Eagle’s Glory

Fifty-five, vision

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 55, Vision

Although the Marquis of Treville still wanted to get closer to Aigron, since Aiglon had said so, he could only bow and leave. After he left, the guards brought Bowin, who had been waiting for a long time. In front of Aigron.

After Bowen came in, Aigron and Bowen looked at each other covertly and politely.

Bowang was short, fat and unattractive, which was totally not in line with the taste of his favorite Aigron. However, Aigron had been in the society for so long and knew that people should not be judged by their appearance, so he did not show any grudge at all. On the contrary, he enthusiastically He walked up to Bowang and reached out his hand.

At this moment, Bowang, who had always been smart and capable, seemed to be in a daze. It took him a moment to react, then hesitantly reached out his hand and carefully held Aigron's hand, looking like he couldn't bear the honor. look.

This look, coupled with his pudgy body shape, makes him look inexplicably funny, almost like a naive bear in a circus.

But after all, Aigron has been trained for a long time and can hold back laughter no matter how funny things are, so there is no laughter in the end.

The two held hands like this, and this was the first time they met since they started working together.

For Aiglon, it is necessary for him to win over and appease Beauvin. After all, this banker has given him a lot of help before, and now he has sponsored him a huge sum of five million francs in one go, which is equivalent to what he has at the moment. There is indeed a need for comfort.

There is no doubt that as a banker, Bowang sponsored himself not because he liked the Bonaparte family, but just regarded the Bonaparte family as an investment project, and there was nothing wrong with it; but in the current situation, for Egger To Long Lai, a huge sum of five million is more valuable than any loyalty.

After shaking hands, Aigron continued to cheer and encourage the other party with that spring breeze smile.

Bowang didn't care about Aigron's painting. In his opinion, the kings could only listen to what they said, and their true meaning could only be proven by actions, so he would not get excited just because of the young man's few words. To the point where I can't help myself.

While Aigron was observing him just now, he was also paying attention to the young man.

Because of the industry he is in, Bowang has been dealing with people from all walks of life over the years. He has already developed the ability to observe people's actions. His vision is more sinister than Aigron's. In just a few seconds, he is almost right. Eggron came to a conclusion.

This young man is indeed heroic and impressive.

He can be called the leader among the princes and grandsons, and he is truly worthy of his reputation. He truly lives up to his previous expectations.


However, young people are prone to arrogance, and this is even more true for such a young man. Although Aigron deliberately showed the attitude of a polite corporal when he first met Bowang, Bowang could easily learn from this superficial appearance. Even though he was polite, I could see the arrogance in his heart.

He is already like this now, and when he puts on the crown, he will definitely become even more arrogant. Therefore, when facing such a person, he must not be restrained by his superficial kindness.

Because of this, Bowang deliberately behaved like a primary school student who met his teacher just now. This was just a tactic he used to hide his clumsiness. When facing many big people, he deliberately made them feel that he was just a stranger. A nouveau riche who has lost his way in the world, a nouveau riche who has no money but no chance to gain publicity.

Bowang never cared about false fame. He knew that the only reason why he was valued and flattered by others was just because he had the power of money. No matter how much money he actually held, he still valued it in this world.

In the world of blood and family status, he is still at the lower end of the social contempt chain.

Therefore, since it is impossible to win the praise of the world, he would rather stay behind the scenes and use invisible chains to make his wishes come true. The more people regard him as a harmless human being, the more space he has to show his fists.

With a simple smile, Bo Wang raised his head and faced the young man who was a head taller than him.

Bowen didn't make his words clear, but the meaning was very clear - now even the bloodiest Bourbon royal family can't keep the throne and can only end in misery, let alone you?

Aigron also knew in his heart that what the other party said was reasonable.

Therefore, Aigron put away his smile, and then looked at the other party seriously, "You are indeed right, I know what my crown means - it does not come from God or the Holy See, it comes from To the people! Just like the late emperor did before he ascended the throne, he asked the people to vote for him to be emperor, and I will do it again! Only after fulfilling this referendum can my crown be legal.

Since the people can push me to the throne, they can naturally pull me down. My wife and I will keep this in mind at all times, and we will use our greatest enthusiasm to fulfill our promises. "

Aigron also knew in his heart that everyone would say such high-sounding words, and it would be impossible to convince a sophisticated old fox like Bowang, so he immediately changed the subject again,


Seeing Aigron's sudden and passionate words, Bo Wang was stunned again.

Logically speaking, he had seen too many aristocrats who spoke eloquently, and he would not have been touched at all. However, this young man seemed to have an inexplicable appeal, which made him feel that there was some possibility.

Just because he believed it but couldn't believe it, Bo Wang couldn't help but ask the other party again.

Aiglon did not answer immediately, but looked at Bowang again.

Bowang is a successful banker, which means that he has cheated and manipulated the market countless times, causing countless people to lose their money; but on the other hand, he also understands this society more deeply than anyone else. operating mechanism and understand the details of all walks of life.

Compared with the soldiers and nobles around him, they may be loyal, but they cannot have the same keen sense of smell and broad vision as Bowang.

So in a sense, Bowen is probably one of the people around him who is most attuned to his ideas.

So, after thinking of this, Aigron became interested.

At this moment, for him, this is not a formulaic meeting, but a short press conference on his vision for the future.

"Mr. Bowen, you are a smart man, and you are an admirable self-made man. You have gone deep into the market and the palace, and you interact with nobles and common people at the same time, so I am afraid you have a vague premonition - —We are now on the eve of a major change. In just a short period of time, the face of society may be completely different. It will be completely different from the previous dozen centuries.

A chasm transformed into something breathtaking. "

Bowang thought about it carefully. If he didn't have any such premonition in his heart, it would definitely not be wrong, but he didn't know how to describe it in words.

More importantly, his imagination is not big enough and he has no idea what society should be like.

It’s not his fault, because at this time, it’s probably beyond anyone’s imagination.

Although Columbus discovered the New World in 1492, the world did not undergo earth-shaking changes in the following years. Most countries are still under the rule of monarchs, and serfdom is still prevalent in various countries. The first to set foot in the New World After a short period of glory, Spain also fell into irreparable decline.

For most people around the world, there is not much difference between 1800 and 1700 or even 1500. Although Europeans fought many wars of unprecedented scale during this period and countless people died, it reflects the national strength of a country. The indicator is still the number of farmers and farmland. In the final analysis, all wealth is still measured by land and food.

The wealth plundered and accumulated over hundreds of years was either squandered by the nobles, or consumed in long and bloody wars, and blood was shed for a few unknown pieces of land, which seemed to never stop.

However, at this moment, Europeans, relying on the accumulation of science and technological progress, finally stumbled into the door of the Industrial Revolution. Although no one realized what happened in advance, the world would be completely different from now on.


After that, almost every generation, European society would undergo earth-shaking changes. First there were steam engines and railways, then telegraphs and ships, and then chemical industry and internal combustion engines. The productivity of the entire society increased exponentially. The wealth created by one generation is equivalent to that of the previous thousands of years combined.

In such a rapid expansion of productivity, wealth will no longer be defined, but will be reflected in factories and machines, in high-speed global logistics, and in highly developed financial giants such as banks and insurance companies.

[In view of the general environment,

Quietly, the complexity of the entire society has undergone astonishing changes. The government of each country has become a maze-like behemoth, managing the education of the entire society, building huge armaments, and allocating unimaginable funds.

From the perspective of 1830, these things would be available less than half a century later. However, in 1830, who could fully see them clearly? Even if someone tells them that it is the eve of a huge change, most of them will probably just laugh. In their eyes, this world will not be any different from the world of their ancestors.

For Aigron, it is normal for Bowang to imagine that, but he can give some inspiration to the other party - and at the same time establish a glorious image of himself in the other party's mind.

When Aigron said this, Bowang suddenly fell into deep thought.

Aigron answered decisively,

Seeing Aiglon's performance, Bowang nodded secretly.

Not that he immediately

He was convinced. He had always been a cautious person and would only believe it if he saw it with his own eyes. But no matter what, this young man made him feel a kind of vigorous vitality and a kind of confidence in facing the future, and he no longer knew how much Years have not been seen in the center of the country.

He is at least really prepared to lead the country into a new era.

It is a blessing for the country that the sluggish old man has been replaced by a vigorous young man.

Aigron extended his hand to Bowang again.

A dream in the palace

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