Eagle’s Glory

Fifty-six, grand vision

"Mr. Bowang, you will have unlimited opportunities to leave your name in the future."

After Aigron extended his hand again, Bowang subconsciously extended his hand and shook hands with Aigron again.

Different from the mere ceremonial handshake just now, this time, there was suddenly an atmosphere of "like-mindedness" between the two people.

Although they had only met for the first time and had not had any interactions before, Aigron could clearly feel that this humble banker had a sharp mind and a vision beyond ordinary people. Although he could not completely predict the future beyond the entire era, at least he could foresee the future. He can vaguely understand what the future is.

In the past few decades, he has tried every means to increase his money and accumulate power for himself. In order to achieve this goal, he had to have a deep understanding of all walks of life and understand the operating logic of the world. Over time, he will naturally be able to see , what can make capital grow faster.

And Aigron's few words, although it was impossible for him to see the future clearly at once, but it also gave him a feeling of clearing up the clouds and seeing the sun.

It turns out that someone else wanted to go together with me... He couldn't help but be happy about this in his heart.

He originally thought that in front of this young man, he would get a boastful performance or a lavish picture. He had seen this kind of scene many times with the nobles who owed him money. No matter how capable this young man was, , at most it just makes this kind of scene more emotional.

But he didn't expect that what he saw was a grand vision.

Of course, he is still a cautious person after all. Even at this time, he did not lose his mind because of his excitement. Instead, he reminded Aigron again, "Your Majesty, I am very grateful to you for your regard for me, and I also appreciate your attitude very much." Such ambitions - but I must remind you from a professional perspective that all financing is not just a number on the book, it is also a liability, which affects you and the credit of the entire country; you cannot just Think about spending money, but don’t think about how to wipe out this debt.

To put it simply, your investment must be profitable, even if it is not profitable in the short term, at least let people see the prospect of long-term profitability... I can finance you and borrow countless amounts of money, but after all, I am not a magician , I cannot maintain this credit for you indefinitely. You must ultimately rely on profitable investments in your hands to convince everyone. If you cannot do this, then people will lose confidence in you and your government’s financing The ability will be reduced, and then it will be impossible to cover the old debt with new debt. The debt will snowball and grow until it finally crushes the government. "

From the perspective of the 21st century, Bowang's opinion is too conservative, but at this time, there is no pure credit currency in the world that does not rely on any precious metals or general equivalents.

It is impossible for a government to accumulate a huge amount of debt by simply turning on the money printing press, and there is no such thing as a strong currency that can allow the world to absorb the excess currency. Therefore, Bowang's words are correct. His concerns It is based on the history of the recent past.

The kings of the Bourbon dynasty were very happy with their achievements. Since the founding of the country, there have been continuous wars and huge military expenditures that have almost depleted the national finances. Under such circumstances, the members of the royal family still do not know how to restrain themselves and live a luxurious and extravagant life. Following the example of the royal family, nobles and government officials were also proud of extravagance and extravagance. The government had no financial discipline at all, and its expenditures failed to make ends meet every year.

After Louis XVI came to power, although he himself did not have so many shortcomings, he did not have the determination to change his inherent behavior patterns. His wife and brothers were still the same as their ancestors in the past, so his government could not change the fate of high debts. , debt is rising year by year, and there is no hope of easing the debt crisis.

Although Necker, Louis XVI's finance minister, was indeed very talented and could barely cope with it by relying on various hesitant means, he was ultimately unable to save himself. He wrote to Louis XVI, telling the king that if the financial crisis was not alleviated as soon as possible, the kingdom would soon He was about to go bankrupt, and what could Louis XVI do?

In the end, Louis XVI had no choice but to convene a meeting of the three estates that had been gathering dust for more than a hundred years, preparing for the whole people to come together to find a way to "digest" the terrible debt of his dynasty.

The king did not expect that the long-standing grievances of the Third Estate would come together through the Three Estates Conference, and join forces with the poor people in Paris who were already extremely angry when they were hungry and cold, and began to launch an attack on the entire unreasonable old system. . At first they were awe-inspiring and their demands were not many. However, as the situation evolved step by step and Louis XVI and the aristocrats started to fight internally, the situation became uncontrollable step by step. Eventually, the Great Revolution was triggered, and Louis XVI I and his dynasty were reduced to ashes in the fire.

It can be said that if there had been no financial crisis and debt crisis, Louis XVI would not have needed to convene a meeting of the three estates at all, and the public opinion of the third estate would not have been exploded, and the common people would not have stood up and overthrown them because of poverty and resentment. The King they had hailed countless times.

Only a few decades have passed since the lessons learned, and Bowang naturally still remembers this.

In his opinion, if Aiglon spreads money everywhere regardless of the cost because of his "ambition" and thereby pushes up the government's debt, he is nothing more than seeking his own death, even if he looks better than the previous Bourbon kings. There are many things that can be accomplished, but the result is the same, neither will end well.

And if you participate in this huge drama under such circumstances, you might also get burned.

Faced with Bowang's doubts, Aigron was not angry, because before the new era comes, he will definitely face many doubts.

Some doubts come from mediocre people and fools. They just think that "any change is wrong", so their doubts are worthless, and Aigron doesn't bother to explain anything to them; while Bowang's doubts are from smart people. He is not opposed to the change, he just hopes that the change can be "sustainable" financially.

"You are right. It is very important to maintain the government's financial balance. It can even be said to be the lifeline to maintain our rule. We can be in debt, but our debt cannot be out of control. We must let people see the possibility of us being able to pay off our debt in the long term." Aiglon nodded, and then continued to explain to Bowang, "I plan to use the government itself to raise funds first, and build demonstration railways in the most profitable places, so that people can see its profit prospects; The authority of the government is to issue a franchise certificate, allowing the private sector to raise funds to build new railways, and then the state will coordinate the operation. In this way, we will have huge profits from transportation and postal services in the new era, enough to prevent this debt from becoming a A weight that crushes us.”

The method proposed by Eggron was also the solution later adopted by European countries. First, the government plans construction routes and builds railways in batches to control the scale of debt; secondly, it uses charters to attract private financing and reduce the pressure on government fundraising. , and finally through nationwide coordinated operations, the railway network is profitable. Through these methods, Europe, especially Western European countries, built a nationwide railway network in just one generation, making the "industrial revolution" intuitive And the gentle rain silently changed the face of the entire society.

Although Bowang could not foresee this future, his eyes lit up with the methods proposed by Aiglon.

He could sense that this was indeed an excellent solution - more importantly, it proved that this young man was indeed not just talking in vain, but was really thinking about how to implement his grand vision on the ground.

Moreover, this young man is obviously not a stubborn fool. He knows how to listen to reasonable opinions.

With this understanding, Bowang finally felt relieved.

In short, after receiving Aigron's reminder, Bowang's heart suddenly became enlightened. Although Aigron's words were vague, he already knew how to operate in detail, and he had even thought of several financing and bidding implementations. The fine print.

The young man's first step plan is to build a demonstration railway line, and Bowang also plans to use this as an opportunity to see whether it really has the effect of "changing the world." If so, then Bowang will also I will not hesitate, but use all my financial resources and abilities to raise funds to complete this undertaking that is destined to change the world.

Not only to earn more money, but also for the joy of changing the world. This is something that his predecessors and peers will never have the opportunity to taste. It also means that he makes better use of money than anyone else. Scepter - it can be said that it will be the greatest expression of the value of his life.

During this short conversation, Bowang became energetic without realizing it.

"Your Majesty, you really amaze me." He couldn't help but praise Aigron. "I knew that you were knowledgeable and talented and had achieved great success at a young age. But there were also such young heroes in ancient times. Quite a few; but what I didn't expect was that in addition to power and territory, you actually thought about so many other things! I dare say that no monarch has ever thought about the future as carefully as you, let alone understood it. Those technical and financing details... If I hadn't heard you say it in person, I couldn't believe it was all in your head! A genius... I can only say this, God created man When it comes to time, there is still a preference after all!”

Bo Wang was a sincere compliment, but Aigron felt a little ashamed after hearing it.

After all, in the final analysis, it seems that I have seen the future, but in fact, it is just on the shoulders of "predecessors".

However, this shame did not last long. He has become accustomed to treating his insight into the future as one of his "gifts".

This talent helped him impress many people. Even Prince Talleyrand and Mr. Beauvin, who had met countless people, couldn't help but admire him.

However, dealing with people is not a matter of a few hours, but a matter of decades. For these people, it is too simple to see through whether a person has any ability, although Aigron can restrain them now. , but if Aigron behaves mediocre later, they will also see the truth clearly and despise Aigron.

Therefore, Aigron cannot always regard "foresight" as his entire asset. He must continue to learn and grow on his own, becoming a person who can control them by himself.

Of course, Aigron has another advantage, that is, he is very young now. He is only close to 20 years old and has already dealt with the top group of elites in the country. These elites are decades older than him. Naturally, he will retire decades earlier than him, and the people who replace this group of people will no longer be able to match Aigron in terms of power and vision. At that time, they can only look up to this seemingly omnipotent man. , His Majesty the Emperor who knows everything.

Time is Egron's friend, and he makes good use of it.

"God will indeed favor certain people and give them talents that are beyond ordinary people, but talents need to be realized. If a person does not realize his talents, then he is no different from ordinary people." Aigron answered calmly. The other party said, "And I, unfortunately, lost my crown and my childhood due to a well-known disaster. So starting from my childhood, I was forced to give up playing, and instead spent my energy on seeking knowledge and practicing swordsmanship. Because I know that when everyone abandons me, only knowledge and a sharp sword can help me get rid of the situation of being dependent on others and help me regain everything I have lost!

In order to achieve this goal, I can only keep thinking, observe the whole world in my study, accumulate my knowledge system, and exercise my keen perception. When my peers were addicted to pleasure, I read countless books and always paid attention to the news, so I grasped the pulse of the world, I knew what kind of path I could take, and I was more Know where I can lead this country! "

"That's so well said!" Bowang couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised, "Your Majesty, I feel sorry for the suffering you suffered when you were a child, but I believe that what makes you stronger than others is that you have surpassed your own Suffering turned it into fuel and gave you amazing talents. I feel lucky for our motherland because it finally waited for you!"

Although the following words are a bit exaggerated, part of Beauvain is still telling the truth. He really believes that France has finally got a leader it has longed for. He is young, promising and ambitious, and besides killing, he also knows how to build. He can To bring peace and prosperity to the country - at least that's what Bowen was convinced.

And in the hands of such a person, what kind of brilliant career will he be able to create? He couldn't help but look forward to it.

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