Eagle’s Glory

Forty-seven, subordinate

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 47, Although the subordinate said that the revenge of his great revenge brought great relief to Edmund, how he should deal with his life next has also become a problem that he needs to worry about.

In the past, there was Mercedes' opposition to the two people resuming their relationship, and in the latter, there was Emily's tenderness and sweetness. In the middle, there were also those unbearable past events, as well as secrets that cannot be told to outsiders... Whenever I think of these At that time, he just felt at a loss and didn't know how to deal with it - for him, it was much easier to draw a sword and kill someone than to deal with this kind of thing.

However, now that he is still young anyway, he still has time to slowly adapt and think, and his future is destined to be bright. He no longer has to worry about losing everything due to disaster, and can plan his life calmly.

Finally, with Emily's deliberate efforts to please him, Edmund temporarily forgot about today's depression and regained his former self-confidence and fighting spirit.

His confidence and fighting spirit will be dedicated unreservedly to his loyal benefactor.

The very next morning, the guards came to the apartment where he lived, and then conveyed His Majesty's order to summon him. He immediately dressed up, and then followed the guards to Aiglon's reception room again.

Because Aiglon had summoned him many times since arriving at the Palace of Fontainebleau, so for him, the luxurious style here was already commonplace, and his attention was only focused on His Majesty.

But what surprised him was that this time there was a young man standing next to His Majesty.

This young man looks to be about 20 years old, about the same age as His Majesty, and except for his black hair, which is slightly different from His Majesty's blond hair, his eyebrows and eyes seem to be somewhat similar to His Majesty.

Edmund didn't recognize this young man, but judging from his appearance and temperament, he didn't seem to be an ordinary person.

Moreover, at such an age, he is qualified to stand next to His Majesty at such a close distance, which further proves that he must have a great background.

Could he be one of His Majesty's cousins? Edmund immediately flashed a very reasonable guess.

The Bonaparte family has grown into a big family. Although Edmund knew Prince Louis' two sons, he had never seen the children of Lucien and Jérôme, so there was a It is not unusual to come to the Palace of Fontainebleau.

"Edmund, I want to introduce this gentleman to you -" Edmund's doubts were quickly broken by Aiglon. He pointed at the young man next to him and introduced, "Alexander Valev Count Ski.”

Um? Edmund was stunned for a moment.

For a moment, I didn't think about who this person was.

But soon, he reacted.

Good guy!

He originally guessed that he was His Majesty's cousin, but he didn't expect that he was actually his "brother."

Edmund was originally not interested in court gossip, but Emperor Napoleon's romantic history was extremely well-known, so it was impossible for him not to have heard about it. But now he didn't expect that the legendary illegitimate son actually appeared alive in the palace. in front of himself.

Even though he had become accustomed to the world in the past few years, he couldn't help but secretly glance at this young man at this moment.

Although Count Walewski noticed Edmund's surprise and curiosity, he was not displeased at all. He just smiled and bowed to Edmund. "Your Majesty, Count of Monte Cristo, I have long admired your name and have always admired your contribution to His Majesty. It is a great honor to see you today."

Edmund hesitated for a moment, and then saluted the other person, "I am honored to meet you, sir."

Because of the earl's special status, Edmund didn't know what attitude to take towards him for a while.

He is the bloodline of the emperor, but he is also an illegal illegitimate son. At the upper limit, such a person can be as powerful as any noble, but at the lower limit, he may be forgotten and despised by everyone. It all depends on how your majesty positions him.

If His Majesty does not like him, then Edmund, as His Majesty's favorite, must not have anything to do with him.

And His Majesty's current attitude towards him seemed to be quite friendly, which made him unsure of what kind of attitude he should have towards the Earl.

Count Walewski himself knew that his status as an "illegitimate son" was indeed embarrassing, so he did not feel dissatisfied with Edmund's attitude.

He just continued to smile, and then bowed to Aigron again.

"Your Majesty, I hope I can leave a good impression on the count."

"Don't worry about this. Edmund's enthusiasm and loyalty are rare in the world, and he never even cares about personal gains and losses. As long as you stand on our side, you can get his unreserved help and will do everything for you. When he applauds any of your achievements, you don’t have to worry that he will hinder you out of jealousy. Working with him will only make you extremely happy.”

Seeing what Aiglon said, Edmund naturally understood in his heart that it turned out that His Majesty wanted to send his "brother" to his side.

He didn't care about this, he just didn't know how to position his relationship with the earl. Who listened to whom?

Fortunately, Aigron quickly gave the answer to this question.

"Edmund, I know you still have a lot of doubts in your mind, so I'll answer them all for you." Aigron didn't intend to hide anything, but expressed his thoughts to his favorite, "Soon." Count Walewski came to me before, hoping to use his knowledge and talents to contribute to my career. His words were very sincere, so I planned to give him a chance. After all... there are only three of us here. , I'm not afraid to speak out - after all, he also has the blood of the late emperor, and if conditions permit, I should give him some free help."

After finishing speaking, Aigron looked up at the ceiling decorated with patterns and chandeliers above his head, as if he really took the so-called blood relationship seriously.

However, he immediately changed the topic, "However, I value talent more than the so-called bloodline. If you want to gain my respect and succeed under me, you must show abilities that satisfy me, so the Earl needs Prove yourself, and you will be his witness.”

Edmund seemed to understand something, but he was still a little confused.

However, he was indeed a little unhappy in his heart. After all, when he was communicating and doing activities in Paris before, Count Walewski was nowhere to be seen. Now he is relying on the so-called blood relationship to "go down the mountain to pick peaches". It is really unreasonable.

"Then how do you plan to let him prove himself, Your Majesty?" So he asked.

"During this period, he will act as your secretary, sort out documents for you, make suggestions, and help you contact all parties." Aigron said his plan, "He told me before that he wanted to engage in diplomatic work in the future. , then I will first see if he has such a talent. Next, you will inevitably have to deal with Talleyrand and let him participate. If you are satisfied with his performance, then I think he can reach my level. Looking forward to it.”

As if he was afraid that Edmund still didn't understand what he meant, Aigron added another explanation, "Alexander has ambition and intelligence, which we can easily see. But he is only twenty years old now, what else does he have?" He has never experienced anything big, so he can only learn from scratch. Remember, he is your subordinate, you have the right to order him to do anything, and you have the right to make any comments about him, regardless of his identity."

Edmund felt relieved.

It's not that he cares about his higher power, but he doesn't want Aigron to position the relationship between the two people too vaguely, otherwise there will be a lot of wrangling over who listens to whom, which will directly affect the efficiency of work.

Now that Aigron has clear instructions, it will be easier to handle. Edmund doesn't care about the blood of the late emperor at work. If the earl dares to disobey his orders, he will definitely make the other party suffer.

In addition, from Aigron's words, it was not difficult for him to guess the position Aigron gave his illegitimate brother: it was impossible to accept him as a family member, but he could be trusted and reused as a future assistant and minister.

Based on Aigron's position, Edmund himself knew how to deal with this new accomplice.

"Your Majesty, I understand." After thinking about all this, Edmund responded, "Then I will implement your ideas and I will make every effort to help the earl experience and grow."

"Mr. Count, I am also honored to be your subordinate and work with you in the cause of reviving the empire." Count Walewski also immediately expressed his stance to Edmund, "In the future, please use the strictest attitude. Ask me and I will do my best to assist you."

Count Walewski is also a smart man. He has been emphasizing his status as a "subordinate" in front of Aiglon and Edmund, saying that he will never be proud of his so-called bloodline and will cherish the opportunity to work honestly.

Because both Edmund and Count Walewski were extremely "sensible", Aigron's intention was implemented without any delay, and Aigron was quite satisfied with this.

"I'm glad that both of you are so clear-headed and wise. I can already see that you are both people who want to do something good, and you both know what you should do. Now is the final stretch of our march. This is not a time for fighting for power, I hope you can unite closely, for the Bonaparte family and for yourselves."

After finishing speaking, he gave the next step of instructions, "The carriage is ready. You will leave for Paris this afternoon. Take my secret message with you and go to see Talleyrand tomorrow with the Marquis of Noirtier. Then negotiate with him. However, as for this old fox, don't expect to tie him up in one go. He will definitely try his best to get benefits for himself while avoiding any obligations, so you have to stay calm and don't be angered by him. , and don’t place too high hopes on him. Since he only respects reality, then we let reality educate him! You can even regard his performance as a classroom. After all, with his life span, the time he can attend classes has become increasingly longer. Less, we should cherish the opportunity..."

The joke behind Aigron almost made the other two laugh, but they naturally did not dare to neglect Aigron's order, and they all expressed that they would never live up to His Majesty's expectations.

Then, Aigron waved the two people away to prepare for the next mission.

After walking out of the reception room, Count Walewski immediately looked at Edmund again. "Mr. Earl, could you please take a moment to speak?"

"Of course." Edmund naturally wouldn't refuse.

So, the two people walked along the corridor to the lawn of the garden.

Although today's weather is still bright and springy, and the garden is already full of vibrant flowers, the two of them are not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery at this moment.

"I am very happy to be able to work with you, Count." Alexander spoke first, "I promised in front of His Majesty that I will face you as a subordinate next, but I think that in addition, we can also become friends, you What do you think?"

Although Alexander was smiling, his expression contained pressure, his eyes were high-spirited and confident, and his energetic and ambitious look was somewhat similar to His Majesty's.

Not only His Majesty, but also the young people of the Bonaparte family, such as the two brothers Louis and Charles whom Edmund met, also have the same temperament - this family is indeed born to be ambitious, no wonder they can achieve such a career.

It's a pity that this young man will never have a royal title - but that's why His Majesty is so confident in using him.

"Of course, I am very happy to make you as my friend." Edmund smiled and nodded, "But I am a bit impersonal. I have always made a clear distinction between work and personal relationships. In private, we can be friendly. We are good friends, but I won’t allow you to make mistakes or omissions at work.”

"It should be so. This is what deserves admiration for you." Alexander nodded immediately, "In fact, I am expecting you to do this, because only with your strict requirements can I grow up as quickly as possible and be worthy of His Majesty's expectations. , so I ask you to use me as much as you like!"

Alexander did mean it from the bottom of his heart. Although he is proud and ambitious, he can distinguish priorities.

He knew that although he had blood as a stepping stone, his fatal flaw was that he defected to his "brother" too late, so he could not get a good position for the time being, and he would not get respect from Aigron's cronies.

So now is the time to accumulate fame and connections.

Anyway, he is only twenty years old, he has more time than the cronies around Aigron, and he can afford to wait.

After arriving at the Palace of Fontainebleau, he also carefully analyzed the situation for the future. He believed that the Count of Monte Cristo was the most trustworthy among His Majesty's confidants, and his abilities were extremely outstanding, and his future future was absolutely limitless. So he took the initiative to show his goodwill to the earl so that the earl would be his helper in the future.

Maybe in the near future, the Count of Monte Cristo will reach the top of the empire. At that time, it wouldn't be outrageous to become a minister, right?

After the earl retires, his younger self will have a bigger stage to perform. Isn't that kind of future worth looking forward to?

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