Eagle’s Glory

Forty-four, things are different and people are different

The Glory of Young Eagle Text Volume 44, Things are different and people are different. In the deathly silence, the people in the room looked at the corpse lying on the ground with complicated eyes and a large pool of horrific blood surrounding the corpse.

At the urging of his wife, the desperate Fernand finally faced the reality and chose to commit suicide.

Although his suicide was an end, and he no longer had to worry about anything from now on, for the living people, their troubles were still not over. On the contrary, their troubles would continue one after another, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Aiglon is the most relaxed one among them. For him, although Fernan's sudden death will bring a little confusion and doubt to his men, it is not a big problem.

He could have announced that Fernand had died suddenly of a serious illness, and then just find a doctor to issue a death certificate.

He was not afraid of outsiders becoming suspicious. After all, even Fernand's wife, Lady Mercedes, recognized this statement. Furthermore, a despicable person like Fernand did not have any die-hard followers. His confidants only followed him in exchange for more benefits. Since Fernand was dead and could no longer bring benefits to them, how could they care about how Fernand died?

Since he was the most relaxed, he was also the first to speak.

He looked at Mercedes and asked,

Mercedes was still a little confused. Although she urged her husband to die quickly, they were a couple after all. Seeing him die so tragically in front of her, she was inevitably a little upset.

But facing His Majesty, she did not dare to make a mistake, so she could only forcefully clear her thoughts, and then whispered to Aigron,

In Mercedes' view, the bad relationship between herself and Fernand originated there. He took care of her as an orphan as she grew up with a brother-like enthusiasm. There was the best side of him there. After leaving the fishing village, Fernand's life was filled with despicableness, betrayal, and speculation. He ruined his life and that of his lover, and he became a person she no longer recognized.

It starts there and ends there. I hope his soul can be cleansed of his sins after returning to his hometown...

Aigron had no objections and immediately agreed to this reasonable request.

Then, he waved to Andre, who quickly asked the guards to drag away Fernan's body, and then took it to be cremated quietly.

Although the body was dragged away,

But the bloodstains on the carpet were still there, and the air was still filled with the pungent smell of blood. Just now, this smell was the catalyst for Egron's excitement, but after the curtain ended, this smell made him feel a little uncomfortable. .

Aigron gave the order in a consultative tone, and then looked at Mercedes,


Mercedes did not reject Aiglon's proposal. Instead, she solemnly saluted Aigron and expressed her gratitude in the most sincere manner.

Aiglon replied casually,

Mercedes smiled bitterly and shook her head, "My life has become a desert, all happiness and all longings have been dried up, and I can no longer even feel

Suffering, I am left with Albert alone, and I must live until he grows up and finds his own happiness. "

Aigron could understand Mercedes' thoughts.

Aiglon did not expect that Mercedes would actually raise objections.

Although the Morcerf family is not a top aristocracy, it is at least an aristocratic surname, which naturally means an entry ticket into a high-end social circle. However, Mercedes resolutely abandoned it. It can be seen that she wanted to abandon the shadow of the past. What a determination.

Aigron nodded in agreement,

Mercedes replied,

Agron secretly admired Mercedes' decisiveness and determination. This lady was indeed worthy of Edmund.

It's a pity... the cruel joke of the goddess of fate has turned the two people's lives into pieces. Even if the truth is revealed now, the lost time can no longer be recovered, the painful memories can never be forgotten, and everything is changed beyond recognition.

So, what will happen next for the two of them? Aiglon couldn't help but secretly become curious.


In the original work, after Fernand committed suicide in disgrace, Mercedes left France with her grown-up son Albert. The mother and son abandoned the surname of Morcerf and lived a new life.

But now, the situation is different after all. Albert has just been born, Edmund and Mercedes are only in their early thirties, and the Earl's life trajectory has also changed. They can choose another life.

Agron had asked Edmund before how he wanted to deal with Mercedes after his great revenge was avenged. At that time, after a fierce ideological struggle, Edmund still chose to take care of her. Aigron is really curious now about where this story will go.

As a professional audience member, he knew very well that he could not take over the show and leave the stage to the actors to perform. He also did not want to rely on his position to interfere with their choices——

So, he asked Andre to bring the former fiancée to a small room, and then he waited outside for the answer to be revealed.

No matter what the answer is, it will be a kind of closure for him.


Now only Edmund and Mercedes were left in the same room. This was the first time they had been alone in fifteen years.

At that time, every time they met, they had endless things to talk about. The boy shared what he saw and heard following merchant ships in various ports in the Mediterranean, while the girl shared the trivial matters in her life with shyness and joy, no matter what. Whatever they say, they feel extremely happy and happy.

But now, there is only silence between them.

Fernan's death still left them immersed in a mental shock, and it made them even more

What is difficult to face is the fact that Mercedes is already married and has children.

The two people looked at each other like this. After an unknown amount of time, Mercedes finally showed a smile full of sadness.

she asked softly,

Edmund admitted;

After a pause, he added,

He knew that the reason why Mercedes raised this seemingly irrelevant question was to calm herself down.

Mercedes congratulated Edmund in a low voice, but there was not much joy on her face.

Edmund hissed in reply,

Mercedes nodded, but she immediately changed the subject.


Edmund interrupted loudly,

Tears appeared in the corners of Mercedes' eyes again. On the one hand, she was moved, but on the other hand, she was ashamed.

After hearing what Mercedes said, Edmund was stunned as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Admittedly, he knew what the other person said was right, but he was unwilling to accept it.

He was willing to see the reality clearly and see that everything had changed. He desperately wanted to reach out and travel through time and space to catch the phantom of the past, and then drag back the self of that time and the Mercedes of that time. .

However, right in front of him, the lover he had dreamed of countless times told him the cruel reality - everything was different, and no matter how hard he tried, it would still be different.

[It has been running stably for many years. It is comparable to the old version of the book-chasing artifact, and is used by old bookworms, huann.]

Why did you say it, when we can all pretend that nothing happened... The pain almost made him suffocate.

Seeing Edmund's painful look, Mercedes also felt pain in her heart, but she still hardened her heart and continued, "You are His Majesty's favorite, Count of Monte Cristo, and you may become a Marquis and Duke in the future. , you will have a lofty status and reputation; and what am I? The wife of a despicable villain

, a widow with no status or wealth, what can I bring to you? Nothing can be brought about... I am not even my past self. If you force yourself to be with me just for the sake of pity, or for pity, it will only make you and me immersed in the painful future. "

Edmund couldn't believe it.

Mercedes smiled bitterly,

Edmund stretched out his hand, desperately trying to catch the other man.

A dream in the palace

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