Eagle’s Glory

Seventeen, great news

While the main branch of the royal family in Paris was fighting desperately for the scepter with the younger branch, Aigron was stepping up his own plan.

He raised his banner in the border area, and then led his supporters all the way to Lyon.

Under Aiglon's deliberate ostentation, nearby areas have learned and digested the shocking news that "the King of Rome is back", and the turmoil in Paris at the moment has also greatly weakened the authority of the central government.

Precisely because Paris is in turmoil at the moment, all local officials and garrison commanders are feeling guilty. They all know in their hearts that the rule of the Bourbon dynasty will not last long. If they step out and become "loyal ministers" at this moment, , then neither the Orleans family nor the Bonaparte family will forgive themselves.

Why go to the funeral of an unpopular king?

With this idea in mind, while Aigron led the troops to advance, the local officials and troops along the way either fled and did not confront Aigron; or those who were ambitious simply joined head-on and speculated on "conquering the dragon" for themselves. .

In this way, Aiglon's advance turned into a happy march. He gathered in all the way, and before he knew it, there were tens of thousands of people.

However, this "snowball" development model also means that the organization is extremely chaotic. This is a messy army, which can't even be called an army. Aigron did not have time to stop and train, but dispersed them. He left the command in the hands of the officers who first surrendered to him, and just wanted to drag them along.

The combat effectiveness of this army is definitely insufficient. Aigron knows this very well, but he doesn't care. For him, this "army" does not need to fight a life-and-death battle in the country at all. It only needs to provide support to the Bonaparte family. Just be strong and powerful.

Just like 15 years ago, not many people are willing to work for the Bourbon family.

In this way, they moved forward, and a few days later they arrived at a small town near Lyon.

Here, Aigron temporarily asked his team to stop for repairs, and then sent people to inquire about news everywhere.

As the largest city in the entire south, Lyon must have a large number of garrison troops, and it would not be something he could solve in just a few words. He had to understand the situation first and then think of countermeasures.

However, Aigron was not afraid. After all, at this moment, he knew that he would never be seriously hindered.

Because as we move forward,

He was also always inquiring about news coming out of Paris.

Although he could only get second-hand information, and the information was not very timely, it was enough for Aiglon to make a corresponding judgment: the Duke of Orleans has used force to show off his showdown with the king, and he is currently sending people to attack the palace. , intending to blackmail the king into giving up the throne and usurping royal power in this way.

Although the Duke of Orleans is his enemy and is still robbing Aigron of what he dreams of, at least at this moment, the Duke's actions have objectively helped him - because of the Duke's actions, the entire country's machine All were paralyzed, legitimacy was gone, and France now had no ruler.

Paris is the heart of France and the well-deserved administrative, commercial, scientific and even cultural center. All provincial officials and citizens must follow Paris's lead. This is the result of hundreds of years of centralization. When Paris is paralyzed, all People will also be leaderless, and no one can mobilize the power of the country outside Paris.

Therefore, when the royal power is paralyzed, high-ranking officials, mayors and garrisons in other provinces will suddenly find that they have lost the object of allegiance and the person to protect them. Their instinctive choice must be to respond passively and wait for a new Paris. Regimes are born and govern themselves.

Therefore, they will have no interest in actively confronting themselves.

Of course, this state of paralysis will not last long, and Aiglon's time window is very tight - he must come to Paris, or at least be close to Paris, before the Duke of Orleans gets the throne as he wishes, so that the Duke's opponents can have the confidence to resist the Duke. The plot to become a king.

If the situation is exactly the opposite, then Aigron will have to face a king and his Paris regime. Those officials and military officers who are waiting and watching, not to mention everyone, at least the vast majority will choose to obey the new legal government in Paris. Order.

Since returning to China, Aigron has mobilized all his brain power and energy to weigh and plan, and has understood all the subtleties of the situation. Although he has only returned to China for a few days in the past ten years (he still crosses the border secretly) (returned to China), but he seemed to have grown up in this country, learning and adapting quickly. Everything seemed so new to him, yet so familiar. God sent him to rule this country, and this seemed to be him. The natural mission is the same.

After temporarily stopping, Aigron wrote letters everywhere in the temporary station to persuade him to surrender, while meeting with supporters and officials from all over the place who came to see him. He barely had a minute's rest and was as energetic as a man with hair. The mechanics of the strips are the same.

And the people around him, including Teresa, were almost as busy as he was.

Aigron has lost more than ten years. He and the small circle around him must make people familiar with them as soon as possible, make up for this sense of alienation, and let them psychologically accept this future "court".

Likewise, he is seeking support from powerful local figures.

This was necessary. In 1815, Emperor Napoleon secretly returned from the Island of Elba. He rushed directly to Paris without encountering any resistance and restored the empire. In addition to "loyal" Paris, he has to face vast areas where the mayors and mayors do not have much loyalty to him. While expanding the military and preparing for war, he also held a local election in May during his busy schedule, allowing voters in various places to elect their own mayors and mayors. The results were not satisfactory, and most of these people remained in office in the election. Emperor Napoleon had no choice but to admit the election results. After all, he had to use these people to extract local manpower and resources to help him block the new imminent anti-French alliance.

Aiglon also knows that no matter how much he dislikes the local snakes everywhere, he has no way to replace them all for the time being. He can only win their cooperation and taming first, even if it is just superficial taming, that is enough.

In the pre-industrial era, those remote villages and towns had so little communication with the outside world that future generations could hardly imagine. In those remote villages and towns far away from the control of the state, people only relied on past ties of family, kinship, religion, etc. To maintain their relationship with each other and obey this ancient ruling order.

Only after industrialization, when railways and telegraphs penetrate into every village and remote area, will the ancient order be replaced by the new order. Only then will the power of the "state" be able to truly smash those resistance factors and put its own The tentacles reach deep into every village and family.

In the midst of Aiglon's busy schedule, he received good news - his favorite Edmond Dantès, Count of Monte Cristo, quietly came to his residence and was safe and sound.

After hearing the news, Aigron immediately put down what he was doing, and then asked Edmond Dantès to come to him - he knew that Edmond coming here at this time would definitely bring him some success. First-hand news from Paris was extremely valuable to him.

Soon, Edmund was brought over, and Aigron felt quite relieved when he saw that the other man was completely beard and tail.

"Edmund, I'm glad you're safe and sound -" he stretched out his hands and hugged his favorite warmly, "what's the situation in Paris now?"

"When I left Paris, the Duke of Orleans was already launching an attack on the palace, and his supporters in the Parliament were also clamoring for the immediate dethronement of the king and the appointment of a duke to take over the crown. However, because of what the Duke of Orleans did, , a group of people also stood up and resolutely opposed him becoming the king. Currently, the two groups are still fighting, and many people continue to wait and see." Edmund briefly described the current situation, "Among the people waiting and watching, Su Marshal Walter and Prince Talleyrand are the most prestigious. Their attitudes are currently ambiguous, and they seem to be intentionally waiting for your actions to decide who they should support next."

This information was very different from what Aigron had guessed before, so he was not surprised. He immediately asked the most critical question, "What is the current defense status of the palace?"

"Don't worry about this. The man in charge of guarding the palace now is the brother of the Marquis of Treville. He has already discussed it with the Marquis and will definitely try his best to buy time for you." Edmund replied.

"Oh?!" This news made Aigron feel extremely surprised and pleasantly surprised.

He immediately became energetic and said, "Tell me more details!"

Then, Edmund relayed the private communication between the two Dukes of Treville and the Duke's actions to Aiglon.

Aiglon listened quietly, and he quickly understood the private plans of the two Treville brothers - but he didn't care. After all, it was not surprising that the big family would be hedging their bets.

The point is, the two Treville brothers have made contributions to him, and they have made great contributions. That is enough. As a person who always repays kindness, he recognizes this credit.

"It's a pity that he decided to go into exile with that useless king. France wasted an outstanding talent!" After listening, Aigron sighed, "However, I will remember this kindness, Duke Treville. Every day you persist for me adds luster to my crown... Although I cannot reward him personally, I will repay his family. As long as I am alive, the Treville family will be one of the cornerstones of the empire. !”

This wasn't Aigron's nonsense. He could really feel how much help Duke Treville was helping him at this moment, even more than the tens of thousands of troops.

As long as he leads the king to resist for one more day, Paris and the central authority will be paralyzed for one more day, and he will have a longer window of time. Maybe the difference of one day is a world of difference.

For this level of credit, even if he couldn't say it publicly, he must reward him heavily and never let his opponent down.

After hearing the news, the remaining uneasiness in Aigron's heart had disappeared. At this moment, although the situation was still chaotic, he seemed to have touched the ghost card that was sure to win.

"You came just in time, Edmund." Aigron became extremely happy, and looked at his favorite with a smile, "We will march to Lyon soon. You have stayed in the country for so long, what's wrong with you?" Any suggestions?"

"About this matter, I happen to have some good news to tell you -" Edmund also smiled immediately.

Then, under Aigron's rare look of shock, he took out a shining medal inlaid with diamonds from his arms.

Aiglon figured out what this thing was with just one glance.

"Order of Saint-Louis?"

Not only is it the Order of Saint Louis, it is also the Grand Cross of the highest standard, which is definitely not something ordinary people can possess.

"Whose is this? Where did you get it?" Aigron asked.

"This is the medal of Marshal Marmont." Of course, Edmund would not betray his benefactor. He immediately explained to Aigron, "And I got it from his most trusted subordinate."

Then, he reported to Aigron that he had come to Saint-Germain-en-On alone not long ago and then instigated a rebellion against Fernando.

When he heard that Marshal Marmont had decided to deal with him, Aigron was not nervous or afraid at all. On the contrary, he was a little funny, because all this seemed to correspond to what happened in 1815, giving him A sense of destiny in drama.

"Marmont...he wants to stop me? That's great, I'm worried that I won't be able to find him then!" Aiglon sneered, "He delivered it to me by himself, saving me the trouble of looking for him! This time I must catch him and let him know what he did wrong!"

After saying those harsh words, Aigron looked at Edmund again.

"Count Fernand de Morcerf? If I remember correctly, he should be your enemy...?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, that's him." Edmund bent down slightly. Answer in a calm tone.

Aiglon looked at his favorite, and then nodded with satisfaction.

In just a moment, Aigron understood Edmund's true intention - he did it on purpose! He wants to personally take his enemy to the top, and then step on him into hell to satisfy his desire for revenge.

Although he was a little sailor back then, he now has the demeanor of a master, even on par with the count in the original work, right?

"You have indeed grown up and become more powerful." Aigron expressed heartfelt emotion.

Before Edmund could ask for it, Aigron took the initiative to express his decision. "Okay, when I return to Paris, he will be yours. You can manipulate him however you like."

Then, Aigron couldn't help but raised his head and laughed, "Hahahaha... Some people say that there will be endless emptiness after revenge, but I think it will be extremely refreshing, right?!"

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