Eagle’s Glory

Sixty-five, anxiety and interrogation

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 65, Uneasiness and Interrogation After Aiglon finished his interview, Prosecutor Villefort was still in shock.

Under Aiglon's coercion, he had to risk his life's reputation to complete a political case, accusing the Duke of Orleans of trying to assassinate Aiglon.

There is no doubt that this means that Villefort will be pushed to the forefront next, but he knows that he has no choice but to bite the bullet and go on.

He had read the confession just now and knew that the assassin was a woman named Bianca di Florini and her brief life story. However, these things could not bring him much help. Regarding the assassination, The amount of information about the event is too little.

Moreover, he was very confused about the situation.

Now this self-confession gave him this feeling.

This totally defies common logic.

Under normal circumstances, the assassin would either fight to the death and not say a word even if he was killed; or he would confess under severe torture or inducement, or even cooperate with the interrogator and say whatever he wanted.

However, this self-confession was completely half-baked. It mentioned some situations but said nothing about the important ones. It was almost like a deliberate provocation.

Will Your Majesty tolerate such provocation? From the impression he got from the meeting just now, he felt that this young man was not such a good-tempered person.

Judging from the handwriting and signatures on the self-confession, the person who wrote the document was indeed a woman, and she did not appear to be physically weak—that is to say, she had not experienced severe torture.

He was even more puzzled that an assassin could receive good treatment after being caught.

Could it be that this assassin has some other identity that makes His Majesty worried?

All kinds of doubts lingered in his mind, and he analyzed several possibilities in his mind, but none of them convinced him. In the end, he had no choice but to interrupt this reverie, and prepared to observe again, and got the result. More information before drawing conclusions.

He struggled to spend time alone amid tension and fear. As the sky gradually darkened, a guard found him again and conveyed the message that His Majesty would summon him again.

Villefort knew that now was the critical moment of his performance, and he did not dare to neglect at all. He followed the guards to come to Aiglon again,

Then Aigron took him to a suite in the palace.

When they walked in, Prosecutor Villefort found two women already sitting on the sofa in the room - one looked about forty years old, and the other was a girl.

This girl is quite beautiful, and Villefort feels that he has some vague impression, as if he has seen it somewhere - although he is also a member of the upper class, in order to maintain his own life, Villefort basically does not participate in the society of the upper class. , so I didn’t recognize Agnes immediately.

But now he didn't have time to think carefully about who this girl was. His attention immediately focused on the older woman. According to the self-confession just now, he already knew the approximate age of the assassin, so when he saw this woman, he immediately guessed When it arrives she is the assassin himself. ….

His many years of legal career have also honed his meticulous vision. The woman in front of him was dressed simply, but not in prison uniform. Her face was pale due to long-term imprisonment, but her body did not look skinny. She looked like she had been suffering from recent injuries. Be treated well.

Villefort mentally confirmed his suspicion just now, but he still didn't understand why.

Because he was unclear about the situation, he did not speak rashly immediately, but waited for the young man to answer some of his doubts.

From Prosecutor Villefort's twinkling eyes, Aigron could already see his hesitation and entanglement at the moment, so he spoke first.

However, he first introduced Villefort to Bianca and his apprentice.

It has to be said that Villefort's efforts in establishing his character were quite successful. Even Agnes had heard of his clear character.

He had a reputation for integrity, so he immediately agreed with Aiglon.

Then she stood up and saluted Villefort,

Because he didn't know who this girl was, Villefort cautiously did not respond. He just smiled and nodded to the other party, saying that he would do his best.

At this time Aiglon introduced Villefort.

No wonder I feel familiar... Villefort suddenly realized. It seemed that he had met Agnes at some high-society event before, but he just didn't remember it.

But after one mystery was solved, a new one followed - why did the princess appear at the interrogation scene? Could she also be involved in the assassination plot? But judging from her relaxed attitude and the fact that she was so brightly dressed, it was hard to believe that she was also an implicated prisoner.

At this time, Aigron explained in time.

He looked at Bianca first;

After finishing speaking, he looked at Agnes again and continued to introduce,

Although Aiglon's explanation is somewhat unclear, what kind of person is Villefort?

Therefore, he suddenly realized it, and his doubts that had been puzzling were instantly solved.

It seems that the princess and His Majesty have a very good friendship, so much so that His Majesty, who has a bad temper, is even willing to refrain from torture to extract a confession from the assassin for her sake. ….

An assassin assassinated the King of Rome, but the assassin's apprentice was the King of Rome's lover... If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Villefort would have never believed that such a thing would happen.

However, he quickly regained his composure. After all, he has handled countless complicated cases over the years. There are few people who know the dirty things in the upper class better than him. What he saw today is not beyond his reach. imagination.

Rather, it made him understand his current situation.

The King of Rome wanted the assassin to cooperate with him to testify against his political rival the Duke of Orleans. However, due to Miss Agnes, he could not use torture to force the assassin to surrender, so he found himself and wanted to use his own experience and many years of experience. The accumulated fame confirmed this accusation and caused the reputation of his political opponents to be damaged——

Although there is a slight discrepancy, Villefort's guess is quite different from the facts.

When he thought that he was forced to be involved in the whirlpool for this reason, Villefort couldn't help feeling a little emotional and aggrieved, and he also felt a little resentful towards Miss Agnes. However, Villefort also knew that since she had an unusual relationship with His Majesty, Then he can't be disrespectful to this lady at all - or in other words, if he dares to dissatisfy her, the consequences can be imagined.

However, he did not feel uncomfortable at all about the special relationship between the King of Rome and Miss Agnes. Although he knew that His Majesty was already married, in his opinion, it was considered appropriate for a young and vigorous young king to have several mistresses. normal.

While Prosecutor Villefort was thinking, he secretly looked at Agron, hoping to get further instructions from him.

Agron also looked at the prosecutor, his eyes becoming extremely sharp, "In addition, in order to ensure your fairness, Agni

Miss Si will accompany you throughout the entire process, and she will also sign her name on the final interrogation report - since it is about your reputation, my rights, and more importantly, Miss Agnes, I ask you not to Let us down..."

Under Aiglon's gaze, Villefort instinctively felt a kind of fear, and his mood became extremely nervous.

But he was nervous, and he understood what His Majesty really meant.

He actually has two tasks: first, to ensure that the assassination incident must be led to the Duke of Orleans and throw dirty water on him; second, to satisfy Miss Agnes, at least to make her willing Sign the results of the interrogation.

Both tasks were very difficult and even a bit contradictory, but at this time Villefort knew that he had no choice. He had to do his best and rack his brains to complete both tasks at the same time.

Since he emphasized that he should not disappoint him, if he disappoints him, the consequences can be imagined.

Villefort had no time to complain about himself. He tried hard to get his brain running and complete his task. ….

After all, he is an experienced person and has handled many political cases before. Now that he already knows the general background, he can get into the mood quickly.

He put aside Agnes first and focused his main attention on the older woman.

he asked pleasantly.

Bianca responded dryly.

After confirming Bianca's identity, Prosecutor Villefort took out the confession he had just received from Aigron and showed it to Bianca.

Bianca responded in kind.

Although Bianca has no respect for the law and judges, she doesn't want to refute her apprentice's face at the moment. In addition, the apprentice said that the person in front of her is a human being, so Bianca is more indifferent than usual. After all, there is a little more respect.

Villefort demanded.

Bianca frowned, a little impatient at Villefort's question, but in the end she nodded angrily.

Villefort asked these seemingly insignificant questions not because he was bored, but because he wanted to take the opportunity to test Bianca's character. These nonsense questions were exactly when the person being interrogated was at his least alert.

From Bianca's response, as well as her expression and body language, the experienced Villefort immediately understood Bianca's character and behavior very clearly.

This is a woman with a simple mind, a proud and arrogant character, and is used to being straightforward. She may have strong swordsmanship, but her intelligence will never be stronger than that of ordinary women - Villefort came to a conclusion instantly.

As far as common sense goes, like a master, like a disciple. Since this is the case with the master, then Miss Agnes is probably also of this type, so His Majesty is probably tired of the sophisticated ladies in the court and prefers this style. Do women want a change of taste?

Villefort soon put this irrelevant thought aside and continued his interrogation.

At this time, after psychological construction and interrogation warm-up, he had gradually entered the state. His originally timid and panicked appearance gradually became more solemn, showing the kind of condescending and panic-stricken attitude he had when facing prisoners. The look of being at ease.

For a moment, he had forgotten his dangerous situation and turned back into the iron-faced prosecutor who was like a ferocious tiger in front of the prisoners.

Villefort's eyes gradually became sharper, "As an Italian, and you have never had any interaction with His Majesty the King of Rome in your previous life, naturally there is no enmity, so why did you come over to assassinate him? If there is no deep hatred, then it must be someone’s instigation. As for me

It seems self-explanatory. "

Facing the prosecutor's sharp gaze, Bianca felt a little uncomfortable. After all, she felt guilty, and she didn't want to identify her behind-the-scenes instigator.

Finally, she responded forcefully to the prosecutor.

If in the past, a prisoner dared to face Villefort like this, Villefort would naturally have many ways to let him know the consequences. But now that this lady has a special status, Villefort does not dare to use such small tricks, so he can only let the other party do this. arrogant.

But he was not in a hurry. After all, after a brief meeting, his rich experience had allowed him to see clearly that the person he faced was not that difficult to deal with.

Even if the prisoner doesn't confess, he can still make the case reach the conclusion he wants. .

A dream in the palace

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