Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-six, memories and vitality

The Agron couple were enjoying the tenderness between husband and wife in the Queen's chamber in Fontainebleau Palace. Theresa, who was already very happy, seemed to be melted into this ocean of happiness at this moment, her eyes full of hope for the future. Longing.

When the couple flirted with each other just now, she was actually as emotional as Aigron, but she had no choice but to be pregnant again, so she could only reluctantly stop the instinctive impulse.

After she calmed her breathing and her thoughts returned to normal, Teresa looked at her husband with a smile again.

"Your Highness, let's go and see where you lived when you were a child? To be honest, I'm very curious. What kind of traces did the original King of Rome leave here?"

To be honest, Aigron really doesn't remember his life here at all - after all, in 1814, when Emperor Napoleon abdicated for the first time, he was brought to the Austrian court by his mother at the age of three. I haven't seen this place since.

However, since Theresa was interested, Agron couldn't bear to pour cold water on her, so he took Theresa out of the queen's bedroom, and then ordered the administrator to take the couple to the former residence of the crown prince.

The King of Rome's bedroom was not far from here, and they soon came to a suite.

Compared to the luxurious halls and palaces, this place has a bit more of a sense of life.

There was a small bed in the middle of the room, with a cradle beside the bed. There were a lot of various toys around it, and there was even a small globe with Latin inscriptions engraved underneath.

After regaining the ownership of the Fontainebleau Palace, the Bourbon family tried their best to erase the traces left by Emperor Napoleon. However, they obviously did not have that much hatred for the King of Rome and were too lazy to spend time erasing it, so they just let it go. Things were piled here randomly, and because these things were not valuable, no one was watching to take them away.

Looking at the scenes here, Aigron tried hard to search the deepest part of his memory, trying to find any trace of his past here, but unfortunately, he couldn't remember it at all - human growth often means I will forget those childhood memories.

However, even though he couldn't remember it, Aigron felt a rare sense of intimacy when he was in this room.

"Your Highness grew up here..." Teresa was also very interested in this place. She looked at every corner of the room carefully and did not miss any decoration. "It is indeed very comfortable for a baby. It’s a place.”

"To say I grew up here is a bit of an exaggeration.

I grew up in Austria..." Aiglund replied with a wry smile, "Thanks to my grandfather, I rarely even had the opportunity to speak French, let alone experience the comfort here. "

Although Aigron no longer cares about the hatred in the past, he still inevitably feels a little sour when it comes to those past entanglements.

After all, this palace and this country were meant to be inherited by him, but they had to be lost from his hands. Now, even if there is hope of getting them back, it will take an astonishing amount of effort and price...

"But at least you are back..." Teresa felt Aigron's loss and resentment, so she took her husband's hand and comforted him softly, "You also deceived an Austrian princess, which is enough for you. Are you proud?"

"How can it be called cheating?" Aigron asked with a smile, "Obviously the two of us robbed and cheated together. You are an accomplice, not a victim."

"Hey, even if it's the truth, you can't tell it!" Teresa protested pretending to be angry, "I didn't intend to cheat, but my husband was a thief, so I had to join in the crime..."

After finishing speaking, the couple looked at each other and smiled, and the original gloom was swept away.

After laughing for a moment, Teresa spoke again, "By the way, Your Highness, this place needs to be tidied up as soon as possible. Francois will live here in the future."

Aiglon has no objection to this. He lived here as the crown prince back then, so now Francois, as his heir, should naturally continue the past and regard this place as his residence.

"Not only does the room need to be renovated... we also have to arrange escorts for him." When she said this, Teresa fell into deep thought again. "Now that he is almost two years old, we have to consider his education in the future."

Aigron has no objection to this issue - after all, if you want to continue your career, the cultivation of heirs is also a top priority.

Back then, as the crown prince of the empire, as soon as Aigron was born, a whole palace team was arranged around him to take care of him.

The leader was an aristocratic lady named Louise Françoise de Montesquieu-Fezensack. This lady came from a famous family and had a very famous ancestor who wrote " The Enlightenment thinker Montesquieu.

In addition to her family lineage, the lady received a very good education and was highly praised for her moral character. She was highly respected by all walks of life at the time.

Because of her reputation, Napoleon invited her to join his court and became a tutor when he first came to the throne. After the birth of the King of Rome, she was appointed as the steward of the attendants around the King of Rome, fully responsible for Aigron's affairs. In addition to her, there are also Madame Souffro, Madame Marchant and other female officials of the court who are responsible for taking care of him.

So strictly speaking, she is considered Aigron's adoptive mother.

At that time, the two had a very good relationship. Madame Montesquieu took care of him wholeheartedly and brought a lot of joy to the young crown prince.

It was a pity that in 1814, after Queen Louisa brought their entire team to Austria, Emperor Franz quickly deported these people back to France, and replaced all the people around Aiglon with Austrians, and Aiglon was also There was no chance of meeting his loving adoptive mother again.

After recalling the past experience, Agron told Teresa about this past experience, and Teresa was also quite emotional. "This lady tried her best to take care of you, but she didn't get the praise and reward she deserved. She was driven away because of political considerations. How unfair it is! When we are free, we must meet this lady together. Madam, it is only fair to extend her belated thanks and gifts.”

"Yes, I will look for her whenever I have free time. Thank you for her upbringing." Aigron nodded, he also thought the same, "I wish my wife a long and healthy life."

[Historically, this lady lived a total of 88 years, and actually lived until 1853, witnessing Napoleon III's restoration of the empire. Unfortunately, she was never able to see Aigron again. 】

As soon as she said this, Teresa was inspired. She thought for a while, and then made a proposal to Aigron.

"Your Highness, what you said inspired me. We can also train Francois in the same way, can't we? And we have the right person around us now..."

Aigron was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood his wife's intention.

"You mean, Lady Alice?"

This answer is not difficult to guess. First of all, there are not many aristocratic ladies who have taken refuge with him now. Secondly, Teresa seems to admire Lady Alice very much, so Agron guessed it immediately.

"Yes, that's what I mean." Theresa nodded immediately. "I think Lady Alice is very suitable - you see, like your steward, she comes from a noble family. We have already seen her cultural level. She is an extraordinary conversationalist and is good at diction and musical instruments. This is a win for both of us. I personally recognize it at the same time, I believe that not many people can do it! As for personal moral character, although Mrs. Alice is a bit utilitarian, I think she is not inherently bad, at least much better than those exaggerated and indulgent ladies. Let her accompany and take care of Francois. I believe that our son can grow up healthily and eventually become a suitable heir."

Agron had no objection to Teresa's praise, but he had other concerns, "But don't forget, Mrs. Alice is also a mother herself, and Charlotte is about the same age as Francois. It’s when we need our mother’s company, so we can’t take away her maternal love for our own selfish interests..."

"This is very simple..." Teresa seemed confident, "Why don't we just keep Xia Lu here too? You said they are about the same age, so let her be Francois's playmate. When children grow up, they must have a few friends... Fontainebleau has so many rooms, so it’s okay to leave a few for their mother and daughter to use, right? "

Seeing that Teresa had already thought it through so well, Aigron had no other suggestions to make, so he had no choice but to agree. "Okay, you can tell Mrs. Alice about this. If she is willing to accept it, then I will be happy to do so."

Indeed, for him, there is no one more suitable to accompany Francois than Alice at the moment - he also believes that with Alice's cautious and responsible character and ambition for power, she will definitely do this well. Work.

Of course, this decision may give Alice and her daughter a transcendent status in the court in the future, but Alice is not a domineering person and will not use this favor to offend people everywhere, so it doesn't matter.

"I really envy this boy Francois. He has so many people thinking about him and surrounding him since he was a child. He is much luckier than me." Aigron said half jokingly and half seriously, "I didn't have any childhood sweethearts when I was a child. Around me! Those bunch of old men with rigid faces turn off my appetite."

"But you have me now..." Theresa replied with a slight blush, "If you have any childhood sweetheart, it will actually affect the love between us."

"Then why don't we just let him get married in one step?" Aigron asked casually, "I think Xia Lu is so cute now and will be very beautiful when she grows up. We might as well let them get engaged."

"How is that possible?!" Theresa, who had been saying good things to Alice and Xia Lu just now, shook her head and refused, "I like Miss Xia Lu very much, she is really very cute, but in the end she He is just our subject. Francois is the heir to the empire. Only princesses from powerful countries are worthy of marrying him. How can he marry a subject?! There are many beautiful princesses in the marriage of the prince of the empire. , this is the least need to worry about..."

Aigron is a little funny. It seems that although Theresa likes enlightenment ideas and pursues romance, in some aspects, she is still the most traditional member of the Habsburg family. It is indeed unimaginable for her to accept this arrangement. of.

Fortunately, he just said it casually, so he didn't insist.

"Okay, then everything is up to you. Are you satisfied?"

For Aigron, he still has a lot of things to run around now. Even if he currently occupies an advantageous position, he dare not say that he will be 100% sure to have the last laugh. There are still many problems that need to be solved by him. You must not be careless and lax, as one mistake may lead to disaster.

Therefore, all his energy can only be devoted to the most important struggles. As for household matters, such as the raising and education of children; such as the trivial management matters in the palace, he has no energy to take care of them, and he does not want to take care of them. Leave it to Teresa to handle together. This is also a normal division of labor between husband and wife.

As for how much power and influence Teresa will gain through this, he doesn't mind. The queen of a country should not be a vase in the first place. Teresa is willing to actively do things and share the pressure for him. This is a good thing, and he doesn't believe it. Theresa, who loved him deeply, would do anything harmful to him.

In this way, the couple visited the palace harmoniously, and at the same time reached a consensus on how the palace should be run next while being tender.


In the afternoon of that day, the Agrons finally ended their tour. Agron returned to his own struggle, while Teresa had someone call Mrs. Alice in front of her.

When Aiglon was marching all the way, the Duke of Nordelien and his wife Edgar and Alice also took their families in the carriage and followed Theresa, so they also became the first A group of nobles followed the Aiglons into the Palace of Fontainebleau.

Although no one has ever stated its significance clearly, everyone understands it tacitly. In the future, these two families will definitely enjoy a special status in the palace because of their "contribution to the dragon".

While the Agrons visited the palace, the two families stayed in the vestibule, waiting for the arrangements of His Majesty and His Majesty.

After receiving Theresa's call, Alice immediately responded and rushed in front of Theresa.

And this means that she became the first nobleman summoned by the "Two Saints" in the resurrected Fontainebleau court.

Alice knew the weight of this honor, and she was also curious about what arrangements his Majesty and his wife would have for her.

After Teresa saw her, a friendly and friendly smile appeared on her face, which seemed to indicate something.

"Alice, thank you for your hard work along the way."

"It is a great honor for our family to be able to travel with His Majesty. I have never felt hard." Alice replied quickly.

"I'm really touched that you can think so." Teresa nodded, and then she sighed, "After entering Fontainebleau, His Highness and I spent a few hours touring here... This place is very beautiful. The palace is as beautiful as the rumors say, but unfortunately it has also been abandoned. Your Highness and I both want it to return to its former prosperity as soon as possible."

To re-operate this long-abandoned palace, we need to renovate and clean up the buildings and houses everywhere, and we also need to create a system, recruit and screen people, this is all very hard work.

Fortunately, although Teresa is still young, she was born in the royal family after all. She has been exposed to the Austrian court since she was a child. She also has the help of maids from the Austrian court. She is also confident that she can rebuild it as soon as possible.

"Madam... I know this is not an easy job, but full of all kinds of annoying chores." Theresa stretched out her hand to Alice, "So, please work with me to make it work again." Rejuvenate, okay?”

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