Eagle’s Glory

I survived, but I'm still sick.

I didn't expect that I would be so ill after I was born. I had a high fever for a few days and felt sore all over my body. I coughed violently in the middle of the night. I once suspected that I was going to die. . .

Fortunately, I finally got through it, and the fever gradually subsided, but I still had a cough, sore throat, and no appetite for the next few days.

Now my throat is slowly recovering, but I still cough from time to time, and my body is weak and I need to continue to take care of myself.

I have stopped updating due to objective reasons since I became ill. Please forgive me. . . I will continue writing when I feel better. All readers must also take care of themselves and avoid the disaster I endured. . .

"The Glory of the Young Eagle" survived by chance, but is still ill

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