Eagle’s Glory

Fifty-one, fugitive congressman

The Glory of the Young Eagle text volume 51, after the fugitive congressman received an explanation from the Marquis of Treville, Bowang finally understood.

King Charles The "legal system" changed a coup to usurp the throne into a decent surrender.

Because of this, they must take a high stance and not do anything wrong.

Therefore, no matter how much he hates and dislikes the Bourbon family in his heart, the Duke of Orleans still has to "gift" the royal family to leave France. Not only to ensure their personal safety, but also to help them preserve their property and belongings. .

After all, the royal family is a royal family and has countless wealth. In addition to the land and palaces that cannot be taken away, they also have a large amount of property that can be transferred, such as jewelry, bonds, artworks, etc. It is conceivable that moving this wealth will also involve It's not a big or small project.

With the help of his brother, the Marquis of Treville turned the carriage he brought into a chartered vehicle to help the royal family transport property. With this layer of cover, he could easily withdraw Bowen from the bank vault. A huge sum of money was shipped out of Paris mixed with these salutes.

"It seems that I have found the right person in you." Bo Wang smiled happily and finally felt relieved.

Then, he stopped asking any more questions and followed the Marquis of Treville onto the carriage. Under the urging of the Marquis's confidants, the carriage began to slowly leave the Poncena Bank and gallop towards the outside of the city.

On the outskirts of Paris, the National Guard militiamen cordoned off and set up sentries. However, after the Marquis de Treville produced a license certificate for escorting royal property, the militiamen did not embarrass them and let them go.

Between the suburbs of Paris and Fontainebleau, there is a tacit "buffer zone" between the self-defense forces loyal to the Duke of Orleans and the army loyal to Aiglon. Neither side sent anyone to march or patrol in this buffer zone. It was strange. The land maintains peace on both sides.

The reason why this "buffer zone" appears is because both sides are not very confident in their own strength at this time, so they do not want to be the target of "firing the first shot in the civil war", so they would rather choose to separate each other by setting up a cordon. The confrontation is empty and then wait and see how the situation develops.

Although the Palace of Fontainebleau is only dozens of kilometers away from Paris, on the one hand, the carriage itself is cumbersome, and on the other hand, it has to be inspected in the security areas on both sides. Therefore, after several hours of driving, the group finally arrived at the Fontainebleau Palace. Danbailu Palace.

And since there are many people who know the Marquis of Treville here,

So they finally didn't waste any more time, and the guards quickly spread the news of their arrival to Aigron's ears.

Aigron was quite interested in the arrival of the two people, so he ordered the Marquis of Treville to come to see him first, while Bowen waited in the antechamber for the next interview.

The Marquis of Treville was quickly brought to Aiglon.

Compared to Aiglon, he was quite familiar with Fontainebleau. During the Empire era, as a well-known nobleman, he was invited by the court many times to attend celebrations and balls here, leaving countless memories.

Because of the familiarity, when he returned here again after so many years, he couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

I once thought that I might be in obscurity in this life, but I didn't expect that the changes in the world would give my ambition a chance to be used again... This time, I couldn't miss the opportunity again.

"Your Majesty, congratulations on taking back the most dazzling jewel in your crown!" As soon as he saw Aigron, he saluted and sincerely complimented him, "In your hands, Fontainebleau Palace can finally regain its beauty. .”

"Yes, General, I have regained the jewel on my crown, but Paris, as the crown, is still out of reach." Aiglon just answered the other party calmly, "Now is not the time to celebrate, we have to continue Just work hard.”

"It is true, but you are already only one step away from it. You just need to be a little more patient, and it will be at your fingertips." Marquis Treville continued to compliment.

More than a year has passed since the last time the two people separated on the border. After seeing Aiglon again, Marquis Treville felt that this young man who was always sharp and sharp now made him feel even more... The pressure is heavy and unpredictable.

He knew even more that the future honor, disgrace, misfortune, and fortune of his family depended on this young man's thoughts, so he tried his best to please his majesty.

"Is it at your fingertips? It doesn't seem so, otherwise I wouldn't have stayed in Fontainebleau." Aigron did not take the compliment seriously, but told the truth, "Now, Paris is under the influence of the Duke of Orleans and his In the hands of his supporters, the National Assembly is also inclined to support him, and in the absence of the king, he may form a legal government at any time.”

"Today, as long as you do not recognize it, there is no legitimate government in France!" the Marquis of Treville shouted. "Your Majesty, although you are still young, your name is of great importance. As long as you stand here, no one can ignore you."

Then, the Marquis of Treville explained the current situation in Paris to Aiglon.

When the parliament was agitated and refused the king's order to dissolve, most of the members of the National Assembly were present and voted in support of the resolution to continue the operation of the parliament.

However, many congressmen who voted in favor did not believe that the dynasty needed to be overthrown, nor did they believe that the Duke of Orleans was qualified to rule France. They were just swept up by the situation and emotions and threw themselves into the torrent.

After the situation suddenly deteriorated and even armed conflicts broke out, this group of congressmen who had not participated in the conspiracy suddenly became silent, fearing that they would become victims of the war, so they either stayed at home and refused to attend the meeting, or simply stayed with other citizens who had taken refuge. They escaped from Paris together and couldn't find anyone.

These people, plus the die-hard royalists and die-hard republicans in the parliament, together account for more than half of the total number of people in the parliament. Their collective absence has also plunged the forcibly "continued" parliament into another We were faced with the dilemma of insufficient attendance.

In other words, while Paris was in turmoil and the palace was under siege, Parliament as an institution had been temporarily disabled because there were too many absent members, and the laws passed by Parliament were not legally legal.

No one cares about "legality" originally, but in special circumstances, legality becomes very important. At least at this moment, Aigron doesn't think it is necessary for him and his supporters to pay attention to any parliamentary resolutions. They can Just do your own thing.

For the Duke of Orleans, although the situation he is facing now is very difficult, this incomplete parliament is the best card he can hold in his hand after all, so he will continue to use this card to mobilize those Neutral or fleeing MPs came back to support him. On the one hand, the Parliament authorized itself to form a government as soon as possible to restore domestic order.

But there is another obstacle in front of the Duke of Orleans.

"How is Prince Talleyrand doing now?" Aigron asked softly, "Is he still doing well?"

In order to boost his own self-esteem and gain maximum benefits, Talleyrand was determined to prevent the Duke of Orleans from receiving the support of the Parliament and successfully forming a legal government, so he reached a united front with Aiglon on this issue - Talleyrand wanted to use this against Orleans The Duke gathered together dissatisfied people and instigated the rebels in the Orleans camp, then formed his temporary party, won a majority in the parliament, and then formed a temporary transitional government, turning himself into the arbiter of all parties, and finally Peacefully transfer power to a monarch who is loved by his people.

Although Aiglon knew Talleyrand's purpose, he chose to acquiesce in order to defeat his opponent at this time. After all, as long as the Orleans family is excluded, no one can compete with him for the throne.

Anyway, Talleyrand is dying, so let him perform before leaving the stage.

"Prince Talleyrand's actions went quite smoothly. After all, he is a person who is very good at persuading others." Marquis Treville replied with half mockery and half praise, "However, he suffers from limited control and currently can only contact Those MPs who have taken refuge in Paris are not powerful enough on their own, so he hopes you can help him search for those MPs who have fled outside Paris, and then persuade them to respond to the prince's call and send them back to Paris—— Your Majesty, what the Duke of Orleans has done has aroused the dissatisfaction of many people. It is only because of fear of retaliation that they dare not speak out. If you can stand up and declare that you can protect anyone who dares to express their opinions, I I believe they will stand up and express their position.”

Of course Aigron understood what Marquis Treville meant.

Talleyrand wanted to collect supporters in the Parliament, so there was a particular need for how to collect them and who to collect. And he asked Aigron to help collect these asylum-seeking members, which also gave Aigron the opportunity to "screen" or "buy corruption".

If it is a member of Parliament who misses the empire, then it will naturally not be a problem. As long as Aigron stands here, they will immediately support Aigron. As long as Aigron gives the order, they will vote for Talleyrand.

If they are die-hard royalists, it will be easy to handle. Although the royalists hate the Bonaparte family, the Duke of Orleans' ugly behavior of attacking the palace and forcing the king to abdicate has broken their hearts and inspired them. They, like the king, would rather let anyone take the throne than see the Duke of Orleans succeed, so with a little "instruction", they would side with Talleyrand and launch a joint attack on the Duke of Orleans. attack.

If it's a loser, then Aigron only needs to use both soft and hard tactics and spend some money to buy a ticket. It's even simpler than the previous one.

As for those congressmen who are determined not to reconcile with the Bonaparte family or oppose the restoration of the empire, Aigron can also declare to the outside world that they continue to be "on the run" before imprisoning them in advance.

Talleyrand's commission implicitly gave Egeron the power to review and screen some members of Parliament, and Egeron certainly would not waste this opportunity.

"In other words, Talleyrand needs me to send people back to strengthen his momentum, right?" Aiglon smiled slightly, "It's rare for him to be generous to me."

Of course he could also see that Talleyrand was very obviously "pushing aside". Although nominally he had maintained a neutral attitude towards the two families, he was actually helping Aigron a lot.

Although the two people originally just traded fairly and each got what they needed, seeing Talleyrand make such a historic choice, Aigron couldn't help but feel a little happy and proud.

Old man, you still have some sense... Since you are so discerning, we can get along well in the future, and I will give you what I should give you.

"Prince Talleyrand said that he has always admired you. Although you are still young, you already have extraordinary vision and the courage to achieve great things. More importantly, after having these, you still have a clear mind. , know how to cross the red line while taking risks, maybe you can't create miracles, but this kind of self-control can allow you to keep your career." Marquis Treville added embellished compliments to Agron, "He also said that in the future, he He will continue to guide you, even if one day he is gone, as long as you can continue to take his advice to heart in the future, your empire will still be as secure as a rock."

"Hmph, this arrogant old guy! Does he think this country can't survive without him? He is still living in his era! He is not my teacher, and I don't need any teacher. He is just my subordinate. From now on He can't even think of pointing fingers at me like an old-timer, otherwise I'll let him know whose country this is!" Aigron sneered at Talleyrand's arrogant attitude, but he didn't want to do it for such meaninglessness. There was a dispute with Talleyrand about the matter.

However, Aigron had already anticipated the arrogant attitude of the elders who relied on their predecessors. He also knew that because he was too young, these veterans who had been making waves for half a century, while affirming their abilities, would inevitably have some feelings for themselves. contempt.

But it doesn't matter. He will have many ways to deal with this disease of relying on the elderly and neglecting his old age. Now he will not put this contradiction on the table. He will only put on a cordial gesture and strive for all possible support.

"I already understand Prince Talleyrand's question, but what about Marshal Soult? How is he doing now?" After thinking for a moment, Aigron asked the Marquis of Treville again.

"Marshal Soult does not oppose Prince Talleyrand's actions, and he does not support the Duke of Orleans. But he is also working hard to win the support of the army, especially his old department. Obviously he wants to gain greater power." The Marquis de Treville immediately replied, "However, he begs you to spare the life of Marshal Marmont and expel him from the country."

Although the personal relationship between Soult and Marmont was not particularly good, out of the sadness among the marshals, he still interceded for Marmont.

Agron had been persuaded by Teresa to show his generosity by leaving Marmont alive before, so he didn't resent this request.

However, he didn't want to agree easily.

"This issue will be discussed later. I can only guarantee that after everything calms down, Marshal Marmont will get a fair trial, and he will not suffer the fate of Marshal Ney! Before that, he will be in prison first Let’s reflect on our own mistakes.”

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