Eagle’s Glory

Eighteen, mutiny

Just as Aiglon was receiving his favorite, the Count of Monte Cristo, Marshal Marmont also rushed to Lyon with the trusted men he had gathered.

To his relief, Lyon has not fallen yet, and he finally arrived in time; but unfortunately, according to the intelligence he received, the Bonaparte boy was already very close to Lyon and was about to come at any time.

In order to stop him, Marshal Marmont announced as soon as he arrived here that he would be the commander-in-chief and take over the defense of Lyon and even the cities in the south; then he issued a martial law order and announced that Lyon had entered a severe state of martial law. No movement was allowed, and the entire garrison must be mobilized immediately to prepare to meet the heir to the Bonaparte family.

He didn't have much time, so his attitude was very anxious, as if he would shoot anyone who disobeyed orders.

Under the marshal's intimidation, the originally leaderless local administrative officials and garrison officers were finally mobilized. They began to set up defenses inside and outside the city of Lyon in preparation for the next battle.

The garrison in Lyon is mainly composed of the 14th Division of the local military region and other local troops, plus some temporarily mobilized militia, plus the people brought by Marshal Marmont. On paper, this force can be considered quite large. It's impressive, at least suppressing Lyon City is not a problem.

However, although they were finally mobilized, this kind of defense was definitely not strict. Marshal Marmont knew that, like the people he brought here, the morale of the garrison here was also unstable, and the officers and soldiers were a little overwhelmed, and even I don’t know what I should fight for next.

On the way the marshal came, he had been paying attention to the news coming from Paris. However, to his disappointment, the palace had been under siege and was still in danger; and Bull, who claimed to lead troops to rescue His Majesty the King, However, no further news came from Marshal Meng. Obviously, the situation on his side was also very bad.

Because of this, Marshal Marmont had little confidence in his heart at this time. Facing the cruel and ruthless blow of fate, he was also helpless. Now he was just relying on his last energy and doing his best to obey fate.

He knew that he did not have many choices in front of him. As long as the dynasty changed, whether the Orleans family or the Bonaparte family came to power, he would not end well, so he could only choose to be loyal to the end and see what miracle would happen in the end.

If there is no miracle, then he can only accept his fate.

With this mentality of resigning himself to fate, after arriving in Lyon, Marshal Marmont held consecutive military meetings to coordinate the command of the troops he brought with him and the local troops. At the same time, he was preparing to launch an attack on the Bonaparte boy not far away in the near future. A tentative attack.

Although the situation here is not very good,

But Marshal Marmont is convinced that the situation on the other side is not much better - after all, he has just returned home, and the group of people he has gathered cannot be integrated in a short time. Now they can only be regarded as a ragtag group.

As long as he can launch an effective attack, he will be able to dampen his prestige, and maybe even cause the mob around him to fall apart.

Of course, this kind of attack can only be left to his trusted troops. Marmont, the garrison here, is not at ease. He is deeply afraid that once they are released from the city, they will break up and run away. It is better to stay in the city. Strengthen defense here.

After completing the pre-war deployment, Marshal Marmont only felt physically and mentally exhausted. After all, he was old. The continuous forced marches these days had destroyed his body, and he now needed a good rest.

He stayed in a temporarily requisitioned hotel, with guards surrounding him. At this moment, the streets everywhere were deserted due to martial law, and everything was so quiet.

However, not long after Marmont fell asleep, he was suddenly awakened by a violent noise.

He opened his eyes in confusion, but found that it was not dawn at all, but the early morning.

And...he soon realized that the noise that woke him up was actually the sound of gunshots and the shouts of people fighting!

what's the situation! Marshal Marmont shook his head, and his old and tired body suddenly felt a burst of energy from nowhere, and he jumped out of bed in a hurry.

"What happened!" he yelled.

After he shouted out, he opened the door of his bedroom, and the orderlies and adjutants who were sleeping in the outside room were also awakened.

They were equally ignorant of the situation, so they were panicking, asking each other, and the room was filled with noise.

"Quiet!" the marshal shouted, shocking everyone.

After all, he was his entourage, and the marshal had unquestionable authority, so after the marshal spoke, everyone finally calmed down. At this time, the gunshots and shouts of death were still heard outside.

Marshal Marmont had completely regained his composure at this time, and his brain began to think.

Is this the Bonaparte family coming in?

Impossible, is this too fast? We are in the core area of ​​Lyon City. Does it only take half a night for them to break through the city defense line and fight their way here? This is so bizarre.

The more the marshal thought about it, the more wrong he felt, and at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Who?!" the marshal asked.

"It's me, Your Excellency Marshal!" A voice came in response from outside the room.

Although the voice was distorted due to nervousness, the marshal could still tell that it was Major Serope, the commander of the guard battalion beside him, and his confidant who had been following him for many years.

He signaled, had the door opened, and led the major in.

"What happened?" the marshal asked.

"Someone was attacking us just now, Your Excellency Marshal." Serope's voice was still very anxious. "They are so large in number that we were caught off guard. It is very dangerous now."

"Attack? Who is attacking us?!" The marshal's voice trembled because he couldn't believe it. "How did they get past the defense line?"

"No... they didn't come from outside, they were inside." The major choked up suddenly, "Someone launched a mutiny, Your Excellency."

This answer made Marshal Marmont's eyes darken and he almost fainted.

mutiny? And it was directed at him. It seemed that the supporters of the Bonaparte family had incited many people in the army here to rebel, so that the so-called city defense line was in vain.

"Is it the local garrison who mutinied, or our own people?" After a moment, he calmed down and asked this key question.

"It's difficult to judge at the moment." The major replied, "But...but, I suspect that one of our own people may be involved, because...because the shooting distance is very close to us, if it is a local garrison, it will not be so quick." Close to here.”

The major's judgment made Marshal Marmont's eyes darken and he almost fainted.

Although he had known for a long time that the dynasty was in danger and people's hearts were floating, the fact that the people he brought over rebelled still caused him huge mental trauma.

The pain stimulated his already tired body, and he was so angry that his eyes suddenly darkened and he almost fainted.

"Your Excellency!" His performance frightened the others. They rushed forward and held Marshal Marmont's shoulders.

"Your Excellency... you should evacuate first!" Major Serope choked and advised the marshal, "There are many people coming. We can only resist for a while. You can evacuate to a safe place now and wait until daybreak to command and quell the chaos. Bar."

Marshal Marmont knew that his guard battalion commander was right, and this was the most important thing to do at the moment, so he reluctantly calmed himself down again, and then he nodded. "Yes, I want to leave here first..."

Then, he cursed fiercely, "No matter which bastard betrays me, I will let him receive the punishment he deserves!"

Then he motioned to his orderly to change his clothes.

During this gap, gunshots and shouts of death were getting closer and closer. It was obvious that in this dark night, there was not much time left for the marshal.

After changing their clothes, the group of people surrounded the marshal and quietly left the room, then slipped out of the hotel through the back door.

At this time, in the deserted streets, the biting cold wind was sweeping freely, destroying everyone's nerves with a sharp whistling sound.

Feeling the cold wind blowing against his face, Marshal Marmont only felt that the pain in his heart became more and more severe. However, for the sake of dignity at this moment, he refused to show any expression that was degrading to his face. He just endured the pain and gritted his teeth in the dark. left in the streets.

However, just as they walked through a street, a large number of torches suddenly came out from the opposite side and intercepted the group.

Under the illumination of the torches, the visibility everywhere was greatly improved, so everyone could see their faces clearly - and at this time, they all looked ashen and had to face their next fate.

Compared to the silent entourage, Marshal Marmont had seen countless big scenes after all, so he had a sense of magnanimity. Seeing that he could no longer escape, he simply pushed away the person helping him and stood up straight. Standing there, he opened his eyes angrily and looked at the soldiers rushing over from the opposite side.

"Who is it? Who betrayed me!" he shouted loudly.

Perhaps due to years of accumulated prestige, his shouts and questions made the officers and soldiers on the opposite side subconsciously stop in their tracks.

But soon, they came to their senses and continued to approach the marshal. Soon, they surrounded the marshal and his entourage.

There was no fear on the marshal's face, nor did he ask for mercy. He just stared at the people in front of him with angry eyes, wanting to use this method to condemn the people who betrayed him.

Under his gaze, the soldiers made way for a passage, and then several people walked over under the light of torches.

The marshal's eyes fell on them, and he quickly recognized them clearly.

He originally had a glimmer of luck, hoping that those who betrayed him were not his cronies, but at this moment, when he recognized them one by one, his mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

It was his confidants, the people he had promoted over the years, who betrayed him at this time and launched a mutiny against him.

Marshal Marmont's eyes wandered over them, and finally fell on the person in the center.

"Fernand, we still have you!" Then the marshal lamented.

In extreme disappointment and indignation, he suddenly felt a sharp cramp in his heart, and then he covered his chest, and finally managed not to show himself in a disgraceful manner.

"I...I protected you, promoted you step by step, and gave you everything you have today. And you, is this how you repay me?"

Being touched by the marshal's gaze, although Fernan felt no guilt in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, so he lowered his head subconsciously, not daring to look at his old boss. "Marshal... Your Excellency, Marshal, we have decided to be loyal to the Bonaparte family. We are convinced that at this moment, only His Majesty the King of Rome can save the country and keep this nation away from the disaster of civil war..."

"What a bullshit nation!" Marshal Marmont interrupted him mercilessly, "You are just for your own selfish interests! You are trying to sell me out for glory and wealth! A Waterloo deserter like you has always been a traitor. I have long ago It’s time to see through your true colors and let you wallow in the mud!”

The marshal's words made Fernan speechless for a moment.

"You shameless and despicable traitor!" the marshal hissed. "You think you will get a reward, but I tell you, for a trash like you, you will get nothing but the ridicule of the world! Morsef Earl...hehe, your title was stolen, your reputation was lied, you are just an ungrateful trash, you will not end well!"

The marshal's scolding made Fernand unable to bear it any longer.

"What about you? My dear Marshal?" He asked Marshal Marmont with a sneer, "If I am trash, then who are you? His Majesty Emperor Napoleon promoted you step by step from a penniless little adjutant. He became a marshal, and how did you repay him? In 1814, you publicly asked him to abdicate! You also deceived your troops into the enemy's lines, forcing them to surrender to the coalition forces, and suffered the humiliation of surrendering without a fight! You are ungrateful... Maybe I do, but don’t forget, I also learned from you. Before you justly accuse others, you might as well think back to what you did!”

Fernand's rebuttal made Marshal Marmont unable to stand still.

Indeed, nothing is more lethal than the truth.

What he had scolded Fernan just now was true and left him speechless. What the other party was saying back now was also true, and it could also make him speechless.

He is his good student... When he thought of this, Marshal Marmont felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Seeing that Marshal Marmont's momentum was declining, Fernand said nothing more and waved to the subordinates next to him.

These subordinates also understood and swarmed up, disarmed Marshal Marmont and his entourage, and then tied them up.

Although Marmont struggled and protested, what was the point at this time? Soon he was tied up tightly and taken back to the hotel where he had just escaped.

Looking at the bound Marmont and his party, a proud smile appeared on Fernand's face.

There was absolutely no guilt on his part, only endless smugness.

On the road to power and wealth, he stepped onto another level, and the marshal became his new stepping stone, just like the previous victims.

Every time he betrays a benefactor, he can advance one step higher. Next, how will the Bonaparte family reward himself for making such contributions?

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