Eagle’s Glory

Thirty-six, brother

The Glory of the Young Eagle text volume 36, under the insistence of her brother, Teresa, although she was a little dissatisfied, still approved his arrangement and let Bianca be handed over to Agnes for care. After all, she had just arrived in France. She knew that her husband was at a critical juncture in his career, so she was unwilling to bother him for such a trivial matter.

At night, the couple quickly put aside this grudge and slept in each other's arms as intimately as before. Early the next morning, the Aigron couple, who had just gotten up, discovered that their guard captain Leban The Marquis Andre Davout asked to see them.

"Is there anything you want to report, Andre?" Aigron asked after seeing him.

"Your Majesty, a visitor has come outside Fontainebleau and wants to see you..." Andre saluted first and then answered respectfully.

Aigron thought that if ordinary people came to visit, Andre would definitely not come to report to him so solemnly, so he suddenly became interested. "who is it?"

Andre's expression became strange, and his eyes flickered a little.

After coughing slightly, he whispered back to Aigron.

"The visitor calls himself Count Alexander Valewski."

Hearing this seemingly ordinary name, Aigron was stunned, and Theresa next to him couldn't help but let out a murmur of surprise.

"What? Count Walewski?"

No wonder Andre's expression was so strange, because he was not sure whether Aiglon would welcome this uninvited guest or turn him away.

The surname Walewski will certainly be familiar to those who are familiar with Napoleon's life and deeds - because Napoleon's Polish mistress Marie Walewska came from this family.

After Emperor Napoleon defeated the combined forces of Prussia and the Russian Empire in 1807, he decided to rebuild a Polish state, the future Grand Duchy of Warsaw, in order to balance the two enemies.

Although the territory of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw was ceded from Prussian Poland and Austrian Poland, the territory of Poland occupied by Russia has not been touched at all, and it is far from the territory of the Kingdom of Poland in its heyday, but this is already Poland People have their own motherland for the first time after decades of subjugation. Napoleon was very kind to Poland.

The Poles repaid their kindness and became loyal allies of Emperor Napoleon from then on, participating in many wars with him.

During my stay in Poland,

Emperor Napoleon fell in love with the young and beautiful Countess Marie Walewska. The Countess was born into a Polish noble family. She married her 70-year-old husband, Count Walewski, at the age of 18 according to her parents' orders. When she was in her early 20s, she won the emperor's favor.

After learning the news, prominent figures in the Polish government, such as the head of the government, Prince Poniatowski, and others put pressure on the young countess, suggesting that she would "sacrifice her country." The countess, who cared about her motherland, After a brief hesitation, he finally threw himself into the emperor's arms.

They got along together on and off for a long time. By 1810, the countess gave birth to an illegitimate son for Napoleon. Although everyone knew that he was the emperor's son, according to ancient European traditions, he was still counted as an illegitimate son. He was the legitimate heir of Count Walewski, so this son naturally took the surname Walewski.

For this illegitimate son, Emperor Napoleon did give some compensation. He granted the child the title of Count of the Empire and gave him an annuity property for his future life and education.

However, this romantic marriage ended here, that is, in 1810, Emperor Napoleon, who was eager to have an heir of noble blood, first divorced Josephine, and then married Louisa of the Habsburg family. Princess.

And in 1811, the new Queen lived up to expectations and gave birth to the legal heir Napoleon longed for - Aiglon.

From that time on, in order to avoid attracting the attention of Queen Louisa, His Majesty the Emperor paid almost no attention to the Countess and her son.

But their fate did not end there. In 1814, Napoleon abdicated for the first time and was forced to live in seclusion on the Island of Elba; Queen Louisa abandoned him and returned to Austria with her son, and Count Walewski However, his wife went to Elba Island to visit the fallen Napoleon, which moved the emperor quite a lot.

After that meeting, the two men never met again. In 1815, Napoleon fought to the death, and then lost completely at Waterloo. Then he was exiled to the island of St. Helena thousands of miles away, and died sadly in 1821. The countess died in childbirth after her remarriage in 1817.

On the day Napoleon died, Aiglon lost his father, but his mother was still alive; but the illegitimate son of the emperor and the countess, Aigron's theoretical "brother", became an orphan without a father or mother.

How has he grown up over the years? What happened again? Eggron, who was locked up in the Austrian palace, didn't know about it. It wasn't until he escaped that he got some information from his accomplices.

Count Alexander Walewski first grew up in Poland. In 1824, he escaped from Poland and then secretly sneaked to France to apply for asylum.

The Bourbon royal family regarded Aiglon as a formidable enemy and wished to get rid of him quickly, but they did not care much about the young Count Walewski and took him in.

After all, although everyone knew that he was the son of Emperor Napoleon, an illegitimate son was not qualified to carry the flag of the Bonaparte family - in fact, no Bonapartists ran to find him.

The young Earl thus stayed in Paris, relying on the generous annuity property given by Emperor Napoleon, living a rather comfortable life, receiving a good education, and gradually grew into a graceful young man.

The above is all the information Aiglon knows.

Aigron had no grudges against this "brother" who was more than a year older than him. After all, he posed no threat to him, and it was impossible for him to claim the Bonaparte family's claim. In history, after Aiglon died prematurely and the legitimate heirs of Emperor Napoleon were cut off, the supporters of the Bonaparte family continued to support not him, but Louis Bonaparte, Napoleon's nephew - which shows that Europe's The tradition is so deep-rooted that not even the blood of the emperor can defeat it.

After entering France, Aigron didn't think much about this "brother". He had too many things to be busy with, and an illegitimate child didn't have much to care about.

He didn't expect that at this time, the elder brother came to the door by himself.

But this is normal. Seeing that Aiglon is now prosperous and may be able to successfully restore the empire, it is understandable that the illegitimate son Count Walewski wants to come over to try his luck and find some future for himself.

Quietly, Aigron and Teresa looked at each other.

"Do you want to meet me?" Aigron asked.

"Can we meet..." Teresa immediately replied, "Your Highness, although he is an illegitimate child, he is still half of your relative. So even if he is here to ask for benefits, we might as well take a look. If He is really capable and a good talent, so it would be good for us to keep him."

The reason why Teresa said this was, on the one hand, because she was really interested in the illegitimate Earl who also had the blood of Napoleon; but on the other hand, it was because of her own position.

Because of a series of previous conflicts, she was also extremely disgusted with Aiglon's cousins, and regarded them as a threat to the status of the Aiglon family - after all, they were also legitimate members of the Bonaparte family, and they were destined to have a share of the empire's cake. Their.

The illegitimate son is different. Even if he is of the emperor's blood, he is not qualified to cut the cake. Everything can only come from the emperor's gift; at the same time, his personal interests are also highly bound to Aigron, because apart from Aiglon, there is no one else. People would reuse an illegitimate son of Napoleon, so in Theresa's view, this was an excellent target to win over.

After obtaining the consent of His Majesty and his wife, Andre said goodbye and left. Soon after, he led a young man into Aiglon's reception room - and Aiglon and his wife were also present at the moment to receive this special identity. illegitimate son.

After meeting the two new owners of the Palace of Fontainebleau, Count Valewski immediately saluted the Agrons with a respectful attitude. "Thank you, Your Majesty, for forgiving me for coming without warning and for granting me such an honor to receive you. I wish both Your Majesty all the best in the future!"

As he saluted and spoke, Aiglon kept paying attention to him.

The two brothers stared at each other in silence for a moment. They met for the first time in their lives, and they both left a deep impression on each other.

Needless to say, Aigron has experienced a series of major events at this time and has become a trend-setting figure in history. There is a sense of grandeur and nobility in his behavior when he has been on the throne for a long time, which makes people secretly heartbroken.

And Aigron also felt quite admirable when he saw Count Walewski. His behavior was elegant and appropriate. Although he was respectful, his expression was calm and he did not appear particularly humble. He had a calm demeanor.

The Earl seems to be a romantic and handsome young man, but he is also somewhat reserved and scheming, and he seems to be a capable person.

In history, he has indeed accomplished many things.

In order to show his patriotism, after 1830, he first joined the French army, retired a few years later, and then returned to Paris, wrote for theaters and newspapers, and began to get involved in politics, and later joined the diplomatic service of the July Monarchy. , served as an envoy abroad.

After 1848, Louis Bonaparte took advantage of the chaos and came to power. He was first elected president, and then crowned himself emperor as Napoleon III. Seeing the opportunity to rise to prominence, he immediately joined Napoleon III's command.

For this illegitimate cousin who had the blood of the emperor, Napoleon III made great use of him. He made him minister of foreign affairs and minister of state successively, and also made him a duke. He can be said to be an important minister of the empire. However, due to differences in political ideas between the two, he was gradually alienated and abandoned. He was eventually relieved of his duties and arranged to retire in the Senate. He died in 1868, before he had time to see the destruction of the Second French Empire.

In any case, Count Walewski was at least on the stage. When he was the foreign minister, he talked and laughed with European countries without causing any jokes. On the contrary, he won the Empire for the Crimean War and the subsequent Paris Peace Treaty. The aloof status of the European arbiter is already considered to be very capable.

"Mr. Earl, it's a pleasure to meet you..." Although everyone knew that they were brothers, it was certainly impossible for Aigron to call him brother. Legally speaking, he was a member of Count Valewski's family. "Actually, I've been following you for a long time."

As he spoke, Aiglon walked up to him and stretched out his hand to him.

Aiglon's gentle attitude made Count Walewski secretly relieved.

In fact, since Aigron entered France, he has been paying attention to his "brother". The reason why he has not joined him is because he is not sure about his brother's attitude towards him and whether Aigron can succeed.

These days, he has been collecting information about Aiglon while observing the development of the situation.

And recently, he finally confirmed that the heir to the Bonaparte family is indeed a powerful character, and he has great hope of succeeding.

Therefore, in order to catch this bus and bring out his special identity, he finally made up his mind to run over to meet his "brother" in order to seek a smooth career.

"I am very honored by your attention." Count Walewski bowed slightly to thank Aigron, and then raised his head to look at Aigron, "And I have always been thinking about you. When you When you were living in the Austrian court, I silently prayed to God for your safety; when you fled Austria and began to work hard for the revival of your family, I also prayed for your career and for every victory of yours. Cheers, now I am finally waiting for you to return to this country... I am convinced that your wishes will come true."

Of course Aigron knew that what the other party said was untrue. In fact, if he had not accomplished anything and continued to live in seclusion in Austria, his "brother" would not have thought of him for a few seconds.

However, he did not reveal the polite words, and just asked with a smile, "Since you are so concerned about my career of reviving the family, why didn't you join the Bonapartist party before? In your capacity, I think my The supporters should be very welcoming to you.”

Although Aigron's attitude was very gentle, this question made Count Walewski slightly embarrassed.

After all, it was easy to be blamed for being the son of Emperor Napoleon but not doing his best to revive the family.

"Unfortunately, although I was barely allowed to live in France before, I was often monitored and I was unable to participate in political activities." Fortunately, the count was not unprepared for this issue, and he quickly regained his composure. Then calmly answered Aiglon, "Also, although I am not afraid of sacrifice, I don't want to die in vain for a cause that has no hope of success."

"If there is no hope, then why am I still standing here?" Aigron asked again.

"Because you are a person favored by God and born into this world. You have inherited the bloodline of creating miracles." The Count replied calmly, "And I am just a mortal. I cannot do these things. I can only preserve my usefulness first. I waited for the opportunity to serve the Bonaparte family again, and now I have waited for you, for a miracle, Your Majesty."

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