Eagle’s Glory

Extra (23) We know each other well

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume Side Story: After comforting Maria, Aigron called Alice to him, preparing to seek some suggestions from her to solve the current situation, and to find out the specific story of the whole incident.

Alice was summoned immediately. Although the turmoil that occurred during this period had a huge impact on everyone in the palace, she still seemed as calm as usual, even though her sister was now in jail. It didn't panic her either.

Since the rebellion, Aigron was first imprisoned, and then he was busy dealing with the aftermath, so he had not met Alice much. But at this moment, seeing this graceful lady, Aigron was very worried about the current situation. , inexplicably felt a long-lost sense of security. Maybe what he needs most now is to find the feeling of the past.

As soon as she saw Aigron, Alice bowed respectfully as usual. However, Aigron impatiently made a gesture to indicate that she did not need to adhere to these red tapes. Then he walked directly in front of Alice and hugged her. Into the arms.

"Your Majesty!" Alice struggled instinctively, "You can't do this here!"

"Come on, this is what I want." Aiglon replied willfully and tiredly, "Who else here will interfere with me now?"

"No one can interfere with you, but I don't like being so close to you in Teresa's palace." Alice replied solemnly, "You said you should respect my opinion."

"I said..." Aigron sighed, and then looked at Alice helplessly, "But at this time, will you refuse to comfort me?"

Seeing Aiglon's eyes that were close to pleading, Alice's heart suddenly softened.

She had never seen such vulnerability in the young man since she had met him ten years ago.

Although most of the responsibility for the previous rebellions lies with him, the friendship between them for many years still makes Alice a little unbearable.

So she nodded slightly, "Okay, just this once."

Then she stopped struggling and let Aigron hold her and sit on the sofa together. Then he buried his head directly in her arms, feeling the touch of the peaks and ravines while sniffing the golden hair carefully. The fragrance on the silk.

The long-lost sense of peace of mind allowed His Majesty the Emperor to finally let go of the fatigue in his heart.

"Maria just told me,

In order to intercede for Theresa and Agnes, you approached her, and you also approached Sophie..."

Alice had already been mentally prepared for this matter, so she immediately admitted, "Yes, in order to solve this incident, I have to ask Her Majesty Sophie, because only she has great influence on you... …Please also forgive me for making my own decisions.”

"Of course I understand you. What's wrong with a person trying to rescue his sister..." Aigron smiled bitterly.

"It is true that I do care about Agnes, but what I did was not just to rescue my sister." Alice replied seriously, "I also very much hope to help Queen Theresa, after all, she has helped me too much. , and I feel very ashamed of her... Maybe I am also responsible for her doing such a thing."

Alice didn't accuse Aigron, but Aiglon felt his face heat up. However, he still buried his head in Alice's arms and defended himself in a low voice, "I have compensated her for a lot of things! But she is not satisfied at all." , and you still treat me like this, almost leaving me unconscious forever!"

"There is no doubt that this is indeed an unforgivable sin, but isn't Queen Teresa doing this out of love for you? If she only wanted power and glory, she would definitely not make such a risky move. Because if the coup is slightly careless, it may end the dynasty and her own status..."

Aiglon did not speak, and Alice boldly continued to persuade, "Your Majesty, I know you are very angry, and I also know that you suffered a lot of pain while being drugged, but think about it, if this matter is made public, How much criticism and ridicule will you and the empire endure? It may even shake the foundation of the empire; and Her Majesty the Queen is the princess of the Habsburg royal family after all. If you punish or even execute her for treason, then the consequences will inevitably You will face serious diplomatic consequences that will undo years of hard work."

After saying this, she lowered her voice even more, leaned down and whispered in Aigron's ear, "Even if you don't care about all the above, don't you think about you and her children? If the mother is accused of rebellion, you How do you plan to let them get along with you? How do you have enough legitimacy to inherit your career? Although His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is young now, he is already well-respected by the public. Do you still plan to divorce your wife and marry another queen to raise children again? Heir?"

Alice's questions were like heavy hammers, destroying Aigron's previous sense of security.

Of course, he has already considered these problems and consequences, and the reality is that it is indeed unfeasible.

Besides, no matter how angry he was, Aigron had never thought of following the example of Henry VIII of England and divorcing his wife or executing her and marrying another one. During the couple's ten-year marriage, Aigron had already become accustomed to this special behavior. Lesa was his other half, and the two of them had shared so many joys, sorrows, and joys that he could never imagine that he would have another wife.

Furthermore, he couldn't do this even for the sake of his and Theresa's children.

"So, Alice, since you advise me like this, how do you think I should handle this incident?" After a long silence, Aigron asked Alice in a low voice.

"I know that if Her Majesty the Queen is not punished at all, it will not only go against common sense, but also set a bad example for future careerists. So the necessary punishment must still be done..." Seeing Aigron ask the most critical question , Alice became more and more cautious. "You can remove all her close associates from their positions in the palace and monitor her closely from now on. If this is not enough, you can choose another place to imprison her, claim to the outside world that she is being treated for a serious illness, and never see her again..."

"We will never see each other again..." Aigron murmured to himself.

Keeping the title of queen in name, but actually being imprisoned in the cold palace and never seeing her again, this is indeed her best revenge method at the moment.

However, Aigron asked himself, but he could not make up his mind.

Is the ten-year relationship between husband and wife really going to end this way? In Agron's mind, he recalled the scenes of his intimate relationship with Teresa. That beautiful and elegant girl, the girl who had experienced a great disaster but still insisted on following him. Will she face such an end in the end?

Aigron had mixed feelings for a moment. He was originally very hard-hearted, but now he couldn't express himself.

Although Aigron's face could not be seen, Alice could already tell that he was softened by the rigid body and heavy breathing of the man in her arms.

Your Majesty, after all, I still can't let go of the love between husband and wife... Alice thought to herself.

But this is exactly what she wants. As long as His Majesty can't let it go, the next thing will be much easier to handle.

She reached out her hand and gently stroked the short hair of the young man in her arms. Her slender fingers skillfully twirled the hair, just like a lady teasing her pet cat.

After relaxing His Majesty's body, she spoke in a low voice again, "If Your Majesty feels that this method of punishment is still not ideal, then I dare to propose another method, but that is just my immature idea. If Please don’t mind if I’m wrong…”

"Come on, Alice, why are we talking so politely?" Aigron urged.

"You can announce to the public that Queen Theresa is seriously ill because she is homesick. Her parents are old and want to see their daughter again. Therefore, in order to satisfy the wishes of the two old people, you allow Her Majesty the Queen to return to the country to visit relatives. After arriving there, let Her parents and the Queen Mother are here to reprimand and punish her. After you calm down for a while, you can send someone to welcome the Queen back. If you think about it, the outside world won't be able to say anything."

Aigron thought for a while and felt that this might not be a solution.

Since marrying him, Theresa had only returned to Austria briefly on the eve of her flight to France. She had been away from her hometown for the next ten years. It was impossible not to miss her hometown and relatives. Therefore, if she could return to the country, she should be in a much better mood, and it would be better to have her father-in-law reprimand her on her behalf than to come forward and criticize her.

After a while, the anger between the two of them has subsided, and if he welcomes her back, she will still be the hostess here. Although the rift between the husband and wife cannot be completely repaired, there is at least room for repair.

Even after experiencing this turmoil, deep down in his heart, Aigron still regarded Teresa as his unquestionable wife. He just needed a step up mentally, and now he finally got it.

"It seems that Sophie also agrees to this matter?" Aigron asked.

"Yes, Her Majesty the Queen Mother thinks this is the best solution at the moment." Alice nodded and confirmed.

then. She continued to gently caress Aigron's head and neck with her fingers, "Your Majesty, what do you think?"

Her Majesty the Empress Dowager she was talking about was naturally referring to Sophie. A few years ago, Aigron's dear grandfather, the aging Emperor Franz I of the Austrian Empire, finally broke the bank and ascended to heaven to meet God. After a series of changes, Sophie finally became the regent and empress dowager of the empire. It can be said that all the hardships came to an end.

Sophie had already visited France several times by substituting things for others, and had also met Teresa. But presumably, after this turmoil, when she sees Theresa again, both of them will have a lot of emotions...

"Will my father-in-law really reprimand Teresa severely?" Aigron suddenly asked.

Alice couldn't help but laugh when she saw the usually majestic Emperor losing his temper like a child. She immediately confirmed, "Of course. Your Majesty. It's not like you don't know what Archduke Karl is like. Even if he has objections to your private life, He will never approve of his daughter's behavior that violates the rules. Queen Theresa is taking risks with your country and your children. If you are not careful, everything will be ruined. He will definitely reprimand Her Majesty the Queen severely for this. do not worry."

Aiglon thought so. Although his father-in-law doted on his daughter, he was by no means unprincipled. When he thought of this, he no longer struggled.

"The junior's matter will have to be resolved by the parents in the end. It's really embarrassing to talk about it..." He sighed again.

"If His Majesty would be ashamed over such a trivial matter, I'm afraid he would have been too ashamed to see anyone." Alice complained mercilessly.

Agron didn't take Alice's complaints seriously either. Instead, he suddenly thought of another question, "By the way, how did you get Maria to agree? As far as I know, she is not that easy to talk to, but she actually said it for Theresa. Falling in love."

Agron knew very well that Maria had an arrogant and sharp personality, and he had always resented Teresa for ruining her "marriage", so he was never polite to Teresa, and even said many times that he wished he could piss her off so that he could take her place. This time when she encountered such a good opportunity, instead of adding insult to injury, she chose to temporarily forget Theresa's revenge for killing her and help Theresa speak. It was a bit strange no matter how you looked at it.

"If you just ask Her Royal Highness Maria, of course she is not so easy to talk to, but Her Majesty the Queen Mother has made it clear to her that she is now the Queen Mother of the Austrian Empire, and maintaining the relationship between the two countries is also a top priority for her, so the Empire The queen must be an Austrian princess. Even if Theresa is deposed and killed, she will choose a younger one to continue to be the queen. Maybe she will also send Theresa's biological sister... Although Her Highness Maria is right My sister was very angry at what she said, but after weighing it for a while, she had no choice but to agree."

So that's it...Aigron finally understood.

No wonder Maria's attitude changed drastically. It turned out that there was such a change in the middle.

However, Sophie's approach is understandable. Although she is the princess of Bavaria and Maria's twin sister, she is now the regent of Austria. She will inevitably consider issues based on the country she governs. It is precisely this moment and the other. For a while.

Agron almost couldn't help laughing when he thought of Maria's furious state after receiving the letter from her sister.

At this moment, Aigron finally found a way out of the current confusion, and the burden on his heart was completely lifted.

He was relieved and full of gratitude to Alice. Although Alice also had her own motives, if she hadn't been running around, he didn't know how long he would have been depressed before he could get out of it.

Gratitude brought passion, and the long-lost passion diluted his mental and physical fatigue. He raised his head from Alice's warm embrace, and then carefully looked at the other party's blue eyes.

It's really beautiful and heart-warming.

His body was filled with a long-lost impulse, which seemed to be a sign of getting out of the haze.

Then, with a swoop, he threw Alice onto the sofa.

The soft sofa did not cause Alice much pain, but she was extremely panicked.

"Your Majesty... don't do this!"

"That's what I want." Aigron replied without any doubt, "Alice, I have never forced you to do anything, but this time, please let me be willful, okay?"

Alice met Aiglon's gaze, and then slowly softened.

Hey, just think of it as atonement for your incompetent sister...

"But, is your body... okay?" she asked in a low voice.

"I have recovered a long time ago after resting for so long. I am doing very well now!" This question made Aigron so angry that he unbuttoned Alice's skirt and shouted, "Alice, just let You can see the anger I have stored up for a long time!"

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