Eagle’s Glory

Thirty-one, meeting and supplication

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 31, Rendezvous and Supplication The Marquis of Treville didn't know what Talleyrand and Soult thought of him behind his back. In fact, he never cared about how others viewed him.

His only concern now is how to put his loyal Bonaparte family on the throne again in the current chaotic situation, and to ensure that His Majesty rewards him for his merits.

He is not worried about the latter, because from his contact with Aigron, he has seen that His Majesty is not that kind of ungrateful villain. He and his brother have made such contributions to him, and he will never turn a blind eye. .

But for the former, it left him a bit busy.

Although the Bourbon dynasty was destined to fall and he had helped his brother deliver the king's abdication decree to Talleyrand, it is still unclear which competitor the crown would eventually fall into.

Although the Duke of Orleans was famous for his bloody attack on the palace, he controlled the palace and the king's family after all. He was now in a favorable position and could become the king at any time.

The most critical question is, where has His Majesty progressed? Did he seize the opportunity and use his brother's delay to reach a position that could influence the course of the entire country?

If His Majesty did not seize the opportunity and let the Duke of Orleans take advantage of the time difference to do whatever he wanted, it would mean that his brother's work was in vain, and he could not accept such an ending at all.

Although he showed a confident look in front of Prince Talleyrand, he was naturally quite anxious in his heart, and this anxiety was increasing day by day because he was cut off from information from the outside world.

After leaving the cellar where Prince Talleyrand was hiding, the Marquis of Treville did not return home first, but came to the outside of the mansion he had previously helped the Count of Monte Cristo purchase.

After he came to the corner, he began to look up at the window facing the street on the second floor of the mansion.

This was the code he had agreed with the Count of Monte Cristo.

Edmond had planned to catch up with Marshal Marmont's army and instigate the officers among them. Before leaving Paris, he made an agreement with the Marquis of Treville - once he returned to Paris, he would show up at the window of the room facing the street on the second floor. Hang white curtains.

After the count left, every once in a while, the marquis would quietly come over to check on the situation, looking forward to the early return of his colleagues. However, every time he could only return disappointed.

Today he came again, but he didn't have much hope in his heart.

However, when he raised his head and saw the window clearly, he suddenly froze.

Although the light in winter was not good, it was enough for him to see clearly - the usually empty windows were now hung with white curtains!

Are you finally back?...

The Marquis, who usually kept his emotions secretive, now showed a smile of great joy, almost laughing out loud.

The count's safe return means a lot of things - most importantly, it means that everything is going well for His Majesty the Emperor, and he may even be only one step away from Paris!

Furthermore, this means that the Bonaparte family will be in a position qualified to influence the political situation, their hope of winning will be greatly increased, and the hard work of the two brothers will not be in vain.

Without thinking any more, the Marquis of Treville quietly walked in from the back door.

Because the servant responsible for taking care of the house was originally lent to the Count of Monte Cristo by the Marquis of Treville, so after seeing clearly that it was the Marquis, the servant let him in directly.

"Is the count back?" Marquis Treville made the final confirmation.

The servant nodded slightly, "Yes, sir, he just came back last night."

"Take me to see him quickly!" the Marquis ordered immediately.

Soon, he was taken to the reception room, and Edmund, who had received the servant's report, also hurried over.

Although it had only been more than ten days since the last time the two of them were separated, they both felt a sense of sadness when they met each other.

On the one hand, the past ten days have been changing, and major events have happened one after another, which makes people feel as if a long time has passed; on the other hand, in this chaotic time, confirming that each other has everything to do, also makes them let go. Heart.

During this period of time, Edmund and the Marquis of Treville have cooperated sincerely. They have helped each other a lot and have accumulated a sense of comradeship. Therefore, they will care about each other's life and death.

However, both of them were people who had seen the world, so after sighing for a moment, they quickly returned to normal.

"Count, you can't imagine how anxious I have been waiting for news from you during this period..." Marquis Treville got straight to the point, "Is this going well for you?"

"It went very smoothly, otherwise I wouldn't have come back." Edmund replied with a smile, "Our plan was executed very smoothly, even smoother than we thought before."

Then, Edmond briefly told Treville his experiences during this period, from running to instigate Fernand, to capturing Marshal Marmont alive, to occupying Lyon, and marching from Lyon to the Palace of Fontainebleau. Marquis.

The Marquis was happy and excited when he heard this. He was not only excited about the victory of the Bonaparte family, but also excited that his many years of painstaking efforts were finally bearing fruit.

"Fontainebleau... is such a nostalgic place. I used to be there often." He continued in a nostalgic tone, "Oh, I didn't expect that I would be able to meet the emperor of the empire there again so soon. Got it!"

"His Majesty also misses you very much." Edmund replied. "He knows how much sacrifice you and your brother have made for his victory. He asked me to tell you that he will never forget this feat—— As long as the Bonapartes reign, the Trevilles will prosper!"

These words made the Marquis even more excited.

Although he had already guessed that His Majesty would not be ungrateful, such a high evaluation and such a clear statement still made him extremely satisfied.

The emperor would not joke around. His words meant that the Treville family would always have a place in the palace. With His Majesty's age, he should be able to reign for a long time, which means that the descendants of the Marquis have a long-term "meal ticket" that can last for several generations.

The Marquis knew that his son was not living up to expectations, and now he had no legal grandson but only one illegitimate grandson. He did not know what the future would be like, but as long as His Majesty said this, his family would not fall easily.

Although the Marquis of Treville was not moved to tears with gratitude, he always felt in his heart that "I finally did not go to the wrong person."

"I am very grateful to His Majesty for your recognition of our brothers." After a moment of excitement, the Marquis regained his composure and spoke again, "Being able to serve the Bonaparte family is the greatest honor of my life, and so will my descendants. I will serve His Majesty wholeheartedly, even to the death!"

"Your Majesty still has many areas where you need to continue to serve, and I ask you to keep up your efforts." Edmund also smiled, as if congratulating the Marquis in advance for his future promotion, "Now it's your turn, tell me about the situation in Paris. How's it going?"

The Marquis of Treville did not hide anything, and told Edmund everything about his activities in Paris during this period, as well as the incident where he had just transferred the king's abdication edict to Prince Talleyrand.

After learning about this, Edmund was also deeply shocked.

Although he had only met Prince Talleyrand once or twice, he never dared to take this old lame man lightly, who was used to turning things upside down. He knew exactly what this guy had done back then and what he could accomplish.

"It seems that the situation in Paris will change again. Talleyrand is going to disrupt the situation!" He came to the conclusion after thinking for a while, "His Majesty's decision to stay at Fontainebleau Palace and not enter Paris for the time being is indeed true. A wise move, no one knows where the situation will go next, and His Majesty cannot put himself in a puddle of muddy water."

"Yes, it is a very wise move for His Majesty to stay in Fontainebleau. It allows him to move forward and retreat freely without being involved in endless conspiracies." The Marquis of Treville also expressed emotion, "However, it is hard work. As his agent, I’m afraid you will have to travel back and forth between the two places.”

"Serving His Majesty, I have never been afraid of hard work." Edmund smiled and shook his head, "Besides, compared to before, I was already much more relaxed. Now Your Majesty is only dozens of kilometers away from Paris, and I can do it in a day or two." Going back and forth will not delay His Majesty’s important events.”

"I am convinced that you will be able to live up to His Majesty's expectations." Marquis Treville also complimented the Earl appropriately.

"I will return to Fontainebleau today to report to Your Majesty the latest situation in Paris and let Your Majesty make an appropriate judgment." Edmund looked at the count, "If you have anything to say to Your Majesty, write it down on paper quickly. Well, I will bring it to His Majesty when the time comes."

The Marquis naturally accepted Edmund's suggestion. He took the pen and paper and quickly wrote a long letter.

In this letter, he analyzed the current situation, predicted what would happen next, and made suggestions for Aiglon's next actions; at the same time, he tried his best to tell the difficulties he encountered and claim credit for himself without revealing any trace.

Ever since he learned that Aigron had entered the Palace of Fontainebleau, the Marquis' previous anxiety had vanished, and he had regained his usual calmness and confidence. It didn't take long to finish writing a long letter.

When he had finished writing, he handed the letter to the count.

Then the two men encouraged each other for a while, and then the Marquis quietly took his leave and returned to his home with a relieved heart.

But Edmund did not leave Paris immediately. He quietly followed a familiar route and came to the mansion he bought that originally belonged to Danglars.

Since Edmund had dismissed most of the servants long ago, the mansion looked dilapidated due to poor maintenance, but it didn't look like there were many signs of damage. Apparently there had been no turmoil in Paris during this period. It spreads here.

But this is not surprising. This neighborhood is crowded with mansions and a large number of celebrities and dignitaries live here. They are obviously motivated to maintain their own safety and have enough money to recruit people. Therefore, it is normal that this area has not been affected by war and chaos. .

When Edmund saw Emily and Eugenie, mother and daughter, and confirmed that they were safe and sound, his hanging heart was finally relieved.

Seeing Edmund, the mother and daughter were obviously relieved.

During this period of time, they have already regarded Edmund as their pillar and talisman, the guarantee for their future lives. However, the recent chaos and bloody events have frightened them out of their wits. They have prayed to God many times for the count to hurry up. Return.

Now that Edmund is finally back, they seem to have a backbone and say goodbye to fear for the time being.

"Sir..." Emily cried so hard that she hugged Edmund, "You are finally back. I have been so worried about you during this time. Thank God, you finally returned safely. "

"It's okay, Emily. This is just a temporary confusion and it will subside soon." Edmund gently stroked Emily's back and comforted her in a low voice, "I will be fine, and neither will you." Something will happen, everything will be fine.”

"Well, I believe you, everything will be fine." Under Edmund's comfort, Emily finally became happy. "I'll prepare dinner for you."

"Don't worry about it yet." Edmund shook his head, and then asked the question he was most concerned about at the moment, "How is that woman doing now?"

Of course Emily knew who the woman he was talking about was.

"She is still alive, but not in a good condition."

Edmund thought to himself that it would be a miracle for anyone to recover after being locked up in a dark attic for several months.

"Okay, I'm going to take her away tonight, so she doesn't have to trouble you anymore."

"What, tonight?!" Emily was shocked after hearing this, "Are you leaving tonight?"

"Yes, Emily." Edmund felt a little ashamed, "I'm afraid I will be very busy during this period and won't have much time to see you."

Tears welled up in Emily's eyes again, "Then can you take me away too?" There is so much chaos in the city now. I'm really afraid that it will spread here one day. Our mother and daughter are weak women. Once What happened, how can I resist? And...I want to stay by your side! Please, no matter where you go, please take us with you, okay? "

Emily's soft pleading and the desolate look of pear blossoms with rain made Edmund's heart ache.

He hesitated.

He was planning to take Bianca to the Palace of Fontainebleau and let His Majesty personally deal with his enemies, but could he take Emily and her daughter there?

To be fair, Emily's reasons are legitimate, and it is indeed dangerous to stay here.

However, Fontainebleau is not a hotel. Taking people there means many things.

What's even worse is that she even carries the title of "Mrs. Tanglar" on her head now - because of "absconding with the money", Tanglar's reputation is already a bad one.

How embarrassing would it be if someone greeted her in the palace?

How about finding another place to relocate? Edmund thought.

But facing the mother and daughter's extremely dependent attitude on him, and facing Emily's pleading eyes, he felt that he could help them more.

They cannot live in the shadows all the time and serve as their own "collections". They need to be recognized by the outside world too much.

Your Majesty is right, I am never ruthless enough... He sighed inwardly.

Seeing that I have made so many great contributions, Your Majesty will forgive me for this little waywardness...

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