Eagle’s Glory

Sixty-three, surrender

"As I said, His Majesty hopes to see you at Fontainebleau, and as soon as possible."

His father's stern expression and cold words made Villefort's heart feel cold, and his whole body became tense.

Only then did he wake up from the warm atmosphere of "father is kind and son is filial" when he saw his father, and remembered who his father was.

"You didn't come to visit me as a father, but came to escort me as an envoy?" he asked his father loudly.

"You don't have to say it so harshly, Gerard, I won't force you to do anything, but you must go to Fontainebleau as soon as possible." The Marquis of Noirtier still said in an unquestionable tone, "In fact, you don't want to do anything." That way you have a choice.”

"What's going on?" Although the Marquis remained calm, Villefort became more and more nervous.

He walked to the window and looked out the window cautiously.

Fortunately, it was very calm outside and there was no sign of an ambush.

Then, he turned his head and looked at his father with reproachful and painful eyes.

"I never expected to get a father's love from you, but I never thought that you would rather push your son into the fire pit with one hand. Have you forgotten? I am your only son!"

The more he spoke, the angrier he became, "What can you gain by cheating me? Prosperity and wealth? But you are already at this age, what's the point of having glory and wealth? Who else can inherit your fortune besides me?" Bloodline? If I am ruined, will you be able to escape the ridicule of the world?"

Seeing his son's questioning eyes, the Marquis Noirtier's heart ached more and more.

He knew that his son's questions were all right, but he knew even more that everything was doomed and nothing his son said could change the outcome.

Before coming, he had anticipated the painful state of mind he would fall into, and he had already made mental preparations.

"Yes, you are my only son. Even though there have been too many disputes between us, this cannot be changed. If you have a choice, I sincerely hope that everything goes well for you." The Marquis sighed slowly. He took a breath and said, "However, at this time, our country and nation are in crisis, and we urgently need someone to step forward and relieve all kinds of suffering..."

"Come on!" The angry Villefort interrupted his father without caring about etiquette, "You can just say this to the common people.

Who are you talking to here? When the Bonapartes were here, did the country face less disasters and suffering than before? It's nothing more than a group of princes and dukes riding on the heads of the people to dominate! You should see it more clearly than anyone else. "

"No, you are wrong." The Marquis shook his head, "There is no doubt that the Bonaparte family is not perfect, but compared to a group of people we have had enough of, it can give the people hope, because at least they recognize their power It comes from the whole people rather than God... Even to maintain their own legitimacy, they have to come up with something that is enough to satisfy the people. I am a revolutionary, but I am not a radical. I know that when we go too fast So I know what our best option is now."

Prosecutor Villefort was completely unconvinced by the Marquis's words, but he also knew that there was no point in arguing with his father at this moment - especially considering that he might also have to work under the Bonaparte family in the future.

"Even if what you say makes sense, then why should I run over and be a pawn for others now? It's too dangerous..." He still firmly refused his father's request. "Please go back and tell the King of Rome that I have been frightened by the chaos in Paris recently and have become seriously ill. So although I am very honored, I regret that I am unable to go to Fontainebleau for the time being, let alone start work."

Villefort is arrogant by nature and has a "technocratic" mentality. After all, no matter which family sits on the throne, they must drive the entire social violence machine to maintain their rule, and "law" is the soul of the entire violent machine. They must Let professionals make and uphold the law - and this is the soil on which Valve thrives.

Since he is a technical person, no matter who takes the stage, he has room to perform, and naturally there is no need to take risks. In this chaotic period, his best choice is to be wise and protect himself, and wait until the general situation has been decided before going to work for him. New rulers serve.

After saying these words, he made a farewell gesture to signal his father to leave his home. However, the Marquis of Noirtier did not get up and leave. Instead, he looked at his son with a calm and even melancholy look. . "Jeral, you have no choice."

"Don't talk nonsense..." Villefort retorted.

But his words were immediately interrupted by the Marquis, "Have you noticed it now? Paris has been paralyzed, and all the institutions of the country have been paralyzed. At this time, what protection can your original robe provide you? What? In this age when even kings can be besieged and kicked out of the palace, you still expect that you have the right to choose. How naive...

Besides, His Majesty can make you obedient without using any violent means, because he holds your fatal grip. "

"The fatal handle...?" Villefort frowned first, and then felt a chill down his back.

He knew that his father never joked. Since he said it was fatal, it would definitely not be a trivial matter.

Villefort was completely panicked, because although he had always seemed sanctimonious in his life, he had done a lot of bad things. If one or two of them were discovered, it would indeed ruin his reputation.

But which one?

In the brief silence, Villefort felt as if his soul was being tortured. He tried hard to think back on which one of his sins he had not done carefully enough, so that the King of Rome got wind of it.

Seeing his son racking his brains, the Marquis felt more pity in his heart. He didn't want to continue tormenting the other person, so he just made it clear.

"Prison of the Chateau d'If, Edmond Dantès."

These few simple words suddenly caused Villefort to panic, as if he had been shot, and he trembled suddenly.

"In 1815, you created an unjust case and sent a young man to the Chateau d'If prison. And you landed in France by reporting Emperor Napoleon and received a commendation from the royal family. This was also the starting point of your fortune." The Marquis continued. Go down.

"The seized letter is true!" Villefort retorted to his father in a low voice.

"Yes, that letter is true, I know... because I am also one of the parties involved. However, the sender does not know the inside story, and he is completely innocent." The Marquis showed a bitter smile, "You did not follow me at the time I told you how to punish the poor messenger, but I didn't expect that you actually let him sit in a dark prison for more than ten years."

"Since he sent the letter, he has already participated in this conspiracy. How can he be called innocent...!" Villefort defended himself in a low voice, but he was obviously guilty.

"Really? Is this what the most outstanding legal practitioner in our country can say?" The Marquis retorted with a sneer, "If you are guilty of sending a dangerous letter, then you will send all the postmen in the country to the Chateau d'If Yes! Don’t you still understand the line between innocence and guilt after being a prosecutor for so many years?

Moreover, according to the information obtained by His Majesty, you not only sent him to a dark prison, but over the years, Edmond Dantès’s ex-fiancée has been trying to look through the original files about him to find his whereabouts. , and you have been secretly obstructing... If you are confident in your heart, if you know that that person is not innocent, then what are you doing all this for? "

As the Marquis spoke, he habitually became impassioned, but in front of his aggressive father, Villefort was at a loss for words and lost the courage to continue to defend himself.

Because he knew in his heart that this was all true.

He originally thought that this case had been forgotten for a long time with the death of Edmond Dantès, but he did not expect that at this critical moment, this case would be uncovered. And become a threat to yourself.

If the Restoration Dynasty had not collapsed, this matter would not have been so serious. After all, he was the first to report Napoleon's conspiracy to return to the country, which was tantamount to a great achievement. For this reason, he sacrificed two innocent young people to the king. It doesn't matter at all.

However, now that the dynasty has collapsed and the Bourbon royal family is about to be driven out of France, who else will be grateful for the "contribution" he made back then? Everyone will only think that he is the hawk of the royal family. For his own glory and wealth, he created injustice and persecuted the innocent messenger, so that he was forced to sit in jail for more than ten years and died miserably - in the face of this fact, what else can he do? Excuse?

If all this is made public, the foreseeable consequence is that he will be ruined. Even if he does not have to bear any legal responsibility for the previous things, the persona of the "incarnation of the law" that he has worked so hard to build will disappear. I am afraid that he will not be in his current position. Can't go down anymore.

Now Villefort has no interest in defending himself anymore - since the King of Rome already knows so many details, wouldn't he look more like a clown if he says so many quibbles? No wonder his father looked at him with such pity.

When he thought of this, Villefort felt more and more disappointed.

He has had many conflicts with his father since he was a child. Because of this, he is even more eager to do something big and let his father know what he is capable of. Over the years, he has worked hard to climb to his current position step by step and is close to his father. As a result, In the end... I was still as humble as a reptile in front of my father.

He is not willing to give in! The arrogant Villefort never wants to become a reptile.

Even though he has hit rock bottom now, he still has to find a way to get out of trouble and save himself.

For him at the moment, "waiting for the situation to be decided before following the trend and joining the new master" is the best solution. But now that the King of Rome has shattered his hopes, then there is only one second-best solution for him. Got——

Work hard to serve the King of Rome, wash away your previous stains, let him promote you, and then use your father's connections and influence to find opportunities to continue to climb up.

There is no doubt that there is a great risk in this - if you bet on the Bonaparte family now, you will be resented by the Duke of Orleans and the Duke of Orleans. If they win, your future will be ruined, and maybe even... He also needs to go into exile abroad.

However, he had no choice. This was the only way he could go now. If he didn't go, his ruined self would be worthless to the Duke of Orleans and would only be kicked away.

"The King of Rome, did you care about my report at that time? Will he punish me for this...?" Villefort asked in a low voice after a long silence.

His son's question made the Marquis Noirtier feel heartbroken again.

He doesn't care, but there is another person who does...

"Your Majesty will not care about these past things. Even Talleyrand can forgive him, let alone you." He endured the pain and answered his son's question.

He did not deceive his son, but as long as he told half the truth, it would have the same effect as a lie. Villefort, who did not know the inside story, of course found confidence in his father's words - how could he have imagined that his casual move back then , actually buried such a terrible disaster for himself!

Destiny is so mysterious and unpredictable.

"Okay... I will go to meet His Majesty and try this assassination case for him." Villefort adjusted his mentality, and then looked at his father with a flattering smile, "You win."

"I told you a long time ago that you had no choice." The Marquis was not happy about his victory, and his heart was full of sorrow.

At this moment, he is pushing his son into the vortex with his own hands, and at the end of the vortex, it is not the glory and wealth that his son imagined, but the resentment and anger that has been accumulated for more than ten years.

This is his destiny.

"The carriage will be ready at your door tomorrow, just get on it then. After arriving at Fontainebleau, remember to be careful in your words and deeds. Your Majesty can tolerate evil people, but he will never tolerate incompetent people."

"I know how to behave, and I have learned a lot over the years." Villefort agreed,

After saying this, it was logical that the Marquis of Noirtier should leave, but he still stayed in his place.

"Do you have anything else to explain?" Villefort asked quickly.

"There is no official matter, but there is a private matter." The Marquis replied, "It is time for you to consider remarrying."

"What?" Villefort was a little surprised, and then he quickly waved his hands and declined, "Now is not the time to think about this..."

"Now is the time to think about this!" The Marquis interrupted him, "You are already very old. If you want to leave an heir, you must hurry up. Although I like Valentine very much, but our miserable After all, the family still needs a male descendant... So, I have already begged His Majesty, hoping that he will marry you. You know what you should do."

His father's high-pressure attitude made Villefort both angry and confused. He didn't understand what his father was doing.

Could it be that he is so old that he is afraid that he will not be alive soon, so he is anxious to have grandchildren?

If it had been before, he would have retorted, but now, facing the pressure from his father, he could only swallow his anger for the time being. After all, he had no choice.

"I need to resolve the assassination incident with His Majesty now. If His Majesty grants me such an honor in the future, then of course I will not refuse." In the end, he could only respond feebly.

The father took one last deep look at his son, moved his mouth but said nothing. Finally, he waved, then turned and left, disappearing into the dark night.

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