Eagle’s Glory

Fifty-four, double preparation

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 54, Double Preparation "He will become a member of our family."

Aiglon listened quietly without saying a word.

The Marquis of Treville's remarks seemed to be "pitying" the illegitimate son and wanted to give him a formal status. However, Aigron had worked with the Marquis for so long, and he had long known that the Marquis was by no means such a soft-hearted person. If he didn't have some agenda for this illegitimate child, he would never be so kind, and would abandon him even if he was his own grandson.

So why did he do it?

Aigron is not stupid, he will understand it after a little thought.

He was worried that he would not get a legal grandson, so he wanted to have a backup through an illegitimate child...

"Mrs. Alice is still young, why bother?" Aigron asked after a long time.

When Aiglon asked this question, Marquis Treville knew that his majesty had seen through his little thoughts.

However, he had no intention of hiding it in the first place. Now that everything had been revealed, he would not play any unnecessary tricks in front of the young man.

This is a moment carefully chosen by the Marquis. Just now, His Majesty praised himself and his brother for their achievements for him. This moment must be the time when he is most grateful to himself. Because of this, he must strike while the iron is hot and make his request known. Come out and seal things off when he's at his most emotional.

Precisely because he had already made a plan in his mind, the Marquis assumed an extremely sincere attitude.

"Your Majesty... I hope Alice can give me a grandson more than you do, but how long can I wait? It takes at least ten years to raise a child, and I don't even know if I can live ten years from now. ...If Alice has done nothing in the past few years, then I may not have time to train my grandson! My son has greatly disappointed me. If I can't even train my grandson well, then even if we have a family, How can your favor not fail?"

At first, the Marquis of Treville was excusing himself, but after talking about the pain in his heart, he became more and more sad, "Our family has spent hundreds of years multiplying, and finally followed Henry IV from The south entered Paris, and it took another two hundred years to consolidate its position in Versailles. During this period, many generations of ancestors worked hard and survived many crises of family separation... Just the two of us almost died several times! We! We are proud of our surname, and we have tried our best to protect the glory of this surname. You know how much we have paid! How can I watch this surname decline in my hands? Just imagine this ending. ,

I couldn't sleep at night, fearing that I wouldn't be able to rest in peace even if I died. "

Aigron continued to listen, and finally, he sighed softly.

He believed that the Marquis of Treville was sincere at this moment, more sincere than he had ever been in front of him before, and this was what he said from the bottom of his heart.

He doesn't hate Alice, nor is he targeting anyone, he just wants to keep his family going.

The Marquis has always been a cunning, ruthless, mean and cold person, but he is not inhumane, but his love is poured into the symbol of "family". In his heart, as long as he can maintain the continuation and lintel of the family, sacrifice No matter how much it is, it is worth it, even if it means sacrificing his family or even himself.

Aiglon can understand the other party's thoughts. After all, in the eyes of the nobles, their "family name" is everything to them. However, out of admiration for his friend, he felt a little bit intolerant of Alice - Alice had suffered so many grievances since marrying Edgar, and she still tried her best to help her father-in-law and husband, no matter what. She couldn't fault her in any aspect, but she was treated like this. Not only did she lie to her and hide it, but she even planned to let an illegitimate child come into the house and rob her of the family property that her children deserved. It was really pitiful and it was just too much bullying.

"Aren't you willing to give Alice a little more time?" Aigron couldn't help but ask, "It's not the time to give up hope in her yet..."

"So I have made two preparations, Your Majesty." At this point, the Marquis of Treville simply had a showdown with Aigron, "My brother will raise this illegitimate son and give him our surname and identity. This The child will not be regarded as Edgar's son, but I will cultivate and educate him... When he grows up, if Alice still does not have a son, then please support him; if Alice has a son, then Just treat it as if I didn’t say anything today and don’t need to interfere with this matter anymore.”

The Marquis of Treville did not make it clear, but Aiglon could still understand the implication - if Alice really couldn't give birth to a son, the Marquis would slowly transfer the family property to this "distant cousin" , by the way, they put all their efforts into cultivating him, and Alice and Xia Lu will become abandoned children.

But what if Alice gave birth to a son midway? Then this illegitimate child will immediately fall from heaven to hell, be abandoned and sent far away, and all the care and education he received before will be in vain.

No matter what the outcome is, it is destined to be a complete tragedy on one side. Everything is just to satisfy an old man's obsession to maintain the lintel.

"Is this a tragedy caused by selfish desires, or a reasonable sacrifice?" Aigron asked in a low voice. "Have you not considered the price you have to pay? Both Xia Lu and this illegitimate child are your grandsons. Don't you have any mercy for them?"

"This is a tragedy and a sacrifice, but it is a price that must be paid." The Marquis replied categorically, "It's not that I don't love my children and grandchildren. You have seen how I treated Xia Lu. How could I not love her? Every time Every time I touch her face, I feel a blood connection.

However, besides the love for my children and grandchildren, I have something more to protect... If they grow up to resent me, then I will resent them, as long as they can continue to pass on our family name. "

Seeing the Marquis showing this attitude, Aigron stopped asking questions.

After all, Aigron himself is not a good man. His hands are stained with blood and he has caused countless tragedies. The reason why he sympathizes is just because he admires Alice and loves Xia Lu. If it were any other passerby, He wouldn't care at all.

Since the Marquis de Treville is so insistent, what's the point of saying anything more? In the face of an old man's obsession, other people's words just fall on deaf ears.

Besides, what reason does he have to interfere in other people's private affairs?

"Your Majesty..." When Aigron was silent, Marquis Treville raised his head again and looked at him with tears in his eyes, "I know that these things are not glorious, and I cannot be proud of them, but I Please understand my painstaking efforts, for the sake of my brother and I serving you."

Although he knew that the Marquis was acting, Agron still had no room to dodge in the face of the Marquis's tearful request.

The Treville brothers have made such great contributions, how can they say nothing? Due to emotions and reasons, he could only agree.

"I can sympathize with you, General. I said that I will take care of your descendants and let your family prosper under my hands. I will never break my promise. You can leave this favor to anyone you designate. Man, even if it is an illegitimate son, I will admit it... So, if one day you finally decide to let this illegitimate son inherit your family business and career, then I will give him the opportunity he deserves."

Although he knew in his heart that Aigron would not break his promise, the Marquis was relieved when he heard his confirmation. This step was considered the right one.

"Thank you, Your Majesty... My brother and I will remember your kindness today." He continued to promise, "I can also guarantee that my descendants, no matter who they are, will serve you as wholeheartedly as I do. ."

"I will do whatever I have to do, but General, I have said it before. You must bear all the possible consequences of your arrangements. I will not share this responsibility for you - I will not interfere with you. "My family affairs, but you can't interfere with my family affairs." Aigron looked at the other party calmly, "Although Mrs. Alice looks gentle, she will never be a lamb to be slaughtered. There is no doubt that you are hiding it now." You have killed her, but can you keep hiding it? One day she will know the whole truth. How do you think she will view what you have done?"

"If she wants to hate me, let her hate me - she has the right." The Marquis sighed, "But if she can be more ambitious and bring me a grandson, I won't make such a move. "

"I'm afraid this is not just her responsibility, right?" Aigron shook his head, and then asked, "Edgar has free time to wander around outside, and even left an illegitimate child. Can't he spend more time with his wife?" ? If you look at it this way, doesn’t the responsibility lie with him?

In order to marry him, Alice even paid the price of being rejected by her family, but she got this result... Can you imagine how she felt after learning everything? "

Under Aigron's rhetorical question, the Marquis was suddenly speechless.

"Actually, you know all these truths, but you would rather turn a blind eye..." Aigron shrugged, "You are reluctant to blame your son, so you passed on your disappointment and anger towards Edgar to your daughter-in-law. Let her bear all the pain, isn't it?"

The Marquis was completely speechless now.

However, although he felt ashamed in his heart, he did not feel guilty. After all, Alice did not have the blood of the family, and she was not a real family member deep down in his heart. So what if he failed her?

"I am indeed sorry for her, but the matter has come to this, what can I do?" Finally, the Marquis sighed helplessly, "Your Majesty, I can only think about the family, and I have no time to care about her thoughts. "

"Of course you can do that. After all, you are the head of the family." Aiglon replied calmly, "I just remind you that Alice is not a weak woman. She has ideas and enough will. She even has status, because Teresa admires her very much and regards her as her closest advisor. If you let such a person fall into madness, you will probably pay the price."

The Marquis de Treville had been in Paris before and had only asked his son and daughter-in-law to flee together. He didn’t know everything that happened later, let alone that Alice had already risen to prominence and was being reused by Teresa. So he just learned the news and was particularly surprised. Marquis Reville was still a little surprised.

But even if he was surprised, he was not afraid.

He naturally knows how to calculate. Even if Alice is favored by Her Majesty the Queen, how can she compare to her own importance with Her Majesty? Even if she really learns the truth, she won't be able to change the world.

Besides, no matter how angry Alice was, she couldn't let go of her identity as "Mrs. Treville", so she couldn't openly fall out with her husband's family. Otherwise, her reputation would be completely ruined. How could she survive in the palace?

After all, Marquis Treville didn't believe that a delicate little woman could compete with him.

Of course, on the surface, he would not make this point clear, he just seemed to take a step back.

"Next, I will properly guide the couple. Based on my true intention, I hope that they can give birth to a son as soon as possible than anyone else... If given the choice, who would be willing to let an illegitimate son inherit his career? Your Majesty, I ask you to keep everything I say today secret."

"I will keep it a secret." Aigron agreed without thinking. "However, paper cannot cover the fire after all."

Then, he asked the Marquis, "When does Duke Treville plan to set off with his family?"

"It should be in a few days." The Marquis replied, "It is indeed quite hasty to leave so soon, and there is no time to take away many things; but the deposed king did not want to suffer the shame of being expelled directly by a new government, so he would rather leave first , since he has arranged it this way, then my brother can only accompany him. "

"Hmph... He is quite sensible. This is good, and it saves me the trouble of sending guests off again and the reputation of bullying the old royal family." Because he was quite disdainful of King Charles X, Eggron sneered sarcastically, " Then are they settled next?"

"They plan to take refuge in Belgium first, and then contact other countries to find a place of refuge." Marquis Treville replied in a low voice, "Everything will follow the precedent of 1815, and then make a decision."

That is, in 1815, because Napoleon landed in France and marched into Paris, the panicked King Louis XVIII fled the capital in a hurry and hid in Ghent, Belgium.

History finally repeated itself...

It seems that time is too short now, and all countries have not had time to react, so the Bourbon family can only take refuge in Belgium for the time being. However, according to the original historical line, the French king in 1830 would hide in England, and the English generously opened their arms to the deposed king.

Later, in 1848 and 1871, the French kings would be overthrown and then hide in England. This was like a fate they could not escape.

Of course, Aigron didn't want to follow this direction.

"Okay, then you can take my place to see your brother off." Aigron waved his hand, indicating that he could leave. "Call Bowang over. I want to see how much this banker is capable of!"

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