Eagle’s Glory

Twenty, march

As Fernand and others "defected and surrendered" and Marshal Marmont was captured, the Lyon defenders quickly lost their will to resist. After the guarantee, the remaining defenders who were still hesitant chose to lay down their weapons and surrender.

And this also means that Lyon, the largest city in southern France, fell into the hands of Aigron without any bloodshed.

For Aigron, this is the most ideal result. After all, if a bloody battle breaks out here, on the one hand, it will waste his precious time; on the other hand, too much bloodshed will also affect his reputation and make potential neutrals Stay away from yourself.

Therefore, after getting the best results, he is also willing to show his magnanimity in various ways.

He strictly ordered his subordinates not to abuse the surrendered defenders, but to treat them with the utmost respect, and to do everything possible to win them over.

And these soldiers also made different choices. Some chose to lay down their weapons and return to their hometowns; some chose to stay at the original station and wait for the situation to become clearer; and some simply chose to join Aigron's army. Under his command, they are loyal to His Majesty, the future emperor in their hearts.

After receiving this new batch of surrenders, Aiglon's men once again swelled.

There are three main forces that make up this army - the first group is the troops who surrendered when Aigron first came to France, mainly Major Mippe and Major Laurent. These people regard themselves as "heroes from the dragon" and are relatively He is said to be the most united, very repulsive to those who come after him, and he is also the most loyal to Aiglon.

The second group was Fernand and others who had mutinied and surrendered under Marmont. They surrendered voluntarily and achieved great success in capturing Marshal Marmont alive. They also used this to preserve their own organization and have relative independence. These people have served for many years, have close ties with their colleagues and subordinates, and work together to advance and retreat together. They are ambitious and want to seek refuge in Aigron in exchange for capital for further advancement.

The third group is the soldiers who surrendered and turned against them along the way. These people have no loyalty or ambition. They just follow the trend and follow the situation. They are the largest in number, but they have no internal organization and no strong core leadership. . For Aigron, the best they can do is build momentum, and it is impossible to expect them to do more.

These three groups of people with different mentality and different pursuits are entangled together to form the "big army" under Aigron. Calling them a "rabble" is certainly a bit too much, but they certainly can't be called an unrivaled force.

But for Aigron, this was enough.

Now he is moving forward in a snowballing manner,

Now that he has occupied Lyon, the vast hinterland of France has also been opened to him. As long as he marches all the way, he can reach the city of Paris, and then he can decide the fate of this country.

After entering Lyon, Aigron just took a short rest, temporarily reorganized his army, and then began to prepare for the next round, which was the final march.

Before leaving, in order to boost morale, Aigron gathered most of the troops at Bellecour Square in the center of Lyon, preparing for a grand military parade as a swearing-in ceremony.

Just fifteen years ago, it was here that Emperor Napoleon, who had re-entered French territory, began his final march on Paris in this square. Less than a week later, he returned to Fontainebleau.

In this way, Aigron wanted to follow in the footsteps of the late emperor and at the same time show off his "destined destiny."

After all, the French people's memory of the late emperor was his greatest asset in competing for power. He must let people recall that he was the worthy heir of the Bonaparte family everywhere.

In the early morning of this day, troops marched from various streets in Lyon and rushed to the Place Bellecour.

Where they passed along the way, there were not many citizens cheering on the streets. Most people just hid in their houses and peeked at the soldiers in front of them through the gaps in the windows - the situation was changing rapidly, everything was happening too fast, The citizens have not yet adapted to their current situation, and they do not know who they should be loyal to, so most of them wisely chose to stay out and watch.

Anyway, to the citizens, it doesn't matter who rules the country, as long as this crisis is over as soon as possible.

Soon, the soldiers poured into the square, then lined up in square formations, and then stood in the cold wind, waiting for His Majesty's entrance.

They didn't wait long. Aigron rode a tall horse and slowly galloped into the square, surrounded by guards.

The weather was very cold that day, and the cold wind swept around the empty square and blew on Aigron's face, but Aigron did not feel the cold, because the hot blood in his heart made his whole body feel hot and isolated. All the chill from the outside.

At this time, the light of day finally appeared in the sky covered with dark clouds. Although the sun was still not visible, the light was enough to cast a sharp cold light on the bayonets everywhere.

Under Aigron's gaze, the metal buttons and bayonet blades were constantly flashing with reflection, like the sparkling lake surface, and the faces of the soldiers under their hats had been blurred by the white mist they breathed out. The lake is no longer clear.

Yes, he can't see them clearly, and he doesn't need to see them clearly. To him, everyone here is a bargaining chip that can be paid, a stepping stone to climb the stairs, their joys and sorrows, their dreams, and even Their lives were so insignificant to him.

Yet on the surface, he must pose as if he is connected to each of them in exchange for their trust and allegiance.

This is what Emperor Napoleon did. He once got along well with the soldiers and won their love. He also once said to Metternich with a nonchalant air, "It doesn't matter if I lose fifty thousand people. The mothers of Paris can give me more in a year." I gave birth to so many people." He even personally buried France's most elite military force in the vast snowfields of Russia.

Under his gentle and loving surface, there is a heart of a ruthless gambler. Everyone is just a bargaining chip for him to exchange for victory and honor, and a sacrifice for him to burn to the God of War and the Goddess of Victory. It doesn't matter how many people die because of him, as long as he can achieve his goal, as long as the members of the Bonaparte family can wear their respective crowns and crowns, all costs are bearable.

Precisely because he was able to play the role of a loving father and a gambler at the same time, he succeeded. Even if he made the country pay such a heavy price, the country would still remember him, love and miss him.

And I must become a new generation of loving father and gambler, because I have no other way to go...

Under everyone's gaze, Aigron rode his horse to the center of the square. He looked around and saw that the square was crowded with people. All kinds of uniforms and hats were gathered together in front of him, and he could barely see the edges.

At this moment, everyone was holding their breath, waiting for this young man's lecture.

Aiglon raised his head, and then waved his fist vigorously at the soldiers in front of him.

"My soldiers, thank God for allowing you to gather under the command of the Bonaparte family again!" Aigron looked at the confused people in front of him with an emotional tone, "You are the children of Emperor Napoleon. You are also my brothers. It was under the command of the late emperor that you climbed every mountain, you conquered every enemy, you made the eagle flag a symbol of fear for the enemies, and you brought France unprecedented glory! With your bravery and blood and sweat, you have made an empire appear on the map of Europe that has never appeared since Rome. This is a great achievement that no one has been able to achieve or even imagine for more than a thousand years!

Unfortunately, due to fate, the enemies formed a powerful alliance and destroyed the empire. However, even in the most difficult times, France never abandoned the late emperor, but fought with him until the last moment. How many fearless Warriors shed blood on the battlefield without regrets. They use their lives to explain what loyalty is!

Because of so many brave and loyal people, the glory and achievements of the empire can never be erased. We will never forget what we have done! In heaven, the eagle flag still shines brightly together with the spirit of the late emperor.

With the help of the enemy's bayonets, a group of incompetent people who have never brought any glory to France temporarily rule the country. They desperately want to erase the past glory of the empire. However, the perverse behavior of this group of clowns not only cannot erase all this, On the contrary, it will only make the empire more glorious and majestic!

As the heir to the Bonaparte family and the empire, I have endured this kind of humiliation for a long time. They bullied me when I was young and wanted to use various methods to cut off my connection with this country. They wanted to make the empire It was completely annihilated, but they were so wrong, because God has ordained that I will make the empire and everything we once have come back to the world!

Today, I will also work with you to drive away these incompetent clowns and let this country regain its lost glory again. We are going to Paris. Come with me, my brothers! We will find everything there, and you will join me in sharing all the glory the empire has! "

After finishing speaking, Aiglon pulled out the sword from his waist, then swung it hard towards the north, and then shouted again. "March to Paris!"

"March to Paris!" After Aiglon shouted the last words, his followers also shouted out.

Following the lead of these people, other officers and soldiers soon followed suit and shouted out.

"March to Paris!"

"Long live the Empire!"

"Long live your Majesty!"

Slogans came and went one after another, shaking the entire square.

Then, Aigron gave an order, and everyone present began to head north.

The slow crowd rushes forward, heading towards Paris with an unstoppable attitude. Next, Aigron will face the most important gamble in his life.

No matter where his fate goes, it will all be decided in Paris. He was born to rule this country, and this seems to be the only "meaning" for his survival——


Aiglon's "army" marched unstoppably to the north. The place they passed was the richest and most vast hinterland of France. The scenery was beautiful. Although it was still the cold winter season, it also made people feel comfortable and comfortable.

Count Fernand de Morcerf also looked smug at this moment.

Not long ago, he went south with Marshal Marmont, preparing to attack Aigron; however, not long after, he changed his family again and followed Aigron on the completely opposite journey.

As he went back and forth, his mood was completely different - when he was going south, he was uneasy and undecided, not knowing what fate would await him next; however, at this moment, following Aiglon all the way north, he already thought that he was The important ministers of the Bonaparte family are just waiting for His Majesty to sit on the throne and give themselves a title.

In order to appease and win over these surrendered generals, Aigron also deliberately showed a cordial and friendly gesture to Fernand. Aigron's attitude convinced Fernand that he would enjoy the rewards of this betrayal. .

In order to show his value to Aiglon, after capturing Marshal Marmont, he continued to work for Aiglon. While leading the way for Aigron, he also wooed his former colleagues everywhere, and he was very active.

After he served so hard, Aigron called him to him again.

"Fernand, we are not far from Paris."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Fernand responded to Aiglon in a very respectful manner, "In two or three days, you can reach the outskirts of Paris."

"You have worked hard along the way." Aigron showed a cordial smile to Fernand, "I have always admired your abilities, and you have proved yourself with your actual actions. I can see that this period You are one of the hardest working people at all times.”

"Your Majesty has been so kind to me, how could I not repay him in a heartless manner!" Fernan was overjoyed and quickly continued to express his loyalty to Aigron.

"I can't say I'm any kind to you now." Aigron shook his head, "I haven't given you any reward yet, I owe you a lot."

While talking, Aigron seemed to think of something, "By the way, how are your family members now?"

"I have arranged for them before leaving Paris, Your Majesty." Fernand replied quickly.

"I remember when I first met you at Schonbrunn Palace, your son had just been born..." Aigron seemed a little emotional, "Bring your child here, I will take good care of this lucky little guy in the future. of."

Fernan was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't quite understand the intention of Aigron's sudden words.

But since it was Aigron's order, he naturally had no choice but to accept it. "Your Majesty, as ordered! I will have your family brought to you right away."

Eggron patted Fernand on the shoulder, "Fernand, I will take good care of your wife and children from now on. You don't have to worry about anything. Just serve me... As long as I'm here, Morse My husband’s family will prosper forever.”

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