Eagle’s Glory

Forty-one, the trapped beast still fights

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 41, The trapped beast still fights "So, Mr. Earl, do you want to know my real name?"

Edmund's eyes contained anger, sadness, excitement, and even a little bit of joking. This look was difficult to describe with words. In addition, he had always faced everyone with a strong appearance and was bursting with tears. , which makes this scene even more shocking.

Fernan's thoughts were completely confused, and he had no idea what this scene meant. However, this shocking scene made some inspiration appear deep in his heart.

No way...no way? ……No way!

An almost incredible possibility suddenly occurred to him. Although he wanted to deny this ridiculous speculation immediately, once the seeds of doubt took root and sprouted, they could no longer be easily eliminated.

He wanted to ask about the suspicion in his heart, but he couldn't speak even though he moved his mouth - because deep down in his heart, he was more afraid than anyone else that this suspicion would come true.

However, even if he didn't ask, the two people on the other side were still ready to reveal the mystery without mercy.

"It seems that our friend Fernand is not in the mood to ask your name at the moment." Aiglon said to the Count of Monte Cristo easily, "Then, Count of Monte Cristo, let me answer on his behalf—— What is your real name?!"

"My real name..."

Although Edmund was answering Aiglon's question, his eyes were always staring at Fernand at his feet. His gaze was like that of a judge facing a felon who is destined to be convicted, showing no mercy. , only endless contempt and ridicule.

"That's Edmond Dantès."

He read these few words slowly, syllable by syllable, in order to appreciate the expressions of his enemies after hearing the news.

Fernan, who was already extremely embarrassed, did not react too violently at this moment.

The most fearful guess in his heart had now come true, and he finally understood everything.

After many years of imprisonment, Edmond Dantès somehow escaped from the cell and joined the Bonaparte family organization, and then accidentally became a confidant of the King of Rome.

From that day on, he was destined to not be tolerated by the Bonaparte family.

Why a little person like him got the inexplicable concern from the King of Rome; why they spent so much effort investigating the dark history of their past, everything can be explained.

It's ridiculous that I thought that I could rely on An Qian and Ma Hou's services in exchange for a chance to change the door, but I didn't know that this door had already been closed!

During this period of time, the two of them have watched themselves busy, on the one hand, in order to squeeze out the last "residual value" of themselves, on the other hand, I am afraid they are just like a cat playing with a mouse, watching their own jokes...

Because he was exhausted at this moment, even when he thought about this, Fernan no longer had much anger, or even many accidents, only endless despair.

"It turns out...it's you." Tears suddenly filled the corners of Fernan's eyes. "I should have seen it sooner."

"Yes, you should have seen it earlier. After all, we know each other." Edmund replied coldly, "But thanks to you, I have enjoyed twelve years of being in prison, but I also got a I am a spiritual father and mentor. This experience has changed my appearance. Even my words and habits have been changed. It’s normal for you not to recognize me.”

As for the so-called "spiritual father and mentor", Fernand didn't know Father Faria and certainly didn't know what he meant. However, this question was not important. What was important was that at the moment, the King of Rome and the Count of Monte Cristo were in control of his father. life and death--

He didn't know what kind of punishment he would face next, but he knew what he had done to this man. Once the anger and grievances he had accumulated for a long time were given a chance to vent, the consequences would be cruel and terrifying.

Throughout his life, in order to get ahead, he had tried every means to flatter, speculate, and commit murder. Murder, frame-up, and betrayal were commonplace. After countless efforts, he finally climbed to this position and had everything he has now.

Will all this hard work be dissipated in the wind like waking up from a dream? A desperate anger suddenly surged in Fernand's heart.

He didn't want to accept this outcome.

Like an animal trapped in a trap, he desperately tried to struggle.

But even if he wanted to struggle, he didn't have any capital to resist at the moment - although he had cronies and troops under his control, he and his family were in the Palace of Fontainebleau at the moment, and there was no chance at all. Passing the news out, let alone relying on them to save his own life.

It would be even more meaningless to directly beg for mercy from these two people. One of these two people hates him as much as the sea, and the other has a heart of stone. They will never relent because of other people's pleading. Begging for mercy will only make themselves look more ridiculous and clownish. That’s all.

"Your Majesty...you...you can't be so ruthless to me." He was full of fear, forced himself to be calm, and then pointed it out to Aiglon, "Those of us who have taken refuge with you midway are already worried about your intention to burn bridges if you cross the river. If someone like me who has been working for you... doesn't end well, then other people will be even more panicked. When the time comes, you won't even be able to appease people, so how can you call on more people to come to your side? "

"What, are you blackmailing me?" Aigron asked the other party. "Do you think that without you, I won't be able to recruit traitors?"

"It's not a threat, it's just self-protection." Fernand replied softly, "My men and I are not unprepared. If...if I can't go back, they will take corresponding actions. Of course, If I were still alive and well and appeared in front of them, they would definitely not cause trouble."

Fernand knew that what he said was too presumptuous, but he had no choice but to use this bluffing method to force the King of Rome to make some concessions and save his own life.

"Hahahahaha..." Aigron was not angry, he just laughed out loud, as if he had heard some ridiculous joke. "Oh, so I said, Fernan, you really think too highly of yourself."

Then, he walked up to Fernan step by step, and then stepped on the carpet in front of him, "What do you think you are in the eyes of others? A hero who responds to everything? A commander with a brilliant record?

No, not at all. You are just a treacherous and unjust villain. In your history of success, there is no glorious record, only betrayal and betrayal again and again! Not only do your colleagues despise you, but your subordinates will not respect you either. They have witnessed with their own eyes how you used Marshal Marmont as a stepping stone!

Although Marshal Marmont is also despicable and shameless, he at least once had a glorious resume, but do you have any resume that adds glory to yourself? What can you come up with that will make your subordinates willing to do their best for you? you have not! The reason why they follow you is not because they respect you, but just because you can bring them benefits... And I can give you benefits, or even more, so why do they still care about your life and death? ! "

Aigron pointed out the window, "Believe it or not, as long as you take my letter of appointment and the rewards you deserve, even if I let a dog take your place, no one will complain about you! You actually have the guts to come. Scared me?!"

Aigron found it very funny indeed. It is impossible for a despicable person like Fernand to have any subordinates who would sincerely sacrifice their lives for him. He could betray Marmont without any guilt, and his subordinates could betray him without any guilt. How could they threaten him? To yourself?

Logically speaking, he is not a person who cannot accept compromise, but the objects of his compromise are people like the Austrian Emperor and Tsar Talleyrand Soult. They are also qualified to leave their names in the world history books, and you Who does Fernando have the nerve to bargain with me?

And Aigron's humiliation made Fernan even more painful.

On the one hand, I feel the pain of having my last bit of self-esteem stripped away; on the other hand, I feel the pain of having my last glimmer of hope cut off.

Now that he is physically isolated in the Palace of Fontainebleau, he is unable to mobilize his close men immediately, and the King of Rome has plenty of time to divide and bribe these people, so that his last capital will be wiped out.

Everything seems to have reached despair, and there is no way out for survival.

"Your Majesty..." Perhaps due to a mental breakdown in despair, Fernan suddenly burst into tears. Then he got down on all fours and crawled at Aigron's feet like a dog. Then he reached out and grabbed Aigron's arm. Feet, begging for His mercy, "Please, forgive me... I have made a big mistake, but I am willing to do anything to atone for it, please forgive me!"

Before Aigron could answer, Fernand, who had been begging for mercy, suddenly jumped up from the ground at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to see. Then he reached out to pinch Aigron's neck with one hand, and tried to pinch him with the other hand. Aegron's arms were twisted behind his back.

"Your Majesty!" Edmund, who was originally immersed in the joy of revenge, did not expect that Fernand would dare to attack His Majesty. A moment later, he woke up from a dream and immediately rushed towards Fernand.

It's just that his reaction was a beat too slow after all, and he couldn't keep up.

Fernan had been a fisherman for 20 years, so he was naturally quite agile and his arms were strong and strong. After so many years of military experience, although he had not made any meritorious deeds, his body had been well-trained and his strength was far beyond the To ordinary people.

He knew that he was at the end of his rope and had no capital to save his life, so he could only resort to the last resort - kidnap the King of Rome, and then ask him to let him and his family leave Fontainebleau Palace.

Although Fernand is despicable and shameless, he also has a bit of self-made viciousness. In this situation of "trapped beast still fighting", he was able to burst out with such decisiveness and execution ability, which indeed shows that his success today is not purely due to luck. .

On the other hand, he is extremely selfish. Although he flatters the upper class in every possible way, he actually does not have any sense of awe in his heart. Therefore, he rebels against Marshal Marmont and dares to take action against Aigron without any hesitation. .

"As long as we catch him, there will be a chance of survival... and there will be a chance to leave with his wife and children..." Fernand thought silently in his heart. He devoted all his hope to this last chance of survival.

However, although his performance was very good and his speed of action was amazing, he still underestimated his opponent after all.

Aigron still made the correct physical reaction in an instant. While avoiding the hand that pinched his neck, he lowered his waist slightly, and then punched Fernan hard in the stomach.

In terms of skill, he was naturally much stronger than Fernan. In addition, he was not unprepared for such a sudden attack, so he easily defused it.


The severe pain almost made Fernan, who was already in poor condition, almost faint with black eyes. He clutched his stomach, stumbled back a few steps, and then collapsed to the ground again.

At this time, Edmund had also rushed over. He stood between the two people, and then stepped on Fernan's chest, making the other party unable to move.

"You actually dare to attack His Majesty..." Old grudges have not been avenged, but new grudges have been added. Edmund almost lost his mind in anger. He used his other foot to stomp Fernand's face hard, " Despicable and shameless beast, just wait and receive the punishment you deserve!"

Blood foam soon appeared at the corner of Fernan's mouth, and his face became swollen and distorted.

"Your Majesty... what is your Majesty!" He made a toneless voice and retorted weakly to Edmund, "He is just a Corsican. Even my grandfather was not French at one time. What's the big deal!"

At this time, he knew that he was definitely dead, so he no longer pretended to be flattering, but instead seemed much tougher.

While gasping for air, he opened his bloodshot eyes wide and glared at Edmond Dantes, "Edmond Dantes, if you want me to apologize for you, you are totally wrong. No, I will not regret what I did back then, never! If there is any regret, I only regret that I did not take the risk and killed you directly, giving you a chance to take revenge... Hahahahahaha... Dare to follow I robbed Mercedes, my lover who I watched grow up, and you deserve to have your family destroyed, hahahaha!"

His words and wild laughter angered Edmund, whose sanity was on the verge of collapse. He recalled his father who died of illness and starvation, with real fire in his eyes.

"Don't do it again, Edmund, it's just an advantage for him." Aigron held Edmund back and helped him regain some sense. "If he dies now, it will only be a relief for him -"

Edmund finally woke up from a dream.

Yes, just like Tanglar, if he kills Fernand now, it is just to relieve them. How can a momentary death be compared with the disaster and pain he has endured?

"Fernand, I said, I admire you a little. With that kind of background, you can start from scratch. If you start from a higher starting point, you may not be able to have a big career." Aigron took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands. While looking at him on the ground with a sneer, "But unfortunately, you are only capable of doing bad things after all. If you can't do good things, you won't get the trust and cooperation of others, and you won't be able to achieve a real career. Now... you have no chance. .”

Then, he clapped his hands again, "By the way, I haven't met Ms. Mercedes yet. Is this the lady?"

Following his applause, a hidden door suddenly opened on the side of the room, and Andre Davout, as well as a woman who was tied up and gagged with a silk scarf, appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, the lady was looking at the two men wrestling with each other in front of her with tears in her eyes - the two most important men in her life.

"Mercedes..." Because he had not been notified in advance, Edmund subconsciously called out this name, and then froze.

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