Eagle’s Glory

Forty-five, each takes one step back

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 45, Everyone takes a step back, "No, I need you, Mercedes!"

Edmund had no idea that on the first day he and Mercedes reunited, what greeted him was not her smile and her warm embrace, but such heartless words.

Didn't you realize that I didn't mind that you were married to him?

For Edmund, it was enough as long as Mercedes had not joined the others and forgotten him. It was not a shame for a weak woman to choose someone to rely on in this chaotic world.

But even though she had made it so clear, Mercedes still turned a deaf ear and insisted on pushing herself away. At this moment, Edmund finally felt a little bit of the despair that Fernand had just felt.

In his excitement, he ignored any etiquette and grabbed Mercedes' hand, as if he was afraid that she would drift away, "You can't even imagine how much suffering I have endured over the years. Swallowed by the darkness and close to a mental breakdown, the only reason that keeps me sane and not seeking death is you! I miss you. Every day in prison makes me miss you more. I dream about you countless times. Reunite with you and complete our unfinished wedding! Without your spiritual support, I would have died long ago.

Now, who else can stop us? The despicable Fernand is dead, and you are already a free man. No one can stop you from finding your past love. As for me, I don’t care about the opinions of the outside world at all. Those names outside my body mean nothing to me. Meaning, all I think about is serving His Majesty and repaying His kindness. What else does it matter? "

Edmund spoke sincerely, and Mercedes couldn't help but shed tears again.

"Thank you... thank you, Edmund. I also... I also prayed for you in countless sleepless nights."

But after shedding tears, she shook her head decisively, "But I'm sorry, I still have to reject you. I can't convince myself that everything is still the same as before. I am not only your past lover, but now I am also a lover." Mother. I cannot leave Albert."

"I can also treat him as a son!" Edmund replied, "This is not a problem for me..."

"I know that you are so kind..." Mercedes smiled bitterly, "but for you to ignore past grudges and treat Fernando's son as your own, I cannot accept that I have done such a cruel thing. Fernando. Let us, mother and son, bear Nan’s sins on our own... Your life deserves a better reward."

Seeing that my sincere words had no effect,

Edmund was stunned.

Unconsciously, he let go of Mercedes' hand.

"Better?" He couldn't help but laugh sarcastically, "Don't I know what's better for me?"

"Isn't Lady Emily good?" Mercedes asked.


This name suddenly woke Edmund up. After his showdown with Fernand and then meeting Mercedes again, he was immersed in the past and forgot about the present. However, he was reminded by Mercedes. , he was shocked to realize that he could not be called "alone" now.

How do you know her?

Just when Edmund was about to ask, Mercedes answered by herself, "We have had contacts with the Danglars for many years, but it was only after Tanglars went bankrupt that Fernand cut off the contact with his family. That's all. So after Emily came to Fontainebleau, Fernand inquired curiously, and then he learned that you had brought her here.

It's normal for you to have a mistress. Emily is not a chaste lady. He didn't care. He just reminded me to please you two when I come to the palace in the future... That's why I know this. "

The more Mercedes spoke, the more embarrassed Edmund became. He was not good at lying, and he was even less able to lie in front of her.

In any case, he and Emily did have that kind of relationship - and Emily's flattery also made him leave a place for her in his heart.

Even though the two of them are not in love, at least they have a deep emotional bond.

"I'm sorry..." he apologized awkwardly.

"Why are you apologizing, Edmund? I don't mean to blame you at all. As an unmarried man, what can you blame for walking with a woman? If this is all worthy of blame, then how can I blame you? Isn't there even more no place for him?" Mercedes shook her head and comforted Edmund, "I just told you our current situation. I can't leave Albert behind. How can you leave that mother and daughter behind? ?"

The impact of reality made Edmund feel even more uncomfortable. After hesitating for a moment, he whispered to the other party, "I can arrange them properly."

However, this answer did not move Mercedes. She just looked at Edmund tenderly, "When you hesitate, you are not the same person as you were in the past. You are weighing what is more important, even if I am more important, It also means that she also has weight in your heart. So Edmund, your life does not only exist for me, just as I no longer exist only for you. We can still have the best wishes for each other , but we are not the two children we used to be..."

Edmund, everything Mercedes said is true.

The two people who were originally planning to get married, were cruelly torn apart by fate. Their lives took a turn. As they walked further and further apart, other people appeared on their way and walked together. Even if they wanted to hold hands again, they couldn't. I can no longer walk on my original path.

Although he is unlikely to marry Emily, he is no longer alone, and he now has other obligations to bear besides revenge. He promised their mother and daughter that they would live out the rest of their lives safely.

However, he also couldn't let go of Mercedes.

At this moment, he suddenly felt extremely envious of His Majesty, whom he was loyal to, because His Majesty always seemed to be able to move easily among the women he liked and control his personal affairs without being trapped by them. Even if Queen Teresa occasionally gets jealous, it's just a minor turmoil that can be calmed down quickly by him - his and His Majesty's talents are so far apart in every aspect that they can only look forward to it at the moment.

After a moment, Edmund withdrew his messy thoughts. He knew that it would be impossible to convince Mercedes today. Even he himself was confused and didn't know how to deal with his current situation.

He finally admitted that both of them needed time to calm down and rethink where their lives should go next... and the most important thing was that he didn't want to lose Mercedes again.

"Okay, Mercedes, I know that you have just experienced a major blow in your life. I can't force you to make a decision now." He took a deep breath, calmed down his mood, and then solemnly He looked at the other party and said, "I only ask you one thing, just one thing! Please promise me based on our past relationship... Don't leave here, let me protect you mother and son. The world is in chaos now, You two, mother and son, have no ability to protect yourself. God knows what will happen to you if you are outside! Moreover, for Albert, if he can have a good growing environment, it will definitely be of great help to his future prospects... "

Edmund didn't say it clearly, but anyone can imagine that if a child grows up in the palace, he will naturally be able to get close to the palace and get the attention of the royal family. When he grows up in the future, he will naturally have a smooth future - don't forget, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is now with Albert is about the same age. If Albert can become His Highness's playmate, he will be the confidant of the future Emperor.

Of course, it was difficult for Mercedes to refuse this temptation. She could accept her return to poverty, but naturally she still wanted to strive for the best possible conditions for her son.

"But won't this embarrass you? And...I don't have any reason to stay in the palace now."

"Of course you can find reasons." Edmund's mind finally returned to its previous state at this moment, "Now the palace is being rebuilt, Queen Theresa and her assistant Mrs. Alice de Treville are now recruiting people everywhere. And you are just right to work for them, aren't you? Your character and your ability to manage the family business are obvious to everyone. I believe they will welcome you very much.

Besides, I also have a relationship with Mrs. Treville. She owes me some favors. As long as I go and say a few words to her, she will be happy to accept you and treat you well... In this case, you can stay in the palace in the future. , you, mother and son, no longer need to be disturbed by the outside world. "

Seeing Edmund disregarding his past grievances and racking his brains to plan for himself, Mercedes felt extremely moved and grateful - compared to Edmund, she had done too little.

From being the widow of Count Morcerf to being the royal wife of the royal court, it can be considered a good destination.

This is not only for herself, but also for her young son. Where can the homeless mother and son go now?

When she thought of this, she no longer refused, "Thank you, Edmund, no matter whether it is successful or not, I am extremely grateful for your enthusiastic help. From now on...if there is anything I can do to help you in the future, I will No effort will be spared.”

Although Mercedes' thank you was extremely sincere, Edmund still smiled bitterly after hearing this, because thanking and promising repayment itself means a sense of distance.

Yes, how can it be possible to close the gap of fifteen years in a few hours? Next, you should think about what to do...

At least, I helped Mercedes find a home, and I don't have to worry about whether I can see her again in the future... This is already a thousand times better than before.

Time can dilute everything, and time can naturally thicken everything. Now that both of them are still very young, let time re-determine their future destiny.

After thinking about this, the anxiety, anger and fear in Edmund's heart finally disappeared.

Today's revenge was avenged, which should have been a day of ecstasy for him. It was time for him to find the joy after revenge.

"Mercedes, I'm sorry that when you were in such a difficult and painful time, I kept wasting your time and asking you to brace yourself up and face me... Now you go and have a good rest first, and I hope your soul can recover from it. Enough to be freed from these disasters and sufferings.”

"What I can do, you can also do. Edmund, you will not lose yourself in revenge, you will break out of the cocoon in pain and have a happy life." Mercedes replied gently He told him, "You lose a lot, but you will get back more from the hands of the goddess of fate."

After saying that, the two people took a step forward and hugged each other gently.

There was no shortness of breath, no kissing, and no crazy love like that of teenage lovers, but there was the incomparable sincerity of tenderness between an adult man and a woman.

Then the two men left the room together.

As soon as she walked out of the room, Mercedes was taken by the guards back to the room previously arranged for the Fernands - only this time, her husband would never come back.

After leaving Edmund, the calmness and strength on Mercedes' face finally disappeared like the ebbing tide. She covered her face with her sleeves and cried silently.

She had lost too many things, and fate even made it difficult for her to remember those things. Now that everything about her was in pieces, she could only hold on to the remaining fragments and rely on them to live the rest of her life.

She had tasted all the pain, and she didn't want to share it with others.

Edmund, after bidding farewell to Mercedes, followed Andre Davout back to Aiglon.

Then, he truthfully stated most of the exchanges he had just had with Mercedes, and at the end he asked Aigron to the palace to take in the mother and son.

"Of course I am willing to give her this grace, Edmund." Aigron agreed without thinking, "But, what are you going to do with her? Do you want to renew the relationship, or let it go and do your best in the future? Friends silently helping their mother and son?"

"I...I don't know, Your Majesty." Edmund hesitated for a moment, and then replied, "I am in a very confused mood at this time. I'm afraid I can't make a normal judgment. I can only let time give me the answer."

"If you can't let go of Emily, then you can be more courageous." Aigron encouraged his favorite without any scruples, "Haven't you ever thought about having both?"

Edmund was immediately embarrassed and speechless.

Finally he shook his head and said, "Mercedes won't accept it."

"What? Does she still want to speak out at the Palace of Fontainebleau?" Aigron asked with a sneer, "With your status here, even if you do this in the future, what's the big deal? Now she has stayed in the palace. , and she is an orphan and a widowed mother with no one to rely on. With just a few tricks, she can easily be made to submit..."

"Your Majesty...please stop talking!" Edmund shook his head and did not dare to take up the topic again. "Not everyone can be as capable as you! I beg you, please don't force Merce Tess!”

"Hahahaha..." Seeing Edmund's embarrassed and anxious look, Aigron couldn't help laughing.

Then he patted his favorite on the shoulder in a friendly manner, "Well, although you have a title now, you still have a lot of lessons to learn if you want to become a real French noble!"

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