Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-five, happiness again

Under Aiglon's order, his troops marched without stopping, and then in the afternoon, they advanced to the Palace of Fontainebleau.

In order to prevent this magnificent and historic palace complex from being destroyed, when approaching the edge of the palace, Aigron asked most of the troops to stop and camp on the spot. He only took his own guards and a small group of cronies with him. Armed forces entered the palace.

As the army approached, most of the managers of Fontainebleau Palace fled, leaving only a small number of people who stayed here. After Aiglon entered the palace, his guards searched everywhere and finally found him. Some managers and then letting them act as guides.

At this time, Theresa, who had been following the center of the large army, also left the carriage and came to Aigron's side. The couple stepped into the palace together.

Under the guidance of the administrators, Agron and Teresa strolled through the gardens and courtyards of Fontainebleau, while a large group of guards followed behind them, carefully ensuring that they could protect the safety of His Majesty and his wife while also It will not disturb their elegance of "revisiting their old place".

For Teresa, who was full of literary and artistic talents, she was originally fascinated by the legendary palaces in France, so when she came to this beautiful palace, her original fatigue of traveling and traveling immediately disappeared, and she opened her eyes wide. Scan around and admire the breathtaking scenery here.

What makes Teresa even more happy is that this palace will soon be the private property owned by her family - and the other most famous buildings and works of art will soon open their mysterious doors to her. Let her enjoy and use it.

For a moment, the couple even forgot about their situation at this time. Instead, they were more like tourists who had just arrived, curiously observing everything around them.

However, although the building is still grand and beautiful, traces of depression and dilapidation can be clearly seen from everywhere. Weeds can be seen everywhere in the garden among the gaps between the bricks and stones. The building is also full of moss and various types of moss due to poor maintenance. This stain - this is quite normal. After the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty, because they hated all traces of Emperor Napoleon, the royal family was not willing to visit the Fontainebleau Palace at all, leaving only a very few left-behind personnel to take charge. maintain.

These people were already short of manpower, and it was very difficult to maintain a huge palace. What's more, because they were emboldened, some people secretly resold the furnishings and collections in the palace. After more than ten years, the Palace of Fontainebleau naturally fell into depression and dilapidation.

"Oh, what a pity." Teresa couldn't help but sigh, "Such a beautiful place has been abandoned like this! When we have time, we must renovate it."

“It’s not just about renovations;

We also want to make it more prosperous and more beautiful than before. "Aigron replied confidently, "From now on, this will be our residence. Everyone has to come here to flatter us and contribute their brains to please us! "

Seeing her husband's proud face, Teresa didn't say anything, just smiled. In fact, she didn't care if others were flattering her, but as long as she saw His Highness's appearance, she would feel sincere gratitude. Joy, after all, this is His Highness whom she loves deeply.

She is also preparing to play the role of a queen.

Although she is still young, she can understand the hardships involved. She must not indulge herself and indulge in the rich and gorgeous palace life. Otherwise, her great-aunt, who is also from the Habsburg family, will Will be a role model.

She must show the most respectable style of the queen and let this unruly nation accept herself from Austria.

The couple entered the magnificent building. Everywhere they passed, there were exquisite murals and sculptures, which simply dazzled the two of them.

They have been in the Austrian court since childhood. It is not that they have never seen the world. It is just that the Palace of Fontainebleau is the product of hundreds of years of painstaking repairs by the French royal family. The ancestors of the past generations have added luster to the palace regardless of the cost. Various The exquisite paintings and sculptures span the Renaissance era and the Baroque era. Even if the pearl has been covered in dust for more than ten years, it can still make the couple feel a little French shock.

After all, France's historical accumulation is not comparable to that of Austria. The Habsburg family, which has been at war with the German princes and the Turks, has only had the energy to imitate the French kings in their extravagant enjoyments only in the past one or two hundred years.

Quietly, they were taken into the throne room together.

Before the Revolution, the Throne Hall had always been the king's bedroom. However, after Napoleon took possession of the Fontainebleau Palace, in order to show his authority, he changed the king's bedroom into the Throne Hall, where ceremonial activities were usually held.

This hall is richly decorated, and there is a special chandelier on the top that is simply magnificent at night. During the reign of Emperor Napoleon, there would be a throne in the center of the hall, covered with a velvet carpet printed with the bee emblem, and There is also a red velvet canopy on the top.

However, there was no throne in the hall at this time - after Emperor Napoleon abdicated, the throne was moved, so the center was empty.

Of course, after Aiglon reoccupies the palace, the throne will soon be moved back, and everything will return to the past.

Next to the throne room is the queen's bedroom. After Emperor Napoleon occupied this place, he did not change the layout inside, but the hostess changed it once - first his first wife Josephine lived here, and later It was Aiglon’s mother, Queen Louisa.

The queen's palace is actually composed of several suites, including an audience room, a dressing room, a bedroom, etc. Compared to the splendor and imposingness of other rooms, these suites are a bit more feminine and delicate, and are everywhere. There are various exquisite and elegant furnishings, and the carpets on the walls are also covered with floral patterns.

Agron was born in the Tuileries Palace in Paris, but he spent more time living here with his parents, breathing the fresh air outside Paris.

There are many furnishings in the queen's palace that were used by Queen Louisa. However, at this moment, Aigron did not have any emotion of "seeing things and thinking about people" - firstly, he no longer had any impression of this place; secondly, he had no memory of this place; Second, he doesn't miss his mother at all.

Even though he was so close to success, he did not call his mother over to share his thoughts on success. In this regard, he was different from Emperor Napoleon. After all, the emperor was still an Italian with a strong sense of family. He did not forget it after he became emperor. To support his family, he brought his mother, brothers and sisters here to share the prosperity and wealth after the outbreak.

After all, they are husband and wife, and Teresa can guess a little bit about Aigron's complicated emotions. She secretly sighs that the rift between Louisa and Aigron's mother and son is so irreparable, but at this moment, in order to take care of Aigron's She didn't try to persuade Aiglon, she just spoke calmly.

"Your Highness, this will be my dormitory from now on." She looked at Aigron with a smile, "However, I have to rearrange this place. Many of the furnishings inside are too old. Your Highness, what do you think? It needs to be reserved, you can tell me in advance."

Eggron wished that Teresa would do this and erase all traces of Luisa here as soon as possible, so he shook his head nonchalantly, "You can arrange it as you like, Teresa, and throw away all the other things you don't need." Just drop it, I also think it’s too old-fashioned here.”

"Well, I will renovate this place carefully, enough to make you feel comfortable." Theresa pretended not to understand what Aigron meant, and continued with a smile, "So Your Highness, you must stay here for a long time in the future. Stay with me here! I have never understood why emperors and queens live in separate rooms and have their own bedrooms. This is completely unnecessary! Since we are husband and wife, we should always sleep together, right? "

Theresa, how could you not understand...Aigron smiled bitterly in his heart.

Kings of all ages have their own mistresses. Of course, they cannot always stay with the queen. Living in separate rooms is also an inevitable choice - when they need to "create" legal heirs, the kings will live in the same room with the queen, but usually The king lives in his own place and enjoys himself as he pleases.

Of course Teresa knew all this, but she deliberately pretended to be stupid, which meant that she would have to have Agron by her side in the future.

Aigron also knew that Teresa was pretending to be stupid, but he couldn't point it out, otherwise it would be like admitting to his wife that he had evil intentions, so he had no choice but to nod.

"Okay, Teresa, we will live together when the renovation is completed."

Teresa was overjoyed to hear that Aigron agreed to her request, so she gently hugged her husband and kissed his cheek. "That's great, Your Highness! No matter it's a remote village or a gorgeous palace, we will always live together, there will be no distance..."

Theresa's passionate kiss aroused Egron, causing him to suddenly have an uncontrollable desire.

This is not because he is impatient, but because he is too excited at the moment.

Recapturing Fontainebleau meant that he was a big step closer to conquering France, and this gorgeous palace became his private property, which stimulated his desire to conquer and his sense of victory. This desire to conquer even It makes a man's heart surge more than **, and once it is triggered, it almost makes him lose his mind.

He stretched out his hand, hugged Theresa tightly, and then pushed her down on the bed in the queen's palace.

"Yeah!" Teresa screamed, but was immediately blocked by Egron's kiss, and could only make a slurred sound.

Then Aigron tried to take a step further, and his hands began to become erratic.

Teresa was shocked. She didn’t expect that less than an hour after returning to the Palace of Fontainebleau, His Highness would go crazy and want to come here with his wife... Men are such strange animals. ?

Soon, Aigron's excitement also infected her, and her husband's hot breath that was so close made her agitated. After all, although she was not old, she was still married for more than two years. A young woman.

However, after a moment of intoxication, she suddenly woke up, struggled hard, and finally broke away from Aigron's lips.

"Your Highness... don't... there are still so many things waiting for us!"

"Then let them wait. If I want them to wait, they have to wait. Besides, it won't take too long." Aigron replied without any doubt, "Teresa... I only want you now, Let’s celebrate well…”

Agron's tone became extremely gentle and seductive, so much so that Teresa fell in love with it for a moment. It was difficult for her to refuse His Highness.

But at this time, she had a reason to refuse, and this reason allowed her to maintain her last sanity.

"Your Highness...it's better to say goodbye." She shook her head with regret, "I might...may have another one."

Hearing this, Aigron was stunned for a moment, and then finally reacted.

"There's another one?" He looked at Teresa who was close to Chi Chi in confusion, "When did it happen?"

"It's been about a month or two..." Teresa said with a red face, "It's been a long time since I've been here."

Eggron was speechless at first, and then he couldn't laugh or cry - he remembered that almost two years ago, when he was visiting the King of Bavaria, he heard the news of his wife's pregnancy at the summer palace in Munich. Now history was repeating itself.

However, compared to the first excitement, he was much calmer now, and even a little regretful - when he was most excited, he was actually stopped by this little guy, and Teresa was in a stable period, and the couple was bound to be too. This "entertainment" will have to stop.

He kissed Teresa hard again, then let go with regret.

"Oh, forget it then."

This also means that he will become the father of three children before he is 20 years old, which is a bit shocking from a 21st century perspective, and even in this era, it is a bit extraordinary.

"Your Highness... our happy family will have another member." Teresa hugged Agron, and then used a voice so sweet that it could almost kill people, she coquettishly said to her husband. "There will be many more in the future. This palace will witness the prosperity of our family. We will live happily here until the day we leave this world..."

This wasn't Teresa's impulsive talk. In fact, she had already thought so before she got married.

She wants to enter into a holy marriage with His Highness, and then spread the branches for His Highness and the Bonaparte family, just like her ancestor, the great Queen Theresa, and have many children, and now she is the second one. This is Just a few steps on the long march...

In Agron's company, Teresa felt extremely spiritually satisfied. She felt that she had sunk into the ocean of happiness and there would no longer be any need for haze in the future.

However, will fate really treat a person so leniently and favorably? Only time will tell.

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