Eagle’s Glory

Forty, real name

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 40, Real Name

Fernand raised his head and looked up at the Count of Monte Cristo in front of him.

In normal times, although he has been suppressed by his Majesty's favorite minister, he always relies on his identity and still retains a bit of airs in front of the earl; however, at this moment, Feier, who has been stripped naked, Nan no longer has the energy to maintain his so-called noble dignity. He is like a drowning poor man, desperately trying to find any chance of salvation.

His Majesty sent the Count of Monte Cristo to investigate him. This news suddenly made Fernand realize that with the count's shrewdness and ability, it would not be difficult to go to Marseille and get to the bottom of him.

It's just that he couldn't figure it out. The count was His Majesty's confidant and should take on more important tasks at this time. Why did Your Majesty have the leisure to transfer the Count to Marseille to investigate those past events that were meaningless to him?

Of course he would not have thought that the Count of Monte Cristo had known all this for a long time, and there was no need to talk about it at all.

Fernand murmured to himself, repeating the name several times.

This name, like a magic spell, suddenly evoked clear memories of his past.

Just in 1815, in a tavern filled with smoke and alcohol, he was instigated by Tangglars. Then he took an anonymous letter written by Tangglars and sent it to the Procuratorate of Marseille City and handed it over to the Procuratorate of Marseille. Prosecutor Villefort: The young prosecutor was in urgent need of making meritorious service to prove his ability, so he sent someone to arrest Edmond Dantès without conducting any investigation at all, and then sent him to the dark prison of Chateau Infère. in.

And that day happened to be the wedding day of Edmond Dantès and Mercedes - at their wedding banquet, he was taken away by the bailiff.

Now, fifteen years have passed, and this poor guy is probably dead... Any normal person, if locked in that dark prison for more than ten years, would go crazy even if he didn't die, and there would never be a good ending.

Regarding this result, Fernando did not have any regret or guilt, but was instead full of joy.

In his opinion, Mercedes is his most precious treasure, and Edmond Dantès is an enemy who dares to snatch the treasure from him. He must not show any mercy to his enemies. Even if his family is destroyed, it is this guy himself. Deserve it.

At this time, the Count of Monte Cristo looked down at Fernand, who was kneeling on the ground in front of him, with a solemn face. He was admiring the embarrassment of his enemy; while Fernand was distracted and tried his best to get out of the current situation. ,

The two of them just maintained a strange silence.

Compared to the solemn atmosphere between the two of them, Aigron looked relaxed and at ease. For him, this was a good show that had been prepared for a long time, and it was also a glass of carefully brewed wine. Now is the time to taste the taste. .

Then, Aiglon urged the earl again,

Although Edmond Dantes tried hard to maintain his composure, his voice still became hoarse because of the anger and pain in his heart, like the sound of metal blocks colliding with each other.

[In view of the general environment,

Aiglon blinked his eyes in surprise,

Then, Aigron looked at Fernand again, and then looked at him with a smile, "However, Fernand, this seems to be a great blessing for you. Just because he was captured, there is no If you can successfully marry Mercedes, then you will have

The chance to be his husband...isn't it? "

Although Aiglon looked pleasant, Fernand felt as if someone had scratched him hard with a knife again. His heart was in severe pain, his arms and legs seemed to have lost their strength, and his whole body seemed to be lying on the ground. .

The feeling of being publicly executed was indeed too unbearable.

What made him even more painful was a sense of fear coming from the unknown - how many more things had they discovered?

However, Fernan didn't have time to think carefully now. He could only think of ways to deal with the questions raised by Aigron.

If he wants to keep everything he has now, no matter how miserable he looks, he has to try.

He reluctantly cheered up, and then answered Aiglon in a very weak tone,

Aiglon asked patiently,

Fernan quickly shook his head gently.

What a joke, he is the whistleblower, how could he tell the truth clearly?

However, Aiglon did not stop there. He continued to torture Fernand with great interest.

To be honest, this is also a question that Aigron has been wondering about, because according to the original description of "The Count of Monte Cristo", when Edmund was in prison, Fernand had risen to become a senior officer and nobleman, and Mel Certes naturally became a noble lady. Logically speaking, in the past ten years, with her social status, even if she was unable to release Edmund from prison, it would not be difficult to interrogate this case. There are many judicial organs in Paris who are willing to please the nobles. Madam, whoever leaks the news doesn't even need to pay a price.

However, why does Mercedes seem to know nothing about this and does not make any efforts to improve Edmund's treatment? This is really inconsistent with her character.

It just so happened that today I had the opportunity to interrogate the person involved, and Aigron wanted to solve this doubt.

Although Edmond Dantès had not seen it, he also had the same doubts as Aigron, so he also listened carefully with his ears pricked up.

The result he feared most was that Mercedes had changed her mind early and no longer cared about his life or death. When he thought of this possibility, his heart trembled violently - fortunately, he had also seen her in the past few years. I have experienced a lot of big things in the world, so my mental endurance has been greatly tempered, so I still maintain calm on the surface.

And Aiglon's question also made Fernan feel extremely embarrassed and entangled - or in other words, he has been in constant pain and entanglement since he was summoned.

"My wife has naturally been concerned about this issue... She has also used my influence over the years to inquire about the whereabouts and current situation of Edmond Dantès. Unfortunately, this effort has not received the attention it deserves. return

, Prosecutor de Villefort, the person in charge of this case, is a selfless judge. When he was the prosecutor of Marseille, it was he who handled the case of Edmond Dantès; and a few years ago he was the prosecutor. He has been promoted to the prosecutor of the Paris Supreme Court. Although he was born into a noble family, he very much hated the phenomenon of the upper class interfering with the judiciary for personal gain, so he resolutely resisted any attempt by the nobles to interfere with his handling of cases. Although my wife asked for help several times, I tried to intercede, but he pushed me back... My wife reluctantly chose to give up after several attempts to no avail. "

After hesitating for a long time, Fernand added,

At this time, Fernan's answer completely conflicted with what he had just insisted on, but he didn't care so much anymore. He desperately wanted to put an end to this past incident in front of His Majesty, so that no one would pursue this matter anymore. A dark history - and the death of Edmond Dantès is the perfect ending.

In order to increase his persuasiveness, he also brought in Prosecutor Villefort. At first, the two of them sent Edmond Dantès to prison, but later, as members of Paris's upper class, they could not There was no overlap at all. Both of them had the same motive in covering up this incident.

As a result, the two of them sang together. Fernand pretended to go to the court to ask for connections to investigate Edmond Dantès, while Villefort put on a good appearance and resolutely refused to allow the investigation. He not only gained fame but also took the case. Suppressed it, and then continued to let Edmond Dantès rot in the dark cell.

[The above is my personal brainstorming process, but it should also be the most logical plot development, otherwise many things will not make sense... As for why Villefort and Fernand didn't just secretly kill Edmond Dantès , in addition to the halo of the protagonist, it can be explained that the two people cherished their feathers and refused to go to war to leave a clue. In addition, if the death sentence was changed, the king would need to sign it personally. There were too many uncontrollable factors, so after weighing it, I simply chose to continue to treat Edmund... Dantès died in prison, and the harsh conditions of the prison were used to kill him without anyone noticing. 】

Although Fernand spoke in a cryptic way, Aiglon and Edmund were already experienced in the world, so they quickly understood the key points.

Neither of them were surprised about the last one, because Aigron spent a lot of money to bribe the warden and fished out these two people, and the warden of Yinfu Castle was naturally not a fool. He would not report to his superiors that two people had escaped from prison or were missing, but would report them as.

After receiving the news of the death, Villefort and Fernand must have secretly breathed a sigh of relief...

Aiglon finally completed the entire details of the incident through indirect torture. At this time, his whole body was immersed in an inexplicable joy and his mind was at peace;

As for Edmund, it was completely different. At this time, in addition to the hatred that his enemies had ruined his life's happiness, he also felt a sense of relief.

Mercedes has not changed after all. Although she is married, she still cares about me and tries every means to help me...

It was these despicable and shameless people who had hurt me, and it was a cruel and merciless fate, but she did not share it.

And that's enough.

Unknowingly, the count had two tears in the corners of his eyes.

Seeing the count's inexplicable reaction, a new sense of crisis suddenly arose in Fernan's heart.

At this time, he was still in shock, and he had a slight premonition that His Majesty and the Count of Monte Cristo seemed to be paying special attention to him. They not only investigated everything he had done in Ioannina, but also everything about him. What did you do in Marseille five years ago?

I also ran to investigate.

Why? Although he was considered a figure, he was just an insignificant figure in front of the King of Rome. What qualifications did he have to deserve him to waste so much energy? He couldn't figure this out.

And he was about to get his answer.

Aegron let out a lamentation,

Fernand replied with a smile.

He just wants to delay time now, and it would be good if he could delay it for a minute or a second. At least he can make some preparations for his escape.

The Count of Monte Cristo also opened his eyes, and then looked at Fernand with eyes full of tears.

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