Eagle’s Glory

Thirty-two, choose

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Because his heart softened, after some struggle, Edmund finally agreed to the mother and daughter's plea.

He knew he might pay a price, but he was prepared to do so.

It was he who had harmed them to the point where they were now, so with a troubled conscience, he decided to do his best to create a better future for their mother and daughter, so that they could live a better life.

Then he calmed the mother and daughter with kind words, and then climbed to the attic alone and met Bianca.

Sure enough, as Emily said, Bianca's current condition is indeed very bad. The long time of being restrained by chains has made her skinny, and not seeing the sun for many days has made her as pale as a ghost.

Edmund's arrival did not arouse her surprise. She just glanced briefly and continued to rest with her head lowered. It seemed that not much of the unruly look in her eyes was left.

"Ms. Bianca, I want to take you to another place." Edmund said his purpose.

"Isn't it a good place to hold me here? Where should I move to?" Bianca responded in a weak voice.

To be honest, when she heard the news, she felt a little happy. After all, she had had enough in this hellish place. However, this joy disappeared immediately after a short moment.

Even if he is moved to another place, he is still a prisoner. How could it be better?

Ever since she was captured by mistake, death has been following her closely, and she even hoped to end this painful waiting process as soon as possible.

"I will take you to the Palace of Fontainebleau," answered Edmund.

"What?!" Even though her heart was already calm, these words still aroused Bianca's surprise.

After all, although the Palace of Fontainebleau has been alienated and neglected by the royal family, it is still the property of the royal family. As a Bonapartist, the count dared to use it as a stronghold, which is really shocking.

Edmund knew that because she was in an isolated attic, Bianca was unaware of the various changes that had taken place in Paris at this time, so he explained to him.

"You must not know what happened, so let me tell you... Right now, France is in chaos, and the Bonaparte family has returned to Fontainebleau!"

Then he briefly told Bianca the events that had occurred.

Bianca was shocked when she heard what happened. She didn't expect that just a few months after she was captured, the country would undergo such earth-shattering changes.

Fortunately, she is an Italian after all, and she always has the idea that the situation in France has nothing to do with her, so in the end she just shrugged, "It has only been fifteen years, and the Restoration Dynasty is over, haha... you French people are really born. The rebels."

"The French people just hate being ruled by incompetent people. They will be willing to be loyal to those who can really lead them to prosperity." Edmund replied seriously, "In short, you should understand your situation now. Next , Your Majesty will personally decide your future——"

Bianca certainly knew this.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

At this moment, she also had mixed feelings about this young man who had just returned to France.

hatred? Of course, a little, but not much. After all, killing and being killed is a part of her life. It is natural for her to be brutally retaliated after a failed assassination.

admire? There seems to be a vague point. Under absolutely unfavorable circumstances, this young man survived his own assassination and even injured himself. His swordsmanship is really impressive; on the other hand,

From a poor prince who was imprisoned, he has now become a strong contender for the throne. He has already created a legend.

"He is indeed very powerful, amazing." Bianca smiled indifferently and feebly, "However, I will not apologize to him, let alone beg for mercy. If he wants to kill me, let him do whatever he wants."

"Of course you can preserve your dignity by saying this, but where do you put Miss Agnes?" Edmund asked the other party sternly, "You may not care about your own life, but can you bear to have her at such a young age?" Will it just wither? She is working hard to save your life, shouldn’t you also cherish your life for her?”

Under Edmund's questioning, Bianca was speechless.

After a moment, she finally sighed dejectedly, "What a stupid apprentice, but he is also cute because of his stupidity. Okay, what do you want me to do?"

Bianca's reply finally made Edmund feel relieved.

The reason why he made it clear to Bianca about the current situation was that he was not interested in chatting with Bianca. The reason why he did this was just to help Miss Agnes and repay the previous favor.

He actually didn't care about Bianca's life, but Agnes had already told him in front of him that if she couldn't save her master's life after all her efforts, she would rather commit suicide. Edmund didn't want such a tragic thing to happen. .

Therefore, despite his reluctance, he now chooses to help Miss Agnes and try his best to save Bianca's life - as for other punishments, he does not care.

"The best case scenario is, of course, that you follow His Majesty's order and confess your instigator in exchange for Your Majesty's spared death."

"It's a pity that I don't want to choose betrayal in exchange for my life." Bianca refused without thinking, "If I have to be forced to do this, then even if it costs my apprentice's life, I can only persevere to the end. .”

Although he had known this result, Edmund still cursed secretly after hearing the other party's rejection.

But in desperation, he had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, "Then, when you get there, don't say anything, especially don't provoke His Majesty anymore, and leave everything to Miss Agnes - This is the only way you can save your life and hers.”

"Agnes is also in Fontainebleau?" Bianca was a little confused. "Isn't her father a courtier of the Bourbon family?"

"Duke Nordlien has long since abandoned his secrets and turned to the light, and has joined the service of His Majesty. Their family has now settled in the Palace of Fontainebleau with His Majesty." Edmund pointed out the situation to the other party, "As one of the first batch to surrender to His Majesty, As a famous noble family, this family must have a very high status in the palace, and Miss Agnes will naturally be able to speak."

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"What a noble nobleman, just a selfish man who takes advantage of the situation." Bianca smiled disdainfully.

Edmund was not interested in arguing with her, and just waved his hand, "Okay, I have explained the specific situation to you clearly, and I don't want to explain other things to you more. Next, I will transport you Heading to Fontainebleau, I ask for your cooperation on the way to avoid harming myself or others."

"You're really nice to Agnes, and you're a good enough friend." Bianca could see at a glance the real reason why the other party cared about her, so she gave the earl a slight thumbs up, "Don't worry, I don't have the capital to resist now even if I want to. ”

After finishing speaking, she gently shook the chains on her body, showing her weakness and fatigue.

Of course, Edmund would not pity the other person's experience, and he did not say much. Instead, he walked forward, blocked Bianca's mouth with a towel, and then directly picked her up and took her upstairs. Get off in the carriage that has been prepared earlier.

Next, Edmund took Bianca, Emily and Eugenie and their mother and daughter, and quietly left Paris through the secret channel established by his own men, heading to the distant Palace of Fontainebleau.


After the Agrons came to the Palace of Fontainebleau and decided to stay here, their captain of the bodyguard Andre Davout naturally became the primary person in charge of the security of the Palace of Fontainebleau.

Compared to the past, he now had more manpower than before. He devoted all his energy to the defense of Fontainebleau. Not only did he have strict sentries at the palace gates, but he also set up posts outside the palace. Several cordons were in place, and any suspicious person approaching the palace would be severely questioned.

When Edmund and his party approached the Palace of Fontainebleau, they were of course stopped by the guards, but after confirming that he was the Count of Monte Cristo, they were immediately let through and entered the core of the palace.

Compared with when Edmund just left a few days ago, the Palace of Fontainebleau seemed much more lively - although Aiglon did not have the time or the budget to carry out large-scale renovations here at this time, but the presence of so many people The move still allowed the palace to gradually regain the popularity it had lost for many years.

Of course, it is still far from what it was in its heyday, but its original functions as the "center of the empire" are slowly recovering.

Edmund didn't wait long in the waiting hall, and was quickly summoned by Aigron.

This young man looked more energetic than before.

"Edmund, what's the situation in Paris now?" After seeing his favorite, Aigron didn't waste time on greetings, but asked the question he was most concerned about now.

"The king surrendered and his family fell into the hands of the Duke of Orleans. He wrote an edict of abdication, but... he gave the edict to Prince Talleyrand through the Treville brothers." Edmund and Aiglon Describes the facts as he knows them.

Then, he took out the letter written by the Marquis of Treville to Aigron from his arms. After Egron took it, he read it carefully.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

In the letter, Marquis Treville used his own experience to explain the current situation in detail to Aiglon and put forward his own suggestions for response. Although Aiglon did not agree with every opinion, he also admitted that he had received important advice. reference.

In a chaotic situation, the most precious thing is correct information, and Aigron now has the latest situation information in Paris, which means that there is no longer a fog in front of him, and he can finally see the outline of Paris clearly. .

He sat behind his desk, and then began to think carefully. Edmund did not dare to say anything, but just waited with his head lowered, waiting for Aiglon's further orders.

"We must contact Talleyrand and Soult as soon as possible...on the one hand to find out what they plan to do, and on the other hand to find out what they plan to ask from us." After a long silence, Aiglon finally made a decision, " If possible, when you return to Paris, invite the two of them to me, and I will discuss it with them face to face, even one of them will do."

For Aigron, his biggest enemy now is the Orleans family. After all, this family has been planning for a long time and is bent on seizing the throne. There is no room for compromise between him and the Orleans family. It is a life-and-death fight;

Prince Talleyrand and Marshal Soult, the two elders who formed a temporary alliance, are much more subtle and complicated. They may become enemies but they may also become friends, it all depends on the subsequent development of the situation.

After receiving the king's abdication edict, Talleyrand's weight increased even more at this time. It can even be said that he may have taken the initiative in the situation for the time being, so it was very necessary for Aigron to keep in touch with them.

Fortunately, before returning to France, he had already corresponded with Talleyrand and Soult many times and had a somewhat clear idea of ​​their demands and ideas.

They want power, but they know that their prestige is not enough to be a leader, so they settle for the next best thing and plan to support someone who is qualified to ascend the throne in exchange for the power of an important minister.

However, they are also afraid that the people they support will be ungrateful and suffer backlash, so they must try their best to establish their dominant position first, and then use this dominant position to threaten them so that the monarchs who seek help from them will not dare to cross the river and burn bridges, but Keep relying on them.

Although Aigron felt unhappy about what they were thinking, he had to admit that this was the best approach for their interests. Since he really wanted something from them now, he could only swallow this bitter pill.

The only thing that can comfort him is that the Duke of Orleans is also facing the same dilemma as him - even more embarrassed than him.

The Duke of Orleans worked hard to occupy the palace, control the king's family, and force the king to abdicate... He did everything he could, and was only one step away from the crown, but at this last step he was obstructed and pressured Since he can't ascend the throne, he can only grit his teeth and bribe these old people who are obstructing him.

When he thought of Duke Orleans' reaction, Aigron's mood suddenly improved a lot and he almost laughed.

Indeed, the Orleans family has the biggest losses at the moment. He just needs to continue the current situation and find a way to seize the initiative into his own hands.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

The Marquis of Treville also saw this clearly, so he suggested in his letter that he should temporarily comply with the ideas of Talleyrand and others, and even recognize the effectiveness of their provisional government if necessary - anyway, the provisional government would not survive. Too long.

"After you meet Talleyrand, tell him that I am willing to support his idea of ​​forming a provisional government. However, I am a member of the Bonaparte family, and I do not want to obtain any government position before the country clarifies my status, so I recommend The Marquis of Noirtier, as my representative, takes part in all matters of his provisional government."

The Marquis of Noirtier? Edmund was stunned for a moment, then immediately relaxed.

The Marquis of Noirtier has been involved in politics for decades and is brave and resourceful. He only retired after the collapse of the empire. He will participate in the government as Aiglon's agent. He can indeed do a good job in this job and serve Aiglon. Fight for his right to speak.

As for Aigron himself, he was not bound by the provisional government and could continue to do his own thing at the Palace of Fontainebleau. This was the best choice he could make.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I will tell Talleyrand after I see him." Edmund bowed to accept the order, and then he raised his head again, "In addition, I also brought you Ms. Bianca. …”

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