Eagle’s Glory

Forty-three, commit suicide

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 43, Ended on His Own

Edmund shouted these words with unnecessary pride and anger that had been stored up for a long time.

He not only said this, he also wanted to practice it. He wanted to complete the revenge that must be completed for himself and his family.

Among the three culprits who framed him, Danglars has now fallen into his hands and is suffering the pain of imprisonment; Fernand has now lost everything and will soon follow in his footsteps; and next, It was the turn of the pampered prosecutor Villefort in Paris.

One at a time, as orderly as a meal.

Moreover, his revenge is not only to torture and kill them physically, but also to make everything they have accumulated through betrayal, deception and robbery over the years disappear, leaving them with spiritual despair. death.

Faced with Edmund's questioning and contempt, Fernand, who was still confident at first, was suddenly speechless.

Indeed, what this era advocates is pleasure and grudges. Young people use their own blood to determine the winner and maintain their dignity. Although duels are legally prohibited, duels are still common in private, and many people have lost their lives because of it. life.

Under this kind of social culture, Fernand's behavior towards his love rival is indeed extremely embarrassing from a social and cultural perspective. Even Fernand himself knows deep down that he is a coward who dare not take on the challenge.

He loved Mercedes and wanted to marry her all the time, but he did not dare to take up the sword to fight for this right. No matter how he argued, he could not get rid of the brand of a coward.

coward! This word was enough to destroy Fernand's remaining self-esteem.

Looking at the speechless Fernand, Edmund felt both immense disgust and pride.

Having said that, Edmund still hasn't figured out how to deal with Fernand.

Although there are countless tortures in this world, he is not a person who enjoys torturing others. Even if it is his enemy, he cannot imagine using those medieval torture instruments to torture them.

However, he was not in a hurry. He had been in prison for twelve years, so he could slowly put Fernand into a dark prison and let him, like Danglars, suffer the pain of losing freedom and hope first.

Just as Edmund was immersed in his intense thoughts,

Suddenly he heard a soft call next to him.

Although this call sounded much mellower and more mature than in his memory, it still resonated with his soul.

He turned his head and looked at his former fiancée.

asked Mercedes.

Edmund blurted out without thinking.

Mercedes asked softly, with a little prayer in her eyes.

This look could have easily melted Edmund's heart, but at this moment it made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Mercedes, you... won't intercede for him and let me spare him, right?

no, do not want! His heart was roaring.

It would be fine if she didn't know, but Mercedes had clearly heard what happened to her just now. If she had to plead for Fernand in this situation, it would mean that in her heart, she and Fernand The weight of Nan's love between husband and wife has exceeded the injustice he endured and the tragic death of his father.

If this is the case, Edmund doesn't know how he can bear this reality.


Because of the fear in his heart, he was speechless for a moment and just stared blankly at the lady in front of him.

Is this Mercedes herself, or is she the Countess of Morcerf who bears her name?

Seeing the sudden silence here, Aigron, who was watching from a distance, interrupted in time to ask a question.

Mercedes did not answer immediately, but lowered her gaze again, looking at her husband who was lying on the ground with a swollen face that could hardly be seen from his original appearance. There was resentment and contempt in her eyes, as well as a little sadness and intolerance. .

But in the end, she withdrew her gaze after a moment, looked at Aiglon again, and then resolutely curtsied to Aiglon.

Not only Aigron was slightly surprised, Edmund was also so surprised that he could hardly speak.

Aiglon quickly calmed down and asked Mercedes.

Mercedes smiled bitterly, but there were tears in her eyes.

Then, she looked at Edmund again, with a little pleading in her voice.

Now Edmund finally understood what Mercedes was thinking.

She did not sympathize with Fernand, nor did she intend to plead for him, but she was afraid that Fernand's past sins would be exposed and her son Albert would grow up in the shadow of ruin, so she hoped to let Fernand die as soon as possible.

Once he figured this out, Edmund breathed a sigh of relief.

What he fears most is that Mercedes begs for mercy for Fernand, which would make him mentally unbearable.

Fortunately, Mercedes only made such a request. Although letting Fernand die so quickly would reduce Edmund's joy of revenge, but because of Mercedes' pleading eyes, Edmund felt that he It doesn’t hurt to give in a little.

He nodded slightly.

Then, Edmund looked at Aigron again. Of course Aigron didn't care when Fernan died. Since the two of them had reached a consensus, Aigron would naturally not stand in the way.

In just a few words, he decided Fernan's final fate.

Mercedes said to Agron again.

Aiglon enjoyed watching this drama very much, so naturally he would not refuse his wife's request.

So, Mercedes came to her husband, squatted down, and looked at her husband sadly.

Then, fierce fire flashed in her eyes, "I can't describe my hatred for you at this moment. You ruined my wedding, ruined my love, ruined my life! I hate you , even if you die, I will hate you for the rest of my life until the day I die.

But no matter how much I hate you, I still know that you were the one who took care of me so that I, an orphan, could grow up in that poor fishing village. You saved my life; I also know that you have spared no efforts over the years. Please me with all your heart, you are so precious to me

Cherish this family, cherish me and Albert. So I promise you, I will raise Albert well... He will not be contaminated by any of your sins, nor will he learn those despicable and flattering tricks. He will become an upright man. He will use his future good deeds to slightly compensate for the sins you have committed for this world.

So, if you still love Albert, I ask you to accept your death immediately. This is the best thing you can do for him now——"

At the end, she reached out her hand and gently touched her husband's swollen and bloody face.

Fernand half-opened his eyes and looked at his wife quietly, so motionless that he seemed to have fallen asleep.

However, after Mercedes finished speaking, he showed an ugly smile, and then nodded gently.

As if he had gained some strength from his wife's words, he struggled to get up from the carpet and then sat on the carpet.

He knew that everything he had had lost, whether it was the wealth he gained through business or the family he obtained through trickery, they no longer existed. As Mercedes said, the only thing he should do now is Die as soon as possible.

At this desperate moment, being urged to die by his wife had already made him lose interest in living.

Albert...yes, for his sake, I should end this as soon as possible.

His son's face appeared in his mind. At this moment, he was extremely eager to touch his son's face, but he also knew that this was just a fantasy after all.

Under the current circumstances, it would be better for his son if he died.

In this case, let's not embarrass Mercedes again at the last moment of her life.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Aiglon.

Although Fernan was cunning and shameless, and he had just used the opportunity to beg for mercy to sneak attack on Aigron, at this moment, Aigron felt from him the calmness and sincerity of accepting the mercy of fate.

He was really ready to die.

After some consideration, Aigron nodded.

Then he waved the others away from Fernand, leaving an open space, and then asked Andre Davout to throw a dagger and put it in front of Fernand.

At this time, he was not afraid of what Fernand would do again.

Fernand stretched out his weak hand, picked it up tremblingly, and then pointed the blade of the dagger at his heart.

No one spoke. Although everyone had different looks, they were all waiting for him to kill himself.

Fernan stared closely at the weapon in his hand. He was a coward after all, and his survival instinct made his hands and feet stiff. But in the end, he relied on the little courage his wife had just given him to insist on what he should do.

At this moment when he was on the verge of death, his mind was spinning faster than usual. The things he had experienced in his life flashed into his mind one after another, and then slowly disappeared, and finally only the When we were in the fishing village of Marseille, we saw the smile of the young Mercedes.

That was a memory engraved in his soul. In order to always enjoy this beauty, he committed despicable evil deeds.

Even now, he still has no regrets in his heart. As he said just now, if he had done nothing at that time, his soul would have died fifteen years ago. However, the despicable and shameless whistleblower allowed him to become Mei The husband of Cédès and the father of their child.

The family life he enjoyed, even if it was only a short stage in his life, was enough to make him feel that this creature was worthwhile.

I just hate that it ended too soon...

His eyes moved slowly, and then he saw Mercedes not far away, and the cold and sad look in her eyes seemed to be urging him to end everything quickly.

Goodbye, Mercedes. Albert will be entrusted to you from now on. I believe you can make him become a person ten thousand times better than me... Albert, Albert...

With a silent call to his son, Fernand mustered up his last courage and strength and plunged the dagger into his body.

There was a soft sound of metal piercing skin and muscles, and blood suddenly erupted in front of Fernan like a fountain. Then Fernan fell forward and fell on the carpet.

The bright red blood soon dyed a large area of ​​the carpet red, leaving a shocking black-purple mark on the red carpet.

The ups and downs of Count Fernand de Morcerf's life ended here.

Just die like that?

Looking at Fernand's body, Edmund didn't feel any excitement or sadness. He just quietly confirmed this fact.

Naturally, his death is the end of the world, and there are still too many things left for the living.

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