Eagle’s Glory

Extra (22) Returning favors

Chapter 741 Extra (22) Returning favors

(Continuing from Extras 12 and 13, Zha Ai was imprisoned by Queen Teresa for her rebellion, and then came back to set things right in the world...)

As time came to March 1838, the Palace of Fontainebleau finally ushered in the spring of recovery. The snow everywhere melted, the graceful palaces stretched themselves out under the sky, the trees and grass sprouted tender green buds, and the river flowing through the Fontainebleau Palace was also dyed with a layer of green. The clothes reflect this beautiful scenery.

This was supposed to be a joyful season. In the past, every time at this time, the palace would hold grand celebrations and activities, and the emperor and queen would attend in their best attires to show the prosperity and majesty of the empire.

Logically speaking, this should be the case this year. However, a series of changes in the palace on the occasion of the New Year brought an abrupt end to all the joyful atmosphere in the palace.

First, His Majesty the Emperor suddenly fell seriously ill and was unable to attend events for some reason, so Her Majesty the Queen stepped in to act as regent; but more than a month later, His Majesty the Emperor recovered from his illness, but Her Majesty the Queen suddenly fell ill again and never attended any events again - this is the Empire Official information notified to the outside world.

Along with the serious illness of His Majesty the Emperor and His Majesty the Queen, a series of changes occurred within the palace. On both occasions, a large number of courtiers and attendants disappeared from people's sight, which further intensified the suspicion of the outside world.

Even the most politically ignorant person can see some anomalies in the above news, and those with a little sense of smell can see the sword and shadow of a palace coup.

For a time, the rumor that "Her Majesty the Queen has attempted rebellion and has been imprisoned or executed" quickly spread throughout the streets of Paris and other provinces. Although the imperial government took an extremely severe attitude to crack down on such rumors, People are still whispering about this in private, and many people believe it deeply - after all, everything that happened in the palace during this period is too strange. It is really difficult for the two majesties to be so young but seriously ill and unable to see people. believe.

Because of this series of changes, the atmosphere at Fontainebleau Palace became extremely depressing, as if it had been stuck in winter. Those palace officials who could barely survive after two rounds of purges changed their past domineering style and behaved with their tails between their legs. They did not dare to say a word about the changes that had happened before. The once bustling and prosperous palace is now It became as dark and depressing as a church.

No one knows when this terrifying storm will pass or how it will end, let alone how many more victims it will add. Fear has made the palace lose its smile. What is the difference between spring and cold winter?

When the clear morning comes quietly. In the center of the palace, in the heavily guarded palace, the young Emperor slowly opened his eyes.

In the previous incident, he was drugged and imprisoned by his wife, and almost lost everything. Fortunately, with his forbearance and the mercy of Queen Theresa, he finally seized the opportunity to make a comeback and imprisoned himself in turn. wife.

It made him happy to regain power, but it also made him heartbroken to be betrayed by his wife and his beloved mistress. In order to vent his joy and pain at the same time, he had his wife Theresa and his lover Agnes tied up together, and then they were humiliated at the same time as punishment.

However, he had forgotten that his previous experience of being drugged and imprisoned had damaged his body. After a complete carnival and indulgence, he suddenly fell into a coma... Fortunately, he finally regained consciousness after being rescued by his men, but As a result, the body was once again devastated and in need of rest.

As a result, His Majesty the Emperor, who was mentally and physically battered, began to retreat into seclusion and rarely appeared in the sight of ministers and the public, which further aggravated the panic and doubts of the outside world.

This new empire needs confidence and stability so much, but His Majesty the Emperor turns a deaf ear to this. He would rather live in seclusion in the palace and use time to heal his psychological trauma.

After opening his eyes, His Majesty the Emperor's gaze moved slowly, and finally fell on the young woman hugging him in his arms.

As if sensing his gaze, the young woman slowly opened her eyes. Then he showed a charming smile and said, "Good morning, my dear."

This woman has the same face as Sophie, but her personality is very different from Sophie. As a princess, she completely despises everything and only enjoys satisfying her own selfish desires. She also speaks more arrogantly and harshly than her twin sister. Therefore, among all the women who had a relationship with Aiglon, she was the one who had the most serious conflict with Teresa.

During the previous palace coup, Teresa also sent people to her secret residence nearby. Fortunately, although Maria was arrogant, she was also a bit clever. When she saw that the situation was not good, she took the escape route prepared in advance. He ran away, then hid, and did not show up again until Aiglon regained control of the situation.

After escaping from death, Maria met Aiglon again. Both of them were extremely lucky, so it was logical that they got tired of everything again.

Because there was no obstruction from Theresa, Aigron simply let her stay with him during this period to comfort himself.

Of course, for the sake of physical recovery, Aigron was very restrained. Most of the time, the two of them just hugged each other and slept, and there was a bit more mutual affection between them.

"Good morning, Maria." Aigron also smiled and kissed his lover gently.

Then, Aigron asked the maid to come in and change clothes for the two of them, getting ready to start a new day.

While changing clothes, Aigron's eyes fell on Maria. The beauty's disheveled appearance was eye-catching, but the silk embroidered underwear she put on made Aigron suddenly feel familiar.

"Maria, why are you wearing Theresa's clothes?" Agron asked in surprise.

"Hmph..." Maria snorted coldly, "Of course it's to get back at her, hasn't she always been very impressive? Now I'm sleeping on her bed, wearing her clothes, and holding her husband... She's not Is there nothing you can do?"

Aigron felt very speechless in comparison, "There's no need to go to this point, right?"

"What? You feel pity now?" Maria sneered, "Have you forgotten how she treated you and me?

The interrogators have already found out, and the order she gave to my captors is to kill without mercy! He didn't even give me a chance to surrender and beg for mercy! "When she thought of what happened before, Maria, who had narrowly escaped death, was still frightened, so she was also very angry. "Since she is so cruel, how can I not be more cruel? It's a pity that she is not here now, otherwise I can still see her expression at this moment! "

Seeing Maria's brows raised and angry, Aigron felt emotional and helpless at the same time, "She is so cruel to you, don't you have any responsibility at all?"

"Maybe I am responsible, but who is the most responsible?" Maria asked with a sneer.

Aiglon was speechless, because it all seemed so obvious.

As time went by, Aigron, who crushed the rebellion, gradually found out the main context of the rebellion and what Theresa did during the regency. Then he had to admit that although Theresa's conspiracy had been carefully planned for a period of time , but her motive does not seem to be for personal desire for power, but purely to regain her husband who only belongs to her.

For this point, Aigron really has no excuse, because in the relationship between husband and wife, he has indeed failed his wife time and time again. He himself is the biggest responsible person for Teresa to reach this point.

However, now is not the time to hold the responsible person accountable. The key now is, how should he deal with Teresa?

A public trial shows that canonical punishment is impossible.

Is he going to tell all the people that Her Majesty the Queen went crazy with love, launched a coup, imprisoned her husband and usurped the supreme power? Could he really ignore the ten-year relationship between husband and wife and execute the queen he relied on?

But it seems impossible to pretend that nothing happened. In this coup, not only Aiglon suffered heavy losses, but many other people were also victims, and the aggrieved Maria was just one of them. If he really Nothing happened, so how could this convince them? Moreover, this dangerous precedent will also make future careerists even more eager to take action.

Agron, who was in a dilemma, hesitated for the first time regarding Teresa. This was also the reason why he had been living in seclusion recently.

"Maria..." After thinking for a long time, Aigron sighed softly, "You should have calmed down after such a long time, right? What do you think I should do with Teresa?"

"Do you still need to ask? If you launch a rebellion against the king and it doesn't succeed, there should be only one end!" Maria answered without thinking.

Then, she used her hand to lightly scratch her neck, making a beheading gesture, "Her head should fall to the ground as a warning. If you can't bear it, then let me carry out the death penalty." Well... I promise to give her a good time!"

"Maria!" Aigron was a little impatient, "Stop joking."

"I'm not kidding, that's how it should be." Maria smiled slyly, obviously she was joking. "However, since you are unwilling to adopt it, there is nothing I can do about it. You can do whatever you like. I can't stop you anyway."

Aigron was stunned for a moment, then looked at Maria in disbelief. He didn't expect that Maria, who had always been unyielding, actually spoke softly about Teresa, who wanted to kill her. What on earth was going on?

"Why are you looking at me like this? Is there anything wrong with what I said? You are the emperor, I can't stop you from doing anything, right?" Maria rolled her eyes at him angrily.

Then, she lowered her tone again, as if she was very reluctant, "Besides, Sophie also wrote me a letter, urging me not to dwell on this matter for the time being. If I really want Theresa to die or... If you are deposed, sooner or later you bastard will marry a younger and more beautiful princess to be the queen. Compared with that, it would be better for Teresa to sit in this position..."

"His Royal Highness Sophie also sent you a letter?" Aigron was surprised at first, and then couldn't help laughing. "How could it be possible? I never thought about asking someone else to be the queen."

"Come on! Is there anything convincing you say about a profligate prince like you?" Maria glanced sideways at Aiglon with a sarcastic look on her face, "Of course, I also know that Sophie's words are just a joke. She really What it means is that she owed Theresa a big favor after she was in trouble before. Now that Theresa is in trouble, she just returns it to Theresa. By the way, she thanks Theresa for her kindness to Kelly in the past few years. Take care of—she doesn’t like to be in debt to others all the time.”

Aigron was filled with emotion and didn't know what to say for a moment. He really didn't expect that Sophie would intercede with Teresa when she was in the current situation.

Maybe this is her true pride.

And Sophie's intercession was more effective than anyone else's. The anger and resentment in Aigron's heart suddenly seemed to disappear a lot.

He looked around, and everything around him seemed much better than yesterday. The familiar feeling returned to him, and he seemed to have regained his energetic self.

It's not that Sophie's words have such great magic power, but that Sophie gave him an important emotional step that allowed him to keep going.

He grabbed Maria's waist, and then kissed them with the same force as kissing two people. This pleasant kiss made Maria breathless and her feet softened.

"Maria, who is operating in this? I think with your character, you will never give in first and intercede with Sophie."

"It's Alice." Maria didn't hide anything and answered him directly, "She begged me for help and stated her interests. I saw that she was so sincere and I softened my heart..."

"She is really thoughtful..." Aigron also sighed.

"Of course she has to be careful. After all, her sister is also involved. If it is really treated as a treason case, can her sister escape the blame?" Maria sneered again, habitually sarcastic.

When it came to Agnes, Agron also got a headache again.

This pure-hearted girl was deceived by Teresa and actually drew a sword against him, which was beyond his expectation. However, considering what he himself has done, this doesn't seem to be particularly surprising...

After the incident subsided, Agron also conducted a special investigation to find out whether Alice was involved. Judging from the investigation results, Alice did not betray him, and Agnes had also deliberately avoided her in this matter. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t want to involve his sister.

After Agnes was imprisoned, Alice tried every means to run around and seek help for her sister. This was of course natural, but Agron didn't expect it. She actually took the path of Maria and even Sophie... It's a shame she had the intention.

"It seems that I need to ask Alice for her opinion." Aigron nodded, "I guess she has also helped me figure out how to deal with the aftermath..."

"You are already old lovers, why are you still pretending to ask for advice?" Maria mocked again.

"She is not my lover. We are friends. We just have fun occasionally out of friendship." Aigron corrected her sternly. "Only occasionally, really."

"Bah! You are the only ones who know how to play!" Maria interrupted him disdainfully, and then tugged Aiglon's ears hard, "I don't care what you do, in short, as a victim who escaped death, I have natural The right to retaliate, I must let her know that when she was imprisoned, I slept on her bed and wore her clothes!"

Happy New Year everyoneヾ≧≦)o

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