.

But to his surprise, perhaps because she had gained a certain amount of endurance after being "trained" mentally after rounds of blows, Agnes did not collapse. She gritted her teeth, and then in the blink of an eye, She stood up suddenly and moved closer to Aigron.

Then, Agron felt as if his face had been rubbed. Before he could tell what had rubbed him, he saw Agnes ducking away and standing a few steps away from him. .

She was looking at herself with vigilance and anger. Everything was the same as her reaction when Aiglon "attacked" her when they were hunting together. The only difference was that her face was so red that she couldn't see much evil aura, but instead had a hint of evil. A delightful shyness.

"I...I have to prove myself now, right?" Then she asked Aiglon angrily.

Aigron recalled the feeling just now, but unfortunately, because everything was done in an instant, strictly speaking, he didn't feel anything at all. There was only a little chilly feeling on his face, which proved that what had happened just now did indeed happen.

But inside, Aigron felt full of joy and sense of accomplishment.

This unruly kitten finally bowed to himself.

Although she is still very resistant now, if one step leads to two, if you give in to the first step, there will be a second step, and the third step will not be far away. Agnes has now psychologically accepted the position of being driven by herself, and this "surrender" gesture will inevitably allow her to finally accept reality in the future.

"It's not a kiss by any common definition—" he responded deliberately slowly.

This response made Agnes even more angry. She glared at Agron again, as if to say, don't take advantage of me and be good!

Agron knew that forcing her to do this today was the limit. He didn't even expect that Agnes was actually willing to make such a sacrifice.

That's enough for now.

"Okay, even though you compromised on completing the mission, who said we should be on good terms with each other? I agree with your determination and sincerity." Aigron took the initiative to take two steps forward, and then extended his hand to Agnes. . "Agnes, I agree with your request."

Although she was still resentful of Aigron's hard work, Agnes was still rational under the anger and knew the seriousness of the matter. She stretched out her hand and shook Aigron's hand, which meant that they The "transaction" or "atonement" plan between them was thus established.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" she asked angrily.

Although she seemed reluctant, Aigron truly believed that no matter what she said, she would do it.

"Now that we are in a hurry to go to Paris, we don't need you to do anything more for the time being. You can just act as a security guard by our side for the time being." Aigron said casually. "There is no doubt that there are many guards around us.

Soldiers, but they are all men. After all, there are many inconveniences. As a female, you can get close to the female relatives and try to protect their safety. "

"You don't need to say this, I will do it." Agnes agreed immediately, "My family will be by your side along the way, and I will definitely do my best to protect them."

Then, she asked, "What about when we get to Paris?"

"It's hard to say, I'm not a person who can make miraculous calculations, and I don't know how the situation will evolve next. I can only try my best to guide the situation in the direction I want." Aigron admitted the reality honestly, "But No matter what, whether I have an advantage or a disadvantage, I will hold a popular election to give legitimacy to me and the Bonaparte family. During this popular election, I will tour the country and visit all the places. Villages and towns, going deep into fields and cities, let everyone see me and the person they have placed their hope on - and in this parade, you must also participate. You will be dressed up in gorgeous clothes and wear a strong sword. Opening the way for me, it is not just you, but also the saint blessed by God who is marching for me..."

The more Aiglon spoke, the more enthusiastic he became, unconsciously revealing the scene he had longed for.

For Aiglon, before he ascends to the throne, there must be a procedure for universal approval, maybe an election, maybe a referendum, but no matter what, he must reach the top with this "popular" image.

Ascending the throne without popular "election" is not only inconsistent with his personality, but also feels like a blasphemy to the "empire".

If the legitimacy of the previous dynasties came from the divine right of kings, then the legitimacy of the Bonaparte family and the empire came from the "popular mandate." Its authority did not come from the illusory God, but from the sacred power of the French. choose.

Although Napoleon cheated and played various tricks in the referendum he held before proclaiming himself emperor, he almost completed the preparatory procedures for the birth of the empire and established the source of the empire's legitimacy; and in history, Napoleon The third generation was always successful in elections and referendums, almost never losing a majority.

Now, standing at this fork in history, Aigron naturally has to complete the necessary procedures in the way of the Bonaparte family.

This is his mission.

Agnes could not understand his wild thoughts, but seeing the enthusiastic young man at this moment, she was unconsciously infected by him.

But she immediately thought about what kind of place the young man had reserved for herself in his plan for this grand performance.

"So you are still obsessed with that idea? Let me play Joan of Arc..." she asked tremblingly.

"Yes, of course. From what I have seen and heard, there is no one more suitable than you." Aiglon nodded matter-of-factly. "I can even think about your outfit, hairstyle and hair accessories now..."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to gesture in the void.

Agnes subconsciously took another step back and looked at the self-enjoyed young man with fear.

Undoubtedly, until this moment, she was still quite resistant to this plan, not only because she felt that she was not worthy of the "saint", but also because she didn't bother to rub off on the popularity of the saint.

But unfortunately, reality didn't seem to leave any other way for her.

Aigron soon came out of his reverie. He looked at Agnes leisurely, looking at ease.

"Then, Miss Agnes, can you cooperate with my idea?"

Although this was a question, in fact, he did not intend to give Agnes a chance to choose.

And Agnes knew this.

"I'll do it, can't I do it?" In the end, under Agron's gaze, Agnes complained and nodded helplessly in agreement, even a bit like a spoiled brat.

Now she has given up on herself. In order to please the other party, she had just kneeled down to beg for mercy regardless of her dignity, and even... she also did such an outrageous behavior. Now she is already burdened with debts, so she can agree to another one. What about the demands?

Anyway, that is a matter of the future, at least for now, we don’t have to face it.

The girl, who was already overwhelmed by reality and couldn't breathe, finally chose to muddle through for a while with a conciliatory attitude - after all, at least after she did this, the master would not have to face the danger of being executed for the time being.

Seeing Agnes being so cooperative, Aigron was even more overjoyed, and even he could hardly control his expression at this moment.

"Agnes, please don't look so aggrieved. I will rely on you for many things in the future." He couldn't help laughing. "Please believe me, this won't be bad for you, it will only be better."

"Whether you treat me well or not is not up to you to define." Agnes could only use stubborn words to resist helplessly.


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