Eagle’s Glory

Forty-six, choice

The Glory of the Young Eagle text volume 46, due to Edmund's repeated pleas, Aigron could only go along with the situation and gave up the idea of ​​"forcing Mercedes to be with Edmund immediately".

From Edmund's point of view, Mercedes is currently suffering from tremendous spiritual torture. She has just discovered that she has been living in deception and betrayal for many years, and her outlook on life is almost shattered. Moreover, her husband has only been dead for a few hours. Under such circumstances, it would be a bit difficult for her to immediately abandon her past and fall into the arms of another person.

So Edmund's idea is for both of them to calm down first, and then think about what to do next.

Although he mocked Edmund for not being decisive, in his heart, Aigron secretly admired Edmund's infatuation and self-control - at this moment, he had obtained his revenge, and the old lover he longed for was under his control. On his own territory, he could almost do whatever he wanted, but even so, he did not get carried away. Instead, he was able to restrain his desires and respect Mercedes' opinions. This is indeed not something ordinary people can do.

Of course, I admire you, but Aigron will not learn from it. The two of them have completely different ways of doing things. For Aigron, his survival principle is to use all means to get what he wants, whether it is the throne. This is true for women as well.

Afterwards, Edmund ended his visit and returned to his residence.

In order to show the preferential treatment to his close favorites, Aiglon assigned Edmund a suite very close to his palace in the Palace of Fontainebleau, so that he could visit him at any time when he was in the palace. However, because Edmond Meng spent most of his time away from home on missions, so he handed over this suite to Emily and his daughter.

As he had expected, when he brought Lady Emily to the Palace of Fontainebleau, some doubts arose.

After all, although Emily did not know where her husband was at this time, she was still "Mrs. Danglars" in name. As a married woman, it was really unsightly to be brought into the palace by an outsider;

It would be fine if there was only the last one, but the more serious problem is that the banker Tanglar had absconded with the money before, causing many investors to suffer heavy losses; especially the Duke of Nordelion and his family, who were almost killed by Tanglar He was so cheated that he was about to go bankrupt, and he was gnashing his teeth with hatred, and he also turned his anger on Mrs. Danglars - if Edmund hadn't helped before, the Duke would have even dragged Emily to ask for the property and repay the debt.

Now, because Duke Nordelion is the first famous noble to defect to Aiglon, he enjoys favorable treatment in the palace. With him obstructing her, Emily's situation here becomes even more difficult.

Fortunately, after Edmund made the request, Aigron, in order to take care of his favorite,

He personally allowed her to move in, finally avoiding the shame of being shut out of the palace.

After luck came in, Emily has kept a low profile, which can be said to be a person with her tail between her legs.

But even though the environment was so difficult, Emily was still extremely happy, glad that she had finally reached this point.

After all, after she married Danglars for money, her class fell down in the upper class, and almost all the famous nobles rejected her, and they only visited her politely; but now, she is already at the heart of the palace. Among them, in other words, among the upper class, a "super-leap of class" will also be achieved, and this is what Emily is thinking about.

As long as she has a touch of the glory of the palace, no one will mention her past that she was ridiculed by. She will be a noble lady who is looked up to by everyone, enjoying the smiles of everyone.

Of course, it is one thing to squeeze into the palace, but it is another thing to want to gain a foothold here.

Emily knew that she was not welcomed by the court, and she also knew that she had to do everything carefully in order to improve her situation and gain a foothold. She also used a clear mind to figure out the path she should take next.

First, she must please Edmund. The earl is not only a benefactor who is kind to her, but also the source of all her current status. If she loses the earl's favor, she will soon lose everything and be driven away, let alone her rapid rise. Therefore, she must get closer to the count than anyone else, and do everything possible to cater to him, flatter him, and maintain her favor. Fortunately, she can also see that the count is a person who values ​​friendship and misses the past. Satisfy him spiritually and he will never abandon himself.

Secondly, she must find a way to get rid of the annoying title of "Mrs. Danglars" as soon as possible. This title could bring her a superior life before, but now it can only bring her endless shame and trouble. She doesn't even want to be mentioned this title for a second.

The only solution is to continue to rely on the earl, and then the earl will come forward to intercede with your majesty - after all, in this country, there are many clergy who want to please the upper echelons. As long as there is a word or even a hint from your majesty, there are many people who are willing to help her lift the peace. As long as the church dissolves Tanglar's marriage, she will be free again.

In some fanciful moments, she was even imagining her wonderful future as the Countess of Monte Cristo and one of the most high-profile ladies in the empire - of course, she also knew that this would be difficult to achieve, as long as she was relieved Marriage is already her biggest victory so far.

Thirdly, in addition to the count as a life-saving straw, she also had to find someone else in the court who was willing to help her, or who was willing to give her a little help.

Of course, this candidate is only Madame Alice - now that she has been favored by Queen Theresa, Madame Alice is one of the most popular people in the Fontainebleau Palace and has great influence.

The two were old acquaintances, and Alice was one of the main pushers to bring her and Edmund together. Now she naturally wanted to continue to use Alice's help and take refuge under her protection so that she could gain a foothold here.

Of course, Emily also knows that although the palace is full of flowers, it is also the most impersonal place. She wants to use Alice's help, but she must also prove that she is worthy of help. She must also obey Alice's orders in the future. In exchange for continued protection.

Emily had seen Alice being ostracized by the upper class and even rejected by her own family because of her marriage to Edgar de Treville. Unexpectedly, due to the changing times, she was actually embarrassed. The fish turned over and jumped to such an enviable position, but she fell to the bottom due to the blow of fate.

It was impossible not to be jealous of Alice, but the situation was stronger than others. Although she was not convinced, she had no choice but to do anything. From now on, she could only suppress the jealousy and helplessness in her heart and be careful to please Alice.

All in all, although she was in a difficult situation now, after weighing the pros and cons, Emily decided that as long as she did the above three things well, she could get out of the predicament, and then rely on her own experience to gain a foothold in the palace and achieve her dream of rising in class, so that Those who mocked and bullied me before should shut up.

On this bright spring morning, Emily sat in front of the dressing table, dressing herself up carefully. She planned her future with the attitude of generals strategizing, and she was very ambitious to fight for a place in this most glorious place.

And just when she was finishing dressing up, the door to the outermost room of the suite was opened, and then a tall figure walked in directly.

"Sir!" Emily immediately put down the things in her hands, and then with her brightest and most beautiful smile, she fell into the count's arms like a bird clinging to a human, "I was thinking of you!"

"Emily..." Edmund did not hug her as usual, but looked at her with a complicated expression.

Oops, it seems that he is in a bad mood today... Emily suddenly screamed.

She raised her head in the count's arms and looked at his face carefully. His expression was now extremely subtle, ranging from sadness to joy, but he looked like he was lost, which was simply indescribable.

But no matter what, he is unhappy now——

Emily knew that as someone who had lost almost everything, the only thing she could give back to the Earl was her "emotional value", and this would be the foundation of her future career.

So she looked at the count tenderly. "Have you encountered anything unhappy?"

Edmund nodded, but he didn't know where to start, so he could only remain silent.

I can’t say that I just drove my love rival to death and want to renew my relationship with his wife...

"When people live in this world, there will always be many unsatisfactory things. Just keep an open mind. Even if there are any problems for a while, you can still solve them slowly?" Emily gently enlightened him, "Since now We are together, then you should be happy, I have been missing you..."

While gently comforting him, she deliberately pressed her towering peaks against Edmund's chest and rubbed it gently a few times.

If it was Emily in the past, she wouldn't like to cater to a man so openly, and would prefer to play the trick of refusing to welcome in a lady's way; but now Emily knows that she will continue to win over the earl, In addition, he is already close to thirty years old, so he can only "increase the weight", hoping to use this kind of unreserved catering to retain the earl's heart.

Every time she did this before, the inexperienced Edmund would be aroused with desire. However, at this moment, Edmund still looked lost and had no "fighting spirit".

Oops...what happened? Emily panicked a little.

Have you grown tired of the old, or have you encountered some serious disaster? She suddenly became afraid.

When she saw the count, she had already thought that things would be bad, but she did not expect it to be so bad.

What she fears most is that she loses her attraction to the earl; or that the earl falls out of favor in front of His Majesty because of his incompetence in doing things. No matter which of these two situations occurs, it will be a disaster for her.

She suppressed the panic in her heart, and then used her last and most powerful weapon.

"Sir, have I done something wrong? Have you become tired of my love for you? Why can't my burning longing resonate with you, and your heartbeat doesn't even speed up by half a minute? "

As she asked, tears appeared in her eyes, and she looked like she would burst into tears at any time.

Although he was in a very bad mood, Edmund inevitably softened his heart when he saw Emily's depressing appearance - after all, the two of them also had a "deep friendship" that went beyond ordinary friendship.

Strictly speaking, Emily was the "first" woman he had been with. For any man, the first one would always leave a particularly unforgettable impression.

"It has nothing to do with you, Emily, it's my own responsibility." He caressed Emily's face gently, and then comforted her, "I encountered some very bad things, so I am worried about it."

"If you encounter any difficulties, please don't forget that I will always be by your side." Tears rolled out of the corners of Emily's eyes, and then she looked at Edmund with the most sincere eyes, "Maybe I am alone. I can't solve any problems for you, and I'm not even qualified to hear those confidential matters, but I will do my best to pray for you and pray that everything goes well for you. Do you want any encouragement, whether it is spiritual or otherwise? I will happily do it for you until you recover. Because only in this way can I repay your kindness to me and calm down the love for you in my heart..."

The more Emily talked, the more excited she became, and finally she quietly stood up on tiptoes and kissed Edmund on the lips.

Of course she knew that what she said was a bit "to please the benefactor" and to make fun of himself, but after getting along with Edmund for a long time, she also moved, "I'd better just stay by his side from now on. Don't bother me anymore. I can't afford it." "I'm done", and the more entangled with him, the more firmly this idea became.

After talking so much, she couldn't tell how much was true or false - of course, for Emily, it was not necessary to make such a clear distinction. The important thing was that she didn't want to leave the earl's side. I can't imagine the consequences of being abandoned by him.

Emily had always boasted of her beauty, and she had just dressed up today. Although she was nearly thirty years old, she still looked as fresh and dazzling as flowers just taken from a vase - even if Edmund With the bonus of memories, I have to admit that she is a bit more beautiful than Mercedes, who has lived in poverty since she was a child.

Such a beauty was completely ingratiated with her, and Edmund, who was originally worried, gradually lost himself under such an unreserved passionate kiss.

Edmund slowly forgot about his original troubles and got lost in Emily's passionate kiss. He didn't know how long it took before he gradually came to his senses, and then their lips separated.

This wasn't their first passionate kiss, but the meaning seemed a little different.

"You wouldn't be in this situation without me," Edmund whispered.

"Yes, without you, how could I have climbed up from the bottom of the valley and come here? I will always be grateful to you, sir." Emily did not understand the meaning of these words, so she made Completely opposite answer.

Edmund said no more, but hugged Emily tightly, greedily sucking the nourishment of life from her.

Indeed, as Mercedes said, time will change many things, and now he can no longer regard her as the whole world.

Then let time decide the future.

The Count of Monte Cristo chapter ends here. In fact, I was a little confused before writing it. Should I let these old lovers renew their relationship?

It seems simple, but when you think about it, it’s a bit difficult.

For the count, is retrieving Bai Yueguang really his greatest pursuit in life? It's not the case in the original work, and it doesn't seem to be the case in this story that I've magically changed.

After thinking about it for a while, I felt that although the Count was decisive in killing, emotionally he seemed to be "pushed away". He was also very nostalgic and a bit indecisive. In the original work, he faced Haidee's offensive. He is like this. In this work, facing Emily who has different motivations but the same enthusiasm, I am afraid it will be even more difficult for him to let go. Therefore, there are still too many problems between the two people. Maybe there is really only time. Only then can we slowly unravel the answer...

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