Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-three, threat

"Then we'll see. I can give up the throne, but I won't give you anything. If you have the ability, go and sit on the throne yourself!"

Hearing the king's ridicule, the Duke of Orleans' first reaction was not anger, but surprise. He did not expect that he had already reached this point, with everyone betraying his relatives and his whole family falling into the hands of others. The king actually dared to treat him like this. tyrannical.

This is already much better than his performance in history. Did Count Artois, the king's brother who once escaped from battle, really have more courage after being the king for several years?

The Duke immediately suspected that someone was secretly instigating the king, but at this time he had no time to investigate the truth. He had to find a way to deal with the current situation - the time and space belonging to him were shrinking all the time, and he had to seize every second.

"What do you want to do?" he couldn't help but ask.

"It's very simple. I will write an edict of abdication, but I will never write it according to your wishes." His Majesty the King did not mean to hide it, and directly showed his cards frankly, "I will tell the whole country that due to the recent unfortunate events , I deeply felt that I had failed the people, so I decided to give up the throne. But I also want to state that I was forced to abdicate by the parliament through illegal means. The parliament did not appeal to public opinion, but used bloody force to break the throne. The most fundamental order of the country, it has failed the people's expectations just like me. Therefore, after I abdicate, this parliament does not have the legitimacy to decide on the candidate for the successor king. The ownership of the throne should be decided by the people of the country through discussion, so that the people who have the most hope can win the throne. Someone to lead the country to restore order——"

Although the king's voice was very soft, to the Duke of Orleans, it was like a thunderbolt.

The Duke of Orleans is now able to summon the militia and coerce the king precisely because he has the support of the Parliament, which organized the National Guard to assist him in attacking the palace.

The Duke's wishful thinking is that after the king signs the abdication edict, the Parliament will temporarily take over the royal power, and then let the Parliament authorize him to take over the royal power. Finally, he will usurp the throne in a "curved legal" form and dress himself up as a new king who conforms to public opinion. king.

And if His Majesty the King's abdication edict is really written like this, then he is tantamount to denying the legitimacy of the parliament in front of all the people. So, how valuable will it be if this illegal parliament recognizes itself as the king?

Yes, the king was unpopular, so he was overthrown, but how he was overthrown is obvious to everyone. In any case, the use of force against the legitimate king is a definite fact, and such a tragic incident is bound to make people Many people's trust in Parliament has been shaken - not to mention that Parliament has always been criticized and many of its members are already unpopular.

His Majesty the King made this move when he abdicated the throne:

It is no different than when you are drowning, hugging the person next to you and sinking to the bottom of the water together, and everyone dies together.

Once this edict is released, the Duke can hardly imagine what consequences will follow - but no matter which direction the situation develops, it will be an extremely unfavorable situation for him. He has painstakingly planned the usurpation for so many years. , and is bound to bear the most severe blow.

You're such a stubborn old guy, and you still want to cause me trouble!

The Duke cursed the King in his heart for being so "ignorant of the general situation". He would not think about why he was so hated by the King, nor would he think about which side was more wrong.

He thought quickly in his mind, trying to find a solution to the problem.

"It seems that it is not up to you to decide. You have overestimated your control over the order of the country." Now that the words have been spoken to this extent, the Duke has no interest in pretending to be pretentious with the king anymore. "If you give up the throne, it means that you have become a commoner, even worse than a commoner - because you will definitely not be able to stay in this country, so even if you write these words, who will care? I advise You might as well think more about your life after abdicating, that would be more realistic."

However, the duke's threats did not scare the king, because all this had been expected by the king.

During these days, Duke Treville was doing his best to defend the palace for the king, and at the same time he was trying to find opportunities to instill in the king that "no one can take advantage of the Orleans family when the throne is cheap, because they are also a branch of the royal family and will endanger the orthodoxy of the main branch of the royal family." "Sex", which coincides with His Majesty the King's thoughts.

For several sleepless nights, the king secretly discussed with the Duke of Treville and other confidants, and had prepared for the next change of events.

As the saying goes, fear comes from the unknown. Once he is mentally prepared for the next outcome, the king will be more courageous. Anyway, he has already suffered a complete defeat and will not lose more no matter what, so he can be "willful" in the future.

"Yes, I know, I can no longer stay in France. My relatives and I will be exiled. Maybe I will never be able to return to France in my life..." The king sneered again, and then looked at Orleans sideways. The Duke continued contemptuously, "But so what? I have been in exile before, and now I will not be afraid of being in exile again. I will still be a guest of all countries, and I will still be a Bourbon." The head of the family! The French have abandoned me now, but sooner or later, they will miss the achievements of the previous kings of France and miss the orthodoxy. At that time, my descendants can still ascend the throne again... And on that day, I am today What does the humiliation and pain you endure mean? You can’t scare me—"

This answer greatly surprised the Duke of Orleans.

He originally came to the palace with the intention of using both soft and hard tactics to control the king, and then turn him into a puppet to endorse his next political actions. In the Duke's view, since the king stopped resisting with force, he should have The will is broken, and then you can do whatever you want with a little scare.

The Duke had always looked down on the king, and had been planning for more than ten years to finally overthrow him. However, he did not expect that at the last moment of his political career, the king would show the firmness that a king should have, and still have the strength to resist his own. Coercion.

"I'm not threatening you, Your Majesty." The Duke patiently tried to continue to "persuade" the king. "I'm just telling you the reality. Your situation is very bad now. The public's perception of you is extremely bad. If no one stands up, If you come out to stabilize the situation, order will continue to collapse. Who can say what the mob will do by then? In order to protect the safety of you and your family, as well as your property, it is obvious that you will help me restore it as soon as possible. Order is the most beneficial approach.”

What he meant was that if the king refused to cooperate, then he would not help protect the safety and property of the king's family.

However, the duke's persuasion and threat had already been expected by the king, so instead of being touched, he scorned it, "It's you who deliberately shaken my country and overthrew my rule with swords and guns. You have harmed us." The family has fallen into this situation, and now you still want to pretend to be a good person and want me to beg you to let us go? Huh, how shrewd and cunning, and how shameless! I'm afraid Judas will feel ashamed when he sees it! What do I have to fear now? If you dare to violate the safety of our family, then you have violated our agreement and lost your last bit of dignity. If you have the courage to do it, then go ahead. !”

Old thing... The Duke was so angry that his hands were shaking. At this time, he was already furious. After all, the current situation was not too optimistic for him. There was already a lot of fire in his heart, but he was still looked down upon by someone who had always looked down upon him. He resisted forcefully, and even had an idea in his mind, or else just keep doing nothing and let the king die here due to a "heart attack".

However, fortunately, he still had the last bit of reason. He weighed it for a few seconds and finally gave up on this tempting idea.

Even though the king is in his hands at the moment, even though he only needs to shout and a confidant will come in and kill the king for him, this will not do him any good, only harm.

After losing the throne, the king is just a useless king, or just a bad old man. Killing him has no meaning, but will only make his own path narrower - at this time, he does not want to see If the king makes any mistake, otherwise everyone will take the opportunity to pour the "regicide" sewage on his head.

After all, the status of Duke of Orleans gave him huge resources to run his usurpation business, but it also restricted him and put him in an embarrassing position. Therefore, he often fell into the cracks in his actions and had to look forward and backward, trying to have both sides. Feng Yuan.

The world is so fair. As much convenience as you get from this status, you will get more constraints because of this status. At this moment, the Duke felt this even more painfully.

So, what should we do? It was clear that he had occupied the palace at this moment and became the temporary winner, but now the Duke was panicking. The situation in front of him made him walk on thin ice, and for a moment he felt like he was helpless.

Now he has an advantage because the king has fallen into his hands, but this advantage will not last long. After all, the king is not an ordinary person. Whether he is imprisoned or exiled, it is like being tried by the state power organ, and the final decision is made. How could it be possible to keep the king in his own private hands? Wouldn't that mean that you have denied the rationality of your own rule of the country? You were preparing to be a constitutional monarch, but in the end you yourself became lawless. Does this make sense?

There is only a short time gap that he can use now. He must use the period of time when the king is in his hands to force the king to surrender, change his mind again, and change the abdication edict to let the parliament handle the throne and the ownership of the king's power.

So, how should we force the king to surrender?

He cannot be killed, and his old bones cannot be tortured.

The only thing he could think of was his family, especially Prince Henry, who was only ten years old.

As an old man, His Majesty the King's weakness is his grandson. People often say that they are very affectionate. No matter how tough the King is, how can he let go of his only grandson?

Speaking of this grandson, the Duke felt angry again.

If there hadn't been this damn little guy, there would be no need for him to be busy openly rebelling——

His Majesty the King's Crown Prince and his wife had no children, and their youngest son, Duke Berry, was assassinated. When Duke Berry died, his wife, Princess Caroline, was pregnant. No one knew the gender of this grandchild.

If the posthumous child was a daughter at that time, it would mean that the long branch of the Bourbon royal family would have no male heir. After the death of King Charles X and the Crown Prince, the inheritance rights of the royal family could only be transferred to the younger branch of the Orleans family.

God knows how devoutly the Duke of Orleans and his family prayed that the posthumous child must be a daughter before Princess Caroline gave birth...

As a result, God's decision finally disheartened the Orleans family. On September 29, 1820, the posthumous child was born, and he turned out to be a son! This also means that the succession crisis of the long branch of the royal family is temporarily over, and there is no need to worry about the death of the heir.

The more jubilant the royal family and their supporters became, the more the Orleans family felt like they were mourning. From that day on, the Duke of Orleans also gave up hope on the "peaceful throne" and became more determined to overthrow the royal family's branch through conspiracy and sit on his own. throne.

Now, in this anxious moment, the Duke once again recalled the past, and then inevitably turned his anger on the young prince.

all because of you! Without the untimely birth of a little bastard like you, why would I have taken the risk and how could I have reached this point? !

Because of the burning anger, his mood became more and more cruel.

So far, too many people have died because of him. If God fails to fulfill his wishes, he would not mind creating two more victims.

The king died, he was a regicide, but if Prince Henry died due to "excessive fright", it would just be the unfortunate death of a little prince, and history would not remember this.

"Your Majesty, I can understand that you are old and careless, but now is not the time for you to act willfully. Since you are already about to lose your throne, why do you do more unnecessary things? That will only make your loved ones around you Just bear the disaster -" The Duke's eyes were full of sternness at this moment, looking at the king with a ferocious face, no longer concealing his threat, "It's okay if you don't think about yourself, don't you think about Chambord? Earl (Prince Henry's title), would you consider it? A young child should not experience the same fate as you. He still has a bright future. Can you bear to see him wandering outside and suffering all the disasters in the world with his young body? Copy the fate of poor Louis XVII——"

If the king dared to continue to disobey him, he would let Prince Henry taste the taste of young death.

Duke Chi Guoguo's threat made the king tremble with anger - even though he had already thought that the Duke would threaten him with his grandson, he still couldn't bear it after it actually happened.

"Shameless bastard, have you finally revealed your true colors?" He endured the anger in his heart, and then looked at the Duke opposite him with a malicious look.

At this moment, there was no more family affection between the two royal branches, and there was no room for change, only the endless hatred between each other.

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