Eagle’s Glory

Fifty-seven, double threats

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 57, Double Threat When the time came to evening, the meeting between Aiglon and Bowang ended with both people satisfied.

It only took Aigron a short two or three hours to make Bowang develop a special emotion for him, and he was greatly impressed by his vision and courage beyond his years, and also wanted to work with him in the future. A lot of pride.

As for Aigron, he appeased his big brother and made Bowang feel that his investment was worthwhile. Then, when Aigron still needs money, Bowang will definitely continue to be generous. Unpack.

The meeting was a joyous one. Aigron politely tried to persuade Beauvin to stay and invited him to stay in Fontainebleau for a while, but Beauvin politely refused.

It's not that he doesn't want to give Aigron face, but that he doesn't dare to stay away from the bank for too long. After all, that's where his life lies. He doesn't dare to rest assured leaving the vault to others to guard, even if he has been his confidant for many years, so I would rather sit in the bank by myself.

Moreover, although most people would think that being invited to be a guest in the palace is something worthy of bragging, but Bowang does not think so. He knows that false fame means nothing to him. If he is too high-profile, he will only expose himself to the stage. It is not in his interest at all to accept everyone's scrutiny, as his every move will receive more attention.

Since Bowang was not willing to stay for a long time, Aigron did not force himself and politely sent someone to send his important supporter away.

After Bowang left, Aigron called his guard captain Andre Davout over.

Andre was well prepared for Aigron's question and answered him immediately,

Aigron nodded first, then took a page from his desk and handed it to him,

Written on this piece of paper is Aigron's distribution plan for the money. Part of it will be distributed to the various troops under his command to serve as military salary for the next two months; part of it will be counted and prepared for subsequent recruitment. Funding from various potential backers.

After receiving advice from Talleyrand, Aiglon began to ask his men to search for those fleeing members of Parliament in the areas around Paris, and then tried every means for them to cooperate with him.

And if you want to impress these people to cooperate, it is not enough to just rely on words, you must also give something more practical - after all, in this day and age, compared to the reputation of the Bonaparte family, the glory of gold coins is probably more impressive. Some people's hearts.

After making these two arrangements, this huge sum of millions,

It barely stayed in his hands for a few hours before he scattered most of it. The money that could have allowed an ordinary person to live a prosperous life for several lifetimes was not enough for him to spend a few hours. Politics is indeed a terrible money-swallowing giant. beast! Next, he will not only spend all the five million, but also spend several times or even dozens of times the money. The road to the throne will be paved with gold.

However, Aigron is open-minded by nature, so he won't feel bad about it. As long as the money can help him achieve his goals, it is worth spending it.

After allocating the sponsorship money, Aigron put down what he was doing, left his office, and walked along the corridor of the palace to the garden.

Although the garden was a bit depressed and dilapidated because it had been abandoned for more than ten years, after a short period of renovation, it has restored some of its old appearance. It is early spring, and the greenery everywhere begins to sprout new green shoots, decorating the garden. Scenic.

It was evening at this time, and the slightly cold spring breeze echoed in the palace and gardens. The fresh air was filled with vitality. The golden sunshine fell on the greenery and fountains, casting a shadow on the originally vivid and vivid scenery. Layers of brilliance that seem real and illusory.

Aiglon was strolling in this vast garden of his own while looking around. After a moment, he saw two people walking by the fountain, one was a girl and the other

It's an older woman.

The two of them still talk occasionally, but the difference is that the girl smiles brightly and speaks most of the time, as if she is deliberately trying to make the other person happy; while the older woman has an indifferent face and only responds occasionally. sentence.

Needless to say, these two people are naturally Bianca and Agnes, the master and disciple.

After being brought to Fontainebleau, Bianca, who had suffered so much, suddenly found relief and her salary improved a lot - Aigron directly handed her over to Agnes' care, and Agnes naturally did her best as an apprentice. I will do my best to improve the treatment of my master.

Instead of shackling her master and imprisoning her in a dungeon, she placed Bianca in the apartment where she lived, and tried her best to ensure her various benefits. If people didn't still remember her, she would simply be Like a visitor.

Of course, Bianca does not have the right to move around freely, and can only be taken out by Agnes every evening to walk around the garden. This is equivalent to one of the few times when Bianca can breathe outdoor air.

Although there were many loopholes like this, Bianca was very honest and did not try to escape.

After all, Bianca also knew that the preferential treatment she received was not because the young man was kind to her, but because Agnes begged for mercy for her and received the young man's mercy. This was tantamount to Agnes using Her own reputation guarantees that she will not escape. In other words, if she dares to escape, Agnes will also take responsibility, so she does not want to implicate her apprentice because of her actions.

And Aigron came to the garden at this time just to find the two of them.

When he approached, the master and disciple both had keen senses, so they quickly noticed him. Bianca chose to turn a blind eye, while Agnes turned her head and waved to him with a smile on her face, Welcome him.

There is no doubt that Agnes is so enthusiastic because she has to please Agron, but for Agron, it doesn't matter whether it comes from the heart or is a forced smile, or it can even be said that this kind of It's more fun to do it halfway.

So he waved to Agnes with a smile on his face, and then walked up to the master and apprentice.

After sizing up the two people, Aigron looked at the girl.

Agnes replied quickly,

Aiglon sneered and then looked at Bianca.

Bianca seemed to have thoroughly implemented the principle of non-violence and non-cooperation, just looking into the distance without saying a word. Her attitude made Agnes a little nervous, so she quickly took over the conversation.

Agnes's words made Bianca sneer in her heart, but she couldn't bear to contradict her apprentice in person, so she remained silent.

Of course Egron could see the truth, but he was in a very good mood at the moment, so he didn't intend to fight with Bianca, so he followed this step and changed the topic.

A trace of shame flashed across Agnes's face, but she could only answer bravely,

Aiglon glanced at her pretending to be helpless and annoyed, "Although I am indeed willing to make concessions for you, my time and patience are not infinite. Right now I am fighting with my enemies, and the assassination incident is targeting me. I must get to the bottom of it and take revenge. You should know this.

White, right? "

The sight of Agron made Agnes feel even more ashamed and aggrieved. She also knew in her heart what kind of concessions the young man had made in order to satisfy her willful demands. However, she did nothing to convince her master. As a result, we have just been using time to deal with the delay. At the most, this is ignorant of the importance, and at the most serious level, this is already shameless.

But she had no choice. After all, she had nothing to do in this situation. She could only delay the time, hoping for some miracle to happen, or hoping that either Aigron or the master would suddenly change their minds - of course, even she knew that , such hope is very slim.

Under Aigron's questioning, Agnes bit her lip gently, then lowered her gaze, lifted up her skirt, knelt down and saluted Aiglon to apologize.

After finishing speaking, Agnes continued to bend her knees, lowered her head and no longer looked at Aigron. Her face was red with embarrassment because she was forced to lie. Her originally tall body was now only level with Aigron's chest, showing off Be respectful and apologetic.

Although Agnes is usually straightforward and forthright in her actions, she has received a complete education since she was a child and can easily do it when she wants to please someone.

Seeing Agnes apologize and plead to herself so solemnly, Agron felt better.

From the beginning, he never expected Agnes to be better than Onca. The reason why he tolerated her perfunctory treatment of him was just to make her feel like him in her heart, and then, driven by guilt, she kept making concessions to herself - and from then on Judging from the current results, this plan is very successful.

Although he was very happy in his heart, Agron only had a look of reluctant acceptance on his face. He stretched out his hand with a sullen face and pulled Agnes up.

After he finished speaking, he took Agnes's hand between his arm and torso, and Agnes did not dare to struggle and resist, so the two of them naturally held hands and walked together.

Seeing Aigron again, Agnes felt relieved and had no time to worry about the young man's rude behavior. However, all this fell into the eyes of Bianca, who was watching with cold eyes, but she was heartbroken and angry.

In her opinion, Agnes has always been her proud apprentice. Even if this young man can become the emperor in the future, Agnes does not need to stoop to this level.

She also knew that she had become a tool for this young man to blackmail his apprentice, so she felt even more resentful.

Of course, no matter how angry she was, she would not dare to take action again, because it would implicate her apprentice, so she could only use words to fight back against this hateful young man.

So, she finally took the initiative to speak to Aiglon.

Agron dismissed Bianca's question. After all, she was already a cat with its claws pulled out. Even if she bared her teeth and claws, she could not cause any harm to herself.

Aiglon retorted with a sneer,

Aiglon's rhetorical question left Bianca speechless.

Because she herself knew that this time the young man was telling the truth.

As Aigron said, he deliberately hugged Agnes's arm tightly.

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