Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-seven, heavy responsibility and coldness

“So please join me in trying to bring it back to life, okay?”

Teresa's invitation played right into Alice's mind. How could she have any reason to refuse such a good thing?

There is no doubt that reorganizing the palace team now is a tiring job, but the benefits are easily visible: Alice can use this opportunity to expand her contacts and establish her unbreakable position in the palace.

As long as you promote someone, or give someone a good word in front of Her Majesty the Queen, it is a favor, and favor in the palace is a precious currency, and you can use this currency to exchange for various resources.

Of course Queen Teresa knew the key, so she gave herself this opportunity out of goodwill towards herself, and this goodwill was such a valuable help to herself!

Because of this, Alice showed a grateful look and nodded repeatedly to Theresa, "Your Majesty, since you have given me such trust, then I promise you that I will work tirelessly and do my best to assist you. Rebuilding the Palace of Fontainebleau, you are so magnanimous and elegant, and you will definitely make it the most admired palace in Europe!"

"I don't dare to boast like this. As long as we can prevent people from making fun of and despising the Bonaparte family, we will have completed our mission." Theresa still smiled sweetly, and then she raised her eyebrows slightly, "Also, Ellie Si, I have another thing that I need to trouble you with, I wonder if you are willing to..."

"Please just ask, I will definitely do it." Alice agreed without thinking.

"François came with us, and we are going to place him in the Crown Prince's bedroom, which is His Highness's past residence..." Teresa continued unhurriedly, "Besides, We also want to arrange a manager with full authority around him to be responsible for his upbringing and future education, just like the Lady Montesquieu who was beside His Highness..."

In fact, when Teresa said this, Alice had already guessed what Her Majesty the Queen was going to say next, but this sudden pie-in-the-sky ecstasy made her unbelievable, so she froze instead.

"...After our careful discussion, we feel that you, madam, are the most suitable candidate for the general manager. Your talent and character have won the admiration and trust of both of us. You can definitely help Francois grow up healthily." Lesa was still smiling and added her compensation conditions by the way, "Of course, we also know your difficulties. You are also a first-time mother. We also see your love for Miss Xia Lu. In order not to affect your mother, As for the relationship between women, we will also allow Miss Xialu to live here with you, and Xialu can also be Francois's playmate. Anyway, they are about the same age, so they can become good friends in the future."

After saying this,

Teresa looked at Alice quietly, and then asked again, "Madam, what do you think?"

Alice did not answer, not because she had any objections, nor because she was dissatisfied, but because she was almost speechless now.

When Teresa just explained her conditions, Alice's eyes were filled with tears. If she hadn't been concerned about her appearance, she would have burst into tears on the spot.

Not only for this sudden job that was destined to bring her immeasurable benefits, but also because she felt the appreciation and respect of her two majesties.

She was so lacking in these things.

Although she definitely lacked beauty and talent, due to accidental choices in life, she fell into a painful situation that was difficult to escape. Her father abandoned her, her father-in-law despised her, and her husband betrayed her. It was as if the whole world was laughing at her as a ridiculous waste. , a poor creature destined to be abandoned and deceived.

However, now she has gained respect and recognition, and it comes from the most noble group of people in the world. When she thinks of this kind of recognition, she can raise her head upright and face her relatives (enemies).

It's not that I'm not good, it's that you don't know what you are good at, and you are not worthy of me.

So this kind of recognition is so precious to Alice! At this time, her heart was full of gratitude, and she even had the urge to "die for a confidant."

She gently raised her sleeves, wiped the tears from her eyes, and then slowly knelt down to Theresa regardless of the stains under her feet.

"Why is this?!" Her reaction shocked Teresa, and she quickly stopped her hand and held Alice, "Madam, it's because we have troubled you."

"Your Majesty, please allow me to express my gratitude to you in this way!" Alice's voice trembled and she was already crying. "You and I both know that there are countless people in the world who want this kind of thing." It is hard work but you have given me this honor, which is a grace that many ladies dream of! I understand this, so I must thank your two majesties. It is the greatest pride of my life to be recognized by you."

Although Alice's words were exaggerated, her feelings were very sincere, and Theresa believed that she was speaking the truth.

So, Teresa comforted her with a smile and nodded gently, "It seems that you have agreed to this job, so Francois will trouble you in the future, madam."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. I will definitely use all my energy to take good care of His Highness, even more carefully than my own children." Alice immediately expressed her determination, "Your Highness will definitely grow up happy and healthy. Get the best education, and with his intelligence and talent, he can become a successor worthy of carrying on the careers of his two majesties."

"I also believe it must be so!" Teresa was naturally very happy when she heard others praise her son.

After laughing for a while, Teresa looked at Alice seriously again, "Madam, I told you before, I came to France to rule this country with your majesty and let them recognize the Bonaparte family, not the Bonaparte family. In order to enjoy my own luxury and wealth, my court is destined to be strictly disciplined in the future, and there will be many ceremonies and people-friendly activities. As the Frenchman I trust and rely on most, I hope you can also show your due diligence. Join me in setting an example, both in demeanor and actions.”

"That's certainly the case. I have never had any frivolous or dissolute words and deeds, and I will never do so in the future. Please rest assured, Your Majesty." Alice replied solemnly.

In this way, the court of His Majesty Napoleon II quietly opened its curtain in the dialogue between Theresa and Alice, and another glorious era belonging to the Palace of Fontainebleau also slowly began.


When she ended her visit to Her Majesty the Queen and returned to her husband and daughter, Alice still had not recovered from the happiness and excitement just now. She, who had always been calm, still seemed a little confused at this moment.

"What happened, Alice?" Edgar asked curiously.

"Your Majesty the Queen, you just gave me two tasks..." Alice did not hide anything from her husband and recounted to him what had just happened.

"There is such a good thing!" After hearing this, Edgar was stunned.

Although he doesn't care about politics, he has a basic sense of smell and can clearly see how important these two tasks are to Alice and the Treville family.

Then he glanced at his wife with complicated emotions, "Your Majesty really values ​​you..."

He was a little depressed and jealous in his heart. After all, he knew that although Aigron was kind to him, it was just to win over his father and was a bit disdainful of him. And Theresa was not to mention it, because Aiglon He was particularly disgusted with Nisi's affairs, and he didn't even bother to hide it. He was not allowed to get close to her at all.

In this case, the favor received by his wife was so great that the comparison between the two naturally made him feel a little disappointed.

But fortunately, he had no ambition for fame, so he quickly let go of the unnecessary loss. After all, his wife's success is also good for the family.

Moreover, it also has unexpected benefits for himself: Alice will naturally live in the palace for a long time in the future, and he will have more freedom of movement. He does not have to bother to find excuses to coax Alice as before, and can go with his lover at any time. tryst.

When he thought of this, Edgar felt a little happy.

However, he soon fell into depression and depression again, because both his mistress, Princess Kadiyan, and his most beloved father were all in Paris at this time, as if they were in the area with the strongest typhoon. And now there is no news from them.

Although these two people are protected, the order is completely broken at this time. Who can guarantee absolute safety? Especially his father. If something happened to his father, Edgar simply didn't know how to deal with it.

He had lived a life of dissoluteness and had no scruples. He only respected, loved and feared his father. How could he feel relieved at this moment?

Alice could see how depressed her husband was at the moment, and she could more or less guess what he was thinking. "Are you worried about father?"

"Yeah..." Edgar sighed with rare sadness, "Dad is in danger at the moment, and as a son of man, I can't help him. I can only worry here, hey..."

However, unlike her husband, Alice did not have much respect or love for the Marquis of Treville. Instead, she harbored resentment for his favoritism and contempt, so she did not care so much about her father-in-law's life and death.

Besides, now that she was destined to rise to great heights, she no longer needed the Marquis as the backbone of the family, and she didn't even care.

It's just that she's not stupid, and of course she won't show her indifference towards me in front of her son, so she also made a sad look, "Yeah, I've been worried about dad during this time, for fear that he would be in danger. . However, after all, Dad has experienced the bloody storms of the year. He knows better than us how to control the situation and how to preserve ourselves in danger. We should have confidence in him. I remember what Dad told us before leaving. That is, if we want to live our lives well, we should strive to fulfill his wishes..."

"That's what I said, hey..." Edgar was still a little worried, but at the moment he had no choice but to stay here helpless.

Moreover, unlike his wife, who is proud of her husband and is about to shoulder a heavy responsibility, he has no status at all in the hearts of the two majesties. Naturally, he is also dispensable in this palace. No one will deliberately fawn over him. In a forgotten location.

Edgar didn't care about his palace status, but he was used to a flashy life, and he was tired of this kind of life where he couldn't do anything or play. He just hoped that this unlucky time would end as soon as possible so that he could return to Paris. Relive the original leisurely and carefree life.

The worry about his father and the depression of life at this time made him feel tired and decadent like never before. He habitually picked up the wine bottle from beside him and prepared to have a few more drinks.

"Want to drink again? How much have you drunk along the way?" Alice's eyes flashed with imperceptible disgust and contempt. "We have just arrived at Fontainebleau, and it is a critical moment to establish our image here. If you drink like this every day, what will the people around His Majesty think of you?"

"What does it matter? Your two majesties are too lazy to pay attention to me. They have not summoned me during this period. I am still afraid that you will lose your temper?" Edgar smiled nonchalantly, "Besides, Now that you have become a popular person in front of them, this is enough, and our family will have practical protection in the future, so why should I bother to show off?"

After finishing speaking, Edgar directly picked up the wine glass and drank heavily.

Alice watched with cold eyes, but in the end she stopped trying to dissuade him.

She used to feel a little sad about her husband's following the crowd and coveting comfort, but now, she has become accustomed to this situation, so she doesn't want to talk about it anymore. In other words, she has completely given up.

And the way her husband was drinking heavily at this moment once again reminded her of her experience when she met His Majesty in Switzerland. That time, the two families made an appointment to go out to the lake the next day, but Edgar ended up getting drunk with someone else and broke the appointment. If he hadn't worked hard to make up for it, his family's future would have been lost.

As a result, up to now, my husband still has not learned the lesson from the last time and is still going his own way. He has never thought about taking care of the family or even thinking about being a father.

Did he pay such a high price at that time just to spend his life with such a person?

The more Alice thought about it, the more annoyed and miserable she became, but what could be done? After all, a person's destiny is determined by herself. Since she has chosen this path, there is no way back.

That's it, if that's the case, then I'll carry this family on my back and move forward. At least I can make Xia Lu prosperous and have the most dazzling life, making up for the regrets in my life... Alice thought to herself.

"Since you are free during this time, please spend more time with Xia Lu." After Edgar had a drink, Alice couldn't help but told him, "Since I have been given such an important responsibility recently, I will definitely be very busy next time. , Edgar, now is the time for you to fulfill your father's responsibilities..."

Now, this is all she expects from her husband.

"A father's responsibility... A father's responsibility..." Edgar, who was already drunk, muttered unconsciously, "Yes, I am a father, I am a father... I have children, Xia Lu, Xia Lu Lu, Xia Lu...Yin Zerui...Xia Lu..."

Edgar's words were unclear, but the one word mixed in them struck straight into Alice's heart, making her hands and feet almost cold for a moment.

Why does a strange name suddenly pop up?

Is this a mistake or is there another reason?

She looked at her drunken husband and wanted to press him, but in the end she stopped.

Some things can only be kept in the heart and cannot be asked out.

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