Eagle’s Glory

Fifty, Li Daitaojiang

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 50, Li Dai Tao Zheng When the Marquis of Treville mentioned the Marquis of Noirtier, Edmund's originally excited mood because of his successful revenge suddenly cooled down.

For him, the Marquis of Noirtier is not only his highly respected ally, but also the confidant that His Majesty must rely on in the future, but he wants to kill his only son because of past hatred... If he could choose, he really wouldn't I hope fate leaves such a cruel joke between the two of them.

Looking at the count's uncertain expression, the Marquis of Treville pondered for a moment, and then persuaded him in a low voice, "Earl, if your majesty succeeds, then the Marquis of Noirtier will become one of his most trusted ministers. High authority. If you are willing to forget the hatred of the past and choose to stop...he will definitely be very grateful to you, and when the time comes, whatever you want him to do, I am afraid he will do it."

Although the Marquis spoke vaguely, the underlying meaning was very clear, and Edmund could naturally understand it.

Obviously, the Marquis is right. If he chooses to stop and not retaliate against Prosecutor Villefort, then he will be giving a huge favor to the Marquis of Noirtier and giving the prosecutor a huge advantage. This family will be of use to him in the future - and this also means that he will receive great benefits.

From a politician's perspective, this is what he should do.

But, Edmond Dantès, are the injustices and disasters you suffered in the first half of your life just a sacrifice for a political deal?

Edmund asked himself, and answered decisively "no."

So far, he has paid so much for revenge and made unbearable sacrifices. In a sense, not only is Fernand a well-deserved victim, but Mercedes is also an innocent victim.

Now, how can the "culprit" be let off lightly? If he let it go, the previous price and sacrifice would be meaningless. Edmund couldn't deny his life, so he couldn't let it go easily.

"General, I know what you mean, but please forgive me for not being able to do it. I have made up my mind. No matter what the consequences are, I will make Mr. Villefort pay the due price for what he has done. For the sake of Nova For the sake of the Marquis de Thiet, I can wait for a while, but I can only be tolerant so far. When the deadline comes, I will make a settlement for our grudges in the name of God, and also for the rest of my life. I want to put an end to the most painful wound. I believe that with the character of the Marquis Noirtier, he will understand me - of course, even if he resents me, I can accept it."

Seeing that Edmund's tough attitude was irreversible, the Marquis of Treville did not dare to persuade him any more.

So he just spread his hands and said, "Well, you are indeed a good man, Edmund."

Next, the Marquis of Treville wisely changed the topic, and the two of them discussed their next actions before blessing each other and bidding farewell.

No matter what the future holds, at least at this moment, they are still in the same boat, even sympathizing with each other, and have full good intentions towards each other.


Early the next morning, the Marquis of Treville and several of his servants quietly arrived at the Poncena Bank building, and by this time, Bowen was already waiting for them.

Because they were old acquaintances, the two of them only exchanged brief greetings after meeting, and then shifted the topic to their important tasks at this time.

Next, the Marquis of Treville will withdraw a large sum of money from the vault of Poncena Bank, and then escort the money and Beauvin himself to the Palace of Fontainebleau to meet His Majesty to whom he is loyal.

"I heard that you appointed me to escort you in front of the count. I feel honored to have such trust from you," the Marquis said half-jokingly.

"I have admired your reputation for a long time, and I admire you even more for your undying loyalty to the Bonaparte family." Bowen smiled cordially, "Among the people I know, you are the only one who can place such trust."

Both of them knew very well that the reason why Beauvant named the Marquis of Treville to personally take charge of this matter was not because of his deep friendship with the Marquis or how much he admired the Marquis, but because in his opinion, "Treville" The value of this surname exceeds five million, and he believes that the Marquis will not abandon everything in the family and choose to abscond with the money just for this money.

"In terms of loyalty to His Majesty, it seems that I am far inferior to you. After all, you have really spent a huge sum of money that I can't even imagine..." The Marquis also laughed, "At this moment , neither me nor my comrades can give His Majesty such great help."

"Loyalty is priceless and cannot be measured by money. I believe that in His Majesty's mind, you are more worthy of his respect." Bowang replied calmly, "And I am just a businessman full of the smell of copper. .”

The two people complimented each other without sincerity, and under the guidance of Bowang, they passed through a series of locked doors and walked to the bank vault in the basement of the building.

Under the watch of the Marquis, the door of the vault was slowly opened, and one of the largest wealth distribution centers in France revealed its true form before his eyes.

There was no splendor as imagined, nor the breathless pressure. What appeared in front of the Marquis were rows of wooden shelves with metal frames, and a large number of cabinets displayed on the shelves, all with iron locks. , it looks dark and unprepossessing, even a bit like a storage room in an ordinary house, except that the scale and area are much larger.

However, the Marquis of Treville knew that there was an astonishing wealth hidden in these humble cabinets, which was comparable to the treasure of a dragon.

But this time, the "dragon" is opening his arms and giving generously to his benefactor.

Under his gaze, Bo Wang walked to a large cabinet, opened the iron lock on it, and then gently pulled it.

At this moment, golden light suddenly poured out from it, coating everyone present with a dazzling light.

Inside was a whole box of gold coins, carefully stacked together.

Even the Marquis de Treville, who had seen a lot of the world, could not help but be attracted by the glow of gold at this moment, and his consciousness almost stopped.

But he was still him after all, and soon the Marquis came back to his senses.

"I finally understand how the Spaniards felt when they set foot in America and entered the Inca temple. Gold can indeed easily confuse people's minds, and people can't help but touch and possess it."

"You are already very powerful. The first time I saw this kind of scene, I was even more dazzled than you." Bowang just smiled slightly, "But later, because I dealt with it every day, I gradually Getting used to it...this is probably what is called immunity.”

"I hope I will be lucky enough to be as 'immune' to it as you are in the future." Marquis Treville joked again.

"You can definitely do it." Bowang replied without hesitation. "For you and me, gold is fascinating but it is not the most important thing. The most important thing for you is the invisible and intangible power; for us In other words, it is the assets and debts line by line on the account book, and that is where our power lies. We build the kingdom on paper and pen, and gold is just the accounting emblem of this kingdom. Maybe one day, gold will no longer even be Ordinary currency may disappear from people’s daily lives!”

The Marquis of Treville was a little confused about what Beauvain said. Based on his environment and experience, he simply could not imagine that one day, gold coins that had been circulating for two thousand years would cease to circulate in the world - doesn't this mean The demise of human civilization?

Of course, he had no interest in arguing with a banker on this issue, so he praised the other person instead, "You are the most poetic banker I have ever seen, Mr. Bowen, if you stop doing this Once you have a line, you can consider becoming a writer."

"You are laughing at me, hahaha..." Bo Wang couldn't help laughing, "My poetry only comes from account books. Once I leave the circulation of money, leave assets and debts, and leave the mountains of account books, , then I am useless - my life has been filled with all these things, and nothing else can stimulate my pleasure except increasing the capital of the bank. Some people say that I am a slave of money, I must Admit he’s right.”

At this point, he suddenly changed the topic, "However, if one day I am lucky enough to live to a long life, and then I am too old to run a bank anymore, then I will consider writing a memoir to truthfully record my life's management. As well as the major events I participated in, I think this is also my small contribution to future generations."

How could you possibly let you write these things... Marquis Treville sneered in his heart.

Bowen has risen through the ranks of Poncena Bank over the years and has participated in so many major business events. Naturally, there are countless shady stories involved. And among the powerful people involved, there are several people who hope that all these shady stories will be exposed in Bowen's memoirs. In broad daylight?

Not to mention, His Majesty certainly does not want the details of his dealings with the banker to be made public.

So Bowen either never got the chance to write his memoirs, or the memoirs never see the light of day.

However, there was no need for the Marquis to explain these things to Bowang, he just nodded.

"I would be happy to be your reader, sir, and I think it will be a book well worth reading."

As he spoke, he waved his hand.

His henchmen walked to the opened cabinets with several sacks in their hands.

Then, they first took out the gold coins one by one, recorded the number, and then put them into the sack. Bowang was also supervising and counting the number of gold coins.

Soon, these sacks were filled with gold coins, plus other banknotes and bills, and they collected a huge sum of five million francs in the bank's vault.

In the underground vault, there are still some cabinets that are still locked, and it is obvious that a large amount of money is still lying inside. This is also the funds necessary to maintain the operation of the bank in the future.

"On behalf of His Majesty, I would like to thank you again for your generous donation, Mr. Beauvin." After the funds were confirmed to have been accounted for, the Marquis of Treville thanked Beauvin again, "I assure you, Your Majesty will never forget your donation. A favor."

"I have already delivered the money to you, and everything depends on you, sir." Bovan did not care about the Marquis's thanks, but looked at the Marquis of Treville again.

"Of course, you have done what you should do, and any mistakes that follow will be my responsibility." The Marquis nodded.

Then, together with his close men, he carried the sacks out of the vault.

At this time, a large carriage had also stopped at the door of the bank.

This is a double-decker passenger carriage that is used in public transportation between cities. Therefore, it is huge in size and has a strong cargo-carrying capacity.

The only drawback is just that - it's too eye-catching.

But for this shortcoming, Marquis Treville naturally has a solution.

He first took his men and put the sacks filled with gold on the bottom floor of the carriage, then covered them with wooden boards, and then put some prepared baggage as a cover.

After these tasks were completed, he made a gesture and invited Bo Wang to get in the car with him. "Okay, Mr. Bowen, let's go to Fontainebleau to meet His Majesty!"

"Are we going to go over like this?" Bowang was still a little hesitant, even a little unbelievable. "Wouldn't this be too eye-catching? Do you think we can deceive everyone by covering it with a layer of wooden boards?"

In his opinion, the Marquis of Treville is a cautious person and should not make such stupid mistakes.

Just like this, he walked out of Paris in a swaggering manner. I am afraid that before he left the city, he was stopped by the militia for inspection and all the gold was confiscated.

"If it's just like this, of course we can't hide it from others." The Marquis shrugged, and then he sneered again, "But if we have a reasonable name to leave Paris, the situation will be completely different. "

"A reasonable name? What do you mean?" Bowang was still confused.

This time, the Marquis of Treville did not speak in front of everyone, but approached Beauvin, and then whispered to him, "I have received help from my brother, the Duke of Treville, to transport the royal family's belongings out of Paris. In name...according to the agreement before the king's surrender, his property and that of the royal family members will be preserved and can be taken out of France together without any obstruction..."

When the Marquis said this, Bowang finally understood.

It turns out that the Marquis was so ostentatious in the name of the royal family.

After the royal family surrendered, neither the Duke of Orleans nor Commander Lafayette dared to go too far. Instead, they prepared to "send" the royal family out of the country as gifts. Naturally, they would also protect the royal family's property. manner.

Therefore, in the name of transporting royal property, the Marquis of Treville could transport things out of Paris with great arrogance.

"Well done..." He couldn't help but laugh, "I knew you had a solution."

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