Eagle’s Glory

Forty-two, man

The Glory of the Eagle Text Volume 42, Man "Mercedes..."

Following Edmund's shout, the whole room fell into a strange silence again. Not only did Edmund stop his beating, but even Fernand, who had been angrily scolding him back, also stopped his voice and stared blankly. Looking at his wife blankly, even the severe pain in his body seemed to be insignificant.

All the scenes fell into Aigron's eyes. Needless to say, it was all arranged by him.

It was he who secretly ordered his captain of the guard, Andre Davout, to attack Lady Mercedes immediately after Fernand was called away and kidnap her here.

Although Andre was confused by this order, and based on his sense of honor, he was not willing to attack defenseless women, but for him, His Majesty's order was absolutely unbreakable, so he could only reluctantly carry it out. He ordered and tied up Mercedes.

Mercedes had no idea that after arriving at the Palace of Fontainebleau, she would be greeted with such treatment. She was in a state of ignorance at first, and then she suspected that Aigron was planning to "burn the bridge" and felt that her husband had not taken advantage of it. It was worth it, so she used this despicable method to secretly get rid of her husband.

However, she didn't expect what happened next.

Under Agron's instruction, Mercedes was escorted to the next door to the room, and then gagged, acting as an "audience" who could not interact with the scene.

So, Mercedes, like Agron, enjoyed this great drama that had lasted for more than ten years for free.

Right in front of Mercedes, she watched helplessly as her husband's dark past of shameless revelations was revealed bit by bit; she also watched helplessly as her husband begged the young man for mercy; Finally, she saw her husband yelling at Edmund without any remorse.

The true identity of the husband was exposed, the dusty veil of the past was revealed, the truth came to light, and the lover who had been committed to life and death finally reappeared in the world and came to him... One after another, things unfolded in Merce. In front of Tess, due to the overwhelming impact of information she received in a short period of time, her brain seemed to be frozen. She didn't know whether it was sadness or joy, but tears had unknowingly covered her face.

And this is also the effect Aigron wants to achieve.

After taking Fernand under his command, Aiglon has been thinking about how to deal with Fernand - not that he is soft-hearted, but because after all, this involves Mercedes, whom Edmund misses so much.

Although Fernand is a despicable person,

It was not a pity to die, but Mercedes had been taken care of by him since she was a child in the fishing village, and she always regarded him as an elder brother; and now she was married to him and had children, so it was impossible for her to have no feelings at all.

If Fernand had been killed rashly, many things that happened back then would have been unconfirmed, and Mercedes might not have believed that the person beside her was actually one of the culprits of the death of the person she loved - even if she really believed it. , there must be many doubts in my heart.

Therefore, after a brief weighing, Aigron decided to simply have an "on-site education".

After all, seeing is believing and reality is the best teacher.

Therefore, he played tricks to make Fernand think that he was about to become famous. In order to seize a good position in the future court, he took the initiative to bring his hidden wives and children to Fontainebleau, and then took advantage of him when he was not prepared. He single-handedly directed the current drama.

He knew that Edmund was obsessed with Mercedes, so in order not to reveal any flaws and to achieve the most realistic performance effect, he did not spoil his script for Edmund, but let him act in his true self and put everything into perspective. The hatred is truly displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

Judging from the current actual results, Aigron has successfully achieved his goal.

Aigron made a gesture to Andre Davout to untie Lady Mercedes.

Andre complied knowingly, and then stepped aside, and Aiglon also stepped away slowly and calmly, leaving enough space for the three people.

What needs to be done for him has been done, and now he can enjoy the final chapter of this great drama more easily.

After being released from the restraints, Mercedes stumbled towards the two men. Her steps were frivolous and crooked, as if she had lost her balance, and she made no sound when she stepped on the soft carpet.

In this way, she walked step by step in front of the two men.

This was the first time in many years that Edmund had seen Mercedes so close.

Compared to the girl in her memory, she is much more mature now, but perhaps because she has become a pampered lady, she still looks quite young in her early thirties, and her black hair of Catalan descent still remains She is bright and beautiful, with fair and translucent skin, and the mature charm of the young woman is vaguely visible.

The most touching thing is her eyes that are constantly weeping. At this time, the black pupils are filled with extreme sadness, which makes people feel heartbroken just by looking at it.

"Mercedes..." Edmund subconsciously shouted the name again, and then let go of his feet, as if he didn't want the other party to see such a cruel side of himself.

While crying, Mercedes raised her hand and stroked her former lover's face.

The face in front of me was a bit unfamiliar. It was very different from the one in my memory. Even the voice had changed. But the passion when he got close to him and the way he looked at her made Merce... Tess could easily determine that the other person was Edmund, her former lover.

"Edmund..." she shouted out the name and burst into tears again, "Thank God...you are really still alive. How desperate I was when I heard the news of your death!"

"I'm sorry, Mercedes." Edmund apologized softly, "I suffered a lot in the dark prison of Chateau d'If. I originally thought that I would really die in this dark place, but... I was finally Fate favored me once. After escaping from Austria, His Majesty went around collecting imprisoned Bonapartists because he was employed. By some strange combination of circumstances, he bribed the warden and rescued me. , and then, after some troubles, I finally found out everything that happened that year."

Having said this, Edmund felt a little ridiculous and ironic - he was unjustly accused and imprisoned in the name of "Supporter of the Bonaparte Family", but he was rescued because of the crime of "Supporter of the Bonaparte Family" came out, and then really became a supporter of the Bonaparte family, and even became His Majesty's confidant.

Is this a mockery of fate?

He had no time to lament his fate, but gathered his mind again, and then began to tell Mercedes about his experience - starting from Danglars instigating and writing anonymous letters, to Fernand taking the letter to inform, and then to Villefort. The prosecutor sent himself to prison, and finally told Mercedes his twelve years of prison experience...almost completely.

Mercedes listened quietly, and whenever she heard the tragedy, she continued to shed tears, crying for her lover and her own fate.

"I once went to Prosecutor Villefort to plead for mercy and begged him to enforce the law impartially. He kept agreeing. I once believed him, but...he ended up harming you like this!" Finally, she cursed angrily, " I've asked him about the case several times over the years, but he always put on a selfless look and blocked me away...this goddamn bastard!"

Then, she turned her head and looked at Fernan, who was still lying on the ground.

Fernand was in a very bad state at this time. Because of Edmund's merciless beating just now, his face and body were already bruised. What made him more painful than the physical pain was the look his wife was looking at him. Eyes.

"Mercedes..." He tremblingly shouted the name in a tone full of fear.

He has shouted this name countless times over the years, but this time there is no love in it, only the fear of being seen through.

Mercedes did not respond to the call, but walked to him, gently bent down and looked at him with pain and annoyance, "Fernand, I have seen what you just did. So I beg you, for the sake of how many years we have been married, for the sake of our children, please don’t quibble with me anymore, for the sake of God, please don’t make me despise you more..."

His wife's words made Fernan even more desperate. He struggled to stand up, but due to his physical injuries, he could only struggle in an awkward manner, like a fish being thrown to the ground and constantly shaking.

Seeing him in such a miserable and embarrassed state, Mercedes still had some feelings for a couple after all, so she subconsciously reached out her hand to help him, but just as she stretched out her hand, she recalled what he had done. The anger at how much he had tricked Edmund made her want to slap Fernand again.

But in the end, she neither supported nor beat her. She just withdrew her hand, looked at the scarred Fernand, and then almost collapsed and asked him, "I have always regarded you as my brother, and I am grateful for your care and help. Why do you think so?" He must betray my trust and trap him and me to this extent!"

Fernand was extremely desperate at this moment. He knew that he had been abandoned by the whole world and there was no chance of redemption.

Because of this, he felt calm for the first time in his life.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, twitching the muscles on his face to form a miserable, forced smile. "Mercedes, it's because you always only regarded me as your brother that I was driven crazy... I was trapped by love and jealousy, close to madness. Can't you see it? I love you, I have always loved you deeply, and I took care of you precisely because I wanted to spend my life with you... But what about you? You kept saying that you only regarded me as your brother, and then you fell into the arms of another brat in front of me. What can I do? ? Consciously stand aside and silently bless you?

No, I can't. The thought of my Mercedes lying with someone else makes me so angry that I want to cut her into pieces! So I did this... I know you will blame me when you know the truth and will never forgive me, but I still don't regret it. If I hadn't done that, you would have been married to someone else for fifteen years, which is equivalent to saying I was executed by you fifteen years ago! And after I did this, I at least got married to you, lived together, and got the happiness I dreamed of! Even though it is a pity that this kind of happiness cannot last, at least I have been happy. If my death is now, it would be better than dying fifteen years ago! "

Perhaps because he knew that he had no chance of survival, Fernand showed astonishing honesty. He did not quibble or beg for mercy, but just expressed his heart. These words left Mercedes speechless for a moment. right.

Is this my fault? My beloved lover and brother fell into such a miserable situation, is it all because of me?

"Mercedes, don't listen to his nonsense!" Seeing that Mercedes was beginning to feel guilty, Edmund loudly interrupted her thoughts, "You treat each of us sincerely, and you never give any After we fell in love, you also clearly rejected his advances many times. You have done everything you can, and you are not responsible for what happened next. It is all... this What a bunch of beasts committed for their own selfish desires! If you blame yourself, wouldn't you be excusing the villain?"

Then, he looked at Fernan again, and asked sternly, "Fernand, you keep saying that you can't accept our coming together, but what have you done? You secretly plotted with others, and you took us out of the wedding. Break it up, you've made us lose all our happiness! Is this how you love her?

Okay, even if that's the case, then you can find me, then show it off with me, make a request openly, duel with me, and let us use the blood of men to decide who is more worthy of Mercedes. I will accompany you. ! But you don't have the guts...you continue to disguise yourself as your brother, stand beside us two, play tricks on me, and put me in a dark prison! "

At this point, Edmund felt heartbroken and furious. He yelled at the other person, "You are just a despicable and shameless person. You don't even have the courage to face your fate calmly. You only dare to stab people in the back." Hurtful! You were like this back then, and you are still like this now! Your Majesty is right, you are not capable of doing big things, you can only rely on shameless betrayal and shameless flattery to rise step by step. You have medals but no honors. You will never You can’t get the sincere respect of others; you can only do bad things, but you can’t do a good thing. You wear a straight military uniform and a medal earned by flattering others, but you can never be considered a man!”

Finally, Edmund breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the other person with endless joy and contempt, "Now, you have finally come to the end. Everything you gained through betrayal, today I will deprive them of it. I want to Let you know how a man will live in this world!"

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