Eagle’s Glory

Fifty-two, 1 world fame

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 52, I Reputation Now that Egron has made his decision, the Marquis de Treville will no longer be concerned about Marshal Marmont. After all, he has no friendship with Marmont, how could he risk Risk offending His Majesty to speak well of Marmont.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I will convey your opinion to Marshal Sirte."

"For Marshal Soult, I have always held the greatest sincerity," Aigron changed the front again, "You tell him, if he has any request, he can ask it, as long as I can do it, I will to consider."

Aigron knew very well that he needed to appease Marshal Soult, not only because of the prestige of the Marshal in the army, but more realistically, because at the moment, after all, under his command, there were many old Marshal Soult's troops serving as commanders Well, if Soult deliberately made trouble, he could really cause him a lot of trouble.

At this time, he had seen from the movements of Talleyrand and Soult that the two old men had already secretly leaned towards him, just to gain more benefits, so they refused to make a clear statement.

Therefore, although I am not in Paris, I can use these two old men to secretly dismantle the Duke of Orleans and make his dream of usurping the throne come to naught.

However, Aigron also knew that these two old men were cunning and cunning, so he would always be on guard, and he would never take it lightly until the end.

History is not written by one person, no matter how powerful the emperor is, he must implement his will through officials, so he must also consider the thoughts of the executors, the direction of history, and it is not something that someone writes with a stroke of a pen. What can be decided is the conflict and game between interest groups, and the final result is chaotic, so it is often unexpected.

It is impossible for Aigron to predict and decide everything in a strategic plan. He can only make decisions based on changes in the situation and try his best to guide the situation in a direction that is beneficial to him-even he himself cannot guarantee that every decision he makes is right. of.

After talking about Paris, Aigron brought up another plan of his own.

"By the way, after you go back to Paris, help me to file charges that the Duke of Orleans participated in the assassination against me."

His words were not loud, but they surprised the Marquis de Treville. "Have you found out the truth about the assassin?"

His Majesty was once assassinated, and the Marquis knew about it, but he didn't have time to know what happened afterwards, and he just heard about it at this moment.


We caught my assassin, her name was Bianca di Florini. ' Eggron replied.

"It's actually a lady!" The Marquis de Treville was even more surprised. "It's very rare for a woman to be this powerful."

"Don't look down on the lady so much, isn't Agnes very powerful? You have seen her skills many times, right?" Agron asked with a smile. "I guess you don't know that she is Agnes' master, do you?"

"What?!" Because he was too shocked, the Marquis de Treville completely lost his composure.

But after a while, his mind turned around, and he was a little relieved, "That's right... that makes sense, I'm afraid only such a person can teach an apprentice like Agnes... "

Although Agnes was his daughter-in-law's younger sister, he had no relationship with Agnes in the first place, so naturally he didn't know who Agnes' master was.

After thinking through all this, he suddenly thought of other issues.

Logically speaking, with His Majesty's character, such an assassin who falls into his hands must end up dead without a place to bury him, but if it is Miss Agnes' master, then the situation may be different...then It will become his weapon to hold Agnes hostage.

Just because he thought of this possibility, he did not rush to show a gesture of righteous indignation, but cautiously tested Egron.

"How did you determine that she was ordered by the Duke of Orleans to assassinate you?"

"Well... To be honest, after catching her, this lady's bones are very hard, and she is determined not to surrender and confess." Aigron shrugged slightly regretfully, "But that's not important, the important thing is that she has It fell into my hands, and she confessed what I said she confessed, so she must have been instructed by the Duke of Orleans!"

From Aigron's words, the Marquis de Treville immediately understood the general outline of the matter.

First, after the assassin was caught, His Majesty did not torture her to extract a confession. This must be for the sake of Agnes.

Second, Aigron wanted to forge her confession statement and point the finger at the Duke of Orleans.

The Marquis of Treville has no moral obsession. In his life, he has cheated and robbed countless times, so even if he framed others, he would never feel guilty.

However, if you want to frame someone, especially a big man like the Duke of Orleans, you need to pay attention to some skills. Otherwise, if you make up too much, it may have a counterproductive effect.

And His Majesty obviously wanted him to carry out this task, so for the sake of his own reputation, he had to make things clearer—or, in other words, make the framing more decent.

Of course, if the Marquis de Treville knew that this "framing" was not a false accusation, he wouldn't have such a headache.

"Your Majesty, it is true that we can claim that she was ordered by anyone, but if we want to use her to accuse the Duke of Orleans, I am afraid that only one witness is not enough... After all, there must be someone around the Duke of Orleans who is good at talking to people." They will try their best to refute your accusation." The Marquis of Treville tried to use a tactful tone, expressing his concerns to Aigron, "For example, who did she contact the employer through? , the route by which she carried out the task, how much was she paid from her employer? How was she paid? These questions all require us to give a reasonable explanation, otherwise it will be difficult to be convincing."

Aigron knew that what the Marquis said was reasonable, and in fact he had thought of all these issues, so he was not in a hurry to accuse the Duke of Orleans.

But now, he felt the time was right.

After overthrowing the royal family, the Duke of Orleans was eager to take over the power as soon as possible and ascend the throne, but King Charles X hated him so much that he could not agree to give up the throne to him; at this time, the Parliament was unable to perform its functions due to various reasons. Not to mention appointing him as the king, so he must be busy restoring the functions of the parliament as soon as possible.

And next, Prince Talleyrand will stand up to obstruct him, which will make him even more distressed. He has no time to confront himself, and he will never have time to fight a lawsuit with himself.

If he loses, he will have nothing, let alone a chance to confront Aigron.

Therefore, what matters is not the truth, but how Aigron launched a public opinion offensive at this delicate time, describing the Duke of Orleans as a despicable villain who secretly assassinated himself, further reducing his prestige.

"I don't need other people's conviction, I just need them to be skeptical." Aigeron answered the other party confidently, "During this time, I spent a little time writing a statement for that Ms. Bianka, And in this statement, she has already described in detail the questions you just raised... General, I know you are right, as long as it is a fabricated lie, there must be flaws, but at this moment, we don't have to Care about any flaws."

The Marquis de Treville was still a little unconvinced by Aigron's words, but seeing that Aigron's attitude was so firm, he did not dare to raise any objections, "In that case, I will file charges for you, Your Majesty. I I believe that Prince Talleyrand will also be very interested in this story."

"I know, you still have some conflicts in your heart, General." Seeing the trembling expression of the Marquis de Treville, Aigron couldn't help laughing again, "But don't worry, it won't be you who will ruin your reputation, but Someone else."

"Who?" The Marquis de Treville was surprised.

"Prosecutor de Villefort." Aigron gave an answer that the Marquis never expected. "He is the prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Paris, and he has always had a reputation of being impartial and upright. He is very prestigious in the legal field. If he endorses us, then I think more people should believe our words—"

"But...will he use his life's reputation to endorse us?" Marquis de Treville asked subconsciously.

But after a while, he suddenly realized again.

De Villefort, he has a huge handle in His Majesty's hands!

Back then, he created an unjust prison for his own self-interest. As a result, Edmond Dantès spent more than ten years in prison, and Miss Mercedes was forced to marry and have children.

Not only did he create an unjust prison, but later on, in order to keep his dark history from being discovered, he has been trying his best to resist Mrs. Mercedes' investigation and cover up the evil deeds he once committed.

What he did was enough to collapse all the character settings he had painstakingly worked on in the previous 20 years.

If the victims were just ordinary people, they might not be of much importance to the upper class, but the two victims, one of whom is now the Count of Monte Cristo and the other the Countess of Morcerf, are already prominent figures. Their encounters will inevitably become a topic of discussion that stirs up the entire upper class—and then become a reminder for de Villefort.

If this old matter is exposed by Aigron, then Prosecutor Villefort will be ruined immediately, and his original prestige in the legal circle will be wiped out. At that time, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he can only ask for resignation. The future is ruined.

Faced with such a threat, de Villefort would certainly do anything. So Aigron can use his status as a prosecutor of the Paris Supreme Court to endorse this "assassination conspiracy".

If he cooperates with Aigron in "framing" the Duke of Orleans and bets his life's reputation, as long as Aigron wins, no one will hold him accountable, and he can keep everything he owns; if he refuses to cooperate, he will immediately Lose all reputation and ruin your future.

A fool should know how to choose between 50% survival hope and 0% survival hope.

As for myself, I don't have to use my reputation to accuse the Duke of Orleans, and I can stay out of it.

After figuring out Aigron's plan, the Marquis of Treville suddenly realized, and then he was greatly impressed by this young man.

Like that poor Fernand, Aigron also wanted to squeeze out the use value of Prosecutor Villefort, and tried to use their past black history to make them obey.

And after draining them of their value, the young man mercilessly kicked them away, making them victims of the flames of revenge.

The Marquis de Treville felt that it would be impossible for him to do better, so at this moment, he felt a sense of fear in his heart.

Although this young man is decades younger than him, he is by no means an existence that he can easily shake—this is the child born with the blessing of God...

If you betray him, you will definitely not end well.

Fortunately, the Marquis of Treville had already bound his family to his chariot and assisted him with all his heart, so there was no need to worry about this.

"Your Majesty, I understand..." He bowed to Aigron sincerely, "Your plan is indeed quite feasible. I will implement it immediately."

"Then, I will trouble you to make that guy Villefort submit." Aigron nodded with a smile, "By the way, you should tell the Marquis of Noirtier about this, after all, he is Villefort's father. Out of friendship, I have to give him a little reminder."

"The Marquis of Noirtier is loyal to you and to the empire. Even if he knows all this, he will never obstruct it. After all, it was his son who made the mistake back then, and Villefort needs atonement... The Marquis will not fail to understand this. The Marquis de Treville reminded Aigron in a low voice, "It's just that Villefort is his only son after all, and the Marquis hopes that his family can keep one, and I understand his thoughts."

"This matter can only be decided by Villefort himself. His father fought for him for three years. If he can't leave any offspring in these three years, can we still do it for him?" Eggron asked back in surprise, not understanding why The Marquis de Treville would say so.

"Your Majesty, of course I didn't mean that. I just want to remind you of the current situation of Prosecutor Villefort." A trace of embarrassment flashed across the face of the Marquis de Treville, "He married Saint-Méran in 1815. Daughter of the Marquis, and a few years later gave birth to a daughter named Valentine, but the Madame died two years ago, so Prosecutor Villefort is now a widower..."

Aigron finally understood what the other party meant, but he was a little puzzled, "Then even if he needs to marry another wife, it's his own private matter, and we can't interfere with anything..."

Seeing that Aigron still didn't understand what he meant, the Marquis de Treville had no choice but to clarify the matter.

"Because of the three-year agreement, the Marquis of Noirtier didn't want to choose a famous family for his son. After all, it would be too harmful... and the relationship between the father and son is not good, and Villefort will not listen to him, so He wants you to appoint a marriage for Villefort, without knowing it, and to have an heir as soon as possible. If you can persuade him, you can certainly do it."

Aegron froze for a moment, then laughed dumbly.


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