Eagle’s Glory

Sixty-four, grovel

The Glory of the Young Eagle text volume 64, groveling After his father left, Prosecutor Villefort still seemed lost.

The sudden mental blow was too severe. Before his father came, he was still a well-known law enforcer, even the incarnation of the law, maintaining the authority of the law with an upright image. But just an hour later , he lost the aura surrounding him and became a weak ordinary person, even a clown.

He had no way of knowing where the King of Rome got the fatal information about him, and it was no longer important. What was important was that he had to obey the King of Rome in exchange for not being ruined.

What he will face next will be an unfathomable quagmire, and if he is not careful, he may be completely destroyed.

But he had no choice. He couldn't give up everything he had gained after so many years of struggle. No matter what he had to face next, he could only go on and get that glimmer of hope.

Then he almost didn't sleep all night, and he didn't fall asleep until it was dark. Not long after he slept, the servant woke him up and informed him that someone wanted to see him.

He knew in his heart that these must be people sent by his father, so he opened the door and went to meet them without any further resistance.

Then, he obediently boarded the carriage brought by these people, and then quietly drove out of Paris together.

Along the way, Prosecutor Villefort had been worried, so he was not in the mood to talk to anyone, and his face was livid than before. He knew that once he left, there would be no room for change, and he would have to act as the King of Rome from now on. of pawns.

There was nothing he could think of except hoping for God's protection.

In the midst of the bumpy journey, the carriage took him to Fontainebleau.

Villefort has been here a few times, but every time he came here he was just as a tourist, but today, he was summoned by the owner of the place.

The beautiful Palace of Fontainebleau is coming back to life, but this life is too heavy. Every breath it takes will trigger thunder across the entire country.

Regardless of his emotions, Villefort was carefully interrogated by the guards and sent to the antechamber.

He did not wait long before someone came to send a message that His Majesty wanted to summon him.

He quickly followed the messenger,

Entered Aigron's interview room.

As soon as he came in, he found a young man sitting behind the desk, looking at him with a half-smile.

This young man is indeed as handsome as the legend, and even a bit feminine, but his eyes are so menacing that people dare not take him lightly.

Villefort did not dare to look further, and hurriedly took off his hat and bowed to the young man, "Your Majesty, I am honored to be summoned by you! I wish you all the best!"

Aigron waved his hand gently, indicating that the other party did not need to be polite.

"Inquisitor Villefort, I have been famous for you for a long time. Many people have praised you in front of me for your upright and upright manner of adhering to the law."

If it were in the past, Villefort would be very happy to be praised like this, but now when he heard this sentence from Aigron, he felt that it was ridicule, so his livid face also showed some embarrassing red clouds. .

But what can he do now? Even if it was humiliation, he could only endure it.

"Your Majesty, you are exaggerating. I was just performing my job. I have tried my best to fulfill my duties over the years, but unfortunately, because of my limited abilities, I still made too many mistakes. I personally feel guilty about this. "

"Have you ever really felt guilty?" Aigron asked coldly, "In my opinion, you should be a very proud and confident person. Such a person will not easily feel guilty for what he has done. Bar."

Villefort became even more blushing at Aigron's ridicule. He wanted to defend himself again, but in his heart he felt that it was ridiculous to show an upright character to Aiglon, so he could only smile in apology and did not say anything more. Say more.

If there are people present who know Villefort, they will definitely not believe that this upright prosecutor Villefort, who usually treats almost all dignitaries without pretense, would still show such an appearance.

Villefort regards his personality and legal rights as everything to him, and now that Aigron has the handle that can ruin his reputation, it is equivalent to holding his lifeblood, so he desperately wants to fight with Aiglon. Flattery, in exchange for Aigron's favor.

Seeing Villefort's fearless expression, Aigron felt a little funny, but since he would be needed in the future, Aigron only planned to "stop there" and not too much damage to the prosecutor's fragile mind. .

"You don't have to be so nervous. The reason why I called you here is because I want you to help me... so you are here as a guest." Aigron's tone became more relaxed, and his face showed With a gentle smile, "There is no doubt that some very unpleasant things happened in the past, but what can be done? That era was so bad, millions of people across Europe died inexplicably like that! In the human world Even if there is an innocent soul named Edmond Dantès among them, it will not be more miserable."

"You are right." Prosecutor Villefort nodded in agreement.

In fact, he himself thought so too.

I only killed one Edmond Dantès, but your father let many young people die in foreign lands? If I am an unjust thief, how many sins should your family bear?

He absolutely did not dare to say these words, but in his heart, he did not feel guilty at all. He just wanted to please Aigron, so that this black history could continue to be sealed in the dust, and not affect his own future.

And it seems that His Majesty is planning to give him this opportunity.

"Now, it's a new era. We really need to forget, and I have forgotten a lot of things." Aigron continued, "I emphasize that I will not look at a person based on what he has done to our family in the past. This person; I look at this person based on what he has done to me now. As long as you take care of things for me, I am very happy to forget the past."

Aigron has always emphasized that "I" can forget. In his opinion, this is not a lie. After all, he has not guaranteed that others will not pursue these past events.

Villefort knew nothing about this, so he was naturally overjoyed - in his opinion, since Aigron had personally promised that as long as he cooperated with the work, he would not be held accountable, then he would have the opportunity to rely on his merits Save your reputation and status.

The most important thing next is to do a good job and satisfy this young man.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I will perform well. No matter what legal difficulties you have, I will use all my knowledge and experience to provide you with advice." He immediately assured Aigron, "I I heard that you summoned me this time because you want me to help you accuse the Duke of Orleans?"

"Yes, I'm afraid your father has already told you the general information." Aigron nodded, "I was assassinated and was seriously injured for a time. Think about it, how humiliating it is for me. ?I can’t just laugh at this, I must make the mastermind behind the scenes pay the due price!”

"Of course, we will never tolerate this kind of thing happening! Today is no longer the Middle Ages. It is despicable to use assassins to threaten political opponents." Villefort quickly agreed, showing his indignation at the assassination, and then he immediately asked his last question Question of concern, "So, what evidence do you have for accusing the Duke of Orleans?"

"Of course I have the evidence." Aiglon sneered, "I have captured the assassin. She wrote a confession. I will use this as evidence to accuse the Duke of Orleans."

"She?" Villefort was slightly shocked when he heard that the assassin was actually a woman.

However, in his many years of legal career, he has experienced many bizarre cases, so he has already developed his tolerance, and he quickly returned to normal.

Then he felt a sense of relief.

If there were witnesses and physical evidence, the matter would be easier to handle...

However, reality quickly evaporated his happiness.

Eggron handed Bianca's self-confession from his desk to Prosecutor Villefort.

Villefort took it over and browsed it carefully. Because it was not long, he read it quickly.

Then he felt a deep disappointment.

This self-confession contained a brief resume and life experience of the assassin. There was almost no word about the assassination incident.

Therefore, it cannot be used as evidence for the accusation at all.

If it were in the past, with this thing, Villefort could mobilize the police department to patiently launch investigations and collect new clues and evidence, but now, where can he find help?

For a moment, he held this confession and didn't know what to do.

"What's the matter, prosecutor? Don't you think this evidence is strong enough?"

"I'm afraid...I'm afraid it's not weighty enough, Your Majesty." Villefort felt a little panicked, but he could only answer the young man's question, "Although this self-confession was written by an assassin, there is not a single word about it. Having been to the Duke of Orleans, I’m afraid it will be difficult to accuse the Duke on this basis. There are many people who are proficient in the law on the Duke’s side. If we present such evidence, they will definitely use it to fight back.”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Aigron carefully, fearing that the young man would be angry because of his words.

However, to his surprise, Aigron was not angry, but only showed a gentle but cruel smile.

"Prosecutor Villefort, I am not a professional legal person, but I do have common sense after all, so I know that what you said is right... But, so what? What if I only need this extremely mediocre conclusion? , then why did I specially find you here? At this moment, I need someone who can turn decay into magic, and you are that person!"

After hearing what Aiglon said, Villefort finally understood everything.

This young man planned to forcefully accuse his political opponents, and he specifically called him out by name, not only for his so-called professional abilities, but also to use the reputation he had accumulated over the years to increase the credibility of his accusations.

In other words, he hopes that he will help him frame the Duke of Orleans!

After thinking about it, Villefort's heart was instantly filled with hatred.

Not only did he hate this young man, he also hated his father - how much is the Bonaparte family worth in your heart, and why did you use your son as a sacrifice! ?

He didn't understand why, but he knew that at this moment, he couldn't resist this young man.

He has no way out, so no matter how harsh or humiliating the conditions he proposes, he must bite the bullet and go on and find a glimmer of hope.

"I will try for you, Your Majesty, but you must also see that once you publicly accuse the Duke of Orleans, this is definitely not a small matter, but will be a major news that will shock the whole country, and there will be countless pairs of eyes staring at you. All the personal and material evidence, so we must do things well enough to win people's trust..." He carefully said to Aigron, "If you only use this self-confession, it will obviously be difficult to convince others."

"I know this, but I believe you can make it more convincing." Aigron replied with a sneer, "Prosecutor Villefort, now that we have reached this point, I will no longer talk in circles. Yes, I have no conclusive evidence, but I need to establish that the Duke of Orleans is the mastermind of the assassination - and you are here to help me do this."

In order to increase Villefort's psychological pressure, Agron added, "If you can do this for me, I can not only forget the past, but also fulfill many of your wishes; but I will say something ugly ahead, if If you prove that you are just an incompetent person, then I will have no reason to protect you. Then you can face your own sins..."

Even if Aigron didn't say it, Villefort knew that this was the inevitable result, but Aigron's words made him even more anxious and painful.

Although it was dangerous to frame a big shot like the Duke of Orleans, he had no choice but to do this at the moment.

Of course, all his panic and fear were due to fear of revenge from the Duke of Orleans' associates, and not out of conscience.

Playing with the law, torturing the defendant or the plaintiff, and even eating both sides is a special skill of legal workers. For a veteran like Villefort, it is even more handy.

Whether it is for his own life and reputation, or to please the young man who holds his fatal grip, he must do this properly, at least to convince most people.

Under the pressure of Aiglon, Villefort changed his mind and began to enter his fierce "legal thief" mode, thinking about how to concoct a shocking injustice.

If the evidence is insufficient, add more evidence.

It starts with the parties involved.

"Your Majesty, since the assassin is in your hands, can I interrogate her? This is very important to me."

"Of course." Aigron nodded with a smile. "I'm afraid you are tired today. Please rest for a while. I will take you there in the evening and you can question me carefully."

His plan is being realized step by step.

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