Eagle’s Glory

Thirty-seven, forgiveness and appointment

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 37, Forgiveness and Appointment "I can only keep myself useful and wait for the opportunity to serve the Bonaparte family again. Now, I have waited for you and a miracle, Your Majesty."

Count Alexander Valewski's answer was decided after careful consideration.

On the one hand, he cleverly transformed his ability to act according to the circumstances into "waiting for the opportunity." On the other hand, he also expressed to his younger brother extremely openly that he was willing to be his subordinate and had no intention of fighting for family status. .

For him, an illegitimate son, he could never become a real member of the Bonaparte family, let alone be accepted as a member of the royal family. The more he insisted on his family and bloodline, the less likely he would be reused.

Therefore, the most beneficial way for his future is to use his bloodline to get close to Aigron and win the trust and importance of his younger brother; at the same time, he consciously puts himself in the position of a courtier and will never have any family status with his younger brother. conflict on.

After all, in this feudal society that values ​​bloodline and rank, his upper limit in life cannot be that of a royal prince, and the highest he can only become is a duke or minister.

But even this is enough, he still has the opportunity to use his abilities, take charge of power, and fulfill his ambitions.

Naturally, the sophisticated Aigron is well aware of his "brother's" thoughts.

But he was not opposed to this little idea.

Everyone has his or her own ambition, and ambition is often the driving force for upward progress, which can urge people to do something great.

The key is that this earl knows when enough is enough and knows where his ambition can only be reached. This further proves that he is a talented person.

At the moment, Aigron is employing people. There is no reason not to accept the help of such a talented, aristocratic and capable person who has been proven by history. As for his special status, it doesn't matter to Aigron.

Louis XIV once made his illegitimate son Duke of Maine, and even before his death, he tried to make this illegitimate son serve as regent for King Louis XV who succeeded him. Then Aigron made his illegitimate brother serve as an important minister of the empire, which also No one will say anything.

Napoleon III in history gave this illegitimate son extremely generous treatment, and Aigron could do the same.

However, although he had already made a decision in his heart, on the surface Aigron still had a solemn look on his face, as if he was not satisfied with Count Valewski's answer.

"Your answer is really cunning." Aigron sneered, "We don't care about your motives, but in fact, you have not given me any help before, nor have you participated in the support of the Bonaparte family's supporters. In any action, this is always an indisputable fact. Since there is such a fact, if you come to me today to ask for my help or guidance, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to provide help. After all, you are queuing up to wait for rewards based on merit. There are already too many people, and it’s really hard for me to convince these meritorious people why you can easily climb on top of them!”

Although the words used in Aigron's answer were not too unpleasant, people could already feel the sharpness in it, and Count Walewski suddenly felt guilty.

Indeed, no matter how cleverly he makes excuses for himself, it is an indisputable fact that he has not joined the family business for many years, and this fact is very detrimental to him now.

Fortunately, he was not completely unprepared before coming to Fontainebleau. He had already guessed the various treatments he would encounter, and he already had ways to deal with them, from the best to the worst.

Precisely because it is an irrefutable fact that "without you, we can share wealth and wealth without you", so he simply bypassed this point and carefully reminded Aiglon from another angle of the role he could play.

"Your Majesty, what you said is indeed the truth, and I have no intention to defend myself. In fact, I feel ashamed and regretful for this every moment. But now that the big mistake has been made, how can I be immersed in shame and regret every day? It is meaningless and will only delay my service to you. Now I think all I can do is to use a hundredfold effort to serve you, complete any tasks assigned by you, and make up for the big mistakes I made."

After a pause, he emphatically explained his thoughts, "I came to you not to ask for high-ranking officials or generous salaries. As you said, I don't deserve these at all now, and even if I get them, I won't." It will be convincing; I am just seeking an opportunity from you, an opportunity to serve you. I will serve you wholeheartedly and dedicate my mind to let the empire reappear on earth and prosper!"

Aigron said nothing, frowning as if he was thinking and weighing.

And Teresa, who knew her husband's intentions well, stood up at the right time and interceded for Count Walewski.

"Your Majesty, I am very touched by the count's words. I think his intention is quite commendable. Although he has not served you before, we must also consider his difficulties. He is in Paris, and Because of his special status, he has always been treated differently. In this dangerous environment, it would be fine if he is a veteran like the Marquis of Treville. He is only one year older than you and has not received the necessary training. training, how could he have the opportunity to participate in conspiracy activities? Now, he can come to work for you, which is also a good thing. You should not treat him too coldly. After all, although he is not a member of your family, But after all, he has the blood of the late emperor, so what’s wrong with wanting to serve the empire and the Bonaparte family? I think we should support him.”

Teresa's words not only absolve Valewski of his "culpability" but also give Agron a step forward, which can be said to be quite appropriate.

Valewski was even more grateful when he heard this, and kept casting grateful glances at Queen Teresa.

He knew that with the words of Her Majesty the Queen, his situation would immediately open up, and he would have the opportunity to rise to prominence.

Sure enough, after Theresa's persuasion, Agron chose to quit and relaxed his harsh tone.

"Well, Teresa, you are right. He is indeed facing great difficulties. I know what it is like to be watched and watched. I have had enough at the Austrian court, so I can also understand his helplessness and pain of having to lie dormant..."

"You are absolutely right." Count Walewski immediately took over. "Thank you, Your Majesty, for being so reasonable and understanding of my situation... At that time, I was lonely and helpless, just a young man who had just arrived in Paris. I am just a human being, I can't do anything; but it is different now, I am already 20 years old, and I already have the necessary knowledge through my thirst for knowledge; my physical strength and courage are also growing every moment. , in short, I have the ability to shoulder a responsibility, I have become a man, now, I only ask you to give me a chance to prove this."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head deeply and waited for the Aigron couple to say something.

Agron and Teresa looked at each other, and both were satisfied with the count's "sensibleness".

Since both sides have already talked about it, there is no need to conduct any more tests, and Aigron decided to get straight to the point.

"Well, sir, I don't think I should turn a deaf ear to your zealous desire to serve you; as you can see, I have too much to do now, and I urgently need to be both capable and trustworthy. talents to help me.”

"Leave aside ability, at least I think the count is completely trustworthy." Teresa once again vouched for Count Walewski, "After all, you are inheriting the late emperor's career, and you are restoring the late emperor. Empire, on this point, the Earl has the same idea as you. To take a step back, there are only two people in the world who are the descendants of Emperor Napoleon. If you can't help each other, then who will really help you in the future? ?”

Theresa's recommendation made Count Walewski extremely grateful. He looked at Aiglon and assured him loudly, "Your Majesty, I am still young, and I am not as talented as you, so my ability is not as good as yours." It’s not enough, but even so, I can make up for this deficiency with loyalty and wit. And I am willing to start from the most basic work and hone myself little by little until I grow into a talent that can stand alone for you!”

"It's a good thing that you have this sobriety. Many people are arrogant when they are our age, and they only think that others are fools. At least you know that you are not capable." Aigron nodded, and his tone also changed. Even softer, "Okay, I will give you a chance, and... you don't really have to start from the most basic job. In any case, you are at least well educated and have a noble title. You should be engaged in Some important work. I just don’t know, what kind of work would you like to do in the future?”

This question made Count Walewski stunned for a moment, but he quickly responded, "You can arrange for me to do any job, how can I be picky?"

"No, I think that putting the right people in the right positions can be considered a reasonable use of talents, otherwise it is just a waste of talents." Aigron shook his head, "Alexander, I am not testing you or teasing you now. I am asking you seriously, what kind of job do you want to engage in?"

This was the first time he called "brother" by his name.

Of course Count Valewski felt very honored by this. He hesitated for a while, but finally felt that he should try his best to obtain better conditions for himself.

"I am very interested in diplomacy and have read quite a lot of diplomats' writings, memoirs and letters... Of course, unfortunately, I was not appointed by the dynastic government, so naturally I have not practiced any diplomacy. Work."

As expected...Aigron sighed inwardly.

Although history may have forks in the road, for many people, they are still willing to continue on their chosen track. Count Walewski, who became the Minister of Foreign Affairs under Napoleon III, may still become the Minister of Foreign Affairs of His Majesty Napoleon II after coming to another world line.

"It doesn't matter. Everyone starts learning and training from a state of knowing nothing. I only slowly learned how to engage in my career after escaping." Aigron spread his hands indifferently, "Okay. Well, since you want to engage in diplomatic work, then I will help you... I believe that although you have insufficient experience, with your talent, grace and intelligence, you will be able to do your job quickly. "

Then, a subtle smile appeared on Aigron's face, "Besides, you will also get a very good teacher, one who can even be said to be the best in the world."

"Teacher? Who?" The count felt confused.

"Prince Talleyrand." Aiglon replied with a smile.

In an instant, the expression on the earl's face became extremely subtle. At first it was shock, then it was enlightenment, and then it was joy and admiration.

After all, he is an intelligent person. From the moment Aigron said this name, he was able to draw inferences and deduce another fact.

"You...have you reached an agreement with him and asked him to be on your side?"

"Yes, I have already negotiated with him." Aigron had no intention of hiding anything and nodded directly to confirm, "He helped me ascend to the throne. In the future, I will reciprocate and let him be in charge of the foreign policy of the entire empire. I strive for outside recognition.”

Logically speaking, it would be a bit overwhelming to say such an important thing in front of someone you just met today.

However, Aigron said it so clearly. On the one hand, he wanted to show his heartfelt trust in front of his "brother"; on the other hand, and more importantly, he was not afraid that the other party would betray him and spread the matter. .

In fact, he now hopes that the outside world will think that Prince Talleyrand is colluding with him. If such public opinion can be created, it will be a good thing and further squeeze the swing space of those old guys.

"A very reasonable approach." After thinking for a moment, Count Walewski fully agreed with Aigron's approach. "Although Talleyrand betrayed the late emperor in the past and caused serious harm to the empire, this is after all. It’s the past, we can’t live in the past forever, instead of dwelling on those hatreds, it’s better to focus on rebuilding the empire and attract all available forces to this end.”

Then, he lowered his voice again, "After all, Prince Talleyrand is already in his final years. Even if we agree to his conditions and give him great power, he won't live for a few years. We can naturally take back the power."

Seeing that his "brother" understood the subtleties so quickly, Aigron was even more relieved. It seemed that people who could leave their names in history would be somewhat capable.

"You are right. Prince Talleyrand is already in his final years, so we must be prepared for his death. Otherwise, wouldn't it make a mess at home and abroad?" Aigron said his plan, "Once I The deal with Talleyrand is concluded, so you can start working with Talleyrand. On the one hand, you can learn his skills, and on the other hand, you can avoid other unexpected situations."

By the way, he was monitoring Talleyrand - Aiglon didn't say it clearly, but Count Walewski understood it.

He was very satisfied with Aiglon's arrangements, even beyond his expectations.

He secretly looked at Aiglon, his "brother" who was one year younger.

This young man looked so sharp and cold just now, but now he is so refreshing. Which of these two appearances is his true nature? Maybe not.

This is not a question he wants to explore.

"Your Majesty, thank you for taking me in regardless of past grudges. I will do my best to complete your mission and never let you down!"

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