Eagle’s Glory

Fifty-three, noble

Volume 53 of the Glory of the Young Eagle, the request conveyed by the noble Marquis de Treville, although it seems a little strange, but it is reasonable when you think about it carefully.

The Marquis of Noirtier is already his subject, and if the Marquis' son, Prosecutor de Villefort, also joins Aigron's command, as their "lord", Aigron can indeed interfere in their family's marriage in theory. It was also within his power to propose a marriage partner for the widowed Villefort.

In the old days, the marriages of famous nobles usually required the approval of the king. If the king felt that he didn't like it, he could directly veto it.

Not only the kings of the old era often did this kind of thing, even Emperor Napoleon, who had a strong feudal patriarchal thought, did this kind of thing back then. The marriage of his brothers and sisters was decided by him according to his own needs. of.

For example, he let Louis marry his adoptive daughter Otangs, let his adopted son Eugene marry the Bavarian princess, and let Stephanie de Beauharne, the cousin of Empress Josephine's ex-husband, marry the Grand Duke of Baden, etc. wait.

The most exaggerated thing is that for those married brothers, as long as the marriage does not meet his appetite, he will force the brothers to break up their marriage and remarry.

Under the coercion of his brother, Lucien chose to resist and took his wife and children to leave France to escape to Rome; while Jerome abandoned his first wife in the United States and chose to marry the Princess of Württemberg. As a "reward", he received the crown of the Kingdom of Westphalia.

This is true for relatives, and he has repeatedly referred to marriages for those civil servants and generals under him.

Although this kind of fingered marriage does interfere with the freedom of marriage, under the social customs of this era, most people will instead regard His Majesty's fingered marriage as an honor, and willingly accept it——

Therefore, if Egron uses "remembering de Villefort's loss of wife and child" as a reason to forcefully propose marriage to Villefort's prosecutor, in order to please Egron, Villefort will definitely accept it.

The Marquis of Noirtier knew that he had a bad relationship with his son, and he couldn't tell his son the truth, so he had no choice but to walk a curve, hoping that Aigron would solve this problem for him.

Aigron is not angry about this. After all, the Marquis of Noirtier has been doing his best to serve him, and he does not have much ambition. His loyalty is commendable. In the end, there is such a little wish. help him finish.

He just felt a little emotional in his heart, thinking how heroic the Marquis of Noirtier was back then, he survived the National Assembly where half of the Shura field killed each other,

Participated in so many major incidents and conspiracies, even in 1815, he was still running for the restoration of the empire.

But in the twilight years of his life, he still couldn't help worrying about his descendants, and even lowered his haughty head, begging to himself and the Count of Monte Cristo.

Thinking about it, when Villefort was burned in the fire of Edmund's revenge, even though the Marquis knew that this was a reasonable result, he still felt extremely sad.

Once a person is old, he still cannot let go of the fetters in his blood.

But even knowing all this, Egron can do nothing but sigh, in the face of fate, even the mortal emperors can often only help themselves - Villefort must bear the corresponding price for his actions, this is his fate.

Thinking of this, Aigron couldn't help feeling depressed, so he asked the Marquis de Treville, "Then who do you think I should marry him for?"

This question made the Marquis of Treville a little difficult to deal with.

Noir, the Marquis of Noirtier does not want such a woman to become a widow soon after marriage; but if the "grade" of Aigron's marriage is too low, it will make people feel that Aigron is deliberately humiliating his important ministers. After all, the outside world Unaware of these secrets, they will definitely regard Aigron's finger marriage as his reward to the Noirtier family.

So this seemingly simple question made it difficult for the Marquis de Treville to answer for a while.

After thinking for a while, he made a suggestion to Aigron.

"The turmoil in Paris this time, especially the turmoil in the court, will inevitably have a large number of victims. You might as well choose a widowed young woman from among them and let her marry Prosecutor Villefort. In this way, the outside world will not Talk about it."

Aigron thought about it, it seems reasonable to marry a widow to a widower, and such a widow also has the title of nobility, which will not insult the lintel of the Marquis of Noirtier in the eyes of the outside world——

Taking a step back, since the widow had been widowed for the first time, the second widow would not have such a serious blow to her reputation, and as a half-way couple, she certainly would not have much deep affection for Villefort. If Villefort dies at that time, Aigron will give another pension, which can easily stop her from going into the cause of Villefort's death.

The more Aigron thought about it, the more he felt that the Marquis de Treville's method was appropriate, and he couldn't help but nodded in approval.

"This method is not bad. Is there such a suitable candidate?" Then he asked again.

"I don't know much about the court of the royal family of Bourbon, but my brother has been there for a long time, and he has won the favor of the court during this time, so he must be able to find a suitable candidate for you." Marquis de Treville Answer immediately.

Although the Bourbon royal family is destined to go into exile, and the Duke of Treville is also destined to go into exile with the royal family, it is impossible for the huge court organization to move along with them. Most of the courtiers and ladies certainly do not want to abandon Paris in order to follow the royal family It is prosperous and rich, so many people will inevitably have the idea of ​​​​"renewing".

Therefore, as long as the royal family leaves, there will inevitably be many original court personnel who will go to Fontainebleau to seek "re-employment". Anyway, for these people, it does not make any difference which monarch they serve, as long as they are given titles It's enough to be rich and honored—after all, they know nothing but curry favor with the monarch.

Among these people, it must have been extremely easy to pick out a widow who was suitable to marry Villefort.

So the proposal of the Marquis de Treville inspired Aigron.

"I have entrusted Teresa to rebuild the palace before. She has a good personality and hates the sloppy and flashy atmosphere the most, so I leave the matter of marriage to her. After all, no one can appear in Fontaine without her nod." Bailu."

"You don't have to worry about this. Women are born actors, and women in the court are even more so. If you want to see whores, they are all whores; if you want to see virgins, they are all too Chaste and virtuous, as long as Queen Teresa gives them a place, they can show whatever the queen wants to see..." The Marquis de Treville looked disdainful, as if he knew quite a bit about it, "They are all watching the situation If you are an expert, it may be easy to make the young Queen Theresa happy."

"Hahahaha..." Aigron was amused by the Marquis' words.

Although what the Marquis said was harsh, it was indeed true.

However, everyone in the court is an actor, and he also had a deep experience in Austria, so it doesn't matter if he acts? People's hearts are separated by belly, and no one can distinguish the true from the false. As long as the actions are in line with Teresa's wishes, that's fine.

"Then let's do this. You go back and tell the Marquis of Noirtier. I will accept his request and I will definitely fulfill it for him." Aigron waved his hand.

"I thank you for him first, Your Majesty." The Marquis de Treville bowed to Aigron again.

"How is your brother now?" Eggron asked in passing. "Can he come to Fontainebleau? If possible, I would like to thank him in person."

"Thank you for your concern, my brother is fine now. He has spent too much energy guarding the palace before, so he has been recuperating in the palace recently. Fortunately, the king is grateful for his loyalty, so he was taken good care of him .Now he has returned to his former state." Speaking of this, the Marquis changed his subject, "However, I am afraid he will not be able to come to see you, after all, he is still a loyal minister of His Majesty, and I am your supporter. If he Seeing you rashly, and then leaking the news, I am afraid that it will cause groundless speculation from the outside world, and it will potentially harm you and our two brothers..."

Aigron thought he was right. The Treville brothers were already their own masters, and they were suspected of "hedge their bets". Who is the palace delaying for?

So even if it was a pity, he could only give up this idea.

"Even if I can't see him, I will always be grateful to your brother." Aigron raised his hand and pointed to his heart, "History will not record how much he helped me, but this place will always remember I can't reward him for this credit, so I will give it to you——I have never been stingy when it comes to rewards for meritorious deeds, and I will never do so in the future."

After speaking, he walked up to the Marquis and patted the Marquis on the shoulder. "In addition to your credit, the two of you brothers have given me countless help... So, as long as I am in France, the Treville family will always have a place in the Palace of Fontainebleau, and maybe one day you will not be there , and your son can't take on the big responsibility, then I will promote your grandson, your great-grandson... Your surname will shine brightly with the surname of Bonaparte, I promise."

Aigron's tone was dignified, full of courage without hesitation, and no one would doubt his sincerity, so the Marquis de Treville burst into tears.

Although deep down in his heart, he didn't have that kind of admiration for Aigron, but at this moment, Aigron's promise to protect the wealth and honor of his family for generations moved him extremely.

It's worth the long persistence, it's worth the painstaking effort and risking your life, and it's worth all the price you pay...

So will my offspring...

But I don't have any legitimate grandchildren yet.

Thinking of this, the emotion and excitement in the Marquis de Treville's heart turned into an unprecedented sense of urgency.

After all, the king is ruthless, and it is impossible to always favor a group of incompetent people.

If my son's generation is not good, His Majesty may tolerate it, but if the grandson's generation is still not good, then who will wait for another few decades for themselves?

The Treville family, in the generation of myself and my brother, has survived the vicissitudes of life and death, wading through mountains of corpses and bloody seas. During the period, there were humiliation and decline, but they did not decline after all. Through the ups and downs of the two brothers, it Still standing on the top stage of France.

It can't decline after his death, otherwise what's the point of his and his elder brother's life's hard work and adventure?

Now that I am old, God knows how long I can live, time is running out... I must raise my grandson as soon as possible, and I can never repeat Edgar's lesson.

It takes more than ten years for a baby to grow up enough to be the leader of the family. How can the Marquis de Treville afford to wait?

Thinking of this, he hated his unworthy daughter-in-law again. After giving birth to his granddaughter Xia Lu, she never moved.

Since you can't, don't blame me.

"Your Majesty, there is one thing I want to tell you." After making up his mind, the Marquis, who had made up his mind, looked at Aigron cautiously, "It is our family's private matter."

Aigron was a little surprised by the solemnity of the Marquis de Treville, but he nodded quickly.

"Please tell me."

"Actually... Edgar already has a son." The Marquis de Treville whispered to Aigron, "Yes, it's an illegitimate son."

"What? An illegitimate child?" Aigron was a little surprised by the sudden news.

However, after a while, Aigron calmed down again.

With Edgar's flirtatious personality, it's not surprising to have an illegitimate child outside.

For Aigron, this is not a big deal, after all, even he himself now has a daughter who cannot be seen.

But what would Lady Alice think? He suddenly thought of such a question.

"Does Alice know?" so he asked casually.

"I don't know, we all keep it from her." The Marquis de Treville replied honestly.

He wasn't actually sure whether Alice had guessed it himself, but to be honest, even if Alice knew, he didn't care.

Then, he returned to the topic, "Your Majesty, this illegitimate child does not insult my family's bloodline. In fact, his bloodline is noble. His mother is a princess whose name I cannot disclose at the moment."

Aigron didn't like this kind of rhetoric. After all, in this social environment, illegitimate children are illegitimate children. No matter how "noble" their parents are, illegitimate children cannot obtain their identities.

Wait, Eggron suddenly woke up.

The Marquis of Treville must understand society better than him, so why did he deliberately emphasize that the illegitimate child was born "noble"?

"What are your plans for him?" he asked directly.

Aigron's sight made the Marquis feel like he was on his back, and the pressure was great, so he didn't want to hide it anymore.

"Your Majesty, that illegitimate child has not been abandoned by us. I can't bear to see a child with such a background reduced to dust, so I asked my brother to adopt him. Next, he will leave with my brother. Before leaving, we plan to arrange for him the status of a distant branch of the Treville family...he will become a member of our family."

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