Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-four, revenge and patience

"Shameless bastard, have you finally revealed your true colors?"

The king's angry questioning did not anger the Duke of Orleans again, but made him feel sincerely happy and fortunate.

Since the king is so angry, it means that his threat is effective and he has really caught the opponent's weakness——

Prince Henry is his only grandson and the only remaining member of the Bourbon dynasty. If he makes a mistake, the consequences can be imagined.

"My true face? Your Majesty, my true face has never changed. I am a very open-minded person who likes to be kind to others -" the Duke answered the king with a smile, as if he was sure of victory, "I am happy to cooperate with others. And share, if you do what I say, then I will never make it difficult for you, and I will even try my best to help you. You are now in your final years, and God knows how long you can live. The remaining time is for you to be happy. Isn’t it good to have grandchildren and enjoy a wealthy life? Why do you have to add extra trouble to yourself? Think about how much you have cost this country, it’s time to stop.”

The king did not answer, seeming to be lost in painful contemplation.

The Duke also knew that the king was now on the verge of mental collapse. If he continued to push him, it might be counterproductive, so he did not urge him immediately. He just reminded the other party, "You'd better make a decision quickly - there is not much time left for you now." More, our patience is limited, for the rest of today, you must issue the edict according to my wishes...otherwise you will bear the consequences."


Just as the Duke was threatening the King, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Who!?" The Duke, who was in high spirits, suddenly felt impatient and shouted.

"Sir, it's me! There's an emergency!" came a response from outside the door.

The Duke immediately heard that it was his confidant Mr. Gaudin, so he suppressed his emotions and let the other party in.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Your Excellency, after taking over the palace, I carefully interrogated the surrendered guards and found that before they put down their weapons and let out of the palace, several people secretly swam across the Seine and are now missing. Because the palace was besieged at that time. The militiamen were either celebrating their victory or pouring into the palace, so they did not stop it in time."

Swimming across the Seine River in the current winter is definitely not a comfortable experience.

If it were before, the Duke of Orleans wouldn't care. Anyway, the most important royal family has fallen into his hands. Of course, he doesn't need to care about the life and death of a few miscellaneous fish.

However, after discussing with the king, an unpleasant premonition suddenly arose in his heart... He suddenly opened his eyes wide and stared at the king.

"You...you sent them to escape?!" he asked word for word.

But this time, the king, who had been frowning, suddenly relaxed again, then looked at the duke and laughed like crazy.


The Duke immediately understood that the king had just told him all this just to delay time. His abdication edict had already been sent out - although he didn't know where he had sent it, but in any case, it was a big deal to him. It's a disaster.

At this moment, the anger of being fooled made him almost crazy.

What makes him even more crazy is that the current situation seems to be out of his control. It took such a high price to win the palace, but he did not enjoy the sweet taste of victory. On the contrary, he still had to fight for the throne he dreamed of. As well as the future of his whole family, he continues to fight to the death.

"You old bastard! Who did you give the edict to?!" he yelled, and walked up to the king.

At this moment, he no longer had the restraint and dignity of a royal family member, only the beast-like ferocity remained. When a person suddenly falls heavily from a height, all the protective colors on his body will quietly fade away.

"Hahahaha..." Seeing the Duke's appearance of choosing others to devour, the king was not afraid. He continued to laugh, feeling happy for his little revenge with all his heart.

In order to usurp the throne, the Duke of Orleans and his family have been deliberately acting for decades. They have tried every means to shake the royal authority, forced one king to death, and are preparing to force another king to retreat, and they will eventually bear the price they deserve.

"Don't be so nervous, sir," the king replied calmly, "I tell you the truth, I gave it to Talleyrand——"

"Talleyrand!" Upon hearing the name, the Duke's body trembled unconsciously.

Who could count the number of dynasty-changing plots in which Talleyrand was involved? three times? Or five times?

History has obliterated too many truths, and no one knows the answer. But everyone knows that this old and immortal monster can definitely cause endless disputes and disasters.

The weight of an edict has always depended on who wrote it and whose hands it fell into. If only an ordinary person owned it, it would be meaningless, but if it fell into the hands of Talleyrand and his accomplices, then it would be meaningless. God knows what kind of commotion it will cause.

When he thought of the meaning behind the news, the Duke suddenly fell into panic and even forgot to be angry.

And after a brief period of confusion, that anger was doubly ignited in the Duke.

Anger had completely burned out his sanity, and he decided to fulfill his promise and kill the young Prince Henry.

"You old bastard! I'm going to make your heart hurt!"

"Don't threaten me with Henry -" the king looked at the Duke with a sneer. "Do you think I didn't consider this before putting down my arms? I tell you, if Henry makes any mistake, whether it is you or If there is any accident, I will commit suicide immediately, and other members of the royal family will do the same! You will bear the consequences yourself when the time comes. I hope your whole family will suffer the same retribution!"

After saying this, the king continued to sneer and look at the duke.

The reason why he made everything clear to the Duke of Orleans was, on the one hand, because he hated the other party so much that he wanted to vent his anger and see him in an angry state with his own eyes; but on the other hand, it was also because he deliberately muddied the waters and allowed the Duke to continue to fight against the enemy and put him in trouble. The political situation became even more chaotic.

For the king, his situation is now as bad as it gets. If the situation continues to be messed up, there may be a chance for a comeback; even if there is no chance for a comeback, let the country that has abandoned him continue to be in chaos and let those who overthrow him The careerists biting each other can also satisfy his desire for revenge.

Anyway, if he loses his throne, these bastards will be responsible for the next flood.

However, the Duke had no time to think so much. His hatred for the king at this moment exceeded everything else. "Old bastard, you want to die? Then I will send you to death!"

After finishing speaking, he took out his pistol from his arms.

"Your Excellency, don't lose your sense of proportion!" Gao Dan, who was standing next to him, saw that the situation was not good and hurriedly stretched out his hand to push.


The sound of gunfire suddenly came to mind, and then the chandelier on the ceiling shattered a large piece of glass, and the fragments fell one after another.

Without Gaudan, all this would have ended the king's life.

After destroying the Duke's shooting, Gaudan grabbed the Duke's hand and then persuaded his benefactor, "Your Excellency, I know you hate this deposed king now, but you must stay rational now! Now that the situation has changed, then you Killing him to vent will not help, on the contrary, it will only bring you greater disaster, please calm down... there is still hope for everything."

Gaudan's persuasion finally made the furious Duke wake up a little.

Indeed, as I said before, their family cannot be considered guilty of regicide twice.

Moreover, the king is now a card in his hand. Although the value has greatly declined, at least it can still be used. If he is directly forced to death, then there may be a complete defeat - he will never have it again. If there is room for change, everyone will blame him and welcome the new owner with peace of mind.

So... no matter how angry you are, you can't kill him. Once the overall situation is decided, you can do whatever you want, but now you must keep him alive.

This old bastard may be so confident because he knows this... The Duke thought with resentment and helplessness.

But no matter what, it is meaningless to argue with a deposed king now. He must now deal with the new situation.

"Keep the royal family members in separate custody!" he ordered Gao Dan.

Then, he approached Gaudin again and whispered an additional order to him, "Find Talleyrand for me. I want to have a good talk with him."

"Yes, Your Excellency." Gao Dan nodded quickly and agreed.

The Duke made a gesture and then walked out of the room. He was afraid that if he stayed here any longer, he would really lose his mind and kill the king.

After planning the plan for so many years, I encountered one accident after another during the execution. Although I have made it to this point, I still have to face so many bottomless crises...

Destiny, why do you always torture my poor family? In the corridor, he looked out the window at the familiar palace, and then let out a long, depressed sigh.


Just as the Duke of Orleans occupied the palace, and then used both soft and hard tactics on the king, intimidation and inducement, Aigron was also making his march.

Counting from the oath of Lyon, he had been traveling in the hinterland of France for almost a week.

During this week, as his colleagues had expected, he did not encounter much resistance. There were not many garrisons along the way. After hearing that Marshal Marmont had been captured, he became even less willing to fight. He either dispersed or simply stopped. He took refuge in Aiglon.

After this pleasant journey, he was now getting closer and closer to Paris - or to be more precise, he had arrived near the Palace of Fontainebleau.

Although Aigron spent a lot of time in this palace when he was young, he no longer has any impression of this palace, but it doesn't matter, because this is Fontainebleau...

Napoleon's empire is closely related to this palace.

When the empire was at its peak, it was here that the emperor and other members of the royal family happily enjoyed their wealthy palace life; and when the empire was at its lowest, it was here that Emperor Napoleon bid farewell to his Guards in 1814, and then Secretly abdicated.

If Versailles means the Bourbon dynasty, then Fontainebleau means the empire.

And now, he has arrived at the edge of Fontainebleau Palace.

Aigron, who was riding a tall horse, could already see the outlines of those beautiful palaces on the horizon not far away.

This palace will soon become my property again... But the strange thing is that there is no secret joy in Aigron's heart at this time, but a solemn calm.

I just got back what should have been mine, what's there to be thankful for?

"Edmund." Aigron called softly.

"Your Majesty?" The Count of Monte Cristo, who was also riding beside him, quickly rode his horse to get to Aiglon's side. "What are your orders?"

"We are going to Fontainebleau soon." Aigron said calmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, congratulations!" Edmund quickly bowed down to congratulate his benefactor.

"Yes, it's worth celebrating." Aigron nodded slightly, "Let's rest there today - you must pay attention to discipline, I will not allow anyone to destroy any plants or trees!"

"Yes!" Edmund could understand Aiglon's mood, so he responded immediately, "Don't worry, I will kill anyone who dares to cause damage!"

Aiglon nodded slightly, and then he gave new instructions. "For the next period of time, I will stay in Fontainebleau, and you will go to Paris as my representative - remember, you have to report to me any trouble."

When he arrived near Paris and was just shy of the final goal, Aigron decided to stop first and stay at the Palace of Fontainebleau, about 60 kilometers away from Paris.

This is not Aigron's whim, nor is it his greed for prosperity and wealth, but necessary caution.

He came in the name of "saving the country and the people", so he could not besiege the capital in a showdown with force.

Of course, he is not a blind person, he considers more realistic factors.

He currently has tens of thousands of soldiers under his command, but most of them are new recruits who have joined him, and there are even more dangerous double-dealing careerists. These people will pretend to be loyal and move closer to him when things are going well for them. , but once any unfavorable situation occurs, they will run faster than a rabbit, and maybe they will jump directly to their opponent's side.

Paris is a very big city, with hundreds of thousands of people in it. The few men he has are not even enough to surround Paris, let alone occupy it in partitions.

Moreover, it would be unwise to plunge oneself into the disputes in Paris.

Now Paris is a breeding ground for the king, the Duke of Orleans, and a group of conspirators and careerists. Anyone who gets involved rashly will be screwed up, so he would rather stay on the sidelines temporarily. Before the overall situation is decided, he will never Enter Paris in person.

Therefore, at the last moment, Aigron suppressed his eagerness to try. With "strategic determination", he released goodwill to all parties and used a posture of eliciting but not responding to gain the greatest benefits for himself.

Anyway, here, it is enough for him to control the situation.

He was in a hurry before and worked hard to catch up, but now when he was only one step away, he slowed down.

Now he was a part of the highest stage, and he was going to kick everyone else off the stage one by one, or smash them to pieces, until only he was left.

With high confidence, he looked at the Palace of Fontainebleau becoming increasingly clear in the distance.

"Teresa, this will be our new home from now on." He whispered to himself.

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