Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-eight, running official

This night was a familiar drunken night for Edgar. In order to drink away his sorrow, he drank so much that he almost didn't know anyone else. However, for Alice, it was a night where it was difficult to sleep.

What does what Edgar just said mean? Is it a tongue-tied joke after drinking too much, or is it the truth spoken after drinking? Did he only have a child named Xia Lu, or did he secretly leave some bastard outside?

She has been thinking about this problem, and even if she forces herself to think about other things, her brain will still force her thoughts back and continue to make her nervous about it.

The excitement and excitement during the day had disappeared at this moment. The most terrifying conjecture appeared in her mind, which made her tremble and make her restless.

She had known before that her husband often went out and fooled around - with her intelligence, she could certainly detect his insincere excuses when she usually got along with Edgar.

Although she was very unhappy, she was powerless to stop it - after all, in the upper class society, there were too many husbands doing this, and the wives either had their own thing to do, or they could only swallow it, and she had no way to restrain them. Because of her husband's actions, she could only endure it silently and pretend to turn a blind eye.

However, going out to fool around and leaving an illegitimate child are completely different things. Not only does it mean a more serious betrayal, it also means that it may affect Xia Lu.

She didn't know about Marquis Treville's "illegitimate son turning into a regular person" plan. At this time, she still believed that even if the illegitimate son existed, it was just a shady existence.

But even so, this will still affect Xia Lu. After all, an illegitimate child may dilute the father's love and family fortune that Xia Lu deserves.

However, even after thinking of this, Alice was still at a loss.

What should I do?

It makes no sense at all to start an investigation for a vague word. Edgar could have refused to admit it, or even scolded himself for making trouble for nothing. He didn't have any evidence in hand, and he would only be regarded as a shrew by others.

Therefore, although Alice tossed and turned, she finally chose to swallow her anger.

With the help of the faint light outside the window, she opened her eyes wide and looked at her husband's sleeping face, which was just a few feet away.

And in her eyes, there was no longer the deep love in the past, only indifference and hidden hatred remained.

Although the two of them still sleep in the same bed,

But her heart has become fragmented due to Edgar's repeated betrayal and bullying, and now even the last trace of love is becoming dangerous, like a candle in the wind.

Edgar, you'd better just be drunk and talking nonsense, otherwise...you who betrayed our mother and daughter at the same time will never be forgiven by me. I will do my best to revenge you. This is what I deserve. right.

She recited it word by word in her heart, and finally closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


Just as the Alice couple were breaking up due to their grudges, not far from the room where they rested, another family was also involved in a dispute.

Like Alice and his wife, Duke Nordlien's family also followed this huge team all the way to the Palace of Fontainebleau, and because of their status, they were given the grace to temporarily stay in the palace.

Half a month ago, this family was still a pawn of the Bourbon family, but now it has transformed into a hero of the Bonaparte family. This kind of chameleon-like change of position has been common in the history of France in the past few decades. Such an example has made people so accustomed to it that they don’t even bother to condemn this ungrateful behavior.

For Duke Nordlyon, from being on the verge of bankruptcy to now becoming a popular favorite, seeing that the prosperous and glorious era is coming again, this kind of ups and downs really makes him quite emotional.

Of course he knew that the reason why his destiny had reversed and he was able to achieve everything he had now was not just because of his title and famous lineage; it was also because of another factor.

But now, seeing that the Bonaparte family is about to soar into the sky, my own family also has the opportunity to continue to rise a step higher. All it takes is a small price to pay...

And he had already made up his mind to pay this small price.

At dusk, the Duke took his little daughter Agnes for a stroll in the gardens of the Palace of Fontainebleau.

Although the garden has long been messy and overgrown with weeds due to many years of neglect, even from the only remaining scenery, you can still feel the fresh, natural, delicate and soft beauty here, and you can also feel a little bit of the time when it was most prosperous. The brilliance it possesses.

"It's really beautiful here, but it's a pity that I haven't been here before when I have free time." The Duke took his daughter to wander in the garden, and then randomly found a stone chair to sit down and rest. "But if nothing else happens, we will stay here in the future." There will be no shortage of time here, I think His Majesty likes it here very much, and he will probably turn this place into the seat of his palace in the future, so as not to be burdened by the crowds and turmoil of Paris."

"Probably so." Agnes didn't care about this kind of question at all, so she just agreed with her father's opinion perfunctorily.

"Agnes, I have good news for you." At this time, the father's tone suddenly changed.

"What good news?" Agnes was stunned for a moment.

"According to the rumors I just heard, Her Majesty the Queen summoned your sister just a few hours ago and then entrusted her with important tasks." The Duke briefly described the news he heard to his daughter.

Perhaps because he was afraid that his daughter would not understand, he directly concluded, "If the rumors are true, your sister will be the most popular person in this rebuilt palace. It can even be said that during this period, she almost said everything." .”

"Really?" Agnes was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that her sister would rise to this level just on her first day in Fontainebleau.

Although she herself has no interest in wealth, but since her sister is so obsessed with personal power, she should be very satisfied and happy now... So Agnes couldn't help but feel happy.

"That's great. I believe that my sister will be able to live up to His Majesty's trust and complete her mission."

Agnes' dull reaction made the Duke a little unbelievable. He really didn't understand why Agnes still seemed to stay out of the matter even though he had made it so clear.

The Duke has extremely conflicted feelings about Alice's current popularity. On the one hand, she is indeed his daughter and is bound by blood; but on the other hand, since Alice got married, the relationship between father and daughter has been extremely bad and has almost broken down. , and during the previous debt crisis, he and Alice had quarreled several times. It can be said that the relationship between father and daughter has been lost.

Therefore, even if Alice is now prosperous, it would be in vain if he wants to take advantage of Alice.

And Alice's sudden popularity stimulated the Duke in another way - since a married Alice can be so valued, what value should his own, unmarried, still perfect little daughter have? ?

He himself couldn't get into Alice's glory, but his daughter was not the only one with Alice.

Although this is indeed a bit sorry for Agnes, but compared to what can be obtained, the price paid is simply not worth mentioning.

"Agnes, don't just think about being happy for your sister. In fact, my many years of experience tell me that in the court, there is often only one step between being favored and falling out of favor. Those hot favorites are actually walking on thin ice. If you are not careful, you will lose your favor and disappear from people's attention from now on." The Duke said his words half-truthfully, "Your sister is very popular now, and she has the important task of helping His Majesty rebuild the palace. Next, a large number of manpower will inevitably be needed to enrich the palace. And you also know that this is a troubled time, and all forces are secretly wrestling with each other, and even fighting each other, so when the palace expands, there must be some traitorous party who wants to infiltrate. , must be screened carefully. If something goes wrong or something unexpected happens, not only will she lose His Majesty's trust, but her future may even be ruined. Can't you sense the crisis?"

Of course Agnes couldn't imagine such a winding thing, but when her father pointed it out, she suddenly felt that it made sense.

Yes, my sister is responsible for recruiting people to expand the palace. If any traitor takes the opportunity to sneak in, spy on information, or even plot to assassinate His Majesty's family, then my sister will definitely be held responsible for it. When the time comes, it will be a small matter to fall out of favor, and she may even be punished for it. Suffering the fear of life.

Especially now that the situation is so chaotic and everyone is furious, how can there be any scruples at this time? No one who can take action will keep it in check.

"Yes... you are right, this is no small matter." Agnes immediately panicked, "Why don't you ask your sister to refuse this job? She won't be able to take the responsibility if something happens."

"Silly girl!" The Duke couldn't help laughing at his daughter's innocence, "Do you think His Majesty owns a shop and can still bargain? Since he has decided that Alice will be in charge, then Alice must do it. If If she refuses, there will definitely be no chance; besides, with Alice’s character, would she be willing to voluntarily resign from such an important position?”

Agnes thought so. Even if her sister knew the risks and consequences, she would definitely not back down. She would never let the opportunity slip away from her.

At this time, she probably understood what her father meant. Since she had been induced to do this, there must be something her father wanted her to do. "Dad, what do you think I should do?"

Seeing that his daughter was on the road, the Duke no longer concealed himself. He looked at his daughter and then expressed his thoughts to her.

"This is quite simple. You go to your sister to ask for a position, and then stay with your sister to help her, identify and investigate suspicious characters for her; if there is really any danger, you go and solve it for her! You are her favorite sister, and she will definitely agree to apply for a job, and with your help, the situation she faces will be much better...Agnes, don't you think this is good?"

Agnes thought about it carefully and found that there seemed to be nothing wrong.

Although she was still a little angry with her sister, her sister was in a dangerous situation at this time, and it should have been natural for her to help her sister.

Although she is not good at management and conspiracy, she is good at fighting and killing. If there is any danger approaching her sister, then she will just draw her sword to drive it away. Isn't that great?

"Of course it's good to help my sister, but it's natural to help her. Why should I ask her for an official position?" She didn't quite understand this point.

The Duke was already mentally prepared for his daughter's innocence and ignorance, so he explained it to his daughter very patiently.

"I know that you have no interest in fame and wealth, but if your sister gives you a position, then you will have the palace staff and can come and go here legitimately; and if you want to clear up any suspicious characters, you must There is the cooperation of other people, and the other people are not your sisters. If you don’t have a formal identity, how can they cooperate with you and convince you?"

After hearing her father's explanation, Agnes realized that if she wanted to get around in the court, she couldn't do it without a title.

But if she gets a position, it seems to mean that she has officially become a servant of the Bonaparte family. For Agnes, she feels like there is one less thing she insists on.

She had almost broken up with Agron, but unknowingly, she had been constantly at a disadvantage due to the tricks of fate. In the end, she had to become his servant in order to protect him. Thinking of this, Agnes suddenly felt dumbfounded. .

Alas, why are you still thinking about this now? We've already... already made that kind of concession, so what's the point of insisting on this pointless struggle?

Besides, your parents and your sister are already servants. Are you not a servant even if you are white?

When Agnes thought of this, she finally chose to compromise out of habit. After all, her family was always more important to her than her own momentary honor and disgrace. Since she could protect her sister and help her, then she would do something. Compromise is also a given.

"Okay, I'll tell my sister tomorrow." Finally, she nodded slightly and agreed to her father's proposal.

Little did she know that in her father's plan, letting her assist her sister Zuo was just an excuse, and the real intention was to let her use this official position to legitimately get close to His Majesty.

"I think she will also be very happy. She is now in the midst of employing people, and being able to get your help is the best luck she could ever ask for." Seeing Agnes agree, the Duke was secretly happy.

Then, he warned his daughter, "By the way, when you assist your sister next, you will meet with His Majesty a lot. You must remember not to disobey him and please him!"

Agnes's face suddenly turned ugly, and she looked at her father aggrievedly.

"Are you so anxious for me to flatter you?"

"He will be the supreme ruler of this country soon. Shouldn't we flatter him?" The Duke asked confidently, "How many people want to flatter him but can't get it."

Then, he reminded his daughter in a deep voice, "Don't forget, he is me now, your sister, and the benefactor of your whole family! He is so kind to us, shouldn't we be grateful?"

Agnes wanted to defend herself, but in the end she seemed unable to say anything.

Finally, she nodded slightly and stopped arguing with her father. "Okay, I understand, dad..."

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