Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-nine, edict

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 29, Edict Just when Aiglon and his close followers occupied the Palace of Fontainebleau and began to scheming with each other for their next position in the palace, Paris was still immersed in In the midst of bloody turmoil.

However, even in the center of the most violent storm, there will be calm and safe areas, and the place where Prince Talleyrand secretly hid is one of them.

Since the first day of the showdown between the King and Parliament, Prince Talleyrand, who has a keen sense of smell, has taken his cronies and hid in his secret hiding place. This shelter transformed from a cellar has been around for several years. It had protected his life ten years ago, and now it was once again fulfilling its mission faithfully.

In the past few days, despite the bloody storm outside, Talleyrand, who was hiding in the shelter, was in a good mood. Not only did he drink happily from time to time, he was always giving advice and talking loudly.

He was already experienced in the turmoil in Paris, and he didn't care at all about the current small scene.

Although he was hiding in the shelter, he had been paying attention to the news outside and trying to catch up with the latest trends in the situation so that he could gain insight into the situation and decide the next action.

He knew that the situation in France had now reached a fever pitch, and every minute and every second was crucial to him, and could even determine the rest of his political life.

Just two hours after the king ordered to cease resistance and surrender to the militiamen who attacked the palace, Talleyrand received the news.

Talleyrand took out his pocket watch, and then said coldly in a heavy tone like a mourner.

Marshal Soult, who was sitting next to him, sneered slightly.

Prince Talleyrand shrugged.

The sarcasm in Talleyrand's tone made Soult feel a little emotional.

Yes, fifteen years, historically speaking, should be such a short time, not even enough for a newborn to grow to adulthood. However, for France from 1789 to the present, it seems to be an insurmountable length of time.

The Great Revolution was like a great flood that swept away everything, destroying the old dynasty and people's respect for blood, religion, order, and all authority.

They took sides because of their respective positions in the bloody storm, and then they hated each other and fought with each other. The estrangement between them was so deep that it could not be bottomed out. Therefore, any regime would find that it has countless opponents.

Almost every day is in a precarious state and could collapse at any time.

This is not an exaggerated description, but a fact.

Needless to say, during the Great Revolution, the Feuillants, Girondins, Jacobins and Directory were replaced in a revolving door. Generally, they would only be in power for one or two years before being overthrown. The longest-lasting Directory only lasted 4 years. That’s it; in 1799, Napoleon came to power in the Brumaire Coup, served as the first consul, and proclaimed himself emperor in 1804. He was forced to abdicate in 1814. Even if the subsequent Hundred Days Dynasty is included, it only lasted fifteen years.

Now, the Bourbon dynasty, restored twice in 1814 and 1815, collapsed fifteen years later.

What's next? How long can those who seize power, whether it is the Orleans family or the Bonaparte family, hold on in a country accustomed to rebellion and disobedience? Can it last more than fifteen years?

Anyone would probably raise a question mark.

Marshal Soult frowned and seemed to be in a very bad mood. "Can this state of affairs be tolerated? If all order and authority are destined to end in a short time, if

All achievements will be wiped out in a dozen years. Then who can lead the country to prosperity? "

Talleyrand spread his hands,

Marshal Sirte rose up against the case.

Then, he looked at Talleyrand again, his eyes burning.

Prince Talleyrand asked rhetorically.

Perhaps out of a bit of sadness, Marshal Soult was still very excited.

Prince Talleyrand was not surprised by the marshal's declaration. He knew that the marshal was a straightforward soldier. From a personal emotional point of view, he also disliked this kind of turmoil - even if the turmoil was beneficial to him now.

He also believed that Marshal Soult had such an iron fist, and once he was given power, he would really dare to do so.

Just as Talleyrand was about to drink another drink, his entourage ran over and said a few words to him.

Prince Talleyrand immediately gave the order.

Then the Marquis de Treville was brought in.

This is not the first time that Marquis Treville has come here, but despite his tall stature, he still feels that this underground shelter is a bit cramped.

The sights of the two senators opposite, Talleyrand and Soult, made him feel even more like a thorn in his back.

Upon seeing him, Prince Talleyrand was not in a hurry to ask him why he was here, but greeted him with a smile on his face.

Marquis Treville said as he found a seat and sat down.

Talleyrand sneered and picked up the glass, then raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

Facing the prince's inquiring gaze, the Marquis of Treville was very calm, "Yes, in times of crisis, my brother recommended himself to the king to be responsible for guarding the palace. Then, he tried every means to boost morale, distribute supplies, and deploy troops to defend the palace. , until now.

Although he has failed now, his failure this time is the most glorious I have ever seen. I originally only expected him to hold on for a week, but then he held on for ten days! He has never been on the battlefield for a day, but he is an amazing hero... I have admired him since I was a child, and I admire him even more now. "

When talking about his own brother, the Marquis, who had always been taciturn and indifferent to emotions and anger, was now very happy. Obviously, he respected his brother far more than anyone else in his heart.


Marshal Soult, who had been silent until now, interrupted,

replied the Marquis of Treville.

That's what he said, but he didn't know for sure. At this time, the Duke of Treville, like the king's family, was in the hands of the Duke of Orleans as a prisoner. If the Duke became angry and thought that the Duke had spoiled his important affairs, he would take advantage of the Duke to vent his anger. If so, he would have no way to save him.

Therefore, at this moment, he could only pray that the king could save his brother, and at the same time pray that the duke would finally have some dignity.

However, even though he was extremely worried, the Marquis de Treville still had a confident look on his face. After all, if you want to achieve great things, you cannot show your timidity, especially in front of someone like Talleyrand, otherwise you will be taken advantage of. .

Talleyrand comforted the Marquis with a seemingly considerate look, and then he changed the topic.

The Marquis of Treville replied calmly.

Talleyrand was startled, then a little amused.

Who cares about gifts now?

But he also knew that the Treville brothers were both figures, not just idiots, so his curiosity was quickly aroused again.

The Marquis of Treville took out an envelope from his arms.

Talleyrand became more and more curious. He waved his hand, and the confidant next to him walked to the Marquis, took the letter, and then handed it to Talleyrand.

After Talleyrand received the letter, the expression on his face instantly changed from relaxed to serious. Even his hands shook slightly, as if he couldn't bear the weight of the letter.

Seeing Prince Talleyrand's performance, Marshal Soult's curiosity was also aroused.

Talleyrand did not answer, but after thinking for a moment, he handed the letter in his hand to Marshal Soult.

After the marshal took it, he himself was stunned.

he exclaimed.

Then, without waiting for anyone else to answer, he examined it carefully himself.

The letter paper is a paper used exclusively for official documents in the palace. It has the emblem of the fleur-de-lis on it, and at the end of the edict, there is the seal of King Charles X, which looks like it must be genuine.

Since he has not yet been officially deposed from the throne, this edict naturally has full legal effect.

Like Prince Talleyrand, he suddenly felt the weight of the paper, and his hands shook unconsciously.

Then, he suddenly raised his head and stared at the Marquis of Treville,

The Marquis of Treville replied calmly,

The king naturally didn't know the whereabouts of Prince Talleyrand, but at this time Duke Treville promised him that he could send it through his network, so after the king wrote the edict, he handed it to Treville. The Duke then asked his cronies to swim across the Seine River, and finally handed the abdication edict to his younger brother.

And then the Marquis brought it to see Talleyrand.

Talleyrand suddenly sneered.

The king's intention at this moment can be understood by the three people present. He just wants to disrupt the situation and let his enemies fight each other. The greater the loss, the better.

However, even if they understood the king's intention, it didn't matter to them, because this edict undoubtedly gave them great help.

A trace of pride flashed across Prince Talleyrand's face. It was obvious that he was extremely happy at the moment.

The Marquis de Treville rose to take his leave;

Then, he turned around and left.

Just as he was leaving, Talleyrand's erratic and weak voice came from behind,

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